Parker, I - Discourse Unit


[PARKER papers to be added to current list with most recent year first, with underline to be clicked to download paper]


Parker, I. (2005) ‘Laibach and Enjoy: Slovenian Theory and Practice’,

Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society , 10, pp. 105-112.

Parke r, I. (2005) ‘Lacanian Discourse Analysis in Psychology: Seven

Theoretical Elements ’, Theory & Psychology , 15, (2), 163-182.

Parker, I. (2005) ‘Κριτική ψυχολογία και κριτική πράξη στη Βρετανία’,

Ουτοπία , 65 (Μάιος – Ιούνιος 2005), Ειδικό Αφιέρωμα στη «Κριτική

Ψυχολογία», σελ, 49-61. [GREEK]

Parker, I. (2005) ‘Lacan, die Psychologie und der Diskurs der Universität’,

Psycholgie & Gesellschaftskritik, 29 (3-4), pp. 151-173. [GERMAN]

Parker, I. (2005) ‘‘Psychoanalysis and culture: Methodological principles to grasp the production of experience in contemporary discourse


Ningen-Sonzai-Ron , Menschenontologie , 11, pp. 3-13. [JAPANESE]

Parker, I. (200

5) ‘Lacanian Theory, Clinical Practice and Psychoanalysis’,

International Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy , 3, pp. 59-66.


Parker, I. (2005) ‘Review of Hook et al. (2004) Critical Psychology ’, Journal of

Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy , 5, (1), pp. 48-50.

Parker, I. (2005) ‘Review of Loose (2002)

The Subject of Addiction


Theory &

Psychology , 15, (5), pp. 739-743.

Parker, I. (2005) ‘A política – repetindo Marx’, in C. Dunker and J. Prado (org.)

Žižek Critico: Política e psicanálise na era do multiculturalismo (pp.

141176) São Paulo: Hacker Editores. [PORTUGUESE]

Parker, I. (2005) ‘Lacanian ethics in psychology: Seven paradigms’, in A.

Gülerce, A. Hofmeister, I. Steauble, G. Saunders, and J. Kaye (Eds)

Contemporary Theorizing in Psychology: Global Perspectives (pp. 233-

241). Concord: ON : Captus Press Inc.

Burman, E. and Parker, I. (2005) ‘Critical Discursive Practice in Psychological


’, in W. Zongjie, F. Fan and Z. Weili (Eds)

Cultural Diversity of

Discourse: Facilitate Co-Existence and Harmony (pp. 80-91).

Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.


Parker, I. (2004) ‘Criteria for qualitative research in psychology’, Qualitative

Research in Psychology , 1, (2), pp. 95-106.

Parker, I. (2004) ‘Discursive practice: Analysis, context and action in critical research ’, International Journal of Critical Psychology , 10, pp. 150-173.

Papadopoulos, D. and Schraube, E. (2004, September) ‘“This World

Demands our Attention". Ian Parker in Conversation with Dimitris

Papadopoulos and Ernst Schraube ’ [33 paragraphs]. Forum Qualitative

Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal],

5 (3), Art. 14. Available at:

Parker, I. (2004) ‘Rakan no seishin-bunseki’,

Journal for Lacanian Studies , 2,

(2), pp. 318-328.

Parker, I. (2004) ‘Žižek: Ambivalence and Oscillation’,

Psychology in Society ,

30, pp. 23-34.

Parker, I. (2004) ‘Psychoanalytic subjectivity, critical psychology and the performance of organisational change


Journal of Critical Psychology,

Counselling and Psychotherapy , 4, (3), pp. 155-163.

Parker, I. (2004) ‘Psychoanalysis and critical psychology’, in D. Hook (ed.), with N. Mkhize, P. Kiguwa and A. Collins (section eds) and E. Burman and I. Parker (consulting eds) (2004) Critical Psychology (pp. 138-161).

Cape Town: UCT Press.

Parker, I. (2004) ‘Söylemsel Pratik: Radikal Sosyal İnşacı Araştırmanın

Kabulünde Kültür ve Bağlam’ [‘Discursive practice: Culture and context in the reception of radical social constructionist research’], in S. A.

Arconaç (Ed) Doğunun ve Batının Yerelliği: Bireylik Bilgisine Dair (pp.

35-63) [TURKISH]


Parker, I. (1987) ‘"Social Representations": Social psychology’s (mis)use of sociology


Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour , 17 (4), pp.

