Chapter 12 I’ve been interested in developing a sports-based Stat200 course. Our department naturally is concerned with the interest students would have in such a course as well as the make-up of it. To address this issue I posed a survey to all Stat200 students registered at UP. Approximately 45% of those registered responded. The survey was very simple with two of the questions being, “What is your gender” and “Would you prefer the current format, either format or a sports format delivery of Stat200?” The format responses for current/either were combined as the focus was on specifically prefer versus not specifically prefer the sports course. (NOTE: to start just look at the counts and inquire as to what students believe. Then point out that to make comparisons, unless the counts are equal for each condition, is difficult unless we have percentages. Tabulated statistics: Gender, Format Rows: Gender Columns: Format Current Sports All Female 321 66.46 259.8 162 33.54 223.2 483 100.00 483.0 Male 111 34.69 172.2 209 65.31 147.8 320 100.00 320.0 All 432 53.80 432.0 371 46.20 371.0 803 100.00 803.0 Cell Contents: Count % of Row Expected count Pearson Chi-Square = 78.171, DF = 1, P-Value = 0.000 Commonly the explanatory variable is placed on the row and the response variable on the vertical. So for this data Gender would be explaining the attitude toward monetary support. Conditional percents for rows are comprised by the taking a cell total divided by the row total; for columns this conditional percent is taken by cell total divided by column total. For example, of Females the conditional percent who said “Yes” to the sports format is 162/483 = 33.54%; for Males this conditional percent who said “Yes” is 209/320 = 65.31%. As to columns, of those that said “Sports” the conditional percent that were Female is 162/371 = 43.67% Probability, Risk, and Odds If we randomly selected a student, what is probability that the student said “Sports”? 371/803 = 0.462 What is the risk that a randomly selected student said “Sports?” Again, 371/803 = 0.462 1 What is the proportion of those who said “Sports”? Again, 371/803 = 0.462 What is the percent of those who said “Sports”? Similarly 371/803 = 0.462 times 100% 46.2% As we can see, these four are equivalently saying the same thing just using different phrasing. What are the odds a person says sports? This is now 371/ 432 which is approximately 0.88 to 1. Questions to class: What is probability that a Male says “Sports”? 209/320 = 0.6531 What is the risk that a Male says “Sports”? 209/320 = 0.6531 How about the proportion and percentage? Proportion also 0.6531 while the percentage is 65.31% What are the odds that a Male says Yes? 209/111 = 1.89 or approximately 2 to 1. How are the odds interpreted? We would say then that the odds of a Male saying “Sports” is 2 to 1 or 2 of every 3 would opt for Sports. Relative Risk is when two risks are compared. For instance the relative risk that Females say Sports to Males that say Sports would be calculated by the ratio of risk for Females saying Sports to the risk of Males saying Sports. The Female-Sports risk is 162/483 and the Male-Sports risk is 209/320. This would make the relative risk (162/483)/( 209/320). This computes to 0.3354/0.6531 = 0.51 The interpretation is that the probability that a student prefers Sports format is 0.51 times higher for Females than for Males. Conversely, Males are two times more likely (i.e. invert the relative risk) to prefer the Sports format than Females. Baseline risk is when to which another risk is compared to in a relative risk. That is it is the risk in the denominator of the relative risk. In the previous example, Female risk of Sports was compare to the Male risk of Sports putting the male risk in the denominator. This makes the baseline risk the risk of Males saying Sports. Odds ratio is similar to relative risk except it is the ratio of two odds. The odds ratio that Females say Sports to Males say Sports is (162/321)/ (209/111) = 7.4 meaning the odds of Females saying Sports is about 0.27 times the odds of Males saying Sports. Conversely, (i.e. invert the odds ratio) the odds a Male prefers the sports format is 3.7 times the odds a Female prefers the sports format. Important To Interpret When reading a report that provides a risk it is extremely important to know or be given the baseline risk. For instance, say a study reported that women who binge drink are 3 times more likely to develop liver disease than women who do not drink. This may alarm some females, understandably. But what if the risk of getting liver disease for women who do not binge drink (i.e. the baseline risk) was 0.001 or 1 out of a 1000 women who do not binge drink are likely to develop liver disease. This would mean that risk of females who do binge drink developing liver disease is 3/1000 or 0.003 Not that alarming! To calculate: Odds are the (number of interest with trait)/(number of interest without trait) Risk is the (number of interest with trait)/(over total number of interest) 2