0161 439 6095 6 Liskeard Drive Bramall Stockport SK7 2JA 31 July 2015 Dear Members, The year has almost turned full-circle and this is the last time I shall be writing to you as President. It has been quite a busy year. We have sampled no fewer than 33 Coffee Mornings (with 5 yet to come); 9 meetings each at Travel and the English group of the Linguists, plus 3 Linguists open events and a visit to some of the other language groups; 7 events with Wine and Food; 7 Walrus Lunches and one afternoon Tea; 4 Theatre productions; 4 Dances; 4 formal Lunches with Sections and 3 Bowling events. I have been to an Art class, joined the Ramblers for several walks - leading one of them - and officiated at ten 250 Club Draws and 9 Whist sessions. We have also drawn innumerable Raffles – being asked to stir and pick the tickets at virtually every event we have attended. I'm sure there have been one or two other activities as well - just to make sure I didn't feel at a loose end! Ingrid and I have thoroughly enjoyed the many different events we have been invited to, taking part in activities we might not otherwise have sampled and meeting members who we would not normally encounter. We have been flattered by the warmth of the welcome we have received wherever we have been. Thank you so much for the experience. I should like to thank all those members and friends who helped in any way, either collectively or individually, towards my Charity effort this year. I am extremely grateful for all your efforts and generosity. While the accounts have not yet been completed, I can say with confidence that the results of my Charity Appeal have surpassed the target by a substantial amount. This draws my year to a very satisfactory and pleasing conclusion. Thank you. On a final note: I must add my condolences to Jean Tudge on the sudden and unexpected loss of Roy last month and, more happily, offer our congratulations on her joining the select band of Club Life Members in recognition of all her work for Brookdale. Ray Halls President 1 APOLOGIES FROM THE EDITOR The Editor hopes that all the readers and especially the President will accept her sincere apologies for giving his incorrect address in the last issue of the news. He hasn't moved. Another sincere apology for omitting the year when Jean Lingwood was born, the title should have read " MRS ISOBEL JEAN LINGWOOD - 6th June 1929 to 4th May 2015". She promises to do better this time! ***** OBITUARY Renee Hooley 30th December 1934 to June 6th 2015 President of Brookdale 1991/1992 It was with great sadness that many of us received the news that Renee had passed away in the early hours of Saturday 6 th June. Renee had been a member of Brookdale for almost 53 years having joined on 22 nd November 1962, when she indicated an interest in Theatre, Ramblers and Walrus. Most of us will long remember her for being very active in Theatre and in her early days when we had the Dramatic Society for whom she became Vice President for the season 1971/1972 and the Operatic Society for whom she was Vice President in the season 1999/2000. She was to be the last Vice President of these sections because in the following season we had the merging of both Sections to become one, i.e. Brookdale Theatre. During her active years with the Sections she worked for their success acting as Secretary, and working on several of the various sub-committees. Apart from her administrative work her real love was for performance itself and she was an active dancer in many musicals in addition to taking many parts in plays where she excelled in many comedy characters. She was the first Miss Erikson in an early presentations of J.B. Priestley's play "When we are Married". Renee became Club President for the season 1991/1992 which she enjoyed with her husband Geoffrey as her escort, giving a great deal of time to her interest and putting on one side for a period their joint interest in biking on Big Bikes. 2 I am sure that it was her greatest regret that she found her recent years difficult to handle as failing health gradually took over. However, her Club interests remained considerable and she was able to be present on several occasions during Amanda's recent Vice Presidency of Theatre, and she much enjoyed reading the Monthly magazine which kept her up to date with all that was going on at the time. She was much loved by all those of her generation and will be long remembered. Our thoughts go out to both Chris and Amanda at this sad time. ***** OBITUARY Joseph (Joe) Tindsley 19th January 1928 to 9th June 2015 President of Brookdale 1994/1995 The news that 'Joe' Tindsley had passed away on 9 th June was received by a large number of friends with great sadness. Joe was, above all, a gentleman of the first order to each and every person who was privileged to know him throughout his life. Joe was born in Tarleton, Lancs, was educated at Ormskirk Grammar School, worked for Barclays Bank for 40 years and retired in 1985. His period as a member of Brookdale is almost legendary together with his wife Mary they joined on 26th April 1971 (44 years ago). They both soon became involved in Club activities, their main interests being particularly in Theatre as well as Gardening and the Bowling Section when it was formed. His performances in many plays were always a joy to watch for he was seldom seen without a smile. As well as being in the sections mentioned he was also very helpful and active in the ADHOC/CODA group who were the centre piece of "Family Christmas Evening" for 42 years. His smooth baritone voice was always useful on these occasions. He was Treasurer of the dramatic Society for a number of years and was Vice President of the Section in the season 1981/1982. In 1980 he was "elevated" to the office of Club Treasurer, which office he held until 1991. Even in that sobering office his Annual reports were always interesting being often interspersed with many original amusing anecdotes. It was in 1994 that he became President of the Club when, with Mary at his side, he exuded his gentlemanly charm and wit to all and sundry. 3 Even though his time was much employed with all that has already been mentioned he was also a very active member of the Poynton Male Voice Choir. He was Chairman, Spokesman and Raconteur for many years. and he also enjoyed playing cricket for Poynton before turning to Bowls at a later stage. Both Joe and Mary were equally active with the Methodist Church in Bramhall and were prime movers in fund raising and in particular provided the motivation for the "Thrift Shop" which has been so successful for many years. "Joe" will always be remembered as a kindly cheerful distinguished and friendly person but, perhaps above all as a gentleman and a gentle man. ***** NOTES FROM THE GENERAL COMMITTEE We thought that we would clear up one or two points raised over the past few weeks 1) Coffee from the machine in the bar. Honestly you are not being short measured. The cups we buy are larger than the amount of drink dispensed. This is so that there is less risk of spillage. The china cups do hold the correct amount. 2) If you are wanting to open/create a new section, or intend to use the Brookdale name in any way such as with facebook, or the digital site, please consult the General committee. In both these recent cases, so long as there is access by an Administrator on the General Committee permission will probably be given. Please have a word with Roger Salt who will be pleased to bring it to committee on your behalf. Roger is responsible for Public Relations. 3) Do you live locally and could spare sometime to open and close the club for outside bookings. You will be trained, and importantly if we have plenty of volunteers it will keep the workload down. These bookings form an essential part of the Club income. 4) Are you handy? There are often jobs which only require a small amount of time if you can paint, or have skills which you could bring on an ad hoc basis Gerry Needham, the Maintenance chairman would love to hear from you. 5) We are looking for volunteers for bar duty. Full training will be given. Again if we have lots of volunteers the workload will not be onerous. We know there is a wealth of various skills and we would welcome any help, so that 4 those who are working so hard could have some assistance. We look forward to hearing from you. MaureenWalsh Chairman ***** LIFE MEMBER It is with pleasure that the General Committee have endorsed the appointment of Mrs. Jean Tudge as a Life member of the Brookdale Club. July 2015. ***** GETTING TO KNOW YOU HON. MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY I drove my 12 year old Ford KA nonchalantly into the car park at Brookdale HQ, tyres smoking! I was undercover again! I felt rather than saw, the pulsing red light on my dashboard. No, not the fuel gauge, it was a new message from Mission Control. I quickly set to work to dismantle the simple Snap-on device connecting the steering column. The GCHQ intercom was cleverly concealed within. Only 345 minutes later and I was able to take HQ’s urgent directive. “Hello Mummy…., Blake here, Over!” The intercom roared into life….. “Blake, Your mission today is to seek out, contact and discover all you can about the duties of the individual holding the title of Hon. Membership Secretary at Brookdale Club! Over!” Adrenalin coursing through my veins, I crept into the reception area of Brookdale HQ, hastily searching for clues. I read most of the notices but it was then, as I leafed through the pages of a Brookdale News. There, on the inside cover of the magazine, which is supplied to all of the Brookdale Members, against the title Hon. Membership Sec., was a contact number…0161 439 9371 My razor sharp instincts had paid off again…I knew time was of the essence now or my batteries might self-destruct and after trawling through my handbag (cleverly disguised as an umbrella), to find a coin for the coffee machine, then making myself comfortable and washing my disposable gloves, I didn’t delay and called the number. 5 The call was answered almost immediately by Alison Davids, otherwise known as: Hon Membership Secretary, we arranged to meet. KB It’s good to put a face to the title Hon Membership Secretary or would you prefer I call you Alison? Can you tell me how long you have been doing this job? AD Call me Alison, Hon Membership Sec is a bit of a mouthful I find! (That put me in my place) I have nearly completed my second year as Hon. Membership Secretary. The majority of my work revolves around the membership database, (around 900 records) that recently I was instrumental in improving. Like all the jobs at Brookdale, it is a completely voluntary position. (I sensed this was not always appreciated by Brookdale Members) The contact number is my own home number, therefore I am very appreciative when people ring in business hours as you did. I am not at my best in the evenings or at meal times. KB AD (Feeling smug now) Can you describe your tasks to me? I am responsible for keeping an accurate database of the adult membership records and advise the General Committee of applications from new members, resignations and death or changes of membership category. I have help from Barbara Dickinson who deals with all the BYT junior members separately. KB What sort of timescale do you work to? AD Monthly -I prepare the list of the new members being proposed to present to General Committee, this list also includes resignations, the juniors and any members who have died. Once the General Committee has approved the list it is posted on the general noticeboard in reception for 14 days, so existing Members can see it and take action if required. After the 14 days a copy is also sent to the secretary of each section, in order that individual committees may DISCUSS the potential for inviting new members to their section. It may also highlight an individual who has turned up in a section and shouldn’t be there. Regularly-I issue membership cards to new Introductory members along with Rules of the Club when the individual has paid their £20 Introductory Membership Fee (2015/16). There are no restrictions on the activities an Introductory Member can take part in. 6 Jan/Feb I organise the printing of Membership cards for Ordinary members with the Members’ name and membership number on each one. This comes from a spreadsheet I can export and create from the database. March I print out all Membership categories renewal notices from the database, these go into the Brookdale News that is delivered to members mid-April. That is a lot of paper! April/May I record and bank renewal monies as they arrive and update the database. There are various checking procedures to try to ensure nothing gets lost. Then new membership cards are sent out in the SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPES that members should have enclosed with their payments and renewal notices. Updating addresses and membership of sections happens too if the renewal notices are amended. Resignations are noted. For Introductory members from the last year or so who become Ordinary members at this time I send them their membership card and prepare their individual Club membership certificate with its unique number. They must be signed by two Directors of the Company which is the legal identity of Brookdale. The new members are also added to the Company Register which we must have up to date by law. June/July August September KB Time to write to defaulters . NB: PERSISTENT DEFAULTERS are very unhelpful. They have until the end of July to regularise their outstanding memberships Remove all outstanding defaulters from the database as we have to assume they have resigned and then provide a new membership list to Sections and others for September when Club activities resume in full. All membership records should by now be fully up to date for the Club AGM where of course only members who have paid their membership subscription can vote. To summarise then, what would you say is an essential requirement and benefit for any individual wishing to be Hon. Membership Secretary? 7 AD I’d say the ability to keep good records and be organised is pretty essential. One benefit is that you get to know lots of Club members and what they like to do in the Club. Sensing my batteries were on the blink, I thanked the Hon. Membership Secretary for the valuable information she had provided without the need for me to exert force and made a hasty exit. “Calling Mummy at GCHQ, this is Blake…. Kerry Blake. Mission accomplished… Over and Out”…….. “Ps. Can you get X or Y here to sort out the steering column……..? Over” ***** SOCIAL COMMITTEE Table Top Sales The next sale will be on Sunday September 27th. The charge for a Table is £8 and it’s a good means of getting rid of some of the ‘stuff’ in your loft for more than a few pennies. The telephone number for anyone wanting to book a table is 439 0606. Anyone who is willing to help with these Sales in any way will be very welcome. The tasks are not onerous and most need only take just over an hour of your valuable time. The following Sale will be on Sunday 18th October. Vice Presidents’ Evening Vice Presidents’ Evening this year will be on Saturday 19th September. The format this year will be similar to last year, which, it is worth remembering was introduced to enable more people to attend and avoid the cramped conditions experienced in 2013. The new Vice-Presidents will be introduced by Bill Woolland, “Brookdale’s favourite comedian”, in the Main Hall, following which there will be a light supper provided upstairs where VPs will host their section Members and guests at their allocated tables. After Supper, there will be entertainment in the Main Hall provided by Roy Locke. Roy is a male vocalist who has performed in the cast of, amongst others, Les Misérables and Phantom of the Opera. He also performs on cruise ships (operated by P & O and Royal Caribbean for example) and is noted for his renditions of Songs from the Shows. We are fortunate to have been able to obtain him for VPs’ Evening and look forward to his performance. 8 Tickets are priced at £12.00 as last year and, which we believe, is excellent value for money. They are available via your VPs. We are hoping for good support from all Sections. Christmas Fair The Fair will be held this year on Saturday 5th December – make a note in your diaries and don’t finish your shopping too early! This year the Fair will run from 10.00 am till 2.00 pm and we are expecting there will be a range of ‘outside’ stalls in addition to the traditional Brookdale stalls. All Sections and the regular participants are invited to take part in the Fair and will be contacted in September. We will need as much support as we can get to make this venture a success. The Christmas Fair Collection will be on Saturday 7 th November and will be combined with a Social Committee Coffee Morning. New Year’s Eve This year, entertainment will be by Judith Hibbert, who is a versatile performer who has worked extensively in tv, theatre, musicals, cabaret and pantomime and is, according to those who have seen her, very amusing. We have also retained our DJ from the last two years. More information will be in the next edition of Brookdale News. Diary dates: Table top sales 27th Sept and 18th Oct, Main and Lesser halls - 9.00 am - 12.00 VPs’ Evening Saturday 19th September. Main hall - 7.15 pm Christmas Fair Collection Saturday 7th November, Upper hall - 10.30 am Christmas Fair Saturday 5th December, Club (all halls) - 10.00 am - 2.00 pm * **** WHIST DRIVES Can you play Whist? If you can and have not already joined us on the third Thursday of the month, why not? Please come to the Upper Hall for the 7.30 pm start on Thursdays 20th August, 15th October, 19th November and 17th December. Your admission £2.00 includes tea ad biscuits in theintervalm and we also have a raffle. 250 CLUB 9 The new series of draws will commence on Saaturday 5th September 2015. Application forms were in the last "news" but there are plenty available in the Club. Thisis one way in which we ca all help to raisemoney for rookdale, and possibly win some foourselves. Twelve pounds will give ou one number which will be entered into twelvemonthy draws, each one giving three prizes. The amount paid out ids dependent on the number of people taking part, ad on how many "Shares" (or numbers) . They each purchase. the draw takes place in the bar, at 11.45 am on the first Saturday each month with the President normally picking the winning numbers. Please note - The original application froms were to be returned to Roy tudge - s he has s ince died, forms should now go to JeanTudge, andthe drasws will continueas normal. The winners of the last draws were: JUNE 1st 2nd 3rd Barry Bryan Pauline Ward Joan Clare 1st 2nd 3rd JULY 10 Leslie Davies Peter Greaves Dorothy Taberner Sections News (in alphabetical order) ANDANTE Another school year over and Andante is about to take a holiday after a very successful year. Thank you everyone who came to support our Charity Concert held for the President’s cause on Saturday 25th April as advertised for the Sunday afternoon at 3pm. All the feedback has been very complimentary. The audience enjoyed the choice of songs chosen and arranged by our leader Alan Streak, and were very impressed with the keyboard and piano entertainment from Whinge and Racket. The concert was just the right length and coffee and biscuits served by the choir at the interval were very well received. We were all so pleased to see that David Smith made the concert so soon after his hip replacement and the bass section were very relieved to have him back. He sounded just as good as ever even though he had to sit throughout the concert. Welcome back David. Sadly another of our Bass singers Ron Heywood came to the final rehearsal on the Friday evening but he was taken ill at the end of it and couldn’t make the real thing. He made a fair recovery on the Friday but the ambulance men insisted he went to hospital and stayed in over the weekend. Thankfully he has recovered and we hope to see him back singing with us as usual at our next meeting. Thanks to Carol Streak and her team for selling raffle tickets and raising a further £75 for the charity. There was one raffle prize of £75 to match. Thanks to the few people from the choir who set up the hall and to Sheilah Mullen for organising the refreshments. Ron Clare again organised the sound and lighting from that little corner raised room at the top end of the hall; he sat through the whole performance and the rehearsal monitoring and adjusting the audio and visual requirements. Thanks Ron you were much appreciated! The President Ray Hall was really appreciative of the whole afternoon and of the £525 raised. We were all very pleased to hear that he had reached his target and more for the Christie’s machine and both he and his wife Ingrid have been absolutely astounded by the generosity of many folk who made such generous contributions especially to Ingrid’s charity run, for which we all say well done Ingrid! What a great team Ingrid and Ray have made over the year. 11 We are glad to see Audrey Brukshaw trying to get back in to singing with the choir and hopefully she will be fully ready to start again when we return after the Summer recess. We are also pleased to see Doreen Shannon coming to choir as Trevor her husband (and our photographer for many years) is having treatment at Christies which requires a lot of visits and as we all know it can be very upsetting and tiring. But they both are making every effort to keep as much as possible to some normal routine and we of course are really glad to see them. It’s at times like these when people need to see their friends to update them and catch up on all the news and to bring some normality back in to their lives. And Brookdale thankfully is certainly a place which provides us all with just that opportunity. We have sadly missed the jolly company of Georgie Carlton over the past months and Joyce Doodson has been keeping us up to date on Georgie’s illness. She has text us herself to keep us informed and we have much appreciated that. We eagerly await news on her latest treatment. We are all thinking about her and send her our love. She has expressed her thanks to all who have sent her flowers and good wishes. We know that you Georgie and partner David are putting up a good fight and we are all rooting for you. Thank you Alan Streak for your work with the choir over the year, we do appreciate all your efforts and the support that your wife Carol gives to all our ventures. Have a good holiday. Welcome Peter Brown as our new VP and hopefully many of you will support him at the VPs evening on Saturday 19th September in the Main Hall. ***** ART Hi Everyone. We have lots to report. Firstly Carol Pilkington and Allison Moxon held a very successful workshop over 2 days. This was a master class in making greeting cards. Each person who made a card donated it to the Presidents Charity Day. The Art section had a stall at the Charity Day, we had a great variety of cards painted by our very talented artist. We did very well with the sales of the cards. Also we had a great display of paintings to sell. For our water colour challenge this year, Betty Farmer kindly offered us the use of her wonderful garden where 12 members of the art group were inspired to paint some lovely pictures. Thanks to Betty for the refreshments. On Friday 26th June, twelve members from our group went on an amazing adventure! They hired a barge from 12 Heritage Boats on the Congleton canal. This was a trial run for something we would like to do next year! There was not a lot of painting going on ,because everyone was having a great time. Maybe this had something to do with the Champers flowing. We had our own Captain Birdseye in the form of Arthur Blake. He managed to get everyone back safely to terra firma without sinking the boat. There are plans afoot for a trip to Liverpool on Wednesday 30th September, more details after the summer break. A date for your diary is Saturday 24th October, our annual coffee morning. We have a guest speaker who is a member of the art group, Peter Stafford, who will talk on holiday mishaps. We look forward to being entertained by his amusing anecdotes! Don’t forget , we start back after the summer break on Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th September. Perhaps while on holiday you could take you paint box and create a masterpiece. Have a great, creative summer. ***** BOWLING With very mixed weather so far this ‘summer’ the attendances up at the green have been relatively low although we have been pleased to welcome a few new members. The green is in quite good condition so do come along and have a go. One of our members is giving regular tuition on Tuesdays and the members who have taken up this offer are enjoying it. The Charity Bowling afternoon was held on Tuesday 16th June and we were very pleased to welcome Ray and Ingrid to the green in better weather conditions than when they opened the season for us back in April. Everyone enjoyed the bowling, we had delicious cakes for tea and a very well supported raffle, ending the afternoon with ‘bowl for the bottle’. We are pleased to have been able to hand over £91 to the President’s Charity and this was added to at the Charity Fair by a further £100 raised by ‘Play Your Cards Right’ and the raffle for the lovely walking stick carved by our very talented Chairman, Roger Grimes. Nat Heyes held his first Captain’s Day on the Thursday of that week and ran a very successful event on a dry but cool day. Most of us eventually mastered the very tricky green at Poynton Sports Club and the winners were Mildred Gillespie and Ray Bradley with Brenda Macdonald and Philip Edwards taking the runners up position. The catering was, as usual, excellent and we dined well with lunch and evening meal being provided. 13 Carol Streak will be posting a notice on the boards shortly to judge what interest there might be in members buying a royal blue polo shirt with the Brookdale Club Bowls Section logo. These will cost £12 and Carol is the person to contact if you are interested. The annual knock-out competition is now underway, disappointingly low numbers of ladies taking part but a fair number of gentlemen are competing for the two cups. This event needs to be completed no later than mid-September so please make sure the early rounds are played quite soon. ***** BRIDGE In a time of quietude I have little to say, save to report on the health of some of our members – but not many! Anne Thompson remains unwell but is now back to her own home. Jean Screeton is feeling much better and she too is no longer in hospital. As ever the summer and all its warmth, have driven many off to foreign parts and to our own local pleasant resorts. Numbers at our several weekly sessions are temporarily smaller, allowing those who have remained in dear old Stockport, an opportunity to seem better than we are, so allowing some to acquire Master Points, which may flatter to deceive. This does much to boost our ego, but reality will soon kick in again .However, we still can do our stuff in participating in what remain of our President’s Charity events. ***** CARACAMP Although we manage fewer weekends away than we used to they have been no less enjoyable. The Carabreak at Carrog in North Wales was a very successful weekend organised by Kerry and Arthur Blake. It is already time to look forward to our September Coffee morning which will take place on Saturday 19th September at 10.30am.and we hope to see old and new friends there. Everyone is welcome at our Carachat evenings. The next one is on Monday 12th October at 8.00pm in the Lesser hall. Please watch the notice board for details of the evening's programme. 14 It is good to know that David Smith is making excellent progress with his new hip and we hope he and Audrey will be with us for all our autumn events. ***** DANCING Our second charity tea dance was held on Sunday 21st June and we raised a pleasing amount for the President’s charity. Gerry was our MC and he put together a varied dance programme enjoyed by all. Our committee provided a cream scone tea which was very well received and made the dancing essential to work off all the extra calories. Our thanks go to Richard and Susan Church for demonstrating the Star Ruby Rumba; it took four sessions for us to get it right but now we’re experts! It has become a regular part of our repertoire at our weekly dance sessions on Wednesday evenings. We look forward to our annual coffee morning on Saturday 8th August and our Autumn dance on Saturday 14th November. ***** GARDENING The Brookdale garden is looking a picture, as it has done all year and the hanging baskets provide a colourful welcome to all that visit the club. In the Garden Containers Now is the time to water containers daily, remove dead flowers, and replace plants past their best. Before going on holiday, move containers to a shady spot. Order bulbs for autumn planting and prepare containers for planting spring bulbs. Empty compost from containers not required during the winter. General In August take and root cuttings of shrubs, heathers, hydrangeas, geraniums and fuchsias. Check all labels and renew as necessary. Continue to spray against pests, diseases and mildew especially on Michaelmas daisies 15 Indoor Plants In August continue watering and feeding at the summer rate. In September slightly reduce watering and feeding. Keep tender plants away from windows on cold nights. Move plants liking plenty of light from west to a south window. Reduce the amount of water given to cacti. Where applicable complete re-potting and pruning. Examine plants for signs of over-watering or of pest attack. Control red spider mites a proprietary brand of insecticidal soaps and oils work best. As these pests are encouraged by a dry atmosphere, try to increase atmospheric humidity round the plants. June and July have been busy months for the gardeners at Brookdale: Saturday 13th June Coffee Morning in the Main Hall Our Coffee morning was well attended. The table flower displays were once again very attractive and testament to the skill and dedication of all who contributed. Our Head Gardener and Chairperson Maureen gave good gardening advice to all, as ever and Colin Smith our VP provided the group with much jollity and mirth. Conversation, tea and coffee flowed in abundance. Another successful morning! Tuesday 23rd June – Visit to Hopton Hall near Carsington Water, Derbyshire. On the way to Hopton Hall we stopped off at Carsington Waters a nice place to relax for a while with its big expanse of water and plenty of lovely views to take in and have lunch. Then on to Hopton Hall. Hopton Hall, dating back to 1414, lies on the edge of the Peak National Park. The formal gardens which have been faithfully restored include a walled garden in which were planted over 2000 roses in 40 individual beds surrounded by neatly trimmed box plants. Many of our group followed the meandering paths along the croquet lawn, rose walk and around the ornamental ponds which created a spectacular summer display. A good time was had by all. Saturday 18th July - Coffee Morning, Flower and Rose Show in the Main Hall The combined Flower and Rose show coffee morning was well attended and the flowers and roses entered in the show were a credit to all who entered. Our Head Gardener and Chairperson Maureen congratulated all the winners for the high standard of entries and provided encouragement to those who did not win this time. Kath Eager’s was a worthy winner of “Best in Show”. Thursday 23rd July – Vice Presidents visit to Portmeirion. The 52 travellers enjoyed Colin Smith’s VP Trip to Portmeirion which is a lovely place to visit. One minute you are in picturesque north Wales and the next you are in an Italian village ...quite surreal. The village, which was the location for the TV series “The Prisoner”, has views across estuary, mountains and water. A good time was had by all. 16 Forthcoming Events for your diary Saturday 15th August - Coffee Morning in the Main Hall Saturday 12th September - Coffee Morning and Home Grown Show Main Hall The Home Grown show (fruit, vegetables, flowers, cakes and preserves) is open to all members of the Garden Section and all are encouraged to exhibit whether you are seasoned entrants, new or not yet started. Exhibiting at a show is not very difficult, it is usually common sense and gardeners have plenty of that. Have a go. Some guidance which may help: Cut Flowers. Always pick your best and most even blooms, as close as possible to the show date. Ensure they are free from leaf and petal damage. Arrange them tidily in the correct size and type of container. Use plenty of water to keep them fresh. Vegetables and fruit. Use good quality produce, which has been washed and clean but not polished. Go for uniformity rather than size and make sure you exhibit the correct quantity for each class. Further details will be made available nearer the time at the coffee morning and at the notice board. Saturday 17th October - Coffee Morning in the Main Hall To any of our members who are in ill health, or, are recovering, we send our best wishes. ***** LINGUISTS As summer progresses, I have been to several events involving cream teas, and I find that there seems to be much doubt as to whether we were eating “Scones” (to rhyme with “cones”) or “scons” (to rhyme with “dons”). I have also found that one is usually seen as “common” and the other as “posh”, but no agreement as to which is which. Ever ready to resolve our members’ linguistic difficulties, I have researched the matter deeply, and the OED says that either is correct – so it doesn’t matter. Having provided this helpful guidance, I will turn to future events, and remind you that our Autumn Tea Afternoon will be on Wednesday 23rd September at 2.30pm in the Upper Hall. As well as afternoon tea, there will a talk by Janet Bradshaw entitled “Nine 17 Lives” which will tell us about the lives of nine people living at Tatton Park at different periods of its history. Details are on the Notice Board, and there is also a list for names of those likely to attend. Adding your name to the list does not commit you, but does help us with catering, so please do use it. Our next event will be the Section VPs Evening, which will be on Saturday 31st October at 7.30pm in the Main Hall. This year’s evening is a flavour of the forties, when “The Lancashire Belle”, Jane Francis, will sing songs from the 1940’s, no doubt with lots of opportunities for the audience to join in. There will also be a two-course supper, with a hot main course and a light desert. Tickets cost £15 each, and will be strictly limited, so do book early using the form in this edition of the “News”, or one of those available by the Notice Board. During the summer, the French Group will be playing boules in the Car park as usual on Monday evenings and Sunday mornings with other sessions possible depending on the weather, so do watch the Notice Board for details. I have mentioned before the proposed new Scrabble Group, but response so far has been limited, so if you are interested, please contact David Greenfield on 0161-4399371 or at davidgreenfield371@btinternet.com or speak to any member of the Committee. I must also appeal for contributions for the 2015 edition of “Clipboard”, so respond to your inner novelist or poet and write something for us. Contributions may be sent by email to davidgreenfield371@btinternet.com or you can put a typed or handwritten copy in the Linguist’s mail slot. Finally, language groups will be gearing up again shortly for the new season, and new members are always welcome. They require a reasonable knowledge of the language concerned, and most have some expert speakers. The English group is for anyone with an interest in the spoken and written language, and its activities are very varied – come and try it, and relish our varied and beautiful language! To find out more, do contact the Group Leaders who are:FRENCH GERMAN WELSH ENGLISH SPANISH Jo Moor Enquiries to George Beaumon t Jean Harrington David Singleton ***** 18 0161-439 9818 0161-439 9371 0161-439 5445 0161-456 8761 0161-485 5123 RAMBLERS Long Ramble – Castleton and Hope Valley. Thursday, 28th May 2015. Leader: Denis Downham. Parking close to Treak Cliff Tavern at Goosehill the eight ramblers took to the footpaths and tracks, with magnificent views surrounding them, to the village of Castleton with Pereril Castle high above them to the right. Proceeding on and following the Peakshole Water to Hope village, we then reversed our direction of travel to head back to the Castleton area. Again across the green fields with sheep and lambs ignoring our progress to arrive back at our cars having walked eight miles over our journey. Long Ramble Thursday 25th June Leader Ray Wood Seven fit and able-bodied ramblers set off from the lay-by just through Whaley Bridge where we were met by a pig that Lord Emsworth (P G Wodehouse - Blandings Castle) would have been proud of. Then, a donkey in Taxal Churchyard wanted to be fed! We walked along the River Goyt, Fernilee and Errwood reservoirs to Errwood Hall ruins. On the way, a wild orchid was photographed for identification! Here we picnicked in the sunshine before setting off back over the dam and back along the other side of Fernilee through Taxal Woods to the cars. Lovely scenery, good company and wonderful weather, the 8+ miles were enjoyed by everyone! Long Ramble. Longshaw Estate to Curbar. Thursday 23rd July 2015. Leader: Denis Downham. The weather that day was dry and cloudy but with a small amount of sun shine. Leaving the car park we, the five ramblers, walked for three quarters of a mile to reach the windy high standing White Edge which we proceeded along for two and a half miles. Following that, we then followed the path across Eaglestone Flat passing Eagle Stone, a large outcrop of grit stone, to reach the Wellington monument, which was built in 1866. A short distance on we stopped for lunch on a hillside that overlooked the beautiful valley with Chatsworth House and its imposing fountain in view. Pressing on along paths and tracks viewing Baslow Edge, passing through Bee Wood and then admiring and passing the grit stone cliffs of Froggatt Edge we arrived back at the car park after an enjoyable and excellent walk. 19 Ramble 13th June Leader Harry MacDonald On the twelfth of June, thirteen club members met in the Brookdale car park at 0930. The walk planned was to be along the Middlewood Way and then back along the Macclesfield canal app. 4.7 miles. We progressed to Nelsons Pit car park, last toilet stop before starting our walk. From the car park, we walked down to the Middlewood Way joining it where the Old Middlewood station platform used to be. On this lovely warm early summers morning we set a good pace for this section of the walk. Just before we came to the point where we turn off for the next section of the walk we stopped at a small picnic area for light refreshments. From this point, we then left Middllewood way walking up along Springbank Lane for 200yds then walking down onto the canal towpath. This section of our walk contrasting in a very pleasant way due to the passing barges and bird life on the canal. On finishing our walk at Nelsons Pit, ten of us went off for what was to be an excellent lunch at the Boars Head Pub. Ramble round Marple Dale on Thursday 9th July. Leaders: Jacquie Mountain and Rita Chadwick. The forecast for the day was fine and it didn't let us down. 19 of us were delighted to be joined by Joan Claire making her comeback after hip surgery and to see her striding out with the best. After parking at Rose Hill, we crossed Stockport Rd and made our way down Dale Rd. We followed the narrowing track which descends into the valley, where the ground drops steeply through trees to the River Goyt and passed by Lower Dale Farm which dates back to 1719. Below the weir we crossed the Goyt via the Otterspool Bridge to make a detour to Chadkirk Chapel to enjoy our snacks sitting in glorious sunshine on benches in its sheltered walled gardens. Returning uphill we made our way past the playing fields of Marple College, and the site of 17th Century Marple Hall. To end the morning there was a fine lunch to be had at the Railway Inn for any that wished to dine. Stroll along Macclesfield Canal from Windmill Inn to Brookledge Lane on Sunday 28 June 2015 Leaders: Alan Barker and Tony Cummings Six strollers set off from the Windmill Inn car park on a warm and cloudy day. We walked up Holehouse Lane, crossed over the railway bridge and turned left onto the canal bank. We walked along the canal bank and eventually reached the bridge at Brookledge Lane. Everywhere was lovely and green after the recent warm and wet weather. We turned off the canal bank and walked down the lane past a group of lovely 20 well-kept stone cottages festooned with flowers. After a few yards, we took the 20 or so steps down to Middlewood Way and headed back to the Windmill Inn. We stopped halfway along Middlewood Way not far from one of the old railway maintenance blockhouses. We sat on a nearby bench and admired the view west over the Cheshire Plain. We could clearly see the control tower at Manchester Airport and what we took to be a big heap of rubble from the recently demolished buildings at the old Woodford Airfield. We carried on back to the Windmill Inn where we had an excellent lunch. Stroll in Etherow Country Park on Sunday 26 July 2015 Leaders: Alan Barker and Tony Cummings We were joined by a new member of the Ramblers on her first stroll. 7 of us set off from Etherow Country Park car park on cool, cloudy and drizzly day. We took the middle path separating the model boating lake from the real boating lake. We had a quick look at the display case, which gave a brief history of the mills. The local landowner, George Andrew, built Compstall village and 3 mills in the 1820s. 2 still stand. The one, which has had a few floors removed, is Scotland Mill as Andrew employed lots of workers from Scotland. The area beyond our destination of the weir was his private shooting and fishing grounds. We walked at a leisurely pace, stopping and talking to the ducks and swans as we went. Lots of fishermen were trying their luck. We reached the weir, which was in full flood after the recent wet weather. A Blackthorn Cider concert weekend was in progress at the nearby farm. We have a couple of group photos to prove it. We returned to the car park but took the path on the left of the lake after an enjoyable walk. A non-stroller joined us for lunch at the Foresters’ Arms in Romiley. The meal was reasonable but the service very slow. Please join us for Coffee and Scones in the Upper Hall at 10.30am on 26th September 2015 ***** THEATRE Well, who said Summer was the quiet time in theatre terms? There has been plenty happening since the last newsletter. Greater Manchester Drama Federation held its One-Act Play Festival and Brookdale Theatre received a Certificate of Merit for Lunch Hour, directed by Keith Fenwick. Congratulations to those involved! It also gave Tom Wordsworth and George Fish an 21 opportunity to try their hand at directing – a good experience and one we hope they feel inspired to repeat. Then we had four nominations in the GMDF Full Length Play Festival: Ian Tyler, best actor in Fiddler on the Roof; Hannah Clifford, best female youth performance in Grease; George Cockburn, best male youth performance also in Grease; and Technical (ingenious design for the small stage) for Fiddler on the Roof. On the night of the awards ceremony, two further nominations were added: Grease for best youth theatre production and the costumes of Present Laughter. Congratulations to all the above nominees and, although none of them actually won, we were delighted to see Sue Khouri receive the Muriel Goodwin Trophy, a prestigious award made at the discretion of the GMDF Board. The citation read "for her outstanding contribution to the development and encouragement of young people in all aspects of amateur theatre." Well-deserved recognition for Sue and her team. The weather was kind on Sunday 19th July when a group of Theatre members enjoyed a very pleasant walk in the sunshine organised by Bob Wallman. Thanks Bob! For all those interested in providing technical support next season, there will be a Stage and Props meeting at 8pm on Tuesday 1st September. As always, teams are needed for such things as lights, sound, props, wardrobe etc. Come along if you'd like to find out more. As usual in August there was no Theatre coffee morning but they resume on Saturday 5th September. Don't forget the Club AGM on Thursday 17th September and then VPs' Evening on Saturday 19th September. And, on that subject, huge thanks to Iain Dickinson for representing Theatre with such energy and enthusiasm as he hands over the badge to our new VP, Jane Booth. Now that auditions are at an end and casting has been accomplished - not any easy task by all accounts - rehearsals are just beginning for the first production of the new season: Curtain Up! which tells the hilarious story of five very different women who have inherited equal shares in a derelict theatre, as they set about the challenge of restoring it. As their efforts become more desperate, will they make it to opening night? And what about that celebrity appearance! Performance dates are Wednesday 7th to Saturday 10th October; don't miss it! Booking form enclosed. Then, for one night only, Saturday 24th October, we’re going back to the 1920s, the era of prohibition. Brookdale Theatre Speakeasy offers you bootleg liquor, a delicious 22 cold buffet and entertainment by jazz band "Annie's Saints and Sinners" along with the opportunity to dance. All for only £14 a head - see the booking form enclosed. Spread the word quietly and don’t tell the Feds! And finally, do make a note of the performance dates of BYT’s Crazy for You – Monday 23rd to Saturday 28th November, with a Saturday matinee. More in the next newsletter. ***** TRAVEL At our June meeting Ron Clare gave us a very good trip down to the Panama Canal, where we saw wales, crocodiles and exotic birds. A very enjoyable evening. Friday 17th July - Des Heath took us on an exploration of "The Lost World of Mapu". To be honest, I have never heard of Mapu but it is certainly a lovely place to explore. This talk was part 1, so we are hoping to get him back to give us part 2. Saturday 22nd August is our next coffee morning where we will be taking books for the Autumn supper. Unfortunately, due to ill health John has not finalised the speaker for the September, October and November meetings. As soon as we know, it will be posted on the notice Board. All best wishes for a speedy recovery to any of our members who are currently under the weather. ***** WALRUS As I write the August issue entry for Walrus in the Brookdale News, I have just realised that it is "Summer". Well, well, well, perhaps when you receive this we shall all have forgotten the weather we have been having this week. In fact on the odd occasion the evenings have been so cool that some of us have found it necessary to give ourselves a burst or two of central heating. Anyway, keeping our fingers crossed in pure British style I feel sure that we must be due for some real sunshine before Autumn sets in. 23 There really isn't a great deal to report on this month, only the hope that those of you who have already been away for a break enjoyed yourselves. Now we can look forward to our new season, beginning with our September Lunch on Wednesday 16th September. I'm sure that by the time you read this you will realise that the date is, as always, the day before the Club AGM, it is therefore the last official function for our retiring President before he hands over his chain of office to his successor. It therefore provides us with the last opportunity to entertain both himself and Ingrid and to give us the opportunity of thanking both of them for their interest and support in Walrus activities throughout his term of office, and to congratulate him on his year of success. Our thanks to both of them. We should not let the date pass however without thanking Arthur Watson who together with his escort Sheila has made his year as our Vice President one which we will remember. Well done to you Arthur and well done to Sheila who despite her health problems has come through with flying colours. So our lunch on Wednesday 16th September. Hopefully by now, you will have seen the notice on the Noticeboard and placed your names upon it. Our first speaker of the Season will be our new secretary, Elaine Stafford, who is going to talk about her work in the Coroners Court as a Witness Protection Officer. I have had the privilege of hearing her on this subject previously and must tell you this is one not be missed. Our usual caterers will be back with us once more. In the next issue of the News I will be able to tell you what we have in store for the future, meanwhile, seek out the sun and enjoy August and the early part of Autumn. Above all keep well. ***** WINE AND FOOD +Despite the lack of sun so far this summer, here's hoping you've all been enjoying June and July. Our VP Evening on Saturday 12th June to celebrate John Swait's year took the form of a Palm Court Evening. Over 100 members and guests, our President and Ingrid, and most VPs and escorts, enjoyed a 'high tea' reminiscent of the era, plus free flowing wine. Both were plentiful and excellent. We then listened to an musical trio regaling us with a variety of classical and semi classical music, which though not to everyone's taste (what entertainment is at Brookdale! ) was beautifully played. 24 Many of the committee were away for various reasons, and we were very fortunate to have help from a number of members of Wine and Food and also several non members who gave their skills, time and effort to ensure that the evening ran to our usual high standards. An enormous thank you is due to them all (you know who you are). John and Ann were delighted with everything. There are still a few seats left on the coach for the Nantwich Trip on Friday 4th September. Hurry if you want to come; just £9 to Roger Salt (439 0371) will secure your place. Our next offering is Brookdale's answer to Oktoberfest on Friday 2nd October - note the early date as there is play the following week. On with the lederhosen and the dirndl skirts (only joking) and be prepared to listen to the Oompah band complete with a guest Beer and Sue's specialty food. There's an insert in the centre pages to book your tickets. Sounds like a lot of fun! Before we know it the new Brookdale season will be starting , with a new President , new Vice Presidents and so many of the traditions we all know and love, and no doubt some splendid new ones. Here's hoping it will be a happy, healthy and friendship filled year (with plenty of good food and wine, naturally!). ***** NEW MEMBERS We would like to welcome the following new members to Brookdale:JUNE Introductory Mr Michael Ardern Mr Peter Davies Mr Brian Hill Mr Rodney Bellamy Mr David Higgins Mrs Dorothy Macfall Transfers of Introductory to Ordinary Mrs Carol Hodson Mrs Alison Moxon Dr Philip Edwards Mrs Stephanie Edwards Miss Wendy Ramsay Mr Frank Cherry Mrs Marian Ruscoe Mrs Lynne Lea Miss Sheila Donaldson Mrs Marjorie Duffield 25 Mrs Linda Bellamy Mrs Barbara Hill Dr Jacqueline Chang Mr J V (Nat) Heyes Mrs Elise Cherry Mrs Mavis Stott Dr Martin Bradshaw Mrs Marguarita Bradshaw Mrs Anna Drackley Mrs Wendy Massey Mr Roland Hunter Mrs Rajni Mehta Mrs Dorothy Neillands Mrs Carole Pilkington Resignations Mrs Beryl Sykes Rev David Stoter Mr Graham Sharp Mrs Margaret White Mrs Vera McWhirter Mr Eric Pallant Dr Eric Bell Mrs Doreen McGrady Mr Richard Acaster Deaths Mrs Isobel Jean Lingwood Mrs Hiliary Wood Mr Stuart Drackley Mrs Shirley Cawthra Mrs Terrie Hunter Mrs Sylvia Spurrell Mr Michael Jasiok Mrs Julia Clough Mr Walter Sykes Mrs Marcia Wrinch Mr Frederick Berry Mr Robert Swann Mr Charles Perry Mrs Judith Booth Mr James Ogg Mr Henry McGrady Mrs Alice McLellan Mrs Bronwen Jones Mrs Christine Finch Mrs Angela Dodd Mrs Sheila Nicolls Mr Andrew Garlick Mrs Mary Impey Mrs Lynda Harrison Mrs Moira Stoter Mrs Mary Sharp Mrs Margaret Shaw Mr Peter McWhirter Mrs P Buxton Mrs Jane Houlker Ms Joan Chana Mr Michael Ward Mrs Dorothy Hughes ***** MESSAGES TO MEMBERS Jean Tudge and family thank everyone for all the ways in which sympathy and help have been offered following Roy's death. Our Brookdale family has been a great comfort and support. Thank you! The Art section are pleased to see George Beaumont back in the fold after his recent illness. Christine Williams has been under the weather of late we all wish you a speedy recovery. Bowling section sends best wishes to Denis Cherrington, David Lythgoe, Trevor Shannon, Jack Townley, Hilda Taylor and Ron Heywood, all of whom are either still in hospital, are receiving treatment as out-patients or are recovering at home. The Dancing Section sends love and best wishes to Trevor Shannon and Denis Cherrington who are both ‘going through the wars’ at present. To all members who are experiencing some health issues and are unable to attend regularly at the moment; we 26 hope you get well soon. On a happier note, congratulations to Jean Tudge on being made a life member of the Club; a well-deserved honour. The Gardeners send their best wishes for a speedy recovery to David Lythgoe, Robyn Caro , Hilda Taylor, Trevor Shannon ,Denis Cherrington , Christine Williams, George Beaumont, Marlene Watson and Diane Bowker all of whom have been or are suffering from health problems in varying degrees Theatre send congratulations to newlyweds Kirsty Buxton and Nathan; and Laura Bamford and Kieran. And also best wishes to Jane Booth and Ron Heywood who have not been well recently. Theatre send congratulations to newlyweds Kirsty Buxton and Nathan; and Laura Bamford and Kieran. And also best wishes to Jane Booth and Ron Heywood who have not been well recently. ***** CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Jean Tudge on being made a Life Member of the Club as she approaches her 55th Anniversary as a member. A well deserved reward. Congratulations from the Gardeners to David Lythgoe on becoming a Life Member of the Section The Gardeners send their Congratulations and Best Wishes to Nora Newbitt on the occasion of her 102nd Birthday on 26th June" Congratulations to Jean Tudge on being made a Life Member of the Club as she approaches her 55th Anniversary as a member. A well deserved reward. From the Social committee. ***** 27 CONDOLENCES It is very sad to report the passing of Sandra Cockell she will be missed by everyone at the Art section. The Social Committee were very sorry to hear of the death of Roy Tudge, a long serving Member of Brookdale and the Social Committee and would like to offer its sincere condolences and sympathy to Jean and family. The Dancing Section were saddened to hear of the death of Roy Tudge and our sincere condolences go to Jean and all the family. The Gardeners were saddened to hear of the deaths of Roy Tudge and Joe Tindsley, Their sincere condolences are sent to Jean, and Mary and family Theatre send heartfelt condolences to the families of Renee Hooley, Joe Tindsley, Dorothy Hughes and Roy Tudge. The Social Committee were very sorry to hear of the death of Roy Tudge, a long serving Member of Brookdale and the Social Committee and would like to offer its sincere condolences and sympathy to Jean and family. Theatre send heartfelt condolences to the families of Renee Hooley, Joe Tindsley, Dorothy Hughes and Roy Tudge. ***** 28 SECTION SECRETARIES If you have any queries concerning a Section or Event you may find the following list helpful:- Section Andante Art Bar* Bowling Bridge Caracamp Dancing Digital Photo Gardening Kitchens* Linguists Ramblers Social* Theatre Theatregoers* Travel Walrus Food and Wine *Sub- Committee Secretary Pam Griffiths Pauline Borodenko Angela Cowap Hiliary Black Rosemary Moorhouse Wendy Birch-Jones Alison Dawson Ingrid Halls Val Evans Wendy Joyce Sheila Haley Shirley Cropper Judy Rodwell Sylvia Dennis Vivien Whittaker Jean Hopkins Elaine Stafford Val Miller Telephone No. 419 9727 439 1076 439 5598 440 9074 427 6001 483 1672 439 7518 439 6095 01625525580 01625 873601 439 5240 483 0626 4854665439 5398 01663 763567 439 2648 439 6626 483 1400 439 5751 Contact details for Club Officials and the Editor are inside the front cover. If you would like any information about joining any of the above groups or helping the committees then please do not hesitate to ring the Secretary shown above for more information. 29 Brookdale News Deadlines Edition dated Copy to Editor Delivery from by 17:00 hrs on about: Events for the approx period Feb to March April to May June to July August to Sept October to Nov December to Jan 31st January 31st March 31st May 31st July 30th September 30th November March to May May to July July to September September to Nov November to Jan January to March 15th February 15th April 15th June 15th August 15th October 15th December 30 FORTHCOMING EVENTS AUGUST Thurs 20th Sat 22nd Sun 23rd Thurs 27th SEPTEMBER Fri 4th Sat Sat 5th 5th Sat 5th Sun 6th Thurs 10th Sat 12th Weds 16th Thurs 17th Fri 18th Sat 19th Sat 19th Mon 21st Weds 23rd Thurs 24th Sat 26th Sun 27th Sun 27th Weds 30th OCTOBER Thurs 1st Sat 3rd Sat 3rd Sat 3rd Weds - 7th Sat 10th Thurs 8th Sat 10th Mon 12th Thurs 15th Open Whist Drive Travel Coffee morning Ramblers: Stroll Ramblers: Long Ramble UPPER HALL UPPER HALL CAR PARK CAR PARK 19:30 10:30 10:30 09:30 Wine & Food day trip to Nantwich food COACH festival Theatre Coffee morning UPPER HALL New Series 250 draw BAR 10:00 New Series 50 Club draw Bar Quiz - Jean Tudge Ramblers: Ramble Gardeners Coffee morning Walrus luncheon CLUB AGM Travel Caracamp Coffee morning VPs Evening Box Office opens Linguists Autumn Tea Afternoon Ramblers: Long Ramble Ramblers Coffee morning Table Top Sale Ramblers: Stroll Outdoor bowling ends BAR BAR CARPARK MAIN HALL MAIN HALL MAIN HALL UPPER HALL UPPER HALL MAIN HALL BOX OFFICE UPPER HALL CAR PARK UPPER HALL CLUB CAR PARK PARK 11:45 20:00 09:30 10:00 12:30 19:45 20:00 10:30 19:15 19:00 14:30 09:30 10:30 09:00 10:30 13:30 Indoor Short Mat bowling begins Theatre Coffee Morning 250 Club draw Wine & Food Section: Oktoberfest Theatre Production: Curtain Up! JUBILEE RM UPPER HALL BAR UPPER HALL MAIN HALL 13:30 10:30 11:45 20:00 19:45 Ramblers: Ramble Bowling Coffee Morning Carachat: Open Whist Drive CAR PARK UPPERHALL LESSER HALL UPPER HALL 09:30 10:30 20:00 19:30 31 10:30 11:45 Fri Sat Sun 16th 17th 18th Weds 21st Thurs 22nd Sat Sun Sat 24th 25th 31st NOVEMBER Sat 7th Sat 7th Sat 7th Mon 9th Thurs 12th Sat 14th Sat 14th Weds 18th Thurs 19th Fri 20th Sun 22nd Mon - 23rd Sat 28th Thurs 26th DECEMBER Sat 5th Sat 5th Thurs 17th Sat 19th Thurs 31st Travel Autumn Supper Gardening Coffee Morning Table Top Sale TBA MAIN HALL CLUB 20:00 10:00 09:00 Walrus Luncheon Ramblers: Long Ramble MAIN CAR PARK 12:30 09:30 Theatre Social: Speakeasy Ramblers: Stroll Linguists VP's Evening with The Lancashire Belle MAIN HALL CARPARK MAIN HALL 19:30 10:30 19:30 Christmas Fair Collection Coffee morning Theatre Coffee morning 250 Club draw Box Office opens Ramblers: Ramble Gardening Coffee Morning Dancing Section Autumn dance Walrus Luncheon Open Whist Drive Travel Ramblers: Stroll BYT Production: Crazy For You UPPER HALL 10:30 UPPER HALL BAR BOX OFFICE CAR PARK MAIN HALL MAIN HALL MAIN UPPER HALL UPPER HALL CAR PARK MAIN HALL 10:30 11:45 19:00 09:30 10:00 19:30 12:30 19:30 20:00 10:30 19:30 Ramblers: Long Ramble CAR PARK 09:30 Christmas Fair 250 Club draw CLUB BAR 10:00 11:45 Christmas Whist Drive Gardening Coffee morning & "traditional" Christmas Table decorations Competition New Year's Eve UPPER HALL MAIN HALL 19:30 10:00 MAIN HALL TBA 32