Lesson Plan Unit 6 Foods and Nutrition

Lesson Plan
Unit 6 Foods and Nutrition
ELA Framework: R.10.10.2, R10.11.2, R10.12.2
CCSS: WHST 10.8, 11.8, 12.8
Topic: State Safety Precautions to Follow in the Kitchen
Framework: 6.4
(Author: Susan Green)
What concept within the framework is to be developed? What is the specific objective of
the lesson?
State all safety precautions to follow in the kitchen.
List and recognize specific safety guidelines.
What do students probably already know about the content? What prior knowledge needs
to be activated?
Students probably know how to handle knives. Activate what they do in the kitchen to
avoid accidents. Use KWL
What don’t they know?
How to put out a grease fire. How to prevent electrical shocks. First aid on cuts and
Is there potential for misconception?
Yes. We think of water to put out fires. But, with a grease fire in the kitchen, water
would cause the grease to splatter causing a worse burn.
What should students be able to do at the end of the lesson?
List and recognize specific safety guidelines to follow when working in the kitchen.
What resources are available to develop the concept?
Power Point Presentation for chapter 20 “Preventing Kitchen Accidents” in the Food for
Today textbook (This PPT is not included with this plan because it is copyrighted by the
publisher). Computers and smartboard for slide presentation and practice questions put
together by students.
What questions will focus students’ thinking on the concept and help guide learning?
To prevent falls ……..
To prevent burns ………………….
To prevent cuts …………..
To prevent electrical shocks …………..
How will I assess students’ understanding of the essential concepts and major details?
View power point slide show made by students. Check foldables. Grade and review two
worksheets. Test questions from Unit 6. Play “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”
(Download “Game-FoodSafetySanitation” PPT)
Description of Lesson
Part of Lesson: Before
Strategy: Use the KWL (knowledge, questions, learnings) method to activate students’ prior
knowledge. Introduce the framework 6.4 by showing the general power point that came with the
new Food for Today textbook for chapter 20 “Preventing Kitchen Accidents” (not included).
What Students Will Do:
Brainstorm about the topic, listing the information in the K column and recording questions in
the W column.
What Teacher Will Do:
Help students generate questions about what they would like to find out. As part of the L
column we will view the power point.
Part of Lesson: During
Partner Summary and Foldables to record information
What Students Will Do:
Divide students into four groups. They will take poster board and each group will choose from
the following titles:
A. To Prevent Falls ………… B. To Prevent Burns ………………
C. To Prevent Cuts ………… D. To Prevent Electrical Shock …..
The students will investigate, summarize, and share at least 6 points to follow in the kitchen from
their topic. Use the book pages 304-308 as reference, also the internet.
Hang the posters for the other students to view.
What Teacher Will Do:
Help the students with their investigation, record information, and hang posters.
Part of Lesson: After
Strategy: Foldables as an Exit Slip
What Students Will Do:
Carousel around to the four posters and record the information using a Foldable (fold in fours
and label each block with the above titles). If you do not want to use a foldable, you could use
Cornell notes. Hand in Foldable as an Exit Slip.
Part of Lesson: During
What Students Will Do:
Students turn the information into a power point. They made a second slide show with practice
questions. (Download “Student Product 1” and “Student Product 2”) This will help at the end of
the course with the review for EOC.
What Teacher Will Do:
Assign two worksheets for homework. This will be checked and placed in their notebooks for
study. (“Safe and Sanitary Truths” and “Avoiding Accidents” included below).
Part of Lesson: After
Test will be given over Unit 6, which includes framework 6.4.
Sample questions for test.
1. A good way to put out a fire in an electric skillet is to pour _____ on the flames.
a. water
b. baking soda
c. baking powder
d. any carbonated soft drink
2. The procedure that removes food or other obstacles from a choking person’s
a. pat on the back
b. drink water
c. Heimlich maneuver
d. elevate feet
3. Below are some ways Joey is trying to prevent accidents in the kitchen. Place a
plus (+) if it will prevent accidents. Place a zero (0) if it will create a safety
_____1. Joey lets all the knives get dull and doesn’t sharpen them, so
people are less likely to get cut.
_____2. He places a sturdy stepstool in one corner of the kitchen so it will be
easy to get when someone needs to reach a high shelf.
_____3. He rearranges the kitchen drawers so knives and sharp objects
are separate from other utensils.
_____4. He staples the cords for the toaster and the kitchen radio to the
wall behind the counter so the cords stay in place and don’t
get wet or get in the way.
_____5. Joey places several floor mats around work areas to make it
more comfortable when standing. He does not secure them
to the floor so they can be removed easily for cleaning.
Avoiding Accidents
Directions: Match each way to avoid an accident described in the left column with the
correct safety hazard from the right column. Write the letter of the safety hazard in the
space provided.
Ways to Avoid Accidents
_____1. After cooking with grease, fat, or oil, clean
accumulated grease from range hoods, griddles,
and deep fat fryers.
_____2. Never put cold or wet food into hot fat because it
will cause the fat to splatter.
Safety Hazard
A. burns
B. cuts
C. falls
D. fires
E. shocks
F. strains
_____3. Never handle electrical equipment with wet hands or
while standing in water.
_____4. Always cut away from your body.
_____5. Walk, do not run.
_____6. Heavy articles should be stored in the bottom shelves.
_____7. Protect your hands by using thick, dry hot pads.
_____8. Do not overheat fat.
_____9. Lift heavy objects using your leg muscles.
____10. Use correct door to enter and exit the kitchen.
____11. Use knives correctly.
____12. Be sure an appliance is turned off before plugging it into an outlet.
____13. Keep flammable materials such as towels away from open flames.
____14. Keep work areas and traffic lanes clear.
____15. Check electrical equipment frequently for faulty wiring and fraying cords.
____16. If you drop a knife, let it fall.
____17. Use a stepladder, never a chair or table, if you need to reach something on
a high shelf.
____18. Keep the floor clean and dry.
____19. When you must lift a heavy object, squat with knees bent, feet part, and back
____20. Always tilt the lid of a pot away from you to let the steam escape.
____21. Keep handles on pans turned away from the front of the range so the pan
cannot be tipped over easily.
____22. When disconnecting electrical equipment, pull the cord by the plug.
____23. Look where you are going.
____24. Keep floor mats flat to prevent stumbling.
____25. Never leave hot fat unattended.
____26. Use a cart to carry heavy objects any distance.
____27. Clean knives carefully with the cutting edge away from your fingers.
____28. Never put knives in the dishwater where they are hidden.
Safe and Sanitary Truths
Directions: Read each of the following statements. Place a plus (+) in the space next to
those statements which are true. Place a zero (0) in the space next to those statements
which are false.
_____1. A sharp knife is safer than a dull knife.
_____2. You should pick up knives by the back of the blade.
_____3. Hot foods on a buffet should be kept between 80 and 100 degrees F to prevent
_____4. Water boils at 212 degrees F.
_____5. All foods should be carefully inspected when received into a food service
_____6. Always turn off and unplug electrical equipment when cleaning it.
_____7. Never stand in a wet area when turning on electrical equipment.
_____8. A sanitizer is a chemical solution used to kill harmful microorganisms.
_____9. All foods contain bacteria.
____10. Knives should be stored loose in drawers.
____11. The preferred frozen food temperature is between 0 and 10 degrees F.
____12. A professional exterminator should be called if there are signs of rats or
mice in a food service kitchen.
____13. Do not bend your knees when lifting heavy objects.
____14. Food utensils are the most common vehicles for transmitting disease.
____15. Soak hot pads in ice state to provide extra protection against burns.
____16. The preferred refrigerator temperature is 50 degrees F.
____17. Use baking soda to smother a grease fire.
____18. Water freezes at 32 degrees F.