Students' Association of Mount Royal College

Annual General Meeting
November 27, 2013
The Hub
SAMRU Executive Committee
Sadiq Valliani, President
Tristan Smyth, VP Student Academic Affairs
Missy Chareka, VP Student External Affairs
Addison Asuchak, VP Student University Affairs
AGM Chair
Murray Cunningham
SAMRU Chief Returning Officer (CRO)
Shauna Hunter
The CRO, Shauna Hunter, confirmed that quorum had been met with at least 101 members in attendance.
The meeting was called to order.
Approval of Agenda
Motion: To approve the agenda of the November 27, 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Students’
Association of Mount Royal University.
Alexandra Constantinidis/Stephen Zuliani
Presentation of Audited Financial Statements
SAMRU’s finance manager, Brian Walters, presented the 2012-13 SAMRU financial statements. He
informed the membership that the audit is conducted in accordance with Canadian generally accepted
accounting practices. He stated that the independent firm of Pricewaterhouse Coopers preformed the
audit according to Canadian generally accepted audit standards in Fall 2013 and issued the unqualified
audit opinion that the statements are free from material misstatement. Brian noted that as of July 1,
2012, SAMRU adopted and transitioned to standards of non-profit organizations.
- Overall performance predictable
- Continuing trend of enrollment decrease
- SAMRU achieved balanced budget through careful spending and augmentation of new business services
- SAMRU continues to pay debts down and build a capital replacement fund, as well as contribute to the
scholarship fund
- Investments continue to grow with the help of Scotia Assets
- SAMRU has a healthy overall financial health
Discussion items:
- Question asked around reduction of enrollment and affects over next several years. Brian Walters
replied that it has affected us the past 3 years in relation to the decrease in amount of fees we have
received. If enrollment increases, we will see increase in our fee revenues. Staffing costs increase yearly
and amount of student fees increase by CPI. Our tenant contracts are renegotiated as they expire to
reflect increase in CPI.
- Question around new GPA requirements for MRU enrollment. President Valliani responded that MRU
responds to the number of students which apply, which would not affect our fees collected - only
enrollment affects our fees.
Motion: To accept the 2012-13 Audited Financial Statements of the Students’ Association of Mount
Royal University as presented.
Mitchell Parent/Cassie Leszczynski
Appointment of Auditors
Motion: Be it resolved by ordinary resolution of the Annual General Meeting of the Students’
Association of Mount Royal University that the firm of Pricewaterhouse Coopers be approved as
auditors for the Students’ Association of Mount Royal College for the fiscal year of 2013-2014.
Joshua Penner/DeAnna Kweens
Discussion items:
Question: How much audit costs. Answer: $34,000.
Question: How much is the SAMRU budget? Answer: $8M with $23 in assets (ED Fogal)
Bylaw Revisions
Motion: Be it resolved by special resolution of the Annual General Meeting of the Students’ Association
of Mount Royal University, that the Bylaws be rescinded in their entirety and that the revised Bylaws be
adopted in their stead.
Chris Pennings/Mitch Parent
Amended Motion: Addition of “pending approval by legal review”.
Kaylene McTavish/Tristan Smyth
Amended Motion: To rescind and replace all bylaws except 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 12 from approval.
Joshua Penner/Laurie Gaal
VP Smyth gave an overview of the recommended bylaw changes:
Addition of the 5th Executive member:
- Governance Committee assessed executive workload: committee representation, external lobbying
- When MRU transitioned from college to university, executive workloads have been increasing each year.
- Looked at various solutions to the problems - another elected representative makes the most sense.
- Assessed other institutions in Alberta. Many have 5 executive positions.
President Appointment:
- Role of president is leadership of executive committee and council liaison.
- A lot of the administration and finance duties of the president will be transitioned to a 5th executive
- Student body will select 5 executives with the SC selecting the president position (as recommended to
SC (14 elected governors) by EC).
Discussion Items:
- It was noted that we have a legal obligation to change one bylaw: governors not entitled to receive
honorarium to ensure compliance with federal legislation.
- Question: Have the proposed changes been reviewed by legal Council? Answer: They are currently being
reviewed and any significant issues will be brought back to the SGM.
- It may be a better idea to hire a staff person instead of a 5th executive if a lot of the duties are technical
or administrative.
- There were concerns expressed over the appointment of the President – it was noted that the choice is
being taken away from the student body, minimizing their power and moving the power into the hands of
Students’ Council.
- It was noted that the student body elects the executive, giving them to power to work on student’s
behalf and in the best interests of students.
- There were concerns expressed over the lack of consultation with the student body in regards to the
proposed changes to the bylaws and executive structure.
- It was noted that the election of the President should remain with the student body. It was also noted
that the student body elects the members of Students’ Council and the Executive Committee to make
choices in the best interest of the students.
- It was noted that some students vote in elections only to vote for the President position.
- There were concerns expressed over the potential for conflict with Council and the executives if the
President appointment is contentious. It was also noted that the President would be the best leader of
the 5 executives who were all elected by the student body.
- It was suggested that these bylaws be explored more in consultation with the student body and brought
back to a special general meeting. It was also suggested that students are invited to Council meetings. It
was clarified that all board meetings are public and are advertised through posters, on the SAMRU
website and in the Reflector – and it is up to students to attend these meetings.
- A student noted that it is each student’s responsibility to become involved in meetings and events.
- It was suggested that more advertising on the specific bylaw recommendations be done before the
general meetings – for example classroom visits, handing out information in the hallways, sending to
student email addresses, holding public forums, connecting with department chairs, posting on
blackboard and myMRU.
Motion: To rescind and approve bylaw 4 pending legal review.
Tristan Smyth/Jesse Beaudin
Motion: To rescind and approve bylaw 5 with bylaw 5.5A stating "as described in bylaw 8", pending
legal review
Alex Hardie/Chris Pennings
Discussion items:
- Concerns over appointing President
- 5.4 d) concerns. Clarified that this is the legal function and role of Council. Elected as the official decision
makers and authority of the organization - why there is the election process. All bylaw changes are
approved through the AGM - Council has authority to draft bylaw changes and recommend to
membership at general meetings for approval by membership.
- Suggestion to strike bylaw 5.5
- Suggestion to remove 5 members of executive committee – concerns expressed because of the
increased expense to students and it was recommended to go down to 3 executives. President Valliani
noted that the budget for a 5th executive has been considered - last year it was budgeted for an
additional staff member to assist executives and they would be moving this budget line for a 5th
- Suggestion to hold a second election for president out of the 5 executives
- Schools in similar size to MRU have 5 executives elected by the student body
Bylaw 8 discussion items:
- Concerns expressed over how the President is appointed because Council and Executive may not agree
on the recommendation
- Concerns expressed with how President is elected/appointed: wants to leave the decision of who is
elected by the student body.
- Question: Will the President will be able to fulfill their duties as VP in addition to president's role.
Answer: President role is leader of executive team and the representative on the board of governors. The
committee representation of the Executive Committee will be divided more equally
- A student expressed concern over executive electing president because they will not have known each
other and worked together for long in office, therefore not knowing who the best leader for the team
would be.
- A student also expressed concern over having to reveal a criminal record because it does not confirm
that they don’t actually have one. It was suggested that SAMRU require all board members to complete a
criminal record cheque.
Quroum was lost and bylaws 8, 9, 11 and 12 were not fully addressed.
The meeting was adjourned.