MONTH: September CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: Drama Yr. 2 What do I want the children to learn about? Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding Compile a drama contract to be signed by the class CLASS: 6th What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Hot Seating, Group work, Freeze frame, Teacher-in-role Resources Drama Pack – Drama Games, SESE Pack September Theme: Life in Ireland since the 1950’s Strand Unit: Exploring & Making Drama Having studied about life in Ireland from 1950 - present in SESE, divide the class into groups giving each group a decade; 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, etc. and in their groups the children discuss what family life was life in their decade, focusing on family roles, daily chores etc. When instructed by ‘teacher-in-role’ as photographer each group positions themselves as if their photo is being taken and when instructed they ‘freeze’ (in role) as the shot is taken Strand Unit: *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Reflecting on Drama Participate in hot-seating - select some of the members of the family for hot-seating; the class question them while they are ‘in character’. Strand Unit: Co-operating & communicating in making Drama Develop, out of role, the ability to co-operate & to communicate with others in helping to shape the drama. Integration: SESE - History DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: October CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: Drama Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding Yr. 2 What do I want the children to learn about? Theme: Drama Games Strand Unit: Exploring & Making Drama Engage the children in drama games: Walking on a busy street, Lyrics Board, Fizz-buzz Divide class into groups of 4-5 give each group a themeat a concert, gossiping neighbours, a group of teenagers stopped by the police, a bank robbery, etc. Each group must create a still image based on their given theme. The rest of the class try and guess what scene each group is portraying. CLASS: 6th What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Still Image, Group Work, Drama Games, Thought-tracking Resources Drama Pack – Drama Games *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Strand Unit: Reflecting on Drama Thought-tracking. Strand Unit: Co-operating & Communicating in making Drama Develop, in role, the ability to co-operate and communicate with others in helping to shape the drama. DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: November CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: Drama What do I want the children to learn about? Strand: Theme: World War II Strand Unit: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Hot-seating, Thought-tracking, Mime, Children-in-role, Conscience Alley Exploring and Making Drama Drama based on “Being a child during the Blitz” (Hotseating, children-in-role) Mime based on “The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe”. The children (in groups) enact how they would react as they find there is a new world at the back of the old wardrobe, miming what they find. (Mime & thought-tracking) Strand Unit: CLASS: 6th *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Resources SESE Pack – Nov/Dec, Reflection Ques. – Drama Pack, You Tube extract – Lucy comes through the wardrobe – “The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe” Reflecting on Drama Questioning (see drama pack for reflection questions) Written personal account in diary form of ‘Being a child during the Blitz’. DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: December CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: Drama Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding Yr. 2 CLASS: 6th What do I want the children to learn about? What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Theme: Holidays Hot-seating, Children-in-role Strand Unit: making Drama Divide pupils into groups of 4; explain that they are members of a family that own this suitcase. The case was lost when they were coming back from their holidays but it’s just been delivered back to them. Each member must pick an object and tell its story. Pupils are given some time to plan out their story. Pupils as families are then hot seated and asked questions about their objects. Strand Unit: Co-operating and Communicating in Resources Holiday Objects: sun tan lotion, swimming costume, towel, sandals, hat, scarf, gloves, t-shirt, suitcase *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Reflecting on Drama Draw a family holiday photo that tells their holiday story. DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: January CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: Drama Strand: Yr. 2 What do I want the children to learn about? Theme: Improvisation based on First Liners Strand Unit: Exploring and Making Drama Co-operating and Communicating in making Drama Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding Put children in groups of four and give each group a first line which becomes the 1st line of their improvisation, e.g. ‘You call this food? Are you an alien too? Stick ‘em up! Where’s your ticket? Do you want to know a secret? And here she is, the world’s most beautiful model......’ etc. Children are given time to discuss their improvisation. They should plan their drama by answering the questions Who? What? Where? And When? This should focus the drama and give everyone a clear indication of what their role is within the improvisation When the groups have had time to plan and practice their drama, encourage each group to share their improvisations with the rest of the class. Strand Unit: CLASS: 6th What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Children-in-role, Small group improvisation Resources Drama Pack – Quick Improvisations, Character Profile, “Drama Ideas Bank” – Mary Brooks *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Reflecting on Drama Children could develop a character profile of their role within the drama. Complete Worksheet (See Drama Pack) DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: February CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: Drama Strand: What do I want the children to learn about? Theme: The Tasks of Hercules Strand Unit: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding Exploring & Making Drama Help to plan dramatic activity to include the particular tension and suspense appropriate to the theme being explored. Using the Greek legend “The Tasks of Hercules” (SESE Pack) as a stimulus, the children build their own drama based on the legend; i.e. write their script, decide on costumes and props. Strand Unit: CLASS: 6th What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Children-in-role, Role on the Floor (see Drama Pack), Thought-tracking Resources SESE Pack – Feb/Mar, Drama Pack, Props and costumes relating to drama to be brought in by the children *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Reflecting on Drama Recall their thoughts and feelings after participating in the drama, while still in character. DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: April Drama Strand: Yr. 2 CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: What do I want the children to learn about? Theme: Greek Legends – Daedalus and Icarus Strand Unit: Exploring and Making Drama Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding The teacher enters in role, as a Greek herald and tells the class the tale of “Daedalus and Icarus”. Teacher then instructs groups that they must create a still image of Daedalus and Icarus in an anxious pose, concentrating on facial expression, (a) worrying about how they will leave the island and get their freedom/ (b) how they will use the wings Daedalus has just made. Using the spotlighting technique, teacher explains that she will now throw a spotlight on each of the groups by counting down from 3, 2, 1 and freeze! When she reaches freeze, the group should hold their pose and the other groups look on. Each group holds its image for a few seconds as the spotlight moves on. CLASS: 6th What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Teacher in role, Visualisation, Still Image, Spotlighting, Thought-tracking Resources SESE Pack – April, Drama Pack *The Story of the Táin needs to be covered before entering into this drama. *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Strand Unit: Reflecting on Drama Reading the ‘frozen’ images in more detail- thought tracking. The teacher encourages the children to engage in thought tracking as a method of reflection. She tells the groups that when she places her hand on their shoulders that she would like if they could share with the group what emotions, thoughts, ideas that are going on in their characters heads. DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: March CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: Drama Strand: Yr. 2 What do I want the children to learn about? Theme: Improvisation with a set of characters and a situation CLASS: 6th What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Children in role, Improvisation, Conscience Alley Strand Unit: Exploring & Making Drama Co-operating & Communicating in making Drama Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding Put children in groups and give each group a set of characters and a situation (see drama pack for stimuli, 11-20). Children are given time to establish their roles and discuss their improvisation. They should plan their drama by answering the questions Who? What? Where? And When? This should focus the drama and give everyone a clear indication of what their role is within the improvisation. Some of the situations need resolution (conscience alley) When the groups have had time to plan and practice their drama, encourage each group to share their improvisations with the rest of the class. Strand Unit: Resources Drama Pack-Drama Ideas Bank, pg. 22 (1120), Reflection Objectives and Matching Questions *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Reflecting on Drama Reflective questions and discussion on the drama DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: May Yr. 2 CLASS: 6th Drama Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: What do I want the children to learn about? Theme: Puppets Strand Unit: Exploring & Making Drama Co-operating & Communicating in making Drama Find a partner-teacher encourages children to walk with their eyes closed around the room. When the teacher calls out ‘Freeze’, they must stop and reach out to the person closest to them. This person is now to become their partner. If some children have not found a partner, they must keep their eyes closed and put their hands up. The teacher will then intervene and find the children in question a partner. Ventriloquists: Discussion based on ventriloquists. Discussion on suitable themes for pair work Depending on the ability of the class, they can choose their own theme or the teacher can help and guide them towards a suitable idea. One child operates the ‘puppet’ as a ‘puppeteer’ and the other is the ‘puppet’. Strand Unit: What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Spotlighting, Improvisation, Children in role, Sound-tracking Resources Drama Pack – Lesson Plan: Puppets *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Reflecting on Drama Using the spotlight technique teacher moves from pair to pair to view improvisations DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. MONTH: June Yr. 2 CLASS: 6th Drama Strand: Drama to explore feelings, knowledge & ideas, leading to understanding CONTENT/OBJECTIVES: What do I want the children to learn about? Theme: Mime Strand Unit: Exploring & Making Drama Divide the class into groups of 2/3/4. Ask them to devise a short mimed story based on one of the ‘Entertainment related movement’ mime scenarios (21-32) found in the Drama Pack. Encourage each group to develop a sequence of their mimes … by considering that something unusual happens during their mime! Strand Unit: What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? Mime, Still Image and Montage Resources Drama Pack, The Drama Ideas Bank. *Each drama lesson will begin with a warm-up game* Reflecting on Drama Discuss what worked well in each group mime. Discuss the power of mime. Groups compose a still image/picture to illustrate a moment from the mime DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant. VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary.