Parker Hannifin Corporation

Parker Hannifin Corporation
Request for Proposal (RFP)
Sourcing Overview
Parker Hannifin Corporation is inviting your company and others to respond to its Trade Show Services
Provider Request for Proposal (RFP). This RFP represents a significant opportunity, and will help our
organization better represent the Parker brand by improving quality and reducing cost. This RFP is the
first step in the supplier selection process. Each year Parker invests more than $5,000,000 with
advertising and service agencies. This is a substantial investment in the companies with whom we partner
to promote our sales and leverage our brand through the use of creative services.
Parker Hannifin and its participating 8 business groups and 227 division locations worldwide are seeking
to partner with organizations providing trade show services and design capabilities. Our goal continues to
be the partnership with suppliers who can effectively service our needs. The groups and divisions will be
working with suppliers who have met the criteria and those suppliers will be awarded a contract by
Parker. The RFP and subsequent analyses will determine whether it is practical to have a single source
supplier, or multiple suppliers based on our needs.
Primary Evaluation Criteria for RFP
The primary evaluation criteria and supplier selection requirements are as follows:
Service Capabilities: Supplier's ability to provide the requested services at a
consistently high level of quality and effectiveness over the long term, and to commit to
and achieve service levels consistent with Parker's diverse and evolving needs.
Quality Commitment: Partner’s readiness and ability to assume full accountability to
Parker quality and environmental management systems compliance needs. Timeliness,
responsiveness, and quality of services are extremely important.
Processes: Supplier's ability to excel in the supporting processes and indirect
considerations including account management, availability of resources, technical
strength of the resources, geographic reach, performance reporting capability, risk
mitigation, and activity transition effectiveness.
Price: The organization’s commitment to provide the requested services at economically
attractive costs to Parker. Key criteria include fees, rates, discount structures, taxes, and
ongoing cost reduction proposals that align with the services being requested.
Continuous Improvement: A perpetual focus on all of the above principles to
ensure best in class results.
Term of the Resulting Agreement
Parker prefers to engage with an organization that can provide these services on an ongoing basis. For
purposes of the RFP response, assume the initial term of the agreement is one year, renewable annually.
The RFP response must address this specific term, however it should also contain other term proposals
that may be attractive to Parker.
Work Product
All work products or other deliverables conceived, made, or created by supplier, solely or jointly with
Parker, in the course of suppliers providing services to Parker, shall become and remain the exclusive
property of Parker Hannifin Corporation.
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Guidelines and Submittal Due Date
The supplier must respond to the Procurement point of contact below, on or before 5 p.m. EST, February
15, 2011. Any questions or concerns regarding the RFP process should be directed to one of the
following Parker contacts.
The contact information is:
Procurement Contact:
Elizabeth Chamberlain
Parker Hannifin Corporation
6035 Parkland Blvd.
Cleveland, OH 44124
Phone: 216 896 3314
Fax: 216 896 4026
Technical Contact:
Bob Tuma
Parker Hannifin Corporation
6035 Parkland Blvd.
Cleveland, OH 44124
Phone: 216 896 2536
Fax: 216 896 4009
Failure to comply with the aforementioned deadline may result in the elimination of your proposal from
further consideration.
Terms Binding on the Prospective Supplier
By submitting a proposal, suppliers certify that their proposal is valid for 120 calendar days starting from,
and including, the date the proposals are due.
Acceptance of Terms
Parker Hannifin Corporation reserves the right to modify the terms or discontinue the RFP process without
obligations at any time. Subsequent to submission of proposals, this RFP does not commit Parker
Hannifin Corporation to any specific course of action, including the acceptance of any proposal, in whole
or part. Nor does it bind Parker Hannifin Corporation to provide any explanation or reason for its decision
to accept or reject any proposal.
This Request for Proposal should not be construed as an agreement to purchase products or services.
Parker Hannifin Corporation is not bound to accept the lowest price or any proposals of those submitted.
Preparation of Proposal
Parker Hannifin Corporation is not liable for any costs incurred in completing the RFP. Suppliers
responding to this RFP receive no rights as a result of the response whatsoever.
The contents of this RFP will be treated as confidential and cannot be publicly disclosed or used for any
purpose by potential suppliers other than for the response to this RFP. Suppliers agree that they will not
duplicate, distribute, or otherwise disseminate or make available this document or the information
contained herein without prior written consent from Parker Hannifin Corporation.
Additional Information, Proposed Changes
The submission of additional information regarding the services proposed in your response is permitted.
Any other pertinent information that you think should be considered in the evaluation of your response can
be included, but is not required.
The supplier will not be permitted to change the wording of its proposal after submission. No words or
comments will be added to the general conditions or detailed specifications unless requested by Parker
Hannifin Corporation for the purposes of clarification.
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Currency and Taxes
Prices quoted are to be in United States dollars and exclusive of all sales taxes, unless otherwise
Liability for Errors and Omissions
While Parker Hannifin Corporation has gone to great lengths to ensure an accurate representation of
information in this RFP, the information contained is supplied as a guideline for suppliers. The information
is not guaranteed or warranted by Parker Hannifin Corporation or its divisions, nor is it necessarily
comprehensive or exhaustive. Nothing in this RFP is intended to relieve suppliers from forming their own
opinions and conclusions with respect to the matters addressed in this RFP.
Ownership and Use of Proposals
All documentation, including proposals submitted to Parker Hannifin Corporation, will become the property
of Parker Hannifin Corporation. This document, or any portion thereof, may not be used or copied for any
purpose other than the submission of the supplier's proposal.
Third Party Services
Parker Hannifin Corporation does not allow the use of Third Party Services without its prior written
consent. Please disclose your company's intent to use third party services.
Transportation, Installation and Dismantle, and General Services Contractor Show Services.
Supplier Information
Provide the following information regarding your company:
Zip/ Postal
D&B Number
Web Site
Tax ID#
Stock Symbol
Key Contact
Phone Number
E-Mail Address
Alexis Exhibits
1354 Lear Industrial Park
Mike Smith
(440) 937-4411
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Parent Company
(if applicable)
List your top three revenue customers and the % of sales they represent:
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Customer Name
Phantom Screens
% of Sales
Length of Time
4 years
6 years
Please provide the following key financial data for your company:
Alexis Exhibits, Inc. is a privately held company and does not release financial information.
Please provide the latest Dunn & Bradstreet report regarding your company.
Please complete the chart below requesting information about accounts that you would use as a
reference. Please keep in mind that Parker Hannifin Corporation is a decentralized industrial
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Company Name
Phantom Screens
Burlington, VT
North Billerica, MA
Abbotsford, B.C. Canada
Amy Parker
Geri Hayes
Jeret Unger
Phone Number
877-327-8422 x214
978-667-2771 x360
604-855-3654 x316
Structure and Staff
Explain your organizational structure, detailing account management at the national, regional, and local
levels. Would this process change if you were awarded this business?
Account Executive, Account Managers, Shop Foreman/Project Manager, Graphic Manager, Freight
Manager, and Field Services Manager.
Our proposal would involve the creation of a new entity called Parker Expo Services (PES).
PES would be a standalone organization dedicated to providing exhibit, event management, and services
and would be owned and operated by Alexis Exhibits, Inc. Facilities and personnel would be separate
from other Alexis Exhibits operations. A new website, new telephone lines and new email addresses will
be developed.
PES would be staffed by a minimum of 2 Account Managers. Additional staff will be added as needed.
For more details on this solution and its costs/advantages, please see the video presentation at
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Please provide a list of employees (names, functions and location) who will be working on the Parker
Todd Brewer, Account Executive
Jeff Prochaska, Account Manager
Mike Kolz, Shop Foreman/Project Manager
Michelle Prochaska, Graphic Manager
Terry Kilbane, Field Services Manager
Dan Lawrence, Freight Manager
Dan Prost 3-D, Design Manager
All employees based in Avon, OH.
Growth Strategy
Please provide a brief overview of your firm's strategic direction, including growth plans, service offerings,
technical advancements, business models, etc.
Alexis has experienced a growth rate of 40% per year, and is on pace to continue that trend for at least
the next 3-5 years. Our unique business model is geared to retain top level talent with zero turnover.
The following questions must be answered by suppliers who seek to qualify for consideration by Parker.
Parker will not consider any supplier quote that is submitted without answers to these questions.
1. Preliminary Information
Alexis Exhibits
1354 Lear Industrial park
Avon, OH 44011
2. What is the size of your operation?
Number of employees? 14
Annualized billings (in US dollars)?
Alexis Exhibits, Inc. is a privately held company and does not release financial information.
3. Are you an operating subsidiary of a larger media concern? If so, please name the parent
organization and list companies in the concern. In how many locations does the parent company
operate? NO
4. What, if any, experience do you have in serving larger (Fortune 500) clients with multiple operating
groups and divisions in locations throughout the US and the world? Please describe.
Alexis personnel have worked with GE Lighting, GE Lighting Systems, Roche Pharmaceuticals,
Integrated Power Services, Johnson & Johnson, Archer Daniels Midland, Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceuticals, Fujinon, Milliken & Company, NASA, and Bristol Myers Squibb to name a few.
5. What are your principal creative capabilities?
Show Services
Installation & Dismantle
Alexis Field Services
At Alexis, we tailor our service packages to each client’s requests and budget. We deal with all
aspects of the show to allow the client to maintain control at all times.
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The following section describes our approach to each show and the types of services that we can
provide on your behalf. All associated costs for these services are identified and approved by you
in advance.
Methodology, Services and Strategic Capabilities
Alexis Exhibits, Inc. approaches each show strategically. As each show approaches, the Alexis
Account Team gathers all pertinent information such as show regulations, dates, booth number,
exhibit hall floor plan, etc.
After receiving direction from the client, Alexis produces designs, drawings including graphic
requirements and a schedule with all deadlines for the show.
Upon receiving final approval, the Alexis team executes the show according to plan. The account
manager monitors the progress of the project and proactively reminds Alexis team members and
the client as deadlines approach. The budget is carefully monitored and approvals are obtained
where necessary.
As construction and preparations are completed, an installation planning meeting is held. A
strategic setup plan is developed with daily benchmarks so that overtime is avoided whenever
possible. Specific instructions regarding product, premium and literature requirements are
communicated and outbound shipping information is reviewed.
Setup is completed according to the strategic plan. Local contact information is provided to the
client and any daily booth maintenance requirements are confirmed.
At the close of the show, an Alexis representative meets with the client to finalize product,
literature and premium disposition. A Service Summary Sheet is completed noting the condition
of the exhibit and any damages that need to be attended to. Comments from the booth staff are
also noted for the account manager. The exhibit is dismantled and carefully repacked.
Documentation of all outbound shipments is faxed back to the Alexis Field Services Group for
tracing and communication to clients.
The Alexis Field Services Group immediately begins to assemble cost information and the final
invoice is delivered to the client within 30-45 days of the close of the show. An explanation is
provided for any deviation from budget.
Alexis Exhibits, Inc. offers the following field services for every show:
Alexis verifies booth numbers, sizes, regulations and service orders for accuracy and
receipt by vendors.
Utility drawings, indicating locations of all electrical, air, and plumbing connections are
Prior to all supervised exhibit installations, a pre-show meeting is held to review all
aspects of the installation and dismantle, as well as, any client show requests. This
meeting is held on all shows, from a 10x10 portable to double decks.
When the supervisor arrives on site, he verifies correct installation of all utilities and
checks on freight status.
During the set up, the supervisor refers to the predetermined labor time line and makes
appropriate adjustments to ensure a smooth installation with minimal over time.
During the show: a contact card is supplied to the exhibitor for client requests, listing the
cell phone number of the Alexis local representative.
Our supervisor will personally contact the client and provide any assistance with collateral
shipments or any other client needs.
The supervisor will inventory all crates and skids during dismantle to ensure that freight is
not misplaced.
All exhibit components are inspected for damage, packed, labeled, and prepped for
Design & Booth Layout
Designers use FormZ 6.7 with an expected update in March ’11
AutoCad 2010 is used for Booth layout, and service orders.
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Building of new show properties.
All new construction is managed in house, and all custom hardwood fabrication is handled in
house, however, on occasion, particular pieces may be third partied, as in the case of acrylic,
glass, or particular metal work.
Show and Event Planning.
Show planning has always been a collaborative effort between an account exec and the client or
business unit.(Particular expertise in Audiovisual Event Planning)
Preshow Planning.
Alexis Exhibits, Inc. approaches each show strategically. As each show approaches, the Alexis
Account Team gathers all pertinent information such as show regulations, dates, booth number,
exhibit hall floor plan, etc.
After receiving direction from the client, Alexis produces designs, drawings including graphic
requirements and a schedule with all deadlines for the show. Upon receiving final written
approval of estimate, the Alexis team executes the show according to plan.
Show Analysis
Typically, the Account Executive will gather all show service information estimates and actuals,
and once these have been transferred to a spreadsheet with explanation of variances, a
meeting is scheduled with client to outline, review, and provide detail of variances. A portion of
this analysis will be directed to the ongoing improvement and streamlining of narrowing the
difference between estimates and actual.
Graphic Production (print)
Large format digital, all aspects of applied vinyl, over lamination and heat assist lamination, dye
sublimation, tension fabric graphics, Gerber edge
Graphic Design
Full graphic design capabilities at 3 workstations including InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.
Other (describe)
Post-show audit, analysis, cost variation matrixes, and suggested remedies
Booth staff training
Pre- and post-show marketing strategies
Lead management systems
Giveaways and premiums
In-booth activities and attractions
Lead card generation
Hospitality suite and off site activities
Integrated marketing programs
6. Please list industry accreditations, awards, and recognitions your company has received over the
last 2 years. Alexis does not submit projects to awards competitions.
7. For calendar year 2010 Parker had an estimated 55 booths in 47 major shows in North America.
Explain how you would handle the coordination of Parker’s show schedule.
The key to our proposal is the dedicated PES staff. All procedures used at Alexis will be employed
by the dedicated PES staff. Following is a brief summary:
The schedule is broken down on a calendar to indicate any overlap in shows, and advise if
new/rental properties need to be utilized for show overlaps. An early identification of show overlap
and situation remedies will result in a well planned execution of creating graphics or booth properties
in a systematic fashion to avoid expediting or rush charges. Occasional split/trans shipments of
properties from show to show will be required for the seamless execution of utilization of parker
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8. In addition to the major booth properties, Parker has a portable display rental program (Skyline)
available to distributors in North America. Explain how you would administer such a program.
Our recommendation is to allow Alexis to provide exhibit management services for each show. The
procedure for each show is the same procedure that is used for larger exhibits.
Parker contracts for space in the show
Parker receives the show manual from the show contractor
Parker forwards the show manual to Alexis (password to ESM)
Alexis creates a pre-show timeline and budget for Parker (based on advance shipment)
Alexis places all show services orders
Alexis makes all deposits and creates the show services information package
Alexis removes the appropriate exhibit materials from storage and prepares for shipment
Alexis arranges shipping and prepares paperwork and labels
Alexis provides return shipping labels and arranges pickup
The booth is shipped and Alexis traces shipment to destination
Alexis verifies setup
The show takes place
Alexis confirms dismantling schedule and outbound shipping
Materials are shipped to Alexis warehouse
Materials are inspected, inventoried and returned to storage
One itemized invoice is sent to Parker
In addition to the program mentioned in question 7, Parker has a recruitment program providing materials
to universities usually involving table top displays. Explain how you would administer such a program.
It is a similar multiple show administration methodology used for recruitment displays and materials
as is used for 10x10 and 10x20 portables. Inventory and inspection is completed on the inbound
return to Alexis’ warehouse. We arrange the pick-up and return transportation from the university.
Please detail your billable rates for the following services (provide hourly rates for all that apply):
Installation & Dismantle
(rates effective 1/1/2011)
$ 107.00
$ 75.00
$ 106.00
$ 79.00
$ 85.00
$ 77.00
$ 77.00
$ 77.00
Las Vegas
$ 92.00
Los Angeles
$ 107.00
Miami/Ft Lauderdale
$ 84.00
New Orleans
$ 78.00
$ 81.00
San Antonio
$ 74.00
San Diego
$ 107.00
San Francisco
$ 113.00
$ 87.00
St. Louis
$ 88.00
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Show Services
Show services will be billed at cost to Parker.
On Site Supervision
$400/day - plus travel and subsistence expenses, including lodging, all at cost.
Show Analysis
No cost to Parker. Show analysis at Alexis is handled by the account executive. Standard analysis
provided by Alexis, includes, but is not limited to, the following:
 A detailed cost breakdown of show service estimates vs. show service actual costs, and a
written explanation of the cause of variance when the difference is greater than 10%, as well
as a forward looking solution to avoid cost over-runs in the future.
 Typically, the account executive will gather all show service information including estimates
and actuals, and once these have been transferred to a spreadsheet with an explanation of
variances, a meeting is scheduled with Parker to outline, review, and provide detail of
variances. The resulting analysis dictates the ongoing improvement and streamlining of the
exhibit management process.
Design & Layout
Included in administrative package.
Account Executive
Included in administrative package.
Graphic Production
Each project is subject to quotation. Costs will vary based on substrate and production technique.
Graphic Design
Hourly rate charged - $49.50 per hour
Standard Production of Properties
Each project subject to quotation.
Storage Fees for Existing Properties
Included in administrative package.
Online tool for ordering of show properties
Included in administrative package.
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General Questions
1. Can you provide a show planning schedule/ Gantt chart for each show? Yes.
2. Would you provide a show planning best practices report from similar customers that can be
incorporated into the parker program? Yes, once a contract is awarded.
3. What is length of time for generating invoices to Parker after a show is completed? Do you provide
itemized billing? 30 days after the show is completed. Yes, itemized billing and a back-up report
would accompany all invoices.
4. What is your policy for providing quotes for projects? No work is begun until client has provided
written approval of a quote. Any subsequent changes need to be signed off by client as well.
5. If you subcontract services, are your subcontractors in compliance with the Parker brand standards?
6. Would your account representative be able to attend all pre show planning meetings? Yes.
7. Would the account executive be able to attend all trade shows? Yes.
8. Is it a standard practice to have a booth designer attend client meetings?
Yes, where a client finds it necessary.
9. How many accounts does each of your graphic designers handle?
It depends on the size of the account. Parker will have an assigned graphic designer.
10. What training do your designers/account executives receive to ensure industry innovations are being
used? Weekly sales meetings cover a broad range of current industry innovations. Beyond that, we
have top-tier industry vendors visit monthly to discuss the latest industry trends in areas such as
Graphics output, dye-sublimated tension graphics, lighting, freight and logistics, installation and
dismantle and so forth. The most important training our employees experience is regular attendance
at tradeshows.
11. Do you have the capabilities and experience to handle trade shows outside of N.A.? If yes, please
explain. Yes, trade shows outside of North America are handled by contractor relationships we have
set up in international show cities.
12. Do your designers/account representatives have experience with trade shows outside of N.A.? Yes.
13. Would the account executives be dedicated to Parker? If not, how many accounts do they manage?
Yes, Todd Brewer would be dedicated to Parker.
14. What other marketing activities are you involved in (i.e. event planning, mobile trailers, vans, POP,
etc.)? We specialize and focus primarily on tradeshows. The scope of our capabilities gives us all of
the assets and human capital to handle even the most vigorous of event, trailer, van, or POP tasks.
15. What experience do you have with booth presence in outdoor trade shows? We have substantial
experience with outdoor shows, including Con Expo.
16. Do you service any of Parker’s competitors? If yes, who? NO
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17. Do you have a digital design department on site that can create/aid in the creation of videos,
presentations, flash animation?
No. We rely on superbly talented resources that make their living exclusively in this field of work.
18. What experience does your company have with online trade shows? We are aware of and have an
understanding of online shows, however have not produced any.
19. Do you have the capability to store, maintain, replenish and restock recruitment kits when returned
from an event? If so, what is your capacity to do so?
Yes. During inbound receiving we would strip out all kits, list an inventory that would be cc’d to all
Parker personnel requiring the information. Kits would then be replenished and certified ready to go,
ready to ship for the next recruiting event.
20. Do you routinely check booth kits for damage before shipping them out to an event? How quickly can
repairs be made if necessary?
We make all necessary inspections on inbound receiving from tradeshows/events. In this way, any
damaged or lost items can be quickly attributed back to specific handling at that event, or during
transportation. This gives us plenty of time to note damage, inform Parker, and track if any damage
claims can be made. Repairs can and will be made at a moment’s notice, if something is deemed
unsuitable to ship.
Vendor Qualifications
The following requirements and commitments apply to suppliers who seek to qualify for consideration by
1. Companies must include, in responses to this request for quote, any provisions for extra resources
(workforce) should the project warrant the hiring of additional staff or use of additional equipment and
like resources.
2. Companies must agree, in responses to this request for quote, that there is a commitment of
resources (staff, equipment, and like resources) to accommodate, produce, and deliver Parker
projects on a timely basis.
3. Companies must supply, in responses to this request for quote, a list of services provided.
4. Companies must supply, in responses to this request for quote, a price list for services provided.
5. Companies must indicate, in responses to this request for quote, any special status, industry
certification, or quality accreditation (minority-owned business, ISO designation, etc.) that warrants
consideration by Parker.
Quality and Ownership of Materials Produced by Trade Show Companies
The following requirements pertain to the use and ownership of materials (including all electronic files)
intended and submitted for use regarding Parker’s show properties.
1. All design concepts must adhere to Parker's brand standards.
2. All materials produced must adhere to Parker’s brand standards.
3. All files and materials submitted to suppliers by Parker and all files and materials produced and
submitted by suppliers are the property of Parker.
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4. Upon request by Parker, suppliers will return all files and or properties to Parker. Parker will pay
shipping charges only for all returned materials.
Parker expects its suppliers to continually improve their processes and maintain their technology and
industry standing. Please describe how your company currently achieves this, and what commitments
you would make to Parker.
Our company continually improves processes from the top down, as well as from the shop floor, and
up. Weekly meetings to discuss processes, planning, and outcomes assures that the entire Alexis
team is current and “in the know” as to all projects, technologies implemented, and new trends.
These meetings are a candid, open forum where full 360° feedback provides the most immediate,
satisfactory and ongoing improvements to our people and processes.
Parker may require suppliers to commit to quarterly review meetings and periodic assessments. These
meetings will go beyond reviewing past achievements and issues. They will also include changes the
partner proposes to optimize service level and reduce costs. Please discuss how you will generate and
propose actionable recommendations.
All of our activities are dedicated to improving service levels and reducing costs. Where applicable,
we first make a recommendation in writing, followed up by a face to face meeting or quarterly review.
Describe the mechanisms in place to reconcile billing discrepancies. Include information about the
availability of detailed summaries for location and/or corporate offices. Describe what summary or
consolidated billing options are available. Alexis will develop a billing system specific to your
Parker’s terms are 60 days after receipt of invoice. Does your company provide a discount for quicker
payment terms? Would you consider offering a discount on monthly fees in invoices are paid within a
certain period of time from invoice date? It is expected that multiple 'bands' will be provided, such as Net
30/5% discount, Net 60/0% discount. Include any additional payment or financing options that you are
able to provide and the charges associated with these arrangements. We will accept 60 day terms.
There is no discount for quicker payments.
Does your company receive Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT)? Yes. Will your company provide Parker
Hannifin Corporation a discount for such payments? No. If yes, please describe the discount.
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