Human Biology and Lab

Human Biology and Lab
BIO108-70 & 71
FALL 2012 Semester
Instructor: Amy Tortorella Barbosa, DC
Office Hours: by appointment only
Meeting times: Lecture WED 8:30- 9:45AM Lab 70 MON 8:30-11:15AM 71 MON 11:30-2:15PM
Lecture Text: Human Biology: Mader, Sylvia; 12th edition, McGraw Hill
Lab Text: Laboratory Manual for Human Biology; Revised 2nd edition: Khalid, Rasheed A.; McGraw Hill,
Course Description:
This course is designed to introduce students pursuing careers in the allied health fields to the structure
and function of the human body. It is intended to help students with a limited scientific background
grasp the fundamental concepts of human anatomy and the inner workings of the body. Pathophysiology, genetics and relevant clinical aspects are discussed with each system so that students can
apply their clinical learning. Open to all students and satisfies General Education Requirement 5
“Science and Technology”. (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: MAT090, RDG095, ENG095 or placement equivalent
Tutoring: Help may be obtained through the Tutoring and Academic Support Center, in the EBuilding, Room E-174; as well as in the tutoring and advising center on the 2nd floor of the Chelsea
Course Objectives:
1. To obtain a broad knowledge of biology and properties of organ systems.
2. To obtain specific knowledge of the interaction between human organ systems.
3. To obtain specific skills through laboratory experience that will reinforce the lecture
information regarding organ systems.
Course Instructions:
BIO 108-70 & 71 are Web component courses. That means that we will meet according to the schedule twice a
week once for lab and once for lecture. The lecture material will be presented to you in class. There are power
point documents available that outline the chapters and should be used as a guide to your studying and should be
printed out and brought to lecture. When printing, please choose the handout feature and 3 slides per page then
you will have room to take notes on the right side of the handout (see p6 for instructions). We will be using the
following site.
The Mcgraw Hill’s CONNECT is where you will find all of your assignments and exams as well as the
syllabus, power points, and a vast resource of study materials. Once you log in to Connect you will see the list of
assignments and their due dates. There will be reading assignments in the text as seen on calendar (p 5) and
corresponding home works online due each Wednesday in preparation for Wednesday’s lecture and reflection of
Monday's Lab. Each assignment usually has instructions describing what to do. If you have any
questions, please email me quickly. When you finish your assignment CLICK SUBMIT and your grade will
automatically be recorded and you will see your grade immediately. If there is a due date for the assignment you
will be able to submit the assignment after this date for a percentage of credit. This will affect your grade if you
continually fail to do your assignments on time, not only will you not get full credit for finishing assignments but
you will quickly fall behind and it is VERY difficult to catch up once this happens. Please do not wait until the
last minute to finish these assignments. Exams will be taken online in class on personal or school-provided laptops
or in the computer lab.
Tentative Lecture and Laboratory Schedule: Please refer to last page. Please note the deadline for each assignment to
be completed. When you click on the assignment, it will tell you the deadline. All of the assignments are entered and
recorded on the date they are due. If it isn’t completed by the deadline, you will receive -1% per day!!!!!!
Class Policy:
1. Class Format: Lab meets once a week for 2 hours and 45 minutes and lecture class meets once a week for 1 hour and 15
minutes. There is much to cover during these times so make every effort to be on time. If you are tardy please be courteous;
enter class and find your seat quickly so as to not disrupt and distract your fellow peers.
2. Lecture Assignments: For the lecture portion of the course, there are weekly reading assignments that will complement
the lectures and will provide additional details that we may not cover in class time, as well as weekly LearnSmart and
homework assignmnents through Connect to be done online and ON TIME. Power point lectures may also be found online
through Connect. It would be in your best interest to print out the Power point notes and review them before each lecture and
have them available at lecture to note when I emphasize certain material.
3. Lab Assignments: Occasionally Lab Homework can be found on Connect and the Lab manual questions should be
prepared for each lab.
4. Grading:
6 Exams =
Connect LearnSmart & Homeworks =
Connect Lab Assignments, collected Lab Book pages and Lab reports =
60 points
30 points
10 points
100 points
If assignments are not submitted on the due date I will extend the courtesy of submitting assignments through
CONNECT for the price of losing 1% each day it is not submitted. That means that even if you correctly finish an
assignment one month late (30 days) you will earn a 70% not 100%. Basically subtract 1 point from your total each
day it is late and you will know your score. This is to encourage you to stay current with your assignments aka
learnsmarts AND homeworks BOTH are due each week and BOTH are calculated for grades. Make sure you do
In general, there will be NO MAKE-UP EXAMS! Unexcused absences on the day of an exam will result in a ZERO. Excused
absences on the date of an exam must be documented and arranged prior to the date of the exam.
During the second to last week of the semester, you may choose to rework your lowest exam grade. Let me
know after the Lab Final which exam you would like to rework and I will open it up for you. You may use
your book, connect, notes, etc to locate the correct answers and rework the exam. I would suggest going to
the “see report” link next to your exam in connect, this will allow you to see your correct answers as well as
your mistakes. However it will not show you the correct answer if you got it wrong. Use this feature to get
feedback on your exams. You must finish the rework before you take the Final Exam (4) or I will
automatically end the exam and you will not have a chance to finish. The two exams will be averaged
together. This is a great opportunity to improve your grade and review information that you
did not understand the first time around. I want you to understand your mistakes and the material. I hope
that you take advantage of this and contact me if you need my assistance with anything. I know we all have
very busy and complicated schedules, but I will do my best to accommodate your requests.
Students are expected to attend all labs and lectures especially since we cover such a vast amount of material. Students are
also required to log into the CONNECT website and complete all class requirements on the indicated websites.
Please be on time and prepared for labs, we cover a lot of information during those sessions and you will find yourself behind
if you are tardy. It will be difficult for you complete the lab in less time. Since we do a lot of work in pairs or groups you
may find yourself doing all the work by yourself if you are late. Be sure to read the assigned lab found in the required lab text
by Khalid in preparation for the day’s assignment. Often I will assign some of the lab questions as pre-lab assignments.
Please read the lab text, you will find that many of the answers to these questions are in the text and straightforward. Be sure
to check BHCC online site email to see if I've assigned pre-lab questions from the lab exercises.
Be on time on test days. If you arrive after the first person to finish the exam has left the room you will not be allowed to
take the test and will result in a zero for that test.
Do all work assigned online!!!! Your grade depends on your success of all of the above mentioned required work for the
class. The online assignments and lab grades are just as important to complete as the exams. If your exam grades are not as
good as you would like them to be, but you do well on your home works, quizzes, lab assignments, etc they may be enough
to positively affect your grade. Conversely, if you do not do the assigned work it will affect your grade adversely because
you will have a zero for each unattempted assignment, even if you do well on your exams, the low grades may bring down
your average. On some assignments you have the opportunity to do them over and over with unlimited attempts. I strongly
urge you to take advantage of this and do the assignments until you are very familiar with the material and have a near
perfect or perfect score. The advantage of this is that you can practice the material and when you feel confident, take on the
assignments that have limited number of attempts and you should be successful.
Extra Credit:
Possible extra credit to be determined.
To be able to take Anatomy and Physiology I, you must pass this course with a “C” or better.
Below you will find an agreement clause that gives the professor the right to amend (add/delete/change) any part thereof the
above syllabus as the professor sees fit at any time during the semester. If you find it agreeable, please sign, print out and
bring to the next meeting time.
BIO 108 70 & 71 FALL 2011
Please Print Last Name: _______________________
Please circle your section above
I attest that the syllabus was reviewed and explained by Professor Tortorella Barbosa. I understand
that the syllabus is tentative and at any time, any part thereof may be subject to change as seen fit by
the professor.
I also give permission to Dr. Tortorella Barbosa to use my BHCC ID number as a way to post grades
in an agreed upon location on campus or internet site (Web CT/Blackboard/Moodle &/or Connect).
I also give Dr. Tortorella Barbosa permission to contact me via email or phone in case of emergency.
(ex. Cancel class, appointment, etc)
Signature __________________________________________Date_________________
Printed Name____________________________________ Student ID #______________
Thank you for your cooperation
BIOLOGY 108 70 & 71 FA 2012
wk 1
9/5/2012 Intro to class
wk 2 9/10/2012 Review syllabus: Lab 1 Intro to Human Body
9/12/2012 CH 2 Chemistry of Life
Read ch 2; prepare HW & LS
Lab 2 Scientific Method; Microscopy,
Microbiology and Cells; Lab 4 Tissues and
wk 3 9/17/2012 the Skin
9/19/2012 CH 3 Cell Structure and Function Read ch 3; prepare HW & LS
Lab 3 Cell function, transport, cell division
and scientific method; Lab 15 Genetics and
wk 4 9/24/2012 Karyotyping
9/26/2012 CH 4 Organization of Body SystemsRead ch 4; prepare HW & LS
wk 5 10/1/2012 EXAM 1 ch 2 3 4
ch 2 3 4 10/3/2012 TBA
wk 6 10/8/2012 Columbus Day No Lab
10/10/2012 CH 5 Cardiovascular: Heart and BloodReadVessel
ch 5;s prepare HW & LS
wk 7 10/15/2012 Lab 6 Cardiovascular Function & Lab 7 Respiratory System10/17/2012 CH 6 Cardiovascular: Blood
Read ch 6; prepare HW & LS
Lab Midterm Labs 2 -7
wk 8 10/22/2012 (CONNECT 2 3 4 5 6 9)
Lab Midterm 10/24/2012 CH 9 Respiratory System
Read ch 9; prepare HW & LS
Warning grades go out
wk 9 10/29/2012 Lab 8 Digestion and Nutrition & Lab 9 The Urinchary5 System
6 9 8 10/31/2012 CH 8 Digestive Sytem and NutritionRead ch 8; prepare HW & LS
wk 10 11/5/2012 Exam 2 ch 5 6 9 8
11/7/2012 CH 11 Skeletal System
Read ch 11; prepare HW & LS
wk 11 11/12/2012 Veteran's Day No Lab
11/14/2012 CH 12 Muscular System
Read ch 12; prepare HW & LS
Thursday 11/14/2012 Last day to withdraw from class
wk 12 11/19/2012 Labs 10 The Skeletal and 11 Muscular Systems
11/21/2012 CH 13 Nervous System
Read ch 13; prepare HW & LS
wk 13 11/26/2012 Lab 12 The Nervous System
11/28/2012 CH 10 Urinary System and ExcretionRead ch 10; prepare HW & LS
wk 14 12/3/2012 Exam 3 ch 11 12 13
ch 11 12 13 12/5/2012 CH 15 Endocrine System
Read ch 15; prepare HW & LS
wk 14 12/10/2012 Lab 14 The Endocrine and Reproductive Systems
12/12/2012 CH 16 Reproductive System Read ch 16; prepare HW & LS
Lab Final Labs 8-14 not 13
wk 15 12/10/2012 (CONNECT 8 11 12 13 10 15 16)
Lab Final anyone reworking an exam wil be able to do so at home this week
wk 16 12/17/2012 SECTION 70 8:30-9:30
wk 16 12/17/2012 SECTION 71 10:00-11:00
ch 10 15 16
ch 10 15 16
FINAL Exam 4 ch 10 15 16
FINAL Exam 4 ch 10 15 16
You can print your presentation in the form of handouts — with one, two, three, four, six, or nine slides on a page — that your audience can use to
follow along as you give your presentation or keep for future reference.
The three-slides-per-page handout includes lined space for note taking by the audience.
You can select a layout for your handouts in print preview.
Arrange the content in a handout
In print preview, you can arrange the content in your handout and then preview it to see exactly what the printed version will look like. You can
specify that the page be set to landscape or portrait orientation, and you can specify the number of slides that you want shown per page. Instructions
for selecting these options are included in the following section.
You can add, preview, and edit headers and footers, such as page numbers. In the one-slide-per-page layout, you can apply headers and footers to
the handout only and not to the slides, if you don't want header and footer text, date, or slide numbers appearing on the slides.
Apply content and formatting to all handouts
If you want to change the look, position, and size of the header and footer text, date, or page number on all of your handouts, make the changes to
the handout master. To include a name or logo that you want to appear on every page of the handout, add the name or logo to the master. Changes
that you make to the handout master also appear when you print an outline.
Print the handouts
Open the presentation for which you want to print handouts.
Click the Microsoft Office Button
, click the arrow next to Print, and then click Print Preview.
In the Page Setup group, click the arrow under Print What, and then select the handout layout option that you want from the list.
The Handouts (3 Slides Per Page) format provides lines for the audience to take notes.
To specify the page orientation, click the arrow under Orientation, and then click Landscape or Portrait.
Click Print.
If you want to print handouts in color, select a color printer. Click the Microsoft Office Button
and then click Print Preview. Under Print, click Options, point to Color/Grayscale, and then click Color.
, click the arrow next to Print,