CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM __________________________________________________________ PERIOD: __________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: SHORT-TERM DEPOSITS, PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level Procedures AUDIT OBJECTIVES To determine whether: A. B. C. D. The balances represent all amounts owed to the entity at the balance sheet date and have been properly recorded. The allowances for doubtful accounts are adequate but not excessive. Prepayments represent all proper charges or amounts that can reasonably be expected to be realized through future operations or otherwise and are properly recorded. The balances are properly described and classified and adequate disclosures with respect to these amounts (including disclosures of amounts that have been pledged, discounted or sold with recourse or are with related parties) have been made. SUBSTANTIVE PROCEDURES 1. Overall Analytical Review 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Have the client prepare a listing of deposits, prepayments and other receivables. Compare balances with previous year and investigate significant differences. Test the clerical accuracy of the footings of the listing and trace the totals to the general ledger control accounts. Perform analytical review of the balances on the lead schedule. Obtain the PBC analysis of miscellaneous receivables. Perform analytical review of the balances, comparing with the prior year. Vouch individual amounts to subsequent cash receipt as appropriate. Determine whether the amounts are of a short-term nature and are properly classified in the financial statements. W/P Ref. E/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM __________________________________________________________ PERIOD: __________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: SHORT-TERM DEPOSITS, PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level Procedures 2. Circularization for deposits and other receivables 2.1 2.2 2.3 Select a sample of balances to circularize confirmations (Scope/Sample Rs._______). Particularly include any related party without exemption. Prepare confirmation control sheet. Update when necessary and have the client reconcile any differences identified in the confirmations received. Follow-up confirmation requests and send reminder, if necessary. Consider covering in covering letter as a condition, if material balances are not confirmed. 3. Alternate Procedures 3.1 3.2 For non-replies, examine supporting documentation. Verify subsequent receipts based on the details provided with client. Ensure that the subsequent receipts are against the balances as at the balance sheet date. 4. Other Receivables 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Obtain details of balance receivable and movement during the period and verify significant balances/transactions, if considered necessary For any other significant receivables vouch as appropriate. Review the collectibility of each balance and consider the necessity for additional financial statement disclosure. Have the client prepare an age analysis, review and scrutinize the age analysis for outstanding balances and investigate reasons for overdue receivables. Consider need for provisioning against doubtful receivables. Obtain independent confirmations (for significant items) from employees in respect of outstanding figures. Check subsequent clearance of outstanding amounts on test basis. See forward contracts obtained from State Bank of Pakistan and ensure accuracy of amortization of forward cover fee. Obtain the schedule of forward cover fees for premature withdrawal as on December 31, (or interim date). W/P Ref. E/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM __________________________________________________________ PERIOD: __________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: SHORT-TERM DEPOSITS, PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level Procedures 4.8 4.9 4.10 Select randomly few transactions and examine: the contract rate of forward cover fee booking date and maturity date Agree the schedule balances with relevant ledger accounts. Ensure that amount of refund has subsequently been received. 5. Related Party Balances 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 Identify receivables from officers, directors and principal shareholders and determine whether they arise from routine transactions, such as regularly settled travel advances, or are related-party transactions. Ensure appropriate workings for maximum aggregate balance due at the end of each month and other statutory disclosures. If related-party transactions, cross-reference to the listing of such transactions obtained in the Related Party section of the Financial Reporting work. Ensure that requirements of SRO 66 dated January 22, 2003 issued by SECP have been complied with. Review transactions in the accounts carefully to determine they have been properly authorized and are actually what they purport to be. Check credit postings to the accounts for propriety. Consider the need to consult legal counsel to determine the legality of receivables. Consider the collectibility of receivables from officers, directors, principal shareholders and other related parties during the review of the adequacy of the allowance for doubtful accounts. Consider the need to disclose the transactions and balances. Propose disclosure points, as appropriate. Obtain an understanding of the nature of the intercompany receivables, including the following: How they arose; How they are being or are to be liquidated; What security exists; What the funds were used for; and What the tax implications are. If the transactions are other than routine transfers of goods and services, inspect supporting critical forms and documents ( ). Scope/Sample:( ) W/P Ref. E/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM __________________________________________________________ PERIOD: __________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: SHORT-TERM DEPOSITS, PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level Procedures 5.11 Tie amounts to the inter-company payables reflected in the audit working papers for the affiliates. If the inter-company accounts are not in balance, have client personnel prepare reconciliations. Examine support for significant or unusual reconciling items. Propose adjustments for unrecorded transactions, if appropriate. 6. Trade Deposits 6.1 6.2 6.3 Obtain detail for significant account balances. Foot schedule and review for reasonableness. As a test of trade deposits for events occurring after year-end, vouch payments to counterfoils of cheques and trace to bank statements. Obtain and review aging analysis and consider realisability of old outstanding deposits. 7. Prepayments 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Obtain workings for all significant prepayments. As a test of prepayments, trace to invoices noting payment is for a subsequent period and vouch. Obtain a detailed description of insurance coverage in force. Review for deficiencies in the coverage crossrefer with insurance schedule (Firm’s Standard Form). Review profit and loss captions to ensure that no prepayments have been omitted. Consider whether the prepayments are adequately classified. 8. Foreign currency balances 8.1 8.2 8.3 Ensure that all receivables in foreign currencies are re-translated at the exchange rate prevailing on the balance sheet date. Ensure that hedge accounting practices in accordance with IAS-39 have been followed with regard to any balances covered under forward exchange contracts. Have the client prepare a schedule of re-translation, from rate at initial recognition and at balance sheet date, of all receivables. Cross-refer exchange differences with financial charges/other income. W/P Ref. E/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM __________________________________________________________ PERIOD: __________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: SHORT-TERM DEPOSITS, PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level Procedures 8.4 W/P Ref. E/AP/1 By Comments/Explanations Where the Company uses forward exchange contracts, such contracts should be accounted for as assets and liabilities. Gains and losses on such financial instruments used for hedging of foreign currency transactions should be recognized as income and expense on the same basis as the corresponding hedged item. Foreign exchange contracts are translated at exchange rates prevailing at the balance sheet date (representing their fair value). Other tests as deemed necessary Management Letter Prepare management letter points including: Internal control weaknesses; Business improvement opportunities; Legal non-compliance; Accounting system deficiencies; and Errors and irregularities not material at the financial statements level. Disclosure Ensure appropriate disclosure in accordance with the reporting framework and fill relevant portion of FSDCL. Supervision, review and conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4. Perform Senior review and supervision. Resolve Senior review points. Resolve Partner and Manager review points. Conclude response to the audit objectives. Audit conclusion Based on the substantive test procedures, I/we performed as outlined above, it is my/our opinion that the audit objectives set forth at the beginning of this audit program have been achieved, except as follows: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLIENT: AUDIT PROGRAM __________________________________________________________ PERIOD: __________________________________________________________ SUBJECT: SHORT-TERM DEPOSITS, PREPAYMENTS AND OTHER RECEIVABLES Est. Hrs. Phase/ Level Date:____________ W/P Ref. Procedures ______________ Work Performer ___________ Job Incharge E/AP/1 By ________ Manager Comments/Explanations _______ Partner