Multi Text Unit

“Horrible Harry Goes To The Moon”
Suzy Kline
“Reaching For The Moon”
Buzz Aldrin
A 3rd Grade Multi-Text Unit on the Moon
Meagan Huddler
“Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.”
-W. Clement Stone
Day 1: Before Reading (Individual)
a. Anticipation Guide/K-W-L Chart
b. Carousel
Day 2: Chapter 1 – “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” (Individual
& Pairs)
a. Vocabulary Chart
b. Internet Workshop
Day 3: Chapter 2 – “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” (Individual
& Small Groups)
a. Vocabulary Chart
b. Double Entry Diary
c. Science Experiment
Day 4: Chapter 3 – “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” & read all of
“Reaching for the Moon” (Individual, Small Groups & Whole
Group Discussion)
a. Vocabulary Chart
b. Think/Pair/Share
c. Radio Reading – “Reaching for the Moon”
Day 5: Chapter 4 – “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” (Individual,
Whole Group Discussion, Small groups)
a. Vocabulary Chart
b. Reader’s Theatre
c. Phases of the Moon: 3-2-1/Experiment Chart
Day 6: Chapter 5 – “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” (Individual)
a. Vocabulary Chart
b. Character Sketch
c. Journal Entry from Harry’s Point-of-View
Day 7: Review – “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon”
a. Vocabulary Word Sort
b. Vocabulary Test
c. Timeline of Events
Anticipation Guide (Day 1)
1.) In your own words, predict what you think “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” will be
about. Think about the title and the picture on the front cover.
2.) Describe what you think it would be like to go to the Moon. Why would you go
there? What do you think you would find?
3.) What do you think Harry will do once he lands on the Moon? How will he get there
and how will he get back to Earth?
In the chart below, list what you know, what you want to know, and what you learned
(at the end of our unit) about the Moon.
Want to Know
Carousel (Day 1)
As you look at the pictures from the slideshow, write your thoughts/feelings/opinions
about each picture below.
Your thoughts/feelings/opinions
Slide Show Pictures
Vocabulary (Day 2)
Sentence found in
Create your own
Internet Workshop (Day 2)
In “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon”, Miss Mackle’s class does research on the Moon.
We are going to do our own research on the Moon in pairs. With your shoulder buddy,
go to the website listed below and fill out the following questions which will all be found
on that website.
1.) True/False: The Earth travels around the Moon.
2.) How long does it take the Moon to orbit the Earth?
3.) How old is the Moon?
4.) True/False: The Moon rises in the East and sets in the West.
5.) How many miles away is the Moon from Earth?
6.) How fast does the Moon travel around the Earth?
7.) Describe the surface of the Moon:
8.) True/False: The Moon has no atmosphere.
9.) When was water discovered on the Moon?
Why will the Apollo astronaut’s footprints remain on the surface
of the Moon for millions of years?
11.) Why can we see the Moon?
12.) Draw the Moon phase diagram below and label each phase:
On the back of this worksheet, write three more interesting facts from this
Vocabulary Chart (Day 3)
Sentence found in
Create your own
Double Entry Diary (Day 3)
Fill out the table below as you are reading Chapter 2 in “Horrible Harry goes to the
Moon”. On the left hand column, write the page number and sentence from the book.
Then, on the right hand column, write your thoughts/feelings/opinions about the
Page Number and Quote
Science Experiment (Day 3)
On pages 13-15 in “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” Miss Mackle’s class does a science
experiment about gravity on the Moon. With your group members, fill out the chart
below by recording how high you can reach on the Smart Board and how high you
jumped (at the top of your leap). Multiply the number of feet you jumped on the Smart
Board by six because there is six times less gravity on the moon. Make a prediction first
about which person in your group you think will jump the highest (include why you think
that). After you complete the chart, write the descending order of people in your group
beginning with who will jump the highest to who will jump the least highest based on
your results. The last person in the list should be the person who jumped the least
Person’s Name
Beginning (How high you Ending (Top of your jump)
can reach)
Descending order of jumps of group members:
Vocabulary Chart (Day 4)
Sentence found in
Create your own
Think/Pair/Share (Day 4)
In Chapter 3 of “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” Miss Mackle packs her suitcase with
different things to take with her to go to the Moon. In your groups, first, think in your
heads about what you would bring with you to the Moon. Then, with your shoulder
buddy/group members share your thoughts together. The 1’s in each group will take
notes about the ideas that your group comes up with. Finally, each group will share their
responses with the entire class as I take notes on the Smart Board with everyone’s
ideas. We will discuss as a class what items we should keep/take away/add and why.
Radio Reading (Day 4)
You will read the book, “Reaching for the Moon” by Buzz Aldrin. I will assign each
student one page to read carefully the night before we go over this book in class and
come up with one question for their designated page. The next day, we will read this
story as a class and after your page is read aloud, you will pose your question to the
entire class and we will find the answer.
Vocabulary Chart (Day 5)
Sentence found in
Create your own
Reader’s Theatre (Day 5)
We will conduct a Reader’s Theatre for pages 40-41 in “Horrible Harry goes to the
Moon”. I will assign the following roles for students: Miss Mackle, Mary, Harry, entire
class, and the Narrator. Each student will read his/her assigned part aloud in front of the
class. Then, at the end of the chapter, we will talk about the phases of the moon and
make predictions about what Harry will do next.
Phases of the Moon: 3-2-1 (Day 5)
As I read aloud “The Moon Seems to Change” by Franklyn M. Branley, write 3 things you
learned from the book/interesting facts, 2 things you want to learn more about, and 1
question that you have after listening to the story.
After completing the experiment in the back of “The Moon Seems to Change” with your
group members, complete the following chart by labeling and drawing all the phases of
the Moon.
Vocabulary Chart (Day 6)
Sentence found in
Create your own
Character Sketch: Harry (Day 6)
List three adjectives that describe Harry:
Write your favorite quote from Harry in the book and explain why it’s your favorite:
Why do you think the title is “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon”? What does the author
mean by this? Give an example from the book to explain your reasoning.
Compare and contrast Mary’s character to Harry’s:
Draw a cartoon of your favorite part of the book that Harry is in:
Journal Entry from Harry’s Point-of-View (Day 6)
Pretend you are Harry. Write a journal entry about what happened in the last chapter of
“Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” from Harry’s point-of-view.
Vocabulary Word Sort (Day 7)
Vocabulary Test (Day 7)
Match the word to its definition:
a. rejection of belief
b. a magnifier of images of distant objects
c. a small celestial body consisting of a
frozen mass that travels around the sun in
an oval orbit
d. counterfeit
e. something left over
f. moody, erratic
g. confused or perplexed
h. a thorough search
i. elongated flexible organs
j. negotiate the terms of an exchange
k. arousal of the mind to special unusual
activity or creativity
l. bowl-shaped depression
m. frown with displeasure
n. the force of attraction between all
masses in the universe
o. derive a benefit from
p. move very slightly
q. A hand-held device consisting of lenses,
used to magnify objects so that they can
be better seen from a distance, and looked
at through both eyes
r. jeer, laugh at with contempt and
s. capable of arousing and holding the
t. causing irritation or annoyance
Timeline of Events (Day 7)
Put the following events of “Horrible Harry goes to the Moon” in order:
Miss Mackle’s class has a Moon Sale so they can raise enough money to buy a telescope.
Miss Mackle’s class does a gravity science experiment.
Miss Mackle packs her suitcase for the Moon.
Miss Mackle’s class gets a moon couch.
Miss Mackle’s class has their Moonwatch.
Harry takes the class to the Moon.
Miss Mackle’s class does research on the Moon.
1st: _____________________________________________________________________
2nd: ____________________________________________________________________
3rd: _____________________________________________________________________
4th: _____________________________________________________________________
5th: _____________________________________________________________________
6th: _____________________________________________________________________
7th: _____________________________________________________________________
Day 1:
-Anticipation Guide/K-W-L Chart ___/10
-Carousel ___/10
Day 2:
-Vocabulary Chart ___/15
-Internet Workshop ___/15
Day 3:
-Vocabulary Chart ___/15
-Double Entry Diary ___/10
-Science Experiment ___/15
Day 4:
-Vocabulary Chart ___/15
-Think/Pair/Share ___/10
-Radio Reading – “Reaching for the Moon” ___/10
Day 5:
-Vocabulary Chart ___/15
-Reader’s Theatre ___/10
-Phases of the Moon: 3-2-1/Experiment Chart ___/15
Day 6:
-Vocabulary Chart ___/15
-Character Sketch ___/10
-Journal Entry from Harry’s Point-of-View ___/10
Day 7:
-Vocabulary Word Sort ___/10
-Vocabulary Test ___/30
-Timeline of Events ___/10
Total: ____/250
Reference List
Horrible Harry goes to the Moon. By Suzy Kline. Illustrated by Frank
Remkiewicz. 2000. Scholastic. This book is on the 3rd grade reading level. I chose this
book because it was the appropriate reading level and is considered a book of interest
for 3rd graders. I wanted to choose a fictional chapter book as my main book for this unit
and this book fit my criteria. There is enough information about the Moon in this book
for me to elaborate on my topic and correlate both reading and science into one unit.
My goal for choosing this book was that I want this book and the activities that correlate
with it in this unit to elicit student interest in our Solar System, specifically, the Moon.
Reaching for the Moon. By Buzz Aldrin. Illustrated by Wendell Minor.
2005. Harper Collins. This book is on the 3rd grade reading level. I chose this book for
two reasons: because it is an appropriate non-fiction text and because it elaborated on
the part in the book Horrible Harry goes to the Moon when Miss Mackle’s class discusses
space exploration and astronauts. Since one of the astronauts who landed on the Moon
wrote this book, (and he was discussed in the main text for this unit) I thought it would
be interesting and beneficial for students to read a story written by him about his life
and what it was like to walk on the Moon. My goal for choosing this book was that I
want this book and the activities that correlate with it to educate students about space
exploration and inspire them to believe in the impossible.
The Moon Seems to Change. By Franklyn M. Branley. Illustrated by
Barbara and Ed Emberley. 1987. Harper Collins. This book teaches students about the
phases of the Moon. Students will broaden their knowledge of how phases of the Moon
are caused and the proper names for each.
Space Explorers. By Eva Moore. Illustrated by Ted Enik. 2000.
Scholastic. This book discusses how other planets in the Solar System are different than
Earth. Students will broaden their knowledge of planets and other space vocabulary.
Lost in the Solar System. By Joanna Cole. Illustrated by Bruce
Degen. 1990. Scholastic. This book provides interesting facts about the Solar System.
Students will broaden their knowledge of the Solar System and how all the components
work together.
Midnight on the Moon. By Mary Pope Osbourne. Illustrated by Sal
Murdocca. 1996. Random House. This book is a mystery chapter book which includes
several interesting facts about the Moon embedded within the text. Students will
broaden their knowledge about information on the Moon/what it would be like to walk
on the Moon.
The Moon. By Seymour Simon. 2003. Simon & Schuster. This is a
good resource book which contains factual information about the Moon. Students will
broaden their knowledge of information on the Moon.
One Giant Leap. By Don Brown. 2001. Perfection Learning. This
book describes the life of Neil Armstrong, one of the American astronauts who landed
on the Moon. Students will broaden their knowledge of astronauts and space
Why Does The Moon Change Shape? By Isaac Asimov. 1991.
Gareth Stevens. This book poses a question to the reader and the author answers it by
discussing the phases of the Moon and how they are produced. Students will broaden
their knowledge by learning about the phases of the Moon and what causes them.
Moon. By Dana Meachen Rau. 2003. Compass Point Books.
This is a good resource book that gives a plethora of interesting information on the
Moon. Students will broaden their knowledge by learning resourceful information about
the Moon.
Language Arts Correlation Chart
Unit Activity
Vocabulary Chart
Anticipation Chart/KWL
Internet Workshop
Science Experiment
Radio Reading
Reader’s Theatre
3-2-1/Experiment Chart
Character Sketch
Journal Entry
“Horrible Harry goes to the Moon”
“Reaching for the Moon”
NCSCOS Language Arts Grade 3
1.05: Use word reference materials (e.g.,
dictionary, glossary) to confirm decoding
skills, verify spelling, and extend meanings
of words.
2.02 Interact with the text before, during,
and after reading, listening, or viewing by:
2.03 Read a variety of texts, including:
Journal Entry from Harry’s POV
Character Sketch
Internet Workshop
Word Sort
setting a purpose.
previewing the text.
making predictions.
asking questions.
locating information for specific
making connections.
using story structure and text
organization to comprehend.
fiction (short stories, novels,
fantasies, fairy tales, fables).
nonfiction (biographies, letters,
articles, procedures and
instructions, charts, maps).
3.01 Respond to fiction, nonfiction, poetry,
and drama using interpretive, critical, and
evaluative processes by:
-considering main character's point of
3.02 Identify and discuss similarities and
differences in events, characters, concepts
and ideas within and across selections and
support them by referencing the text.
3.06 Conduct research for assigned and
self-selected projects (with assistance)
from a variety of sources (e.g., print and
non-print texts, artifacts, people, libraries,
databases, computer networks).
5.05 Use a number of strategies for
spelling (e.g., sound patterns, visual
patterns, silent letters, less common letter