Senior Gokyu Orange Belt

Senior Gokyu Orange Belt
5th class kyu
18 hours or 3 months minimum as yellow belt
Ukemi Waza (Falls)
Back fall (Ma Ukemi) from a throw
Side fall (Yoko Ukemi) from a throw
Front fall (Zempo Ukemi)
Kumi Kata (Gripping)
Basic right and left grips
High collar grip left and right
Nage Waza (Throwing techniques)
Ippon Seoinage (One arm shoulder throw)
O Soto Gari (Major outer Reaping)
Tai Otoshi (Body Drop)
Koshi Guruma (Hip Wheel)
Bogyo (Defense)
Defend against Ippon Seoinage (One arm shoulder throw)
Defend against Tai Otoshi (Body Drop)
Ne Waza (General Grappling Techniques)
Osaekomi Waza (Hold down techniques)
Yoko Shiho Gatame (Side four corner hold)
Kami Shiho Gatame (Upper four corner hold)
Shime Waza (Strangling techniques)
Hadaka Jime (Naked Strangle)
Kansetsu Waza (Joint locking techniques)
Juji Gatame (Cross Armlock)
With uke (Receiving partner) on hands and knees turn over and apply
a hold
With Uke on back with legs around (Full guard) get by legs and apply
a hold
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Senior Gokyu Orange Belt (Cont.)
Linking Skills
Kaeshi Waza (Counters)
Counter O Soto Gari with O Goshi
Counter O Goshi with opposite side O Goshi
Throw O Goshi to Kuzure Kesa Gatame (Modified scarf hold)
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Senior Gokyu Orange Belt (Cont.)
Self Defense (Using Judo)
Defend a frontal strike
Defend a frontal grip
Defend a rear bear hug
Randori (Free Practice)
With a partner who is not trying to help you look good (Non-collusive)
Demonstrate standing Randori for 2 minutes
Demonstrate mat work Randori for 2 minutes
Judo Terminology
Sensei = teacher
Dojo = Training Hall
Tori = Person doing the technique
Uke = Person receiving the technique
Randori = Free Practice
General knowledge
Who is the founder of judo/ = Dr Jigoro Kano
In what country was judo founded? = Japan
In what year was judo founded? = 1882
What is the name of the founding school of judo? = The Kodokan
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(Rev 03/2015 NLCJ)