1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 DRAFT (October 14, 2013) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No. __________________________ Series of 2013 SUBJECT : GUIDELINES FOR THE ACCREDITATION OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNIT MEAT INSPECTION SERVICES (LMIS) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, the Congress of the Philippines enacted Republic Act No. 9296 as amended by Republic No. 10536, otherwise known as the Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines, to ensure the protection of the public against unreasonable risks of injury and hazard to health from unsafe meat and meat products; WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State to support local government units in their endeavour to be self-reliant and to continue exercising the powers and discharging the duties and functions currently vested upon them; WHEREAS, Chapter III of amended RA 9296 provides the responsibilities of the LGUs for the delivery of basic meat inspection service such as regulation of the construction, management and operation of slaughterhouses, meat inspection, meat transport and post abattoir control; monitoring and evaluation; and collection of fees and charges in accordance with the national policies, procedures, guidelines, rules and regulations and quality and safety standards as promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture; WHEREAS, Section 9 of Republic Act No. 10536 provides that the functions of the NMIS Regional Technical Operation Center in “AA” accredited meat establishments shall be transferred or devolved to the provincial government where the said meat establishments are located; Provided, that the Provincial Meat Inspection Service is certified by the NMIS to be compliant with the national standards; WHEREAS, there is a need to issue guidelines and procedures to be used in ascertaining compliance of the LGU Meat Inspection Service to national standards on meat inspection and hygiene; NOW THEREFORE, I, PROCESO J. ALCALA, Secretary of the Department of Agriculture and Chairperson of the NMIS Meat Inspection Board (MIB), by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby issue this Order prescribing the Guidelines for the Accreditation of the Meat Inspection Service of the Local Government Units (LGUs). Section 1 SCOPE This Order covers the procedures for the conduct of evaluation and accreditation of LGU Meat Inspection Services, issuance of the Certificate of Compliance and Accreditation and turn-over of the NMIS-RTOC’s functions in “AA” meat establishments. Food safety audits and evaluation for accreditation of the meat establishments shall remain with the NMIS. Section 2 DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms as used in this Order shall mean: Accreditation means the power of the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) to give authority to the Provincial Meat Inspection Service (PMIS) or City Meat Inspection Service, in case of highly urbanized cities, to directly supervise the regulation of meat inspection 1 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 and hygiene (ante-, post-mortem and post-meat establishment); to monitor and evaluate the system; and to collect fees and charges in accordance with the national standard and guidelines promulgated by the Secretary of Agriculture; Actual Meat Inspection refers to the conduct by the vet/meat inspector of on-line antemortem, post-mortem and post-meat establishment inspections to ensure the production and sale of safe meat and meat products and to oversee the proper handling, cleaning and disinfection of the meat establishment production areas. Highly Urbanized City (HUC) or Independent Component City (ICC) shall perform devolved meat inspection and hygiene functions similar to the Provinces. It has a city veterinarian and a City Meat Inspection Service (CMIS) implementing the meat inspection system within its territorial jurisdiction. Devolution refers to the transfer of power and authority from the National to Local Government Units to enable them to perform specific functions and responsibilities. Direct Supervision, for the LGUs, refers to the authority and responsibility for the delivery of actual meat inspection service where the supervisor is in the premises and is quickly available and includes the accountability for the issuance of relevant inspection certificates. For NMIS, it includes circuit inspection to ensure the implementation of the meat inspection law and other related laws. Local Government Units refer to the Provinces, Cities and Municipalities created under Republic Act No. 7160, which have the responsibility for the delivery of the basic meat inspection services within their territorial jurisdiction. Local Meat Inspection Service (LMIS) refers to a division under the Provincial, City or Municipal Veterinary/Agriculture Office that is responsible for the regulation of the sale of meat and meat products to ensure their safety and quality for human food. Meat Establishments refers to premises such as slaughterhouse, poultry dressing plant, meat processing plant, meat cutting plant, cold storage warehouse and other meat outlets that are accredited and/or registered by the NMIS/LMIS in which food animals or meat products are slaughtered, prepared, processed, handled, packed or stored with the following classifications relative to their existing facilities, operation and product distribution: 1 “AA” 2 “AAA” intra- or inter provincial/city distribution of meat and meat products domestic and international Meat Hygiene refers to all conditions and measures including but not limited to good hygienic slaughtering practices or good manufacturing practices necessary to ensure the quality, safety and suitability of meat at all stages of the food chain. Meat Inspection/Control System refers to a system to ensure the safety and quality of meat and meat products for human food including but not limited to humane handling of slaughter animals, ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection, Quality Assurance Program, Hygiene and Sanitation Program, Good Manufacturing Practices, Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Program and Residue Control Program, of an LGU. It covers regulatory activities such as registration, licensing, accreditation, and enforcement of regulations and supported by laboratory examination. Meat Inspection means the act by an official inspector to ensure compliance with rules and regulations on but not limited to humane handling of slaughter animals, ante and post 2 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 mortem inspection, good hygienic slaughtering practices or good manufacturing practices, slaughterhouse facilities, transport vehicles and post-meat establishment control. Meat Inspector (MI) refers to a professionally qualified and properly trained officer, duly appointed by the NMIS or the local government unit for meat inspection and control of hygiene under the supervision of a veterinary inspector. Meat Delivery/Transport Vehicle (MDV) refers to an enclosed conveyance used for the transfer of meat and meat products from one place to another in a hygienic manner. National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) is the sole national controlling authority on all matters pertaining to meat and meat product inspection and meat hygiene. Plant Operation refers to the scheduled time for production and manufacturing wherein the vet/meat inspector is required to be present during the entire duration of operation. Priority Reportable Animal Diseases refers to all those included under OIE list A and B diseases. Post-Meat Establishment Enforcement refers to the enforcement of laws, rules and other regulations governing the safety of meat and meat products from dispatch from the meat establishment, during transport, and up to the time of retail in the meat outlets. Registration refers to the mechanical act of listing those entities required under the law to be regulated by the concerned authority. Safe and Wholesome means that the meat and meat products has been passed as fit for human consumption using the criteria that it (a) will not cause food borne infection or intoxication when properly handled and prepared with respect to the intended use; (b) does not contain residue in excess of set limits; (c) is free of obvious contamination; (d) is free of defects that are generally recognized as objectionable to consumers; (e) has been produced under adequate hygiene control; and, (f) has not been treated with illegal substances as specified in this Act and in other related national legislation. Technical Supervision means the authority and responsibility vested on the next higher level of government to ensure the proper implementation of the meat control system by those tasked to perform it. Validation refers to the confirmation and evaluation processes undertaken by the controlling authority in ascertaining the existence of a functional local meat inspection service for the purpose of its accreditation. Verification shall mean the assessment and authentication by competent food safety auditors that the meat inspection system is in control based on actual observation of operation and documentary evidence. Section 3 APPLICATION FOR ACCREDITATION A. New Applicant Only the Provincial and Highly Urbanized City Meat Inspection Services (PMIS/HUCMIS) are eligible to be accredited. The LGU applicant shall submit to the Regional Technical Center (RTOC) the following: 1. Letter of Intent to be accredited by the NMIS and signed by the Governor (Province) or City Mayor (Highly Urbanized Cities) 2. Filled-up Application Form (Notarized) 3. LCE Certification confirming the following: 3 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 a. The creation or existence of the Local Meat Inspection Service b. Enactment of Provincial/City ordinance on meat inspection 4. Ordinance on Meat Inspection (CTC) 5. Organizational structure of the PMIS/HUCMIS 6. Staff of the LMIS including the position and salary grade from the Head down to the lowest level 7. Personal Data Sheet of personnel involved in the meat control system of the PMIS/HUCMIS: a. Provincial/City Veterinarian b. Other Veterinarians in the province, city and municipalities c. Meat Inspectors in the province, city and municipalities 8. BMITC Certificates of on-line veterinarian/meat inspectors (CTC) 9. List and Picture of all meat establishments which may be LGU owned and operated or private 10. Accreditation Certificate of “AA” meat establishments in the Province/HUC (CTC) 11. GMP/GOP/SSOP Certificate of “AA” meat establishments in the Province/HUC (CTC) 12. Joint Validation and Review Report of the NMIS RTOC and Central Office 13. Endorsement of the application to the Executive Director by the RTOC-RTD 14. Official Receipt for payment of accreditation fee (CTC) B. Renewal Renewal of accreditation shall be done every two (2) years. Application for renewal shall be submitted at least two (2) months before the expiry date. The following shall be submitted to the NMIS RTOC: 1. Letter of Intent to renew the accreditation by the NMIS and signed by the Governor (Province) or City Mayor (Highly Urbanized Cities) 2. Filled-up Application Form (Notarized) 3. Other NMIS required documents to be submitted by the LGU applicant 4. Accreditation Certificate of “AA” meat establishments in the Province/HUC (CTC) 5. GMP/GOP/SSOP Certificate of “AA” meat establishments in the Province/HUC (CTC) together with the copy of the two (2) annual Verification and Review Reports 6. Endorsement of the application to the Executive Director by the RTOC-RTD 7. Official Receipt for payment of accreditation fee (CTC) Section 4 VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LOCAL MEAT INSPECTION SERVICE (LMIS) AS REQUIRED UNDER DA-AO NO. 21 SERIES OF 2010 The validation or verification as to compliance by the PMIS/HUC MIS of the requirements in the establishment of the Local Meat Inspection Service prescribed under Department of Agriculture Administrative Order No. 21 series of 2010 shall be jointly undertaken by the ARED and POID of the Central Office and the counterpart personnel at the concerned Regional Technical Operation Center. I. LEGAL FRAMEWORK A. ORDINANCE 1. The PMIS and HUCMIS shall have an enacted provincial/city ordinance on meat inspection and hygiene and other relevant local ordinances. 2. The PMIS shall have a compilation of all Component City and Municipal ordinances on (a) meat inspection and meat hygiene; and, (b) meat inspection fees and charges 3. To ensure alignment to national policies and standards, the PMIS/HUCMIS shall furnish a copy of the ordinances to the NMIS for review and reference. B. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND STAFFING OF THE LOCAL MEAT INSPECTION SERVICES (LMIS) 1. The Province/ Highly Urbanized City shall have a functional Provincial/City Meat 4 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 Inspection Service headed by a licensed Veterinarian. 2. Only trained Veterinarian/ Meat Inspection shall be allowed to conduct hygiene inspection, antemortem inspection and on-line post-mortem meat inspection. 3. The Municipal Meat Inspection Service under the technical supervision of the PMIS shall be headed by an NMIS trained Agriculturist/Meat Inspector in case the municipality is without a Veterinarian. 4. The PMIS/ NMIS shall have a compilation of the following: a. Organizational structure and staff of all Municipal Meat Inspection Services within the territorial jurisdiction of the PMIS. b. List of Municipal slaughterhouses, location, status and personnel complement and their trainings within the territorial jurisdiction of the PMIS. c. Copy of Council Resolution allowing the (1) the construction, improvement, rehabilitation, and operation of the abattoir; (2) the granting of franchise, lease, mortgage or sale of the slaughterhouse to the private sector, if any. II. OPERATION OF THE LGU MEAT INSPECTION SERVICES A. SUPERVISORY FUNCTION 1. In general, the Local Meat Inspection Service (LMIS) is primarily responsible to ensure the safety and quality of meat and meat products in their area of jurisdiction. 2. Specifically, the Provincial/Highly Urbanized City Meat Inspection Service (PMIS/HUCMIS) shall have the following functions: a. Regulate the preparation, transport, marketing, inspection and hygiene of meat and meat products in “AA”, “A” and LRMEs within the provincial/HUC territorial jurisdiction in accordance with the national policies; b. Exercise direct supervision over meat inspection personnel of the province/ HUC; c. Provide technical supervision over component cities and municipalities meat inspection personnel within the territorial jurisdiction of the province or city meat inspection personnel within the territorial jurisdiction of the HUC or ICC to ensure that they act within the scope of their prescribed powers and functions. B. REGULATORY FUNCTIONS 1. VETERINARIANS/ MEAT INSPECTORS a. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall check if the veterinarians/ meat inspectors assigned in the meat inspection work have completed the Basic Meat Inspection Training Course (BMITC) as required under the Meat Inspection Code of the Philippines (Amended RA 9296). b. The initial list and thereafter the updated list shall be submitted regularly to the National Registry of all veterinarian/meat inspector appointed/designated in the National and local meat inspection services which is being maintained at the NMIS (NMIS MC No10-2010-9). c. The Head of the PMIS/HUCMIS shall conduct regular consultation and meeting with the concerned meat inspection services within the province for the following purposes: (1)To fully understand the problems and conditions of the meat inspection services thereat; (2) To listen and give appropriate counsel to veterinarians/meat inspectors, and; (3) To inform and update the officials in the said areas of the laws and new regulations which specially concerns the LGU to the end that the delivery of the meat inspection service in the locality shall be improved. 2. MEAT HANDLERS a. The concerned LMIS shall register and issue license to butchers and workers in the slaughterhouse, meat dealers, meat vendors, meat shop/stall owners, sales staff and other persons directly handling meat and meat products in their respective territorial jurisdiction. b. The PMIS shall collate the list of all the registered meat handlers per municipality and component city which shall be regularly updated and a copy is submitted to 5 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 the NMIS. c. The HUCMIS shall submit the list of all the registered meat handlers in their locality which shall be regularly updated and a copy is submitted to the NMIS. 3. MEAT ESTABLISHMENTS (ME) a. All meat establishments in their area of jurisdiction must have Business and Sanitary Permits b. The PMIS shall maintain a provincial registry of all meat establishments operating in the component city and municipality which shall be regularly updated and a copy submitted to the NMIS (NMIS MC No10-2010-10). c. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall provide technical supervision and ensure that the slaughterhouse facilities, equipment and utensils are in good operating condition at all times and shall report regularly the condition/s of the slaughtering facility with attached clear photographs of observed abnormal condition/s, if any, to the concerned LCE or LGU official. d. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall monitor the operation of the “AA”, “A” and LRME in their area of jurisdiction that they comply with the requirements of Good Hygienic Slaughtering Practices (GHSP)/ Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)/ Standard Sanitation Operating Procedures (SSOP); f. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall have monitoring procedures on the construction, maintenance and repair, improvement, and rehabilitation of meat establishments within their territorial jurisdiction so that it will conform to the national standard. g. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall have a Provincial/City Slaughterhouses (SLHs) Development/ Improvement Plan, the objective of which is to construct standard slaughterhouses in Municipalities where there are no slaughterhouses and/or improve and upgrade the existing component city and municipal slaughterhouses in the province/city in order to conform to the national standard. 4. ANTEMORTEM AND POSTMORTEM MEAT INSPECTIONS AND ANIMAL WELFARE PROGRAM a. The LGU meat inspection regulations shall conform to existing national laws, policies, rules and regulations. Local customs, traditions and tribal practices not covered by any Law may be legislated through an ordinance provided these are not contrary to declared public policy. b. The conduct of actual or on-line meat inspection in “AA”, “A” and LRME and the issuance of the Meat and Meat product Inspection Certificate (MMPIC) is the responsibility of the concerned LMIS. c. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall perform the following additional responsibilities: (1) Ensure that minimum standards are met in the performance of meat inspection and in the operation of the slaughterhouses within the province/HUC; (2) Enforce humane handling and slaughtering of food animals and, (3) Ensure the proper issuance of MMPIC for meat and meat products intended for distribution in commerce. d. The MMPIC is an accountable document. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall audit the issued MMPICs by the meat establishment under his/her jurisdiction and keep a record of their control numbers. Duplicates shall be kept and disposed in accordance with the archive rules. e. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall submit to the NMIS monthly and special reports on meat establishment operation, slaughter and condemnation reports, incidence of reportable diseases and other documents 5. MEAT PLANT HYGIENE AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMS a. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall oversee and monitor the implementation of GHSP, GMP, SSOP and/or HACCP (where applicable) and compliance by “AA”, “A”, and LRMEs in their area of jurisdiction. b. All “A” accredited meat establishment and LRMEs in the HUCs, ICCs or CCs and municipalities shall adopt and implement the Good Hygienic Slaughtering Practices 6 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 (GHSP) to minimize the substantial risk of contamination during slaughtering, dressing, and handling and to ensure the production and distribution of safe and wholesome meat and meat products. c. All “AA” accredited meat establishment shall adopt and implement the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for primary productions such as slaughterhouse, poultry dressing plant, meat cutting plant and meat processing plant and Good Operating Practices (GOP) for cold storage warehouses. d. The adoption and implementation of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Program (HACCP) by “AA” accredited meat establishments shall be voluntary. e. The PMIS shall validate/ verify by evaluating and auditing the performance of all meat establishments under their direct and technical supervisions relative to the implementation of GMP/SSOP or GHSP. f. Meat establishments that operate below national standards for hygiene and sanitation thereby posing risk to animal and public health shall be recommended by PMIS/HUCMIS for closure to the LCE and to the NMIS. g. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall formulate “incentive schemes” for “AA”, “A” and LRMEs that are performing exceptionally in their compliance to meat inspection, hygiene and sanitation standards. 6. MEAT TRANSPORT VEHICLES (MTV) a. If transport time is one hour or more, only refrigerated transport vehicles accredited by the PMIS shall be allowed to transport meat and meat products from one component city or municipality to other LGUS within the territorial jurisdiction of the province. b. The list of MDVs registered by the component city or municipal meat inspection service shall be collated by the PMIS that supervises these LMIS and shall submit a copy to the NMIS. c. The HUC MIS shall also accredit MDVs used to deliver meat and meat products within the territorial jurisdiction of the city and shall submit a list to the NMIS. 7. POST-MEAT ESTABLISHMENT CONTROL a. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall be responsible in ensuring that only meat and meat products that passed meat inspection, whether locally produced or imported, shall be offered for sale within its territorial jurisdiction. b. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall initiate the creation of the LGU Task Force which will be tasked to do the following: (1) Conduct surveillance activities; (2) Confiscate any carcasses or parts, offal and meat products found to have been prepared, handled, packed, stored, transported or offered for sale within the province/city as human food not in accordance with any provisions of the Meat Inspection Code or in violation of any of the prohibited acts under RA 9296 as amended; (3) Impose administrative fines after due process; and/or, (4) Initiate the filing of criminal complaint with the appropriate forum. III. CAPACITY-BUILDING A. All veterinarians/ meat inspectors who are duly appointed, designated or deputized to perform meat inspection functions shall have undergone and completed the Basic Meat Inspection Training Course (BMITC) of the NMIS. B. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall conduct the GHSP training and monitor its implementation in their territorial jurisdiction. C. The PMIS/HUCMIS shall prepare a Training Master Development Plan based on the career path of the LGU veterinarians/ meat inspectors which shall be used as basis for the supplemental, special or advanced trainings on meat inspection, meat hygiene and other related subject matter to further hone the meat inspection and regulatory skills of the LGU veterinarians/meat inspectors and other workers in the meat industry within the province/city. D. The PMIS and HUCMIS shall endeavour to have LGU veterinarians/ meat inspectors 7 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 trained on auditing of GMP/SSOP and HACCP programs. E. Annual seminar on updates the on the laws, rules and regulations and other national government policies, new technologies and current developments in the meat industry shall be organized and conducted by the PMIS/HUCMIS to enable the LMIS to harmonize with the national development agenda, policies and priorities; and enhance their capabilities in the regulatory work and enforcement, risk management and implementation of meat inspection and meat hygiene programs. IV. LABORATORY SERVICES The PMIS/HUCMIS may establish its own meat laboratory in support of its meat inspection work where the needed tests cannot be conveniently sent for examination to official government laboratories such as to water and ice potability test, E. coli test, test for Salmonella and screening test for selected antibiotic residues. V. COLLECTION OF FEES AND CHARGES A. As prescribed under amended RA 9296, there shall be uniform rates for ante-mortem and port-mortem inspection fees to be collected by all LMIS for carcasses, internal organs, and all other edible parts of the food animal which are inspected and passed and for sale to the public. B. Through an appropriate revenue ordinance, the LMIS may impose additional fees and charges such as but not limited to the following: a. use of the stockyard/ holding pens/ weighing scale; b. slaughtering/ dressing; c. butchering/ fabricating; d. meat delivery/transport van services; e. registration of unaccredited slaughterhouses/ poultry dressing plants/ meat processing plants/ cold storage warehouses, meat delivery vehicles, butchers, meat dealers, meat vendors, sales staff and all other meat handlers in the meat trade within their respective territorial jurisdiction, and; f. inspection fee on all live animals sold in the markets which intended for food. C. Eighty percent (80%) of the imposed administrative fine shall be paid by the guilty party to the concerned LMIS. An Official Receipt indicating payment for Administrative Fine shall be issued by the concerned LGU copy furnished the NMIS. The remaining twenty percent (20%) shall be paid to the NMIS. An Official Receipt shall be issued by the NMIS copy furnished the LMIS. The amount paid to the NMIS shall be remitted to the Bureau of Treasury. VI. DISEASE SURVEILLANCE Quarantine control, traceability of the distributed products and recall of the meat and meat products within the territorial jurisdiction of the province/HUC shall be the responsibility of the PMIS/HUCMIS in coordination with the concerned Regional Field Unit of the Department of Agriculture to prevent the entry and control the spread of animal pests and diseases in the province/city. Section 5 CERTIFICATION A. The policy of “No Accreditation, No Devolution” of NMIS functions in “AA” accredited meat establishments to the PMIS/HUC MIS shall be strictly observed. B. The criteria to be used in the validation/verification audit by the NMIS shall be “ALL OR NONE” which means “PASSED” if all the requirements have been complied with or “FAILED” if incomplete. C. A Certificate of Compliance and Accreditation, valid for two (2) years, shall be issued to the PMIS/ HUC MIS that complied with the standard set under DA AO No. 21 s. 2010. A formal turn-over of responsibility shall be undertaken by the NMIS at the RTOC. 8 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 D. Failure of the PMIS/HUC MIS to pass the validation/verification audit shall be a ground for denial of the application for accreditation. No conditional status shall be given by the NMIS neither shall the audit team entertain any request for reconsideration of the audit result. Section 6 SANCTIONS AND PENALTIES A. The NMIS RTOC shall immediately take over the supervision of “AA” meat establishment/s in accredited PMIS/ HUCMIS that failed to comply with the requirements under Section 6. B. The NMIS Veterinarian/ Meat Inspector shall immediately conduct the meat and hygiene inspections in the “AA” meat establishment and issue the Meat and Meat Products Inspection Certificate until the PMIS/HUC MIS have complied satisfactorily with the accreditation requirements in order not to hamper distribution in trade of meat and meat products. C. In case the PMIS/HUCMIS failed to renew its bi-annual accreditation, the concerned NMIS RTOC shall automatically take over after the expiry date the meat inspection functions in “AA” accredited meat establishments. D. For failure of the concerned NMIS RTOC personnel to provide assistance to the PMIS/ HUC MIS to be accredited or to renew its accreditation, he/she shall be charged with neglect of duty and/or such other appropriate administrative charges. Section 7 REPEALING CLAUSE The provisions of existing Implementing Rules and Regulations, Memorandum Circulars, and other issuances that are inconsistent with the provisions of this Order are hereby modified, revoked or repealed accordingly. Section 8 SEPARABILITY CLAUSE In the event one or more of such provisions are held unconstitutional, the validity of other provisions shall not be affected thereby. SECTION 9 EFFECTIVITY This Administrative Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication either in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines. PROCESO J. ALCALA Secretary Department of Agriculture Recommending Approval: DR. MINDA S. MANANTAN Executive Director 9