Dec 2009 clients served. - Operation Hope Prison Ministry

Client Service for December 2009
12/1/09 Client came in to get help with his driver license. He has no fines and no funds. Staff
assisted client with counsel and a listening ear. He was given voucher for driver’s license, a job
resource list. He was safe at his place of residence. Client was asked to keep in touch with the office
for updates of his status. He was appreciative of the assistance.
12/2/09 Client called requesting OHPM mail a job resource list to Tulsa address. OHPM mailed the
job resource list on 12/2/09.
12/2/09 Client was released from McAlester 11/30/09. His grandparents brought client to OHPM.
OHPM helped with toiletry items. Mr. Holmes, OHPM board member, took him to Wal-Mart to buy
under clothes, socks, etc. Client is to start work 12/3/09 and needs ID, which OHPM provided him
with voucher to Just West Tag Agency for state ID. Mr. Holmes returned receipts from Wal-Mart on
12/8/09 Client came to the office needing assistance with transportation to find a job. Client was
issued a bus pass. Client was also given a job resource list and some numbers to call of collaborators
who might be able to help.
12/8/09 Client was issued a Greyhound Ticket to Littlerock, AR. His instructions were to check into
the emergency room at the hospital. Mr. Worley Holmes transported client by car 12/11/09 to the
station. Client entered rehabilitation at VA Hospital. The cost of bus ticket was $67.00.
12/8/09 Client received help with his electric bill from OHPM after receiving a cut-off notice. The
amount of $89.09 was written on OHPM check number 4110. The client was looking for a job. The
stipulation on repayment agreed upon would be $10.00 per month for 9 months starting Jan. 15 th,
2010. This should be paid back within 1 yr.
12/8/09 Mr. Allen Everett, DOC re-entry staff, sent OHPM an e-mail about information on S.O. client.
Client will be getting released in February or March 2010. He will be seeking services from OHPM
upon being released.
12/9/09 Client does not read or write very well so Ms. Mitchell of OHPM helped her fill out her
application for the Oxford House. Client had put OHPM on her itinerary from Turley (copy made for
office). She is being released from Turley 12/18 or 12/20 2009. The client needs help with her rent
for Oxford House. Ms. Mitchell told her she must discuss this with Ms. Mary Leslie at time of release.
Tutoring was offered in order to receive her GED.
12/09/09 Client came by the office needing assistance. The client lives at New Life Homes and is
requesting help with 1 weeks rent. He has just gotten a job and Mr. Bill Bateman, OHPM volunteer is
working with him. OHPM issued a check number 4137 in the amount of $90.00. The client has an
Oklahoma Access to Recovery assessment with ACE/DUI later in January 2010.
12/9/09 Client was released Thanksgiving Eve. OHPM issued him 10 bus tokens and gave him the
phone number to ACE/DUI. Client stated he knows the people at FBI (Fitting Back In) and would try
to call them also. As of 1/6/10 Mr. Walker has an appointment for OATR assessment with ACE/DUI in
February. A job resource list was given along with other resource information.
12/10/09 Client was referred to OHPM by Mr. Bill Bateman of New Life Homes. The client is not
working yet and has filed for SSI. He is requesting 1 week rental assistance from OHPM. The client
was released on 11/19/09. Assistance was given and client appreciative and hopeful with a little less
12/10/09 Client came in with his girlfriend. She had no coat on a single digit temperature day.
OHPM provided her with a coat. She was very grateful and gave her thanks. Client was assisted
through OATR.
12/03/09 Client, a resident at Avalon Work Ctr. a DOC facility, came by OHPM and filled out a intake
form. Client received assistance from OHPM back on 10/8/09. OHPM provided him with a bus pass
to help with his job searching.
12/14/09 Client, who is an S.O. wrote a letter about his housing situation. Mr. Worley Holmes of
OHPM spoke to him by telephone. He gave client valuable counsel on the procedures and places he
could apply for housing.
12/15/09 OHPM assisted 2 clients through St. Luke’s Redemption Church. 2 fuel cards were given.
Clients were in need of gas to keep daily schedules and appointments.
12/15/09 Client called to see if OHPM could help her with rent, food and transportation. Client is
currently living at the Shadow Mountain Oxford House. Client came in for counsel and assistance
was given according to need. Intake form had been filled out with contact information. Resource
material given.
12/16/09 Client came in the OHPM office requesting a fuel card. He said he’s staying at his sister’s
house. OHPM counseled him on finding a job in the winter until his push lawnmower service could
pick-up this spring. Mr. Holmes of OHPM went with him to Quick Trip and put $20.00 gas in his car.
Mr. Giles Gere, OHPM board president, told him of two places that were hiring. Client called back
the same day and thanked OHPM for the help he received earlier that morning.
12/15/09 Client has a scheduled release date of February 2010. He wrote OHPM a letter asking that
once he’s out will we be able to assist him with his transitional living and other services. OHPM
replied with a letter of information and encouragement. Client was asked to come to office at his
12/15/09 Client of OHPM was assisted by Mr. Giles Gere in court for support on a small claims case
judged against him.
12/17/09 Client was brought to OHPM by advocate. Client filled out an intake form. OHPM issued
him 10 bus tokens along with a job resource listing and pre-vocational information. The client is
interested in going to forklift training classes with Goodwill Industries. Mr. Worley Holmes of OHPM
was called to come in and speak with client regarding veteran’s services. Client likes staying at “New
Beginnings”, a transitional living home. OHPM paid $90.00 for client’s first week of rent.
12/17/09 Client called OHPM requesting a job list be mailed to her. Information was mailed to the
address provided.
12/17/09 Client was given referrals by OHPM to Neighbors Along the Line. The client was given list of
where to receive food and clothes. Mr. Holmes of OHPM was called to come in and speak with client
as he is an S.O. and a veteran. Ms. Mitchell stated on 12/16/09 the client hung the telephone up on
her after she informed him he was not a resident of Tulsa County and OHPM would not be able to
provide him any help. He then proceeded to tell Ms. Mitchell he was coming to Tulsa anyway and
OHPM was going to help him or tell him where he could go to get help. Ms. Mitchell gave him
several job resources and other places that might be able to help with employment.
12/17/09 Client came to office, filled out an intake form and was given counsel. 10 bus tokens were
issued and OHPM mailed a check for $90.00 for his first weeks rent at a transitional living home, New
12/19/09 Client came to OHPM office. He filled out an intake form and was given counsel. Client was
given a $20.00 gasoline card, a winter coat and shoes. He was also given referrals for food and
12/22/09 Client came to the OHPM office. Client was just released from DOC this past Monday,
12/18/09 Client was counseled about the ATR program and other programs, encouraging him to set
up an appointment with an assessor. Client issued 10 bus tokens for job search and given a job
resource list along with other materials to help in his transition.
12/22/09 OHPM volunteer called office about a young man he knows who had been released from
prison and looking for a place to live. OHPM referred him to New Life Homes.
12/29/09 Client had walked from downtown area to the OHPM office. He had just been released
from DOC. Client was seen during the electrical black-out due to the ice storm. He requested help
with his rent. OHPM was unable to contact his Apt. Manager. After counsel was given, it was
explained that OHPM could not assist with rent at this time. Client was issued 10 bus tokens, job list
resources and toiletries and other hygiene products. OHPM also assisted with clothes from OHPM’s
clothes closet. He didn’t have Oklahoma ID to be able to go to work. OHPM gave him a voucher to
assist with this need. Client’s shoes had holes in the bottom and there were no shoes to fit him in the
clothes closet at Redemption Church. After realizing that client had left to go back downtown to
catch a bus which was only running ice routes this day, OHPM found and picked him up and
transported him to Payless Shoe Store, purchased a pair of waterproof shoes and some socks to
replace the wet ones he had on. Follow-up: Client was assessed by OATR and was able to receive
rental assistance along with food and transportation. Client was ever so appreciative of OHPM for
their services in his time of need. He stated that he really didn’t have any hope before coming to our
12/29/09 Client came to office and after filling out an intake form was given counsel by OHPM staff.
She was issued a bus pass to help with job search along with a resource list. She wanted assistance
getting her on Apt. She is currently staying with a friend in an apartment. She has 2 children who are
not with her at present. Rev. Rayford Wallace, OHPM volunteer, counseled her on saving money,
and what would be necessary to regain custody of her children.
12/29/09 Client came to office, filled out an intake form and given counsel. Client received a food
card, monthly bus pass and $90.00 toward his rent from OHPM. He was referred to a transitional
living home. The client also received a job resource and food resource list. The client turned down
the clothes closet stating that he was OK with clothes. The power was out so OHPM could not pull
up his DOC page.
12/30/09 Client, an S.O., and released from Rader in 2008 came by the office for assistance. After
counsel, he was issued 10 bus token and a job resource list by OHPM.
12/30/09 Client came by office requesting help in finding a job. She was issued a bus pass and given
a job resource list with some helpful numbers.
From Mary’s Desk:
12/2/09 Ms. Mary Porter, OHPM volunteer, sent OHPM an e-mail informing her about the end of
group Bible Study lessons at Eddie Warrior Correctional Center. She also stated it’s time for
certificates again. The lessons were Oct. 14th through Nov. 18th 2009 and were about abundant
living. Ms. Porter wanted OHPM to know how much the girls love the certificates and they’re so
proud of them.
12/3/09 Mr. Giles telephoned Ms. Mitchell requesting new books for CCA card stocks. Also needs
new page CCA flyers--at least 22 pages.
12/3/09 Ms. Mitchell, OHPM staff, and Mr. Tillis, AARP worker through OHPM, pulled a number of
files for the purpose of telephoning clients which had not been seen in over 30 days to inform them
they’re OATR voucher would expire if they did not make an appointment with us soon.
12/8/09 Ms. Theis, OHPM board member sent OHPM an e-mail about a computer donation and the
price. A letter of appreciation was sent to donor for the computer along with the income tax receipt
12/5/09 Ms. Mary Porter sent Ms. Mary Leslie an e-mail on the summary class lessons from Oct. 14th
through Nov.18th, 2009. The lesson on Oct. 14th was about the importance of memorizing verses.
The lesson on Oct. 21st was taking advantage of adversity. The lesson on Oct, 28 what would Jesus
do? A better question would be, “What would Jesus have me to do in this situation?” The lesson on
Nov. 11th was how is a Christian different from a non-Christian? The lesson on Nov 18th was then
hand five ways to understand the word of God.
12/9/09 OHPM mailed thank you letters for several donations and gave an income tax receipt form
to each except for the churches.
12/9/09 The Zoomba Technologies provide a variety of on-site full service computer technology
support services to companies. They pledged to donate services to the OHPM program. The office
computers as definitely in need of these services and are greatly appreciative.
12/10/09 Client was transported to “Dress for Success” by OHPM representative Ms. Mitchell
preparing for a job interview with Goodwill Industries. While there she was taught the proper fit of
clothing, and received one pair dress slacks, one blouse, one blazer, one pair of shoes/boots, and a
purse. Her gift was a necklace and earrings from the staff of DFS.
12/14/09 Mr. Worley Holmes sent an e-mail and received a response back from DOC staff at Dick
Connors Correctional Center regarding the ‘Fatherhood Initiatives’ program. Information was
networked for the ‘Inside-Outside Dads’ classes which Mr. Holmes assists with.
12/14/09 Angel Tree names were mailed by Prison Fellowship. OHPM coordinated these names with
the caregivers. The gifts were wrapped and ready by 1/14/09 and delivered by 12/17/09. There
were 62 families represented, 3 coordinators, 20 drivers. These 23 were volunteers assisted 142
children with gifts under their trees that also included a note from their incarcerated loved one.
12/15/09 Family and Children Services ask OHPM to fax over an apartment listing. The list was fax
the same day 12/15/09.
12/15/09 OHPM was donated furniture to help with our ministry. The phone numbers were given to
Giles Gere, who works in the field with this program. He coordinated and picked up furniture to give
to OHPM client in need.
12/16/09 Mr. Mitchell, OHPM staff, received a $40.00 fuel card reimbursement from OHPM for work
related transportation duties.
12/16/09 Regarding the Oklahoma Access to Recovery billing issues, OATR staff sent OHPM an e-mail
about the Fee-4-Service rerun submitted. It states some of the agencies new invoices have already
been posted to ICIS. An information page is in ICIS explaining to the providers to periodically check
ICIS to see if their new invoices have been posted. The date on the new invoices should be Dec. 16th,
2009 or later. There is a Fax number they will use to send invoices to OATR staff. Fax the new
invoices to number given. It looks like most of the problem has been corrected. However, there may
be some fallout from this situation we all may have to work through before the next Fee-4-Service
run (Jan. 5th, 2010).
12/16/09 Regarding billing issues, Dr. Khem Khepra, another OATR staff member, sent an e-mail to
OHPM on the subject of updating invoice payments for ATR providers.
12/17/09 The OHPM program sent the OATR a request to resend Ms. Achilles Hausdorf’s voucher.
The voucher went to New Life Homes by mistake and they sent it back to OATR in Oklahoma City, OK.
12/17/09 The OHPM program sent the OATR a request to resend client OATR voucher. The voucher
went to New Life Homes by mistake and they sent it back to OATR in Oklahoma City, OK.
12/17/09 Rev. Dr. Stan L Basler, Director of Criminal Justice and Mercy Ministries sent OHPM a
letter, thanking us for our generous charitable gift of $7,500 to help support New Day Camp. Two
camps were scheduled this summer at Camp Cross Point in Kingston, OK. Camp was held June 8-12
for children 8-11, we served 105 children, blessed with 67 adult staff and 14 youth aides and 7 were
former campers. Camp two was held July 13-17 for ages 12-14, in attendance 66 youth and 53
12/18/09 OHPM was given a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding service to Angel
Tree along with a corresponding Christmas Tree ornament.
12/21/09 OHPM sent a letter of prayer and good wishes during OHPM volunteer’s hospital stay.
12/22/09 OHPM was blessed to receive an intern from Tulsa Community College. She came to the
office and was oriented. She is now updating our job resource list and helping with Redemption
Church classes for DOC clients on Thursdays and Sundays.