The Laurelton Light” “Jesus is the light of the world.” June 2015 Newsletter From the Desk of Rev. Steve Allman Summer season has begun. This is traditionally a season of rest: we’re getting a break from the snow, school is out, and vacations are being planned. Churches generally start their breaks in June, too: with Pentecost over and now holidays on the horizon, attendance drops, and programming is done until September. It’s the time of year when preachers make jokes about God not taking vacations. But then, our culture is based on busy-ness, and sometimes we think our faith is based on keeping busy, too. What if all busy-ness isn’t required, or helpful? What if taking a rest is good for our health, and for our faith? The Bible tells us that God himself rests. In Genesis, as God wraps up the creation of everything that exists, we’re told, “And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done. So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation.” After finishing his work, God rests before beginning the next chapter. Rest isn’t grudgingly permitted, it’s “hallowed”—made holy. We, too, are told to take a break from work on the seventh day. Exodus 20 tells us, “Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do any work—you, your son or your daughter, your male or female slave, your livestock, or the alien resident in your towns.” That day of rest is holy, set apart to stop work and remember who we belong to. For Americans, our lives are often defined by what we do: the jobs we work at, the committees and organizations that we belong to, the things we occupy our time with. Keeping a Sabbath and resting helps us to recharge and remember the God who created us and is bigger than everything that we do. Resting and reflecting is a necessary complement to our work. When Jesus visits Mary and Martha, Martha keeps busy, presumably getting a meal ready for her guest. John tells us, though, that she’s “distracted by her many tasks,” while Mary sitting at Jesus’ feet is commended. Like Martha, we’re often “worried and distracted by many things,” and the things we’re busy with might not be done in the right spirit. Is Jesus trying to get our attention? Is our busy-ness misdirected? It’s time for many of us to see rest not as wasted time, but as a time to rededicate ourselves to what’s really important. Summer at Laurelton Join us this summer in Christler Hall. Starting Sunday, June 7th, Laurelton makes it annual “trek” to our Hall from our Sanctuary as the weather gets warmer. This first Sunday will also be Graduation Sunday where we will be celebrating our graduates this year – Gwen Crawford, Clayton Hill, Clayton DelleFave, Doug DelleFave and Taylor Braggins. Congratulations all!! We will be celebrating with cake. Hope you can join us. If you have any ideas for our more casual worship this summer in Christler Hall, please feel free to contact the Discipleship Team – Karen Kingsbury, Karen Simpson and Gary Dennis. Laurelton United Presbyterian Church Our Beliefs We believe that we are on a journey with God, who has provided us with many blessings. We believe we are called by Christ to love one another and to share these blessings. We believe that God’s intended purpose for all people is to be whole and to be fully alive. Together, we accept our responsibility to care for and accompany others on this journey of faith, in times of need and in times of celebration. Mission Laurelton United Presbyterian Church will: Provide a welcoming environment for members and visitors; Strive to evolve into a more locally, nationally and globally focused congregation (Cameron, Kotela, Flower City Habitat, New Orleans, Living Nativity) Offer programs and support for individuals, all types of families, children and seniors; Revitalize programs that provide for a healthy and spiritually-fulfilled congregation. Our Mission Context As a community of faith, Laurelton United Presbyterian Church exists in a world which faces many challenges, such as violence, hatred, poverty and indifference. These issues are also evident in our own neighborhood, which is uniquely situated on the border between city and suburbs. This context of challenge offers us a great opportunity to minister together in Christ’s name. Vision Statement God calls Laurelton United Presbyterian Church to be: A welcoming and faithful congregation that witnesses to the love and hope of Jesus Christ; A place of spiritual growth and fulfillment, supporting the needs of the congregation, neighborhood, and world community. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ LUPC is looking for its next Clerk of Session - Duties performed by the clerk are to record transactions of the council, complete and submit required documents to Presbytery and General Assembly, keep its rolls of membership, attendance and preserve its records. The clerk of session shall be a ruling elder elected by the session. Training is provided. The clerk need NOT be an active member of Session. Anyone is eligible! Are you willing to share your gift to serve? Please contact a member of the Nominating Committee: Colleen Burns, Gary Dennis or Karen Simpson, if interested. SUNDAY SCHOOL (June 14th and June 21st) Classes are offered on the second and third Sunday of each month. Linda Marshall and Pat Ozuna invite children to join them downstairs after the Children's Story has taken place during worship. Bible stories, activities, crafts, music, and more will be offered! The age usually ranges from PreK Third grade. Older children are welcome to help! Sunday School will resume in the fall! Session Update: from 5/11/15 Stated Meeting Order of the Day - Pastoral Six-Month Evaluation: After discussion led by Rev. Amy Williams and Elder Linc Spaulding (Third), a unanimous vote not to renew the contract was approved with regret and prayer. L. Spaulding will attend the June Session meeting to begin discussing next steps. Treasurer’s Report: The financial report for the period March 1 to March 31, 2015: Balance 2/28/15 $ -389.33 Income 6,053.00 Subtotal 5,663.67 Expenses 9,140.72 Balance 3/31/15 $ -3,23712 The financial report for the period April 1 to April 30, 2015: Balance 3/31/15 $ -3,237.12 Income 7,433.66 Subtotal 4,196.54 Expenses 7,731.98 Balance 4/30/15 $ -3,535.44 The reports were received and filed for audit. A thank you note was received from Rev. Linda Brebner on behalf of the Theological Education Fund. A report was received from CSA regarding the 4/25/15 Euchre Tournament: 27 players for a total proceeds of $300 ($100 to Laurelton’s operating expenses). Nominating Report: The committee is at work to provide a full slate of officers to the congregation. The following dates have been approved: Stated Meeting of the Congregation to approved the Nominating Report following worship on Sunday, May 31, 2015 The preparation and training of officers: between May 31st and June 10th The examination and approval by Session: June 10th at 6pm The Ordination and Installation of Officers: Sunday, June 14, 2015 Celebrations …of the Congregation & Friends Birthdays in June… 06/06 Michaela Burns 06/13 Maria Bennett 06/13 Antonio Vazquez 06/15 Mandy Minsterman 06/19 Tori Ipacs 06/21 Victoria Livutti 06/30 Corey Braggins Anniversaries in June… 06/06 Laura & Peter Braggins 06/22 Julia and Dan Hill Prayer Person/Family of the Week… 06/07 – Hill Family 06/14 – Ginny & John Hoenig 06/21 – Hollenbeck Family 06/28 – Dorothy Hudson Supper & Scripture!! S & S will resume in the fall! We meet on Wednesdays at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. We share a yummy dinner and fellowship around the table. As we eat, we will have an open discussion about faith and Scripture and everyone, young and not so young, is invited (there will be a free will offering). Alcoholic’s Anonymous (AA) meetings are held weekly in Christler Hall. The group meets every Saturday at 8pm and welcomes newcomers. Gambler’s Anonymous (GA) meetings are held weekly in the lower level of Christler Hall. The group meets every Monday at 7:00pm and welcomes newcomers. For more information, please visit their website @ Overeater’s Anonymous (OA) meetings are held weekly in the lower level of Christler Hall. The group meets every Saturday at 12:30pm and welcomes newcomers. For more information, please visit their website @ The Discipleship/Outreach Committees present: LAURELTON LADIES BIBLE STUDY - RACHEL & LEAH WHEN: THE FIRST TUESDAY OF JUNE, JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER (6/2, 7/7, 8/4 & 9/1) TIME: 6:00 P.M. PLACE: CHRISTLER HALL PLEASE JOIN US AND CONSIDER BRINGING A DISH TO PASS SATURDAY MORNING CAFE We are serving about 45 diners most weeks. The Café has been feeding members, neighbors and friends for over 4 years. We feel we provide a vital service to those looking for fellowship, good food and a place to feel at home!! There are many ways, big and small, that you can help us! For the next month, we have Saturdays open!! Please consider helping us, your gift of time is much appreciated. The March schedule is below. Contact me @ 563-7599 or As always, thank you for all your hard work. We couldn't do it without you. In accordance with LUPC’s Mission & Vision Statements, printed on a previous page, our work is not done! Blessings, Karen Simpson SATURDAY CAFÉ 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. Date 6/6 Cook(s)/Greeters Karen K, 3 Greece Olympia Volunteers 6/13 Karen Kingsbury, Dale Erickson, 3 Greece Olympia Volunteers 6/20 Bob Hicks, Scott Fralick, 3 Greece Olympia Volunteers 6/27 Can you help today? SAVE THE DATES!! Annual Family Camping Trip at Keuka State Park, July 24th thru July 26th (Friday thru Sunday) – there are a few spots still open! Please contact Charlie Plummer if interested. Sunday, August 2nd Urban Presbyterians Together (UPT) will host their 2nd Annual Summer Picnic at Ontario Beach Park (Shoreline Shelter). More details to follow. PER CAPITA REMINDER Laurelton Church is part of a wider community, The Presbytery of Genesee Valley(PGV). PGV supports 69 churches in the Rochester area. They provide education and ministry support and grants to help us spread God's love. In order to continue the work and ministry of PGV, they require a per capita amount from every church so they can make a budget. EVERY CHURCH OF PGV MUST PAY A PER CAPITA FOR EVERY MEMBER. For Laurelton this amounts to about $2000. Instead of this coming out of our general fund, it would be wonderful if every member paid their portion of the per capita which is only $29.38. Can you help cover this expense? If you have pledge envelopes there is a blue envelope designated for per capita. If not, just write "per capita" on the memo line of a check or on your own envelope. Please help us meet this obligation! UPT School Support Update. As we close our first year of monthly donations, please join us for some reflection and a final distribution of goodies. Here is a list of items our congregations have donated and distributed: Crayons & Non-Permanent Markers Pocket Folders Pencils Glue Sticks Gloves & Hats Coloring Books Kleenex Boxes Hand Sanitizer Socks & Underwear Stickers Children's Scissors In addition, we funded field trips for 15 classrooms of children. We have surveyed the principals and program directors of each of the six programs we serve (Schools #3 and #35, Cameron Community Ministries, The Corner Place, Young Mothers Interim Health Care Academy, and the Jefferson Avenue Child Development Center). The results of this survey, along with your good ideas will help us to fine-tune the program for the 2015-2016 program year. ***Please do join us June 8, at 5:00 (a week from Monday) at Dewey Avenue Presbyterian Church to sort and distribute donations and to plan next year's program (2009 Dewey Ave. Back of the building). Please direct questions to Beth Laidlaw at Concerns …of the Congregation Concerns and Celebrations of the Congregation – Recently We celebrate: Toni Ogden still improving at Kirkhaven; Maria Bennett’s middle daughter Elise and her SUNY Cortland Team, winning the NCAA DIV III Women’s Lacrosse National Champion in Philadelphia over the holiday weekend for the first time! We offer prayers for: The family and loved ones of Curtis Warren who passed away last week especially mother, Cathy Warren and grandparents Gary & Susan Dennis; Carl DelleFave’s sister with Stage IV brain cancer; Rev. Steve who has injured his foot, his Mom struggling with a leg injury and his aunt who has a puzzling leg infection; Julia Hill's daughter, Cidney, has a broken arm; Al Knapp, (Ella VanLoon's grandfather and Linda Marshall's dad) celebrated his 89th birthday and on the same day lost ground with his health and then once again rallied; Bernice Bird's friend, Jane, going through rough times with her marriage; Sally Altobello’s friend’s son Greg Burkett who has been diagnosed with brain cancer; Jim Hable diagnosed with colon cancer; the people of Nepal; continued prayers for Lottie Bernas' friend, Josie, who has lung cancer. Concerns of the Congregation – Continuing We offer prayers for: Susan Dennis with serious health concerns; Hilde Fuhlbruck & family; Alan Murphy's cousin, Steve, with depression, who has improved a bit; Karen Kingsbury's mother's health. The Laurelton Light is the newsletter of the Laurelton United Presbyterian Church and is published monthly. It is hoped that this newsletter will be both informative and welcoming to members of the church as well as the greater community. For more information, contact Maria in the Church Office at (585) 482-9200 or via email at Council Jan Bruns Colleen Burns Gary Dennis Dale Erickson Karen Kingsbury Susan Orr (Clerk) Charlie Plummer Karen Simpson Ella Van Loon Church Staff Pastor: Music Director: Secretary: Custodian: Administrative Ministries Charlie Plummer Ella Van Loon Rev. Steve Allman Alan Murphy Maria Bennett Nowell Clocksin Care Ministries Jan Bruns Dale Erickson Linda Marshall (Chair) Carolyn Rowell Discipleship Ministries Gary Dennis Karen Kingsbury Karen Simpson Church Officers Clerk of Session: Treasurer: Financial Secretary: Memorial Fund Secretary: Outreach Ministries Colleen Burns Donna Gipner Susan Orr Julia Hill Laura Braggins Pat Ozuna June 2015 Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 Wednesday 3 Thursday 4 2nd Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 a.m. Worship: Rev. Steve Allman 8 9 10 5 Morning Café 8:30-11am (Hosts: Karen K, 3 Greece Olympia Volunteers) 12 13 18 19 20 25 26 27 6:00pm Lay Asst.: Karen Kingsbury Greeters: Jan Bruns, Carolyn Rowell Hosp. Host: Karen Simpson 6 11 Session Communion Saturday Session reports due to Rev. Steve No Supper & Scripture 7 Friday No Supper & Scripture Morning Café 8:30-11am (Hosts: Karen K., Dale Erickson, 3 Greece Olympia Volunteers) Graduation Sunday!! 14 3rd Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 a.m. Worship (Christler Hall): Rev. Steve Allman Lay Asst.: Donna Gipner Greeters: Michele & Leon Hall Hosp. Host: Scott Fralick Sunday School: During Worship 15 16 17 No Supper & Scripture Morning Café 8:30-11am (Hosts: Bob Hicks, Scott F., 3 Greece Olympia Volunteers) Ordination & Installation of Officers 21 4th Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 a.m. Worship (Christler Hall): Rev. Steve Allman Lay Asst: xxx Greeters: Scott Fralick, Karen Simpson Hosp. Host: xxx 22 23 No Supper & Scripture July/August Newsletter Generated Sunday School: During Worship Father’s Day 28 5th Sunday after Pentecost 9:30 a.m. Worship (Christler Hall): Rev. Steve Allman Lay Asst: xxx Greeters: Karen Kingsbury, Karen Simpson Hosp. Host: Lottie Bernas 24 29 30 Morning Café 8:30-11am (Hosts:) Can you help today? Laurelton United Presbyterian Church 335 Helendale Road Rochester, NY 14609, PH (585)482-9200 Email: Church Website: Church Office Hours Mon. 10:00-2:30p & Wed. 10:00-2:30p Sunday Morning Schedule Worship: 9:30 am Junior Church & Childcare provided during worship Sunday School – 2nd & 3rd Sundays in June, No Sunday School in July or August Weekly Happenings Wednesdays Supper & Scripture (Will resume in the fall.) Saturday Morning Café 8:30am – 11:00am