41st Annual Meeting Decision Sciences Institute November 20-23, 2010 San Diego, California Conference Theme: Challenging the Status Quo – Breakthrough Innovations that Rejuvenate Organizations A little revolution is a good thing now and then. In 2009 the Decision Science Institute (DSI) celebrated its 40th year of existence as one of the leading academic societies. The annual conference in 2010 marks the beginning of the next 40 years, in which we expect to break new ground, try new ideas, and create new value for all participants. Join us in San Diego as we launch a new chapter in the life of the DSI. We invite basic, applied, theory, and case study research in any field related to decision-making, as well as proposals for panel discussion, symposia, workshops, and tutorials dealing with research or pedagogical issues. As a participant in the 2010 conference you can expect to enjoy the following: A warm welcome with numerous opportunities to meet new people, to consider new research and teaching approaches, and to enjoy the sights and sounds of San Diego High quality invited and sponsored sessions featuring highly respected researchers, educators, and practitioners A variety of venues in which you can present and receive constructive feedback on your research and teaching innovations Opportunities to scout out the job market and/or the talent pool More than 20 discipline-based and inter-disciplinary tracks that address research, pedagogy, educational technologies, and more Three new special interest groups addressing health care, project management, and innovation Conference innovations that put new twists on an already successful formula The venue for the 2010 DSI Annual Meeting is the Marriott Hotel and Marina. This location offers excellent weather, great access to restaurants, tours, and entertainment, and scenic view of the beautiful bay and port of San Diego. For more information visit www.sandiego.org and http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/sandt-sandiego-marriott-hotel-and-marina/. Stay tuned! Details on the hotel and event activities in San Diego are forthcoming. Submission Deadlines . Refereed papers and competitions: April 1, 2010 All other submissions: May 1, 2010 Information for Contributors The Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) invites contributions to the 2010 Annual Meeting in the following categories: Refereed Research Paper, Non-Refereed Research Abstract, and proposals for a Workshop, Tutorial, Panel, Symposium, or Colloquium. Authors can choose between submitting a refereed research paper that will receive reviews from at least two referees or submitting a non-refereed research abstract of 50 words or less (500 characters maximum). If accepted, refereed research papers will be published in the Proceedings (available in CD-ROM format only), as well as scheduled for presentation during the annual meeting. If an author elects to submit a non-refereed research abstract, it will be scheduled for presentation during the annual meeting but will not be published in the Proceedings. Acceptance of abstracts and papers are subject to final approval by the track chairs. Proposals for a workshop, tutorial, panel, symposium, or colloquium will be evaluated for possible inclusion in the annual meeting by the appropriate track chairs, coordinator or program chair. Authors are required to submit all contributions online using the instructions provided in the following section and updated on the meeting Web site. When using the Web site for submission, contributors of refereed research papers and proposals for a workshop, tutorial, panel, symposium, and colloquium will also be required to submit an electronic version of their paper or proposal as a pdf attachment. So that a double-blind review process can be maintained, the electronic file should contain only the body of the paper and the title of the submission, but no author identification information (which will be captured via a Webbased form). Any individual author or co-author may submit up to three refereed research papers and/or nonrefereed research abstracts to the annual meeting. (This does not include invited papers, workshops, tutorials, panels, symposia, and colloquia.) The submission of a refereed research paper or non-refereed research abstract means the author certifies the manuscript is not copyrighted, has not been accepted for publication in a journal, has not been presented or accepted for presentation at a professional meeting, and currently is not under review for presentation at another professional meeting. (Material printed in its entirety in any conference proceedings is considered published.) Furthermore, the author certifies his/her intention to register for and attend the meeting to present the paper, abstract, or proposal if it is accepted. The copyrights for all forms of presentation at the Institute's Annual Meeting shall remain with the authors. The submission deadline for refereed research papers and competitions is April 1, 2010. The submission deadline for all other submissions: non-refereed research abstracts and proposals for workshops, tutorials, panels, symposia, and colloquia is May 1, 2010. Submitting authors will be acknowledged through a reference number right at the conclusion of the submission process. Instructions for Electronic Submissions The 2010 DSI Annual Meeting will use the existing conference information system (CIS) owned by the Institute. The authors must make all submissions electronically only using this system, which will be available after February 1, 2010, on the DSI 2010 Annual Meeting Web site. All of the following information must be provided for the submission to be accepted. a. Title of submission (title changes will not be allowed at a later date) b. Type of submission (must select one of the following): • Refereed Research Paper - treat as an abstract for presentation if the paper is not accepted for publication in the Proceedings • Refereed Research Paper - withdraw if rejected • Award Competition Entry – will also be considered as a refereed research paper • Non-Refereed Research Abstract • Workshop Proposal • Tutorial Proposal • Panel Discussion Proposal • Symposium Proposal • Colloquium Proposal c. Track that best fits the submission (to determine the proper track for your submission, see the track list along with descriptions and contacts of the track chairs) d. Abstract of 50 words or less, which must accompany all types of submissions e. Stage of your research as of today and by the time of the conference f. Invitation information Competitions For a listing of past DSI award winners, see www.decisionsciences.org.hallfame.htm Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition The purpose of the Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition is to encourage and publicize outstanding dissertation research by selecting and recognizing the best dissertations written in the past year in the decision sciences. The Elwood S. Buffa Dissertation Award, accompanied by a $1,500 prize, will be presented at the annual meeting. Applicants for this award should submit three (3) hardcopies of their dissertation in the required format directly to the Doctoral Dissertation Award Competition Coordinator by April 1, 2010. For more information concerning this competition, please contact the coordinator. Nallan Suresh, University of Buffalo, School of Management, ncsuresh@buffalo.edu Instructional Innovation Award Competition The Instructional Innovation Award Competition seeks to recognize outstanding contributions that advance instructional approaches within the decision sciences. The focus of this award is on innovation in college- or university-level teaching. Three finalists will be chosen to make presentations at the conference competition. The winning entry receives an award of $1,500, and $750 will be divided among each of the other finalists. Applicants are required to submit all contributions electronically using instructions on the conference Web site. The due date for submissions is April 1, 2010. For information concerning this competition, please contact the coordinator. Chetan Sankar, Auburn University, College of Business, sankacs@auburn.edu Best Paper Awards Competition Best Paper Awards will be presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting. Categories include Best Theoretical/Empirical Research Paper, Best Application Paper, Best Interdisciplinary Paper, and Best Student Paper. At the discretion of the program chair and track chairs, outstanding scholarship may be recognized through a distinguished paper award in a given track. Reviewers will be asked to nominate competitive paper submissions for these awards. Nominations will then be reviewed by a best paper review committee, which will make award recommendations. The due date for submissions is April 1, 2010. Corinne Karuppan, Missouri CKaruppan@MissouriState.edu State University, College of Business Administration, Best Teaching Case Studies Award Competition The Teaching Case Studies Workshop serves an active role in the dissemination of new ideas with respect to case studies topics. Cases may be methodological in nature (i.e., crafted to support the learning of a specific technical skill) or integrative (i.e., designed to foster the integration of scientific approaches and analyses with real-world decision making). Rebecca Grant, University of Victoria, UVic Business, rgrant@uvic.ca Professional Activities Doctoral Student Consortium The Doctoral Student Consortium provides a unique opportunity for doctoral students from across the nation and around the world to interact with one another and with distinguished scholars in a one-day program devoted to career development. Attendance at this consortium is by invitation based on application. All students who meet the criteria will be accepted. Sarv Devaraj, University of Notre Dame, College of Business, sdevaraj@nd.edu Rajiv Kohli, The College of William and Mary, School of Business, rajiv.kohli@mason.wm.edu New Faculty Development Consortium The New Faculty Development Consortium deals with research, teaching, publishing, and other professional development issues for faculty who are beginning their academic careers. Attendance at this consortium is by application and is open to faculty members who have a Ph.D. degree and are in the first two years of their teaching career. Rohit Verma, Cornell University, School of Hotel Administration, rv54@cornell.edu Gopesh Anand, University of Illinois, College of Business, gopesh@illinois.edu Curricular Issues Miniconference The Curricular Issues Miniconference provides a forum to learn from those at the forefront of curriculum innovation and improvement, and to share experiences and lessons learnt. Separate tracks on undergraduate, masters, and doctoral programs will offer ideas and insights for those responsible for designing, teaching, and administering business programs. Dave Yen, Miami University, School of Business, yendc@muohio.edu Shin Yuan Hung, National Chung Cheng University, Department of Information Management, syhung@mis.ccu.edu.tw Miniconference on Successful Grantsmanship Securing external research grants is a valuable experience, or even a necessary step, when our projects can be significantly enhanced by them. A day-long event, the Miniconference on Successful Grantsmanship is intended to help develop interests among DSI members in obtaining external research grants and to sharpen their skills to write grant proposals so that their endeavors may be more fruitful. You are invited to come and listen to the expert panelists and network with like-minded researchers. Greg Ulferts, University of Detroit Mercy, College of Business, Gregory.ulferts@udmercy.edu Miniconference on IT/SCM Interface This miniconference focuses on research at the nexus of information technology and supply chain management, highlighting current and emerging trends in the area. The minconference will feature panels of senior scholars and invited paper presentations. Viswanath Venkatesh, University of Arkansas, College of Business, vvenkatesh@walton.uark.edu Sue Brown, The University of Arizona, College of Management, suebrown@eller.arizona.edu Miniconference on Global/International Research Globalization creates both challenges and opportunities for transnational firms operating in culturally and geographically diverse environments. For academic researchers globalization has generated many fruitful avenues of inquiry regarding the coordination of activities within the firm, and among the various actors external to the focal firm. These avenues include, but are not limited to the role of culture, knowledge development, innovation, interfirm/intrafirm networks, market relationships, design of international distribution networks, and others. The theme of the mini-conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of country, social structure, politics, economics, human resources, supply chain management (services and manufacturing), foreign direct investment, and information technology. The hope is to shed further light on both the inter-firm and intra-firm challenges facing firms, society, the environment, and various institutions (government and non-government) in the context of globalization. We welcome submissions with either a regional or country-level focus. Anthony Ross, Michigan State University, School of Management, rossant@msu.edu Stan Fawcett, Brigham Young University, School of Management, stan_fawcett@byu.edu Technology in the Classroom Miniconference The Technology in the Classroom Miniconference provides a forum for participants to share novel or innovative applications of technology in the classroom that enhance the student’s learning experience. Submissions should be limited to creative approaches and best practices for using course support software, multimedia, spreadsheet software, simulation software, online tutorials, or other applications of technology, and be capable of being demonstrated and discussed within a 20-30 minute timeframe. Submissions are competitively reviewed and selected for their creativity, novelty, and contribution to pedagogy, and should not be duplications of material found in existing textbooks. Please send your submission (following the “Instructions for Electronic Submissions”) by May 1, 2010 to: Barbara Price, Georgia Southern University, College of Business Administration, baprice@georgiasouthern.edu Professional and Faculty Development Program The Professional and Faculty Development Program is for DSI members in all stages of their careers, with the goal of keeping them current in their fields. The content of the sessions is designed to provide insight into the challenges and opportunities in today’s rapidly changing environments. Topics include, but are not limited to the following: Assessment in practice. Balancing the needs of different stakeholders in the educational process. Blogs in business school. Career path strategy. Cutting edge pedagogical research. Developing Chinese business education. Globalization of business education. How do you get the message across? How do you turn conference paper into journal article? Meeting increasing demands in teaching, service, and research. New instructional and research methodologies. Obtaining research funding. Online communities in academic world. Sustainability and management in business school. Teaching an integrated core curriculum The challenges and opportunities of new technologies. The role of grading and assessment. Transforming curriculum design and development. In addition, the program will include a series of sessions related to research, teaching, publishing, and other professional development issues for faculty who are beginning their academic careers. Submission deadline is May 1, 2010. Xenophon Koufteros, Texas A&M University, Business School, xkoufteros@mays.tamu.edu Powell Robinson, Texas A&M University, Business School, p-robinson@mays.tamu.edu Track Chairs Discipline-based Tracks Accounting and Finance Robert Hutchinson, Oakland University Information Systems Economics Debabrata Dey, University of Washington Vidyanand (VC) Choudhary, University of California Irvine Information Systems Strategy and Design Jeff Stratman, The University of Utah T. Ravichandran, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Logistics, Distribution, and Order Management DaeSoo Kim, Korea University Marketing and Management Strategy and Policy Derrick D’Souza, University of North Texas Manufacturing Operations Management Jan Olhager, Linkoping University Martin Rudberg, Linkoping University Organizational Behavior/Organizational Theory Mike Lewis, University of Bath Service Operations Management Larry Menor, The University of Western Ontario Supply Management Tom Choi, Arizona State University Murat Kristal, York University Topical/Interdisciplinary Tracks Cross-functional Interfaces (Marketing/OM/Finance/IS/Accounting) Elliot Bendoly, Emory University Decision Making and Problem Solving (MS/OR/Statistics) Shaw Chen, The University of Rhode Island Product/Process Innovation and Project Management Mohan Tatikonda, Indiana University Process Quality and Productivity Management Matthias Holweg, University of Cambridge Risk Analysis and Crisis Management Kathy Stecke, The University of Texas at Dallas Tom Schmidt, University of Washington Sanjay Kumar, The Pennsylvania State University Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainability Rob Klassen, The University of Western Ontario Special Tracks Fellows Track Sang Lee, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Innovative Education David Chou, Eastern Michigan University New Talent Showcase - Student Presentations Susan Meyer-Goldstein, The University of Minnesota Special Interest Groups Innovation and Entrepreneurship Roger Calantone, Michigan State University Healthcare Decision-Making and Policy Rachna Shah, University of Minnesota Susan Meyer-Goldstein, University of Minnesota Project Management TBD San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina The 2010 DSI Annual Meeting will be held at the San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina, 333 West Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92101. Phone for reservations at 1-619-234-1500. Offering spectacular waterfront settings in the heart of America's Finest City, the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina truly represents the best location for business and pleasure. Conveniently located adjacent to the San Diego Convention Center and within walking distance to downtown San Diego and the Gaslamp District. San Diego features 92 golf courses, exciting spectator sports, luxury spas and gaming, a dynamic downtown District that features annual special events and unique holiday offerings, and much more. Popular attractions include the worldfamous San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park, Sea World San Diego and LEGOLAND California. With a 446-slip marina, just steps from our San Diego, CA, hotel, our guest rooms reflect the spirit of our setting and boast sweeping bay views. Offering 1,362 spacious guest rooms and suites our downtown San Diego hotel rooms are richly appointed in a cool, coastal theme décor. Immerse yourself in our vibrant downtown San Diego, CA hotel at the San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina. For very detailed information on the hotel, restaurants, area information, and maps & transportation go to the website at: http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/sandt-san-diego-marriott-hotel-and-marina/. Job Placement Service Placement service for individuals seeking an academic position in areas related to the decision sciences will be offered at the annual meeting. Position and applicant listings can be accessed year-round via the DSI website at http://www.decisionsciences.org. For additional information concerning the Job Placement Service, please contact the coordinator. Arijit (Jit) Sengupta, Wright State University, Raj Soin College of Business, Information Systems and Operations Management Department, 3640 Colonial Glenn Hwy/271 Rike Hall, Dayton, OH 45435, (937) 775-2115, fax: (937) 775-3533, arijit.sengupta@wright.edu 2010 Contacts Program Chair Morgan Swink, Michigan State University, School of Management, East Lansing, MI 48824, (517) 432-6327, swink@bus.msu.edu Associate Program Chair Rachna Shah, The University of Minnesota, School of Management, 321 19th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55455, (612) 624-4432, shahx024@umn.edu Proceedings Editor Sriram Narayanan, Michigan State University, School of Management, East Lansing, MI 48824, (517) 432-6432, narayanan@bus.msu.edu CIS Manager Scott E. Sampson, Brigham Young University, Department of Business Management, 660 TNRB, Provo, UT 84602, (801) 422-9226, ses3@sm.byu.edu Job Placement Coordinator Arijit Sengupta, Wright State University, Raj Soin College of Business, Information Systems and Operations Management Department, 3640 Colonial Glenn Hwy/271 Rike Hall, Dayton, OH 45435, (937) 775-2115, fax: (937) 775-3533, arijit.sengupta@wright.edu Local Arrangements Coordinator Barbara Withers, University of San Diego, School of Business Administration, Olin Hall 320, San Diego, CA 92110-2492, (619) 260-2380, bwithers@sandiego.edu Website Coordinator Timothy Richardson, Michigan State University, School of Management, East Lansing, MI 48824, (517) 881-4586, richardson@bus.msu.edu