syllabus - Georgia Gwinnett College

CHEM 1212 – 03
CRN# 20078
Course Information:
Class time:
Lab time:
MW 11:00—12:15 PM
F 11:00 – 1:45 PM Lab room A1195
Dr. Mai Yin Tsoi
(678) 407-5735
Cell: (678) 524-7992 (no calls after 8:00 pm)
A 1094
Required Materials:
Silberberg, Martin S., Chemistry, The Molecular Nature of Matter and Change, 5th edition.
2009. ISBN #978-0-07-304859-8
Lab notebook comprised of “carbonless” duplicate pages
Scientific calculator
Safety goggles/glasses
Credit Hours:
3 Semester hours
Successful completion, receipt of official transcript credit for, or exemption from
READ 0098 and ENGL 0099. Successful completion, receipt of official
transcript credit for, or exemption from MATH 0099 and be concurrently
enrolled in MATH 1111 (College Algebra) or MATH 1113 (Pre-calculus) or
MATH 2400 (Calculus for Scientists) to take CHEM 1211. Students can only
continue on to CHEM 1212 if they complete CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211 Lab
with grades of C or higher.
Course Description: CHEM 1212 is the second course in a two-semester sequence covering the
fundamental principles and applications of chemistry. The course is designed for science majors.
Topics to be covered include: reactions in solutions, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium in general
and as applied to acids and bases, acid and base chemistry, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and
21st century applications of chemical concepts.
Welcome to Principles of Chemistry II!
Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties and transformations. Chemical principles have broad
applicability in many areas, such as biological science, material science, consumer science,
environmental science and energy issues. This course will follow the goals set by the American
Chemical Society’s Division of Education Committee on Professional Training.
“The introductory or general chemistry experience plays a vital role in education the general
public, science majors and professional chemists. An introductory course provides a common
background for students with a wide range of high school experiences. It also allows a
maturation period for students, both in chemical topics and in mathematical and laboratory
skills. The purpose of introductory chemical course work for those students pursuing a degree
in chemistry is preparation for the foundation course work.”
Laboratory activities will support and extend the classroom experience in CHEM 1212. Students will
be held responsible for proper execution of techniques in addition to being evaluated on the accuracy
of their results and the conceptual integrity of their analysis.
Resources: A scientific calculator is strongly recommended. Calculators may not be shared during an
exam and it is the student's responsibility to bring one to the examination. No other electronic devices
(except for language translators) may be used during quizzes and tests. Your device is subject to
instructor’s approval. You will also need scantron sheets and #2 pencils for the quizzes and tests
(available at bookstore).
Laboratory Materials: The laboratory curriculum will be posted on WebCT. You are required to
purchase approved safety glasses and an approved laboratory notebook for use in this class. Both
are available in the GGC Bookstore. Bring your safety glasses to every lab session! Wear them! The
lab notebook should be a permanently bound hard back book no greater than 8.5” x 11” in size.
Catalogue description: This is the first course in a two-semester sequence covering the fundamental
principles and application of chemistry for science majors. Topics to be covered include: solution
chemistry, colligative properties, kinetics, equilibrium, acids and bases, thermodynamics,
electrochemistry and environmental chemistry.
At the completion of the lecture course, students will be able to:
Demonstrate knowledge of the scientific method and be able to apply it to
questions of academic scientific interest and in real-world scenarios.
Demonstrate knowledge of scientific systems of units, measurements and analysis
and be able to apply them to solve chemical problems.
Clearly communicate using the language and symbology of chemistry, both orally
and in writing.
Demonstrate an understanding of molecular structure, bonding and the interactions
within and between structures and be able to apply it to questions of chemical and
biological interest.
Demonstrate an understanding of chemical change and recognize several types of
common reactions.
Demonstrate an understanding of thermochemistry and be able to apply it to
questions of chemical structure and transformation.
Demonstrate an understanding of chemical equilibrium both conceptually and
Demonstrate an understanding of acid/base chemistry and be able to apply it to
questions of chemical and biological interest.
Demonstrate an understanding of the kinetics and the dynamics of chemical
Construct, interpret and analyze charts, graphs and tables
Know the physical principles which determine chemical structure, properties,
reactivity and energetics
Know standard laboratory policies, procedures and safety practices, and follow
Understand that modern chemistry has been developed through the contributions
of scientists from many social and ethnic backgrounds and value the diverse
approaches employed by the members of this class
The student is responsible for all material covered and all announcements made in class. Absence
from class does not relieve the student of these responsibilities.
A student, who exceeds the absence policy (missing at least two quizzes and at least a one
test) before the midpoint of the term, will be withdrawn by the instructor and be given a W. This is
at the discretion of the instructor. After the midpoint, a grade of zero will be recorded for all missed
quizzes and tests due to unexcused absences. A student, who withdraws from the lecture, must
also withdraw from the corresponding lab course. The absence policy in the GGC Catalog will be
followed: if you are absent two-thirds or more from the total class meetings in a semester, you
may be administratively withdrawn from the course by the instructor. Also, non-attendance for first
2 weeks of course = withdrawal.
No smoking is permitted in the classroom. If you choose to eat or drink during class, all traces of
said actions must be removed before leaving class. Failure to do so will result in mandatory afterclass clean-up as a penalty.
No make-ups for missed quizzes or tests will be given unless there is an excused absence. An
excused absence requires documentation to prove that absence was unforeseeable and under
extenuating circumstances. For unexcused absences, a grade of zero is assigned for a missed
quiz or test. Please contact instructor for extenuating circumstances. Notification by email, text
message, or phone voice mail is acceptable – and MUST be made before the start of the quiz/test
being missed. If not, then the absence is unexcused. At the instructor’s discretion, make-up
quizzes/tests may have a different format or different content from the regular assignment. Makeup work should be completed within 48 hours from the original assignment. Work missed due to
unexcused absences will be given a grade of zero.
NO FINAL EXAM MAKEUP WILL BE GIVEN. The Registrar should be consulted in the case of
an emergency for an “Incomplete”.
Cheating cannot be tolerated and will result in a grade of zero on the assignment, test or exam
involved and possible disciplinary action by the school. Cheating is defined as collaborating or
receiving any human assistance on an assignment or task to be counted for a grade.
Problems for practice will be assigned weekly. Weekly quiz questions will focus on these assigned
Students in lecture classes are permitted to utilize audio recorders as an aid to note taking. This
privilege is subject to the following constraints and conditions:
 It is understood that such recordings are to be utilized only for the student's personal use
as a study supplement.
 Recorders are not to be operated in playback mode or otherwise operated in a manner
such as to cause a disruption to the class.
 Recorders must be battery operated from the student's chair or desk (not placed on the
instructor's desk or lectern).
 Violation of any of the above conditions may result in revocation of this privilege.
All cellphones, pagers, and beepers must be turned off or on silent-mode during class. Failure to
do so will result in dismissal from class until this policy is followed.
It is the responsibility of the student to monitor the class wiki page ( and his/her
WebCT account a minimum of three (3) times a week. Announcements and schedule changes will
be posted on WebCT and the class wiki page. Failure to check both sites regularly is not an
acceptable excuse for missing material or announcements. Students may monitor their grade in the
course and may email the instructor at any time through WebCT.
Computer access is available at the GGC library and computer labs. To find out the computer lab
schedule, please go to the GGC Homepage. Technical difficulties and computer issues will not be
accepted as excuses for non-completion of WebCT assignments or assessments and/or lack of
communication with the instructor. Please email the WebCT Help Desk with any problems – they will
officially contact the instructor if you indeed are having technical troubles. On the TechServ site, there
are instructions on how to get your ID, how to check your home computer for compatibility, and how to
access the WebCT Help Desk. There is a tutorial to help you with WebCT functions. It is a great
tutorial! Please use these resources BEFORE problems arise; a failure to utilize these resources will
not be accepted as excuses.
ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: Cheating includes any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead the
instructor in arriving at honest grade assessment. Plagiarism is a form of cheating that involves the
presentation, as one's own, the ideas or work of another. Cheating of any kind may result in a penalty
ranging from a grade of zero for the work in question to a grade of F in the course and will be referred
to the administration for assignment of a penalty (which may include suspension from Georgia
Gwinnett College). Referral to the administration is required whether the student admits or denies the
The following are examples of cheating. This is not an exhaustive list.
A. On a test or a quiz:
a. Looking or copying from another student's work.
b. Allowing another student to look or copy your work, or tell you their answers
c. Exchanging information with another person in any form, including electronic.
d. Speaking or whispering. (You may speak to the instructor)
e. Opening textbook or notebook.
f. Referring to notes or any unauthorized written material during the quiz/test time.
B. On Homework or out-of-class assignment:
a. Copying work or answers from another student.
b. Copying work or answers from a book.
c. Having another person work for you or tell you their answers
d. Allowing another student to use your work as his or her own.
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT STATEMENT: If you are a student who is disabled as
defined under the American with disabilities Act and require assistance or support services, please
seek assistance through the Center for Disability Services. A CDS counselor will coordinate those
CENTER FOR DISABILITY SERVICES "ADA": Students with a documented disability who require
support services are encouraged to contact the counselors at the Center for Disability Services to
determine whether they qualify for support services. (Ex. Tutors, interpreters, note-takers, and
classroom modifications)
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION STATEMENT: Georgia Gwinnett College adheres to affirmative action
policies designed to promote diversity and equal opportunity for all faculty and students.
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY STATEMENT: No person shall, on grounds of age, race, religion, color,
gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability, be excluded from participation in, or be denied
the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity conducted by Georgia
Gwinnett College.
REGENTS' TEST: Students are required to take the Regents' Test. Each student has two attempts to
pass this test before he or she accumulates 45 hours of collegiate credit. After two attempts or after
reaching 45 hours, a student will be required to take classes to prepare for the test. These classes are
three credit hours each. (the test is free; the courses require tuition payment.) After accumulating 54
or more credit hours, a student may not take any collegiate level courses until he or she completes
the preparation classes and passes the Regents' Test. Please sign up for the Regents' Test when you
enroll in ENGL 1102 or the semester following completion of ENGL 1102. Do this in time to complete
two attempts before accumulating 45 credit hours.
ACADEMIC RESPECT: The college exists to foster educational excellence. To this end, a
classroom atmosphere that supports learning must be maintained. Students are expected to abide by
class policies and procedures and to treat faculty and other students in a professional, respectful
manner. Please be familiar with the student conduct code published in the Student Handbook. The
instructor reserves the right to remove from the class any person(s) who are interfering through their
behavior with the learning process of other students.
Grading Basis:
1. Classroom course (CHEM 1212). The assessment plan for the lecture course is summarized
in the table below. The instructor grade of 100 points is determined by the instructor (class
participation, attendance, special assignments, etc). Chapter quizzes are 15 minute quizzes
focused on one or two chapters. These quizzes will average one (1) per week. The midterm
exam will cover the material in the first half of the course. The final exam is comprehensive.
Graded events are a combination of definition, multiple choice, matching, short answer,
sketches, diagrams, reactions, mechanisms, synthesis, and long answer.
Per semester
Final Exam
Total Points
Class Graded Events
11 (best 10)
Total Points
2. Laboratory course (CHEM 1212L). Students will complete 11 graded experiments.
Each experiment begins with an in-class quiz worth 10 points. Students will submit an
individual, written report for each experiment that is worth 40 points. There is a final
practical exam for the lab.
Lab Graded Events
11 (best
of 10)
11 (best
of 10)
COURSE CHANGES: This course syllabus provides a general plan for the course CHEM 1212. The
instructor reserves the right to make any changes to the syllabus, including changes to assignments,
projects and examinations, in order to accommodate the needs of the students and fulfill the course
goals. Changes will be announced on WebCT and on the wiki page for the course.