Tout le monde Mixed-age Year Plan 3/4

Tout le monde levels 1 & 2: Plan for mixed year 3 – 4
Updated in response to teacher feedback (August 09)
As a certain amount of repetition needs to be built in, less material will be covered.
Divide each year into 4 blocks of 8 weeks.
Two of the modules will not be used. These are Modules 2 and 5 from Tout le monde
2. This is because a bit longer will be spent on each module, to make it possible to
revisit areas and thus give the two year course a feeling of unity, whichever way
round the pupil ends up doing it. Certain elements of Module 2 of TLM 2 (months of
the year, birthday dates) are fitted into the two-year programme. Module 5 from Tout
le monde 2 is being saved for the second half of the mixed-year programme (Years 5
– 6)
To make your eight-week blocks:
 Look at the starters and plenaries. A choice is provided – decide where you
are going to use the spare ones.
 Decide where the additions are going to fit in.
 Make use of the extra activities given (an hour or more)
To concentrate on for Year 3 pupils:
 Learn the names of the flashcards
 Understand the gist of the story (with some English explanation)
 Learn to sing parts of the song and join in with Karaoke
 Join in with parts of the poem or tongue-twister
 Participate in whole-class games and activities
 Green quiz
 Green pupil activities
To stretch the Year 4 pupils:
 Red quiz
 Red pupil activities
 Understand the detail of the story (with some English explanation)
 Extra Y4 opportunities given below
 Expect them to use language actively, where you would only expect Y3
children to understand language
 Encourage them to come to the front and lead activities e.g. Jacques a dit,
Kim’s game, Question and answer sessions
 Learn the poem or tongue-twister by heart and recite it to the class
 Learn to sing all of the song
Block 1: Weeks 1 – 8
Monkey School story: L’école des singes (Level 1, Module 1)
Counting up to 31 (Pelmanism for this in Level 2, Module 1)
Months in year (Flashcards for this in Level 2, Module 2)
Learn how to say the current date in French, and to recognise its written form
Y4 opportunities:
 Display date in French on classroom wall and be responsible for changing it
 Master the classroom commands actively (see noughts and crosses game)
and ask the class to do things
 Make Powerpoint with group of friends, giving your names, your ages and
your birthdays
Block 2: Weeks 9 – 16
Beynac story: Un village en France (Level 1, Module 5)
Additions :
 Range of colours (Pelmanism for this in Level 1, Module 3)
 Towns in France (Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Lille, Rouen, Marseille + own twin
town + Beynac)
 Rivers in France (Seine, Loire, Dordogne, Rhône)
Y4 opportunities
 Make Powerpoint about own school in French (in style of Présentation)
 Ask and answer questions about where they live and which country it is in
 Name various classroom items and clothing items (revision) and say what
colour they are
Block 3: Weeks 17 – 24
Family story : Bon appétit (Level 2, Module 3)
 Extend daily date display to include days
 Teach and add simple weather expressions to display
Y4 opportunities:
 When talking about family, also include pets (revision)
 Respond to weather prompts and say whether you would or would not do a
particular activity
 Ask and answer questions about activities they do (could add more if children
have particular activities they want to talk about)
Block 4: Weeks 25 – 32
Little Red Riding Hood story: Le petit chaperon rouge (Level 1, Module 3)
 More parts of the body (See Flashcards from Level 1, Module 2)
 Teach the word Touchez with all of these body parts.
 Play Jacques a dit (See video from Level 1, Module 2)
Y4 opportunities:
 Take turns to lead the Jacques a dit game
 Say what clothes you are wearing with colours and agreement
 Say what colour your eyes and hair are with colours and agreement
Block 1: Weeks 1 – 8
Snowman story: Pierre et Monsieur Bonhomme de Neige (Level 1, Module 2)
 Colours (pelmanism for this available in Level 1, Module 3)
 Some items of clothing to go with these (Level 1, Module 3)
 More parts of the body (les oreilles, les dents, les cheveux)
Y4 opportunities
 Take turns to lead the Jacques a dit game
 Say what clothes you are wearing with colours and agreement
 Say what colour your eyes and hair are with colours and agreement
Block 2: Weeks 9 – 16
Birthday story: Joyeux anniversaire, Aurélie! (Level 1, Module 4)
 Counting up to 31 (Pelmanism for this in Level 2, Module 1)
 Months in year (Flashcards for this in Level 2, Module 2)
 Learn how to say the current date in French, and to recognise its written form
Year 4 opportunities:
 Display date in French on classroom wall and be responsible for changing it
 Learn how to say the date of your own birthday
 Ask others how old they are and understand the answer
Block 3: Weeks 17 – 24
Goldilocks story; Boucle d’or et les trois ours (Level 2, Module 4)
 Introduce rest of members of family (Flashcards Level 2, Module 3)
 Words for table items using actual items (assiette, bol, fourchette, cuillère,
couteau, verre, tasse)
 Play Kim’s game with classroom and pencil case items
Year 4 opportunities:
 Make up own sentences using prepositions and table and classroom items
 Describe table and classroom items in terms of colour and size
Make Powerpoint about own home (in style of Présentation)
Block 4: Weeks 25 – 32
Magic school story: L’école magique (Level 2, Module 1)
 Extend daily date display to include days
 Teach and add simple weather expressions to display
 Regular arithmetic in French with adding numbers up to 31
Year 4 opportunities:
 Make Powerpoint about own family and pets
 Arithmetic to include subtraction and extend counting to 60
 Ask and answer questions about family and pets, including size and colour of
hair/fur and eyes