Names in bold are additional names listed in the 17 Nov 1932 issue

Names in bold are additional names listed in
the 17 Nov 1932 issue of the Evart Review.
Evart Review 10 November 1932
Many Pioneers
Sign Names in
Davy’s Register
Among the many who registered in the old
settlers record at Davy and Company’s
fiftieth anniversary we find the following
names of people living in Osceola County
with the year in which they came here. We
have printed only the names of people who
have been here for at least forty-five years.
Mrs. Annie Roth, of Hersey who came here in
1861 has been in the county longer than
anyone else who registered.
Mrs. Annie Roth
James Warden
S. Ross
Mrs. Lon Bennett
Mrs Katie Collins, Worth B. Smith
Wm Peters, Mrs. Lucinda Hardman, C.E.
Duesler, Mr and Mrs. D.H. Cook, Mrs Minnie
church, Sam Shore, Mrs Mary Pence
Mrs. Alice Walters, Mrs Clara Ferguson
Mrs. Hattie DeShetler, Mrs Peter Dearing,
Frank Fuller, Frank Morgan, George Rice
G.M. Cox, A.P. Buss, Mr and Mrs. J.C. Arndt,
George H. Arndt, Ray Head, Estella
Blanchard, Mrs. Mary Benscoter, John L.
Fred Mills, Mark Bentley, Henry Rueffer,
Sr. Mrs Christina Lauman, Mr and Mrs
Frank Crusen, Charles Maddern
Mrs. Sarah Pier, Mrs. Lida French, Mrs. Hattie
York, Millard Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
McCallum, Mrs. Frank Morgan, Tilman
Adams, Mrs. Lydia Montgomery, Chas.
Morgan, Mrs. George Godfrey, Mrs.Hattie
Clapp, Mrs. Bertha Johnson
J.A. Leeke, Mrs. Herbert Millard, Mrs. Emma
McIntyre, George W. Johnson, Frank
Mrs. L.S. Ingersoll, Mrs. Lewis Brown, Mrs.
Dell Berry, Albert Collins, Mrs. Robert
Allured, Willis Yorks.
Mrs. Ella Proctor, Mrs. Nellie Lile, Mrs. C.H.
rose, Mrs. I.W. Guyton, H.L. Cowley, Mrs.
Frank Fuller, Joe Belfour, Mrs. Nora Brackett.
May Seeley, Wm. Hayward, C.A. Hooker,
Joseph R. Foster, Jackson Hillier, John
Hinkley, Geo. W. Compton, Mrs. J.L. Cox, Mrs.
J. Jackson, Mrs. R.L. Severs.
Mrs. John Arndt, Mrs. Edgar York, Mrs. Edith
Perry, Mrs. Rachael Button, R.L. Clark, Lillie
Clark, Mrs. May Fleming, Mrs. D.W. Parker,
Mrs. Eva Keith.
T.N. Ballantyne, Mrs. John Werner, Eva A.
Duesler, Mrs. Agnes Hicks, Mrs. M Stowell,
Mrs. Clarence Carey.
Mr and Mrs. S. Corman, Mrs. Bessie Brooks,
Mrs. Mattie Richardson, Mrs. Eleanor
Whiteside, Mrs. Nettie Clark, Mrs. Fred Mills,
J.J. Kingsbury, J.L. Cox, Susie Mapes, Mrs.
James Reynolds, Wm. Latta, Mrs. Mary
Chase, Frank Custer.
Oscar Lile, Mrs. Lottie Boyd, Mrs. Henry
Gaines, Mrs. Charles Rowe, Robert Seath,
Mrs. And Mrs. James Murphy, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Kurtz, Mrs. Anna Collins, Mrs. Millard
Henry, R.E. HinkleyHenry Schade, John
Manley, John Gruber, V.D. Gibbins, John
Gilbert Dudley, Mrs. Susan Hall, Mrs.
Elizabeth Orr, Eva Hadley, Mrs. A.E. Waite,
Mrs. Robert Seath, I.E. Simons, Frank Peel,
W.E. Davis, Maggie E. Taylor, Mrs. John
Gruber, Mrs. Elzora Hardy, Mrs. Henry
Schade, Mrs. Walter Davis, Albert Owens,
Anthony Becker, H.F. Becker.
Simon DeWitt, Mrs. O.S. Derby, Dan Cope,
W.M. Elder, Wm. Ballantyne, Lena B. Clark,
I.W. Guyton, Mr. and Mrs. George House, Mr.
and Mrs. C.W. Marsh, Mrs. John Giddings, Mr
and Mrs. M.C. Barnes, Mrs Cora Owens, Fred
Swafield, Mr and Mrs. J.A. Livermore, Mrs.
Carrie Dake, Louisa Arndt, Chas. E.
Benscoter, Angus McKay, Elisha York.
Edgar J. Yorks, John Heinbecker, Joe Martz,
Maggie Hinkley, Mrs. Wm. Latta
Jane Hillen, Mrs. Daisy Tucker, Ivan D. Chase,
E.E. Bailey, Mrs. Chas. Proctor.
A.W. DeWitt, James Tucker, Mrs. G. B.
Bowman, Mrs. D.A. Tanton, Roy Cowley, Mrs.
W.R. Shore, Mrs. Daisy King, Mrs. Lucy
Luther E. Haney, Mrs. Frank Murray, Lola V.
Hooker, Mrs. Tilman Adams, Mrs. Claud
Zellar, Mrs. Mae Connor
Mary Hayward, C. Sample, Mrs. Mary Pence,
Mrs. Chas. Morgan, Mrs. Mae Shanafelt