1 Review Verizon Changes Of Interest to CLEC Community

Table of Contents:
#1 Review Verizon Changes Of Interest to CLEC Community ............................................ 2
#114 Porting of DIDs Riding on PRIs .................................................................................... 5
#115 Release Ported Number DDD +6 ................................................................................. 8
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#1 Review Verizon Changes Of Interest to CLEC Community
DESCRIPTION: Includes any changes to VZ organizations, systems, and/or business
practices that may occur and affect the CLEC-community.
OPENED: May 1998 by J.Katzman (Covad), M.Moor (Net2000), P. Appandrianopoulos (Rhythms), & T.Evans
Special Access (FCC Tariff)
Interconnection/Switched Access
UNE Specials/IOF (Local Tariffs)
OTHER (Please Specify): Anything that may affect Inter-Company Processes
Entire Footprint
New Jersey
“North Region”
New York
“South Region”
New Hampshire
Washington, DC
Rhode Island
West Virginia
CLOSED as of:
9/12/07- Tom Delaney retired and Eli Diaz, who will be taking Tom’s place in the CUF, was introduced. Eli
explained that he has Provisioning and Data Analysis responsibilities and is looking forward to working with our
customers in the CUF. Eli can be reached at: eliezer.m.diaz@verizon.com. His telephone number is 973 6495255.
Chris Alston recently changed jobs at Verizon and will no longer be working with the CUF. Eli advised that he will
provide necessary support personnel to replace Chris.
Web Site Enhancements
 The latest Verizon Partner Solutions Web Site enhancements were sent to the CLEC community on
September 11th. Highlights include the following items:
o Contact Us: Escalation information has been updated for a number of centers including the PSCC and
the RRSC.
Training The Training Team has three workshops scheduled in September and October. Information and
registration for these workshops can be found on the Access Training page at:
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http://www22.verizon.com/wholesale/accesstraining/bridge/. Information for local and access
training can be found at the following link: http://www22.verizon.com/wholesale/training/
Verizon encourages customers to continue to review the “Contact Us” section of the Verizon Partner
Solutions (VPS) Web site for ongoing organizational changes.
7/11/07- Cathy Gorman announced the latest Verizon Partner Solutions Web Site enhancements were sent to the
CLEC community on July 10th. Highlights include the following items:
Service Offerings This page was updated with information about the Wholesale Advantage Inside
Wire Installation and Repair Service that is now available to customers who have signed both a
Wholesale Advantage agreement and a Wholesale Advantage Inside Wire Installation and Repair
Service Amendment.
Training There are several workshops scheduled in July. Verizon encourages customers to check
the Local Training page link at: http://www22.verizon.com/wholesale/localtraining/bridge/ for
information and registration.
Contact Us Escalation information has been updated the RCCC, RCMC, and the RRSC. Customers
are encouraged to continue to review the Contact Us section of the Verizon Partner Solutions Web
site for ongoing organizational changes.
5/9/07- Cathy Gorman announced the following changes of interest to the CLEC community.
 The latest PS Web Site enhancements were sent to the CLEC community on April 9th and May 7th.
 The escalation information has been updated for the NMC UNE-P and the RCCC (Regional CLEC
Coordination Center).
 The Wholesale Maintenance Center has been renamed the Maintenance Control Office (MCO).
3/14/07 – Margaret Detch announced that web site enhancements were distributed the previous day to the CLEC
community and gave a high level summary of items of interest to the CLEC community. Verizon has changed the
Order Samples to LSOG 9, and rebranded the Platform name to Wholesale Advantage. In addition, training
classes scheduled during March for both Local and Access have been posted as well as a number of changes in
the escalation lists for both the maintenance and provisioning centers.
12/13/2006 – Implementation of voice portal capability is in progress. Mt. Laurel is on line. The Hunt Valley and
Boston locations are not yet on line. Lisa Lipuma encouraged the CLECs to continue to review the Contact Us
section of the Verizon Partner Solutions Web site as there have been many changes.
Tom Delaney explained that Tom Maguire no longer has operations responsibility and that Jerry Holland has
assumed sales responsibility for Wholesale Advantage/UNE/UNE-P/Resold/Unbundled Loops. Provisioning
maintenance is the responsibility of Bill Bragg who reports to Claire Beth Nogay and ordering is under Jim
MacDonald who reports to Kathleen McLean. The contact numbers and staff for escalations remain the same but
will now report up to Jim. The NMCs are under Rich Murtha and Tom Thirsk and report to Jim. Tom has all
provisioning, including the Downy Center in the West.
Beth Cohen and Beth Abesamis advised that with the formation of the Billing User Forum (BUF), they will make
sure that issues are not duplicated and that the groups are communicating with each other.
9/13/2006 – Tom Delaney announced that Julia Stefanini is moving on to Product Management/Sales and that he
will be assuming her responsibilities in the Verizon East Provisioning Center. Lisa Lipuma also encouraged the
CLECs to continue to review the Contact Us section of the Verizon Partner Solutions Web site for ongoing
organizational changes.
7/12/2006 – Verizon reported that Nik Umrani has moved on to a new assignment and Sharon Chaet has
assumed responsibility for the WCCC/PSCC. Annie Keating has the Assist Help Desk; Beth Cohen has the
CLEC Test Environment (CTE); and Paul Haven has CLEC Profile and Connectivity Management. Verizon also
encouraged the CLECs to continue to review the Contact Us section of the Verizon Partner Solutions Web site for
ongoing organizational changes.
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5/10/2006 - Beth Cohen made the announcement of the transition of the CUF responsibilities to Beth Abesamis
as director and Lisa LiPuma as manager. Beth also advised the CLECs that both she and Stephen Cuttle would
continue to participate in the CUF because of its relationship with Change Management. Tom Delaney will also
remain active in the CUF. In addition, Stephen Cuttle encouraged the CLECs to continue to review the Contact
Us section of the Verizon Partner Solutions Web site because of the ongoing organizational changes.
3/15/2006 – Beth Cohen advised that due to the many recent organizational changes as a result of the recent
merger with MCI, it would behoove the CLECs to review the Contact Us portion of the Wholesale website;
www.verizon.com/wholesale. However, she noted that there were some major changes that merited mentioning.
Wherever Nancy McFeely’s name appeared, it should be replaced with Diane McCarthy. Where Tom McGuire
appears as an escalation point, it should be replaced with Jerry Holland. The South NMC, managed by Steve
Herrling, is now managed by Ed Corrothers. Stephen Cuttle is replacing Rosemary Hernandez as the CUF
1/11/2006 – Beth Cohen and Tom Delaney reported that at this time there are no organizational changes to
Notes from meetings previous to 1/11/2006 and relevant to this topic have been archived separately.
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#114 Porting of DIDs Riding on PRIs
CLEC SUBMITTING ISSUE SHOULD COMPLETE ITEMS 1 through 8. (Item 9 is optional):
Cox Communications
CLEC Contact, Phone Number
and E-Mail Address:
Gayle Gissendanner (757)222-2585
Alternate CLEC Contact, Phone
Number and E-Mail Address
SELECT PRODUCT(S) THIS ISSUE AFFECTS: (Double-click on box(es) to mark)
Special Access (FCC Tariff)
UNE Specials/IOF (Local Tariffs)
OTHER (Please Specify):
_Porting DID(s) riding a PRI________________________
Pre-Order (Record
Billing (Process)
Ordering (Process)
Maintenance and/or
Repair (Process)
Ancillary Services (OS/DA/DL, etc.)
Other General Issue
Provisioning (Process)
Entire Verizon East Or
Entire Verizon West Or
Entire Footprint Or Check off Specific State(s) Below:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Pennsylvania - W
New York
Rhode Island
North Carolina
South Carolina
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DESCRIBE THE ISSUE: Cox Communications would like Verizon to provide clear &
concise porting/disconnect documentation with regards to DID(s) riding on a PRI. It appears
that in the North, if an entire account is ported to a CLEC, the PRI is removed from the billing
system. Today, in the South, if we request the port of an entire block of DID(s) riding a PRI,
the circuit will remain active in billing without any numbers associated with the pipe.
PON “P4864630” submitted April 11, 2006 & PON: “P2219660”
submitted December 6, 2006.
11. Issue Accepted?
Yes /
No – If “No”, give reason:
12. Assigned Issue # 114 and Entitled: Porting of DIDs Riding on PRIs
13. Other CLECs Supporting Issue: Fibernet
14. Issue Closed:
15. Issue moved to another Forum: _______________________________________________________.
16. Agree to Disagree
General Meeting Minutes9/12/07 This issue from Cox Communications is a request for Verizon to provide porting/disconnect
documentation with regards to DIDs riding on a PRI for the North and South.
 Verizon’s investigation revealed that when a request to port all the DIDs riding on a PRI is received, the PRI is
disconnected in all the East states except MDVW. MDVW will not remove the PRI unless there is a remark
on the order telling Verizon to disconnect it.
It appears the process difference is partially due to the ordering/billing systems, which are unique for NY/NE,
NPD, and MDVW. In the North, the NMC issues segmented orders to port the DIDs and to disconnect the PRI
but the South does not have that capability. An example of a segmented order for NY is for D orders with the
same order number and a suffix of -1, -2, -3, -4. For NY/NE orders and NPD orders that are now processed
by the NY NMC, the PRI is disconnected if all the DIDs are ported. If the PRI is not to be disconnected, at
least one active TN must remain in the pipe.
In MDVW, the NMC that processes the order to port the DIDs will not disconnect the PRI unless there are
instructions in the Remark field instructing Verizon to disconnect the PRI. The process in MDVW is to not
assume that the PRI should be disconnected as some end users reuse the PRI, and it is a long process, six
weeks or longer, to rebuild the PRI once it is disconnected.
If no instructions are in the Remark field instructing Verizon to disconnect the PRI in MDVW, the PRI will
remain active and the end user will continue to be billed on a monthly basis for the PRI. If the end user is
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receiving a bill from Verizon for the PRI, the CLEC should advise the customer to contact the Verizon retail
business office to disconnect the PRI.
Ninfa Bennett (Cox) said that Verizon Retail refused to disconnect the PRI when their customer called and
they had to escalate to get it disconnected. Cathy Gorman explained that future wholesale orders should
include the instructions in the Remark field to disconnect the PRI. This will eliminate the need for the end user
to then call the Verizon Retail Business Office to request the PRI be disconnected. She also requested that
Ninfa notify her if the situation with Verizon Retail refusing to disconnect the PRI for their end user continues.
Verizon reviewed the previous examples submitted by Cox and NTELOS which were all VA examples. In the
first example from Cox, there was a remark requesting Verizon disconnect the PRI as well as port the DID
numbers. An order to port the DID numbers and another to disconnect the PRI were issued and completed.
The second example from Cox was not valid for this particular issue as the PON was received and cancelled
on the same day. The example from NTELOS was a valid example where Verizon did port the DIDs riding on
a PRI but did not disconnect the PRI as there were no instructions in the Remark field. As a result, the end
user continued to be billed by Verizon for the facility until the end user called Verizon Retail to disconnect the
PRI trunk.
Verizon originally moved to close the issue. Based on discussion with the CLECs, Verizon agreed this issue
should remain open until the procedure for MDVW orders to include instructions in the Remark Field to
disconnect the PRI is documented on the VPS web site.
6/11/07 This issue is a request for Verizon to provide porting/disconnect documentation with regards to DIDs
riding on a PRI to account for the process variations in the North and South. Verizon is not finished researching
this issue and asked the CLECs to how often this occurs as Verizon operations say they only see this two or three
time a year. Verizon has examined the two examples from Cox previously provided but they were examples from
2006, and NTELOS provided an example on a similar issue. Current examples of this issue can be sent to the
CUF mailbox at: cufexternal.verizon.com.
Beth Abesamis explained that the difference in process is likely due to differences in systems. Madison Barry
from CTSI shared that they do business primarily in Pennsylvania and they tell their customers to contact Verizon
Retail to disconnect the account. Verizon will read out on this issue at the next CUF meeting.
5/9/07- Gail Gissendanner from Cox Communications presented a new issue requesting Verizon to provide clear
porting/disconnect documentation with regards to DIDs riding on a PRI for the North and South. She said it
appears that in the North, if an entire account is ported to a CLEC, both the DIDs and the PRI circuit are
disconnected and removed from the billing system. In the South, if Cox requests to port of an entire block of
DID(s) riding a PRI, the PRI circuit will remain active and Verizon will continue to bill for the circuit unless a
separate order is submitted to disconnect the PRI. Anita Ferrebee from FiberNet confirmed the same scenario for
the South. She will send examples to the CUF mailbox. This issue was accepted as CUF issue #114.
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#115 Release Ported Number DDD +6
CLEC SUBMITTING ISSUE SHOULD COMPLETE ITEMS 1 through 8. (Item 9 is optional):
CLEC Contact, Phone Number and
Carol Frike (913)762-2321
E-Mail Address:
Alternate CLEC Contact, Phone
Number and E-Mail Address
SELECT PRODUCT(S) THIS ISSUE AFFECTS: (Double-click on box(es) to mark)
Special Access (FCC Tariff)
Interconnection/Switched Access
UNE Specials/IOF (Local Tariffs)
OTHER (Please Specify):
Pre-Order (Record Verification)
Ordering (Process)
Maintenance and/or
Repair (Process)
Provisioning (Process)
Billing (Process)
Ancillary Services (OS/DA/DL, etc.)
Other General Issue
Entire Verizon East Or
Entire Verizon West Or
Entire Footprint Or Check off Specific State(s) Below:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
Pennsylvania - W
New York
Rhode Island
North Carolina
South Carolina
Washington DC
West Virginia
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DESCRIBE THE ISSUE: Currently, Verizon will release the TN at midnight on the port Due Date as confirmed
via the LSR process. We would like Verizon to change their process to release a ported number to DD +6 or a
confirmation from NPAC that port has been activated. Today, many customers change their mind to port to a
new carrier at the last minute. When this occurs Sprint will send a SUP 1 to cancel the port and/or call Verizon to
stop the port. There are times when Verizon can not stop the cancel, thus the customer will lose outbound
calling as Sprint did not activate the TN and Verizon disconnected the TN. Also we require a customer premise
visit for equipment installation, sometimes the customer is not home on the scheduled date and the scenario
above applies as well, we cannot stop the port.
Today, many customers change their mind to port to a new carrier at the last minute. When this occurs,
the NSP will send a Sup 1 to cancel the port and/or call the OSP to stop the port. There are times when
the OSP can not stop the cancel, thus the customer will lose outbound calling as the NSP did not
activate the TN and the OSP disconnected the TN.
Also, Sprint CLEC (SPID 8712) is the network provider for many cable companies. A port to a cable
company requires a customer premise visit for equipment installation. When a customer chooses to
port to a Sprint cable partner (i.e., TWC), the cable company will coordinate for the customer to be
available at the customer premise on the DD for equipment installation and port activation. If the
customer is not home on the scheduled DD, we will either reschedule the DD by sending a Sup to the
OSP or cancel the port. Once again, there are times when the OSP can not stop the cancel or change
the DD as it may be too late on the DD, thus the customer will lose outbound calling as the NSP did not
activate the TN and the OSP disconnected the TN. I have listed two examples for reference:
TN: 3307673712, SPMP PON: 1689808851008043, LSR #1 O1052587, LSR #2 I1052594
TN: 3307674734, SPMP PON: 1685434589962422, LSR #1 I1017399, LSR #2 O1017398
Most importantly, the customer/TN belongs to the OSP until the TN is activated by the NSP at NPAC.
Although some NSPs receive a FOC to port on a DD, they never take the TN at NPAC for various
reasons. Thus, it is a benefit for Verizon to keep these customers until the NSP activates the TN at
NPAC. For this reason, many carriers have changed their PO Cancel policy to minimize out-of-service
conditions and to maintain their customer.
I have outlined when the following carriers disconnect services:
BellSouth: Does not cancel services as the OSP until the NSP sends an activate message. Best
in class.
Verizon West (GTE): Releases TN @ 12:01 on DD
Verizon East (NYNEX/BELAT): Releases TN @ 11:59 PM on DD
Qwest: Removes translations no earlier than 11:59 pm on DD+1
ATT/SBC: Removes translations no earlier than DD+6
AllTel/Windstream: Releases TN on DD+1.
Sprint CLEC: Does not cancel services as the OSP until the NSP sends activate message.
There is no harm in not canceling the TN/services until "determined days" after the DD.
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TN:7188363270, PON:NY10000000209244, DD: 5/4/07
TN: 2126742131, PON: NY10000000209219, Port Date: 05/01/07
TN 8455621083, PON 1771022404786233, DD 5/2/07
We would like to request to change the release of the ported number from midnight on the DD to DD + 6.
Sprint CLEC (SPID 8712) is requesting that Verizon (as the Old Service Provider) consider a policy change to
not cancel or release the TN from their switch nor cancel customer services until (A) the NSP (New Service
Provider) sends an activate message to NPAC (best practice), or (B) allows for a grace period from the Due
Date (i.e., DD+1, DD+2, DD+3, etc).
17. Issue Accepted?
Yes /
18. Assigned Issue # 115
No – If “No”, give reason:
and Entitled: Release Ported Number DDD +6
19. Other CLECs Supporting Issue:
20. Issue Closed:
21. Issue moved to another Forum: _______________________________________________________.
22. Agree to Disagree
9/12/07 - This issue was originally discussed in the March CUF Roundtable and formally submitted as a new
issue at the May CUF meeting. The original issue was a request for Verizon to modify the existing LNP interval
from DD to DD +6. Sprint was looking for extra time to activate a number if their customer or the end user was
not ready on the due date. Based on discussions at that meeting, not all CLECs were amenable to change the
Based on the concerns raised by both the CLECs and Verizon regarding associated billing issues, Mike Clancy
suggested that Verizon accept this issue using activation as the trigger. Verizon accepted the issue and since
has investigated whether Verizon could change its policy and what impact this change would have on Verizon
systems and processes in order not to release the telephone number from our switch nor cancel the end user’s
service until the New Service Provider sends an activate message to NPAC.
Verizon’s investigation focused on three areas:
1. Researching the examples that Sprint provided of pending orders in which Sprint issued a SUP on the due
date to cancel the port and Verizon did not cancel the port.
2. Searching the industry LNPA Working Group website for documentation on when the Old Service Provider
should remove the line from translations and for any other information pertinent to this issue.
3. Holding an internal meeting with Verizon SME’s to determine the scale and scope of the required operational
and system changes to change the policy.
Review of Examples Submitted to the CUF
The investigation of the five examples submitted by Sprint revealed that the order examples did not support this
issue of a CLEC not being able to issue a SUP to cancel on the due date. And, in fact, one example illustrated
how the process outlined by the Local Number Portability Working Group actually works. Cathy Gorman asked
those on the call if they would like her to walk through each order and the results of the investigation. No one
wanted the review of the examples
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Chris Gambino (Cablevision) informed the group that she has recently submitted a spreadsheet of orders in
which Cablevision issued a SUP to cancel the port order on the DD but the end user was disconnected
anyway. Chris said that at one point the problem with erroneous disconnects had gotten so bad that
Cablevision was having weekly calls with Verizon. Eli Diaz said he had spoken with Tom Thirsk about the
issue and would follow up with him today. Chris said that the identified lines were being researched by Rich
Morin, Tom Thirsk, and Bill Carney. She said Cablevision had also experienced problems with premature
disconnects when no SUP was issued and problems when no trigger was set.
Open dialog continued on current operation issues CLECs are experiencing with LNP.
Margaret Detch requested CLECS bring their examples to the CUF so Verizon can research them and that
Verizon would need to have all CLEC examples so that we are able to pin down the source of the problem,
i.e., is process related, system related etc. The CUF team also needs to know who else within Verizon, if
anyone, is working on the issue with any of the CLECs
Eli advised that will continue to work operationally on the issues that Cablevision raised.
Lori Fredericksen (Integra) said that they also have many of the same problems and she will send her
Mike Clancy reminded the CLECs that if they have any examples of DD issues to put them on a spreadsheet
and submit to CUF Mailbox. Note: The CUF mailbox address is: cufexternal@verizon.com
2. LNPA WG Website
 Verizon also reviewed the industry Local Number Portability web site which contains information on the
activities of the North American Numbering Council (NANC) Local Number Portability Administration Working
Group (LNPA WG).
This CUF issue is not new and was previously brought to the LNPA WG and discussed and evaluated at
length in that industry working group between May 2001 and February 2002.
The issue number was PIM 0013 and the issue description is “The OSP removes switch translations on or
near due date, even if activate through the NPAC has not occurred.”
The language describing three acceptable approaches to the old Service Provider disconnect process was
agreed to by this industry working group. Replacement text was submitted to North American Numbering
Council and forwarded to the FCC. The issue was closed showing the approved text as the solution.
The final version of the revised text reads as follows:
After update of its databases, the old Service Provider removes translations associated with the ported TN.
The removal of these translations (1.) will not be done until the old Service Provider has evidence that the port
has occurred, or (2.) will not be scheduled earlier than 11:59 PM of the day after the due date, or (3.) will be
scheduled for 11:59 PM on the due date, but can be changed by an LSR supplement received no later than
9:00 PM local time on the due date. This LSR supplement must be submitted in accordance with local
practices governing LSR exchange, including such communications by telephone, fax, etc.
Complete notes from the industry review of this topic can be located at:
Verizon existing policy is in compliance with these industry guidelines.
3, Verizon SME Meeting to Discuss Change in Policy
 Verizon met with their LNP SMEs to discuss the feasibility of changing the LNP due date policy from NANC
option 3 to option 1 in the East. After discussion, it was explained that Verizon would not change its policy for
the following reasons:
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A change in the process from DD to DD plus activation date would require IT changes to all Verizon
provisioning systems. The cost for such changes would be cost prohibitive.
It would also require changes to the NENA (National Emergency Number Association) requirements for
unlocking the E911 database;
There were concerns raised of the affect of outward customer delays on inward customers. If the port can
not be completed until Activation, Verizon would not being able to reuse facilities if the outward customer
The change to activation date would require changes in the calculation of the PR-4-07 metric: % On Time
UNE LNP. The intervals for this metric are set between our systems for setting up the trigger and there
are large penalties associated with missing the metric. Any changes to the metric would take 6-12
months to change if the Commissions, Verizon and the CLECs were in agreement to make this change or
take more than a year if there was dissension.
Next Steps
 At this time, Verizon will not change its LNP policy to accept the activation as the trigger.
 A discussion of whether Verizon should close this issue on changing the interval/policy and open new ones
related to specific operational issues porting problems discussed at the meeting. The decision was made for
Verizon to keep this issue open.
The CUF members agreed to the following action items:
1) CLECs are to forward more examples of orders with SUPs to cancel issued on the DD that didn’t work
and of premature disconnects. Verizon will go back to the Verizon operations folks to review those
submitted previously by Cablevision. Verizon will report its findings and any corrective action taken at
the next CUF meeting.
2) Verizon will look at the feasibility of changing the policy to DD +1.
3) Mike Clancy will hold a CLEC-only meeting to identify specific operational porting issues being
experienced today by the CLECs and forward those issues to the Verizon CUF team. This will allow
Verizon to begin researching the issue prior to the next CUF meeting in December.
4) Carol Frike (Sprint) and Chris Gambino (Cablevision) agreed to speak off line to reach out to Bell South to
understand what changes were made to legacy systems that enables them to release the line following
NPAC notification. Carol will also provide the contact name at Bell South to Eli Diaz.
5) Verizon to clarify if flow through orders can be SUP’d up to 9PM in the East.
7/11/07 - Jim Gampper from Sprint/Nextel presented the new issue concerning the LNP order process. He
explained that when their end user customer wants to cancel the port on the due date, there is not enough
time for Sprint to stop the disconnection resulting in the need for the end user customer to call Verizon to
reinstate their telephone number. Sprint is requesting that Verizon consider a policy change to not cancel or
release the telephone number from their switch nor cancel the end user customer’s services until the New
Service Provider sends an activate message to NPAC or Verizon allows for a grace period from the Due Date
(i.e., DD+1, DD+2, DD+3, etc).
A discussion of the pros and cons followed. Several CLECs said they would not want Verizon to keep the
telephone number in their switch beyond the due date. Mike Clancy (Covad) suggested that Verizon accept
the issue based on using activation as the trigger, and to evaluate all the impacts including metrics.
This issue was accepted as CUF issue #115.
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