AVI 1O1 Test: Colour Theory, Elements and Principles of Design Name: _________________________ TOTAL 1. List the Primary Colours /3 a) _______________ b) _______________ c) _______________ 2. List the Secondary Colours /3 a) _______________ b) _______________ c) _______________ /58 3. Other than primary and secondary colours, what are the other colours called on the colour wheel? For example, red-orange. /1 _____________________ 4. Define the following terms and give an example. /6 a) Monochromatic __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ b) Analogous __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ c) Complementary __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. What is a tint? /1 ___________________________________________________________ 6. What is a shade? /1 __________________________________________________________ 7. In the following colour groups, what colour scheme is created? /4 a) Red, Green ________________________________________________________ b) Red, Dark Red, Light Red ____________________________________________ c) Purple, Yellow _____________________________________________________ d) Red, Red-Orange, Orange, Orange-Yellow _______________________________ 8. List the Elements of Design: /6 a) ____________________ b) ____________________ d) ____________________ e) ____________________ c) ____________________ f) ____________________ 9. What are the three characteristics of colour? Define each characteristic. /6 a) _______________: ___________________________________________________ b) _______________: ___________________________________________________ c) _______________: ___________________________________________________ 10. What are two types of shape? /2 a) ______________________________________________ b) ______________________________________________ 11. What is the difference between actual and simulated texture? /2 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 12. List the Principles of Design /9 a) ____________________ b) ____________________ d) ____________________ e) ____________________ g) ____________________ h) ____________________ c) ____________________ f) ____________________ i) ____________________ 13. Which Principle of Design creates a feeling of harmony or completeness within the artwork? /1 ___________________________________________________________ 14. What Principle of Design is the path the viewer’s eye takes through the artwork? /1 ___________________________________________________________________ 15. In the space below draw an example of 2 Elements of Design and 2 Principles of Design. /12 Element or Principle of Design Element or Principle of Design ________________ ________________ Element or Principle of Design Element or Principle of Design ________________ ________________