EART 110C/N The Dynamic Earth Spring 2005 http://www.es.ucsc.edu/~rcoe/eart110c/110c.htm Instructor: Rob Coe rcoe@es.ucsc.edu 459-2393 (office hours MT 12-1 in EMS A202) TAs: Alex Hutko ahutko@es.ucsc.edu (office hours W 1-2 & Th 2-3 in EMS C317B) Megan Avants mavants@es.ucsc.edu (office hours T 2-3 & Th 1-2 in EMS C317B) Lecture: TTH 10 - 11:45 EMS B210 Lab Section 1: T 6-9 in EMS D258 (Alex Hutko); Lab Section 2: F 9-12 in EMS D258 (Megan Avants) Note: Concurrent enrollment in EART 110N lab is required. Problem & Question Session: Th 5-6 in EMS D258 (Rob Coe) Required Textbook: C.M.R. Fowler “The Solid Earth” Cambridge 2005, second edition. Note: This is a widely acclaimed prize-winning text that you need to have for this class. Grading: Lab 35%, Problems 20%, Midterm 15%, Final (covers whole quarter) 30% Note: There is only one grade for this course. Because lab and lecture materials are inseparably intertwined, the lab scores are averaged in with the other scores and there is only a single grade and evaluation for 110C and 110N. Dates: Lab writeups are due at the next week’s lab section. Problem solutions are due on the following week at Thursday lecture. The midterm exam is Thursday April 28. The final exam is Tuesday June 7 from 4-7 pm.* *Note corrected final exam date and time, compared to the syllabus handed out the first day! Week 1: Tectonics on a flat and spherical Earth (Fowler Ch 1 & 2) .No Lab Week 2: Past plate motions/marine magnetic anomalies & paleomagnetism (Fowler Ch 2 & 3) Lab1: Euler poles, rotation velocity vectors, relative plate velocities + Excel spreadsheet lore Week 3: Hotspot frame, absolute plate motion, true polar wander (Fowler Ch 2 & 3) Lab2: Relative plate motion from magnetic anomalies Week 4: Seismology basics (Fowler Ch 4) Lab3: Magnetometer survey Week 5: Seismology and Earth’s interior (Fowler Ch 4) Lab4: Locate earthquake (epicenter and focal depth) Week 6: Gravity (Fowler Ch 5) Lab5: Seismic refraction Week 7: Gravity (Fowler Ch 5) Lab6: Gravity meter measurements, variation of g with height Week 8: Heat flow (Fowler Ch 7) Lab7: Isostatic equilibrium experiment Week 9: Heat and Earth’s interior (Fowler Ch 7 & 8) Lab: Heat conduction experiment Week 10: Earth’s interior, convection, geodynamo (Fowler Ch 8) Lab9: Ascent of buoyant blobs (bubbles)