A BYLAW FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING A CAPITAL TRUST FUND BYLAW NO. WHEREAS the Council of the Northern of deems it desirable to repeal the existing Capital Trust Fund bylaw as may have been increased and to create a new Capital Trust Fund for constructing or acquiring capital works, including the purchase of machinery, and for such other purposes as may be approved by the Minister of Government Relations, pursuant to the provisions of section 187 of The Northern Municipalities Act. NOW, THEREFORE, the Council of the Saskatchewan, hereby enacts: of in the Province of 1. That for the purpose hereinbefore stated and subject to the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs, a Capital Trust Fund in the sum of Dollars ($ ) shall be created. 2. There shall be assigned to the said fund the following: 2.1. The total amount for which the Capital Trust Fund under Bylaw No. was created represented by all cash in the fund, plus outstanding repayments of withdrawals from the Fund as authorized by the Minister of Municipal Affairs Relations, plus all outstanding instalments due for fund increases. $ 2.2. Current Year Cash Contribution $ 2.3. Fund increase by future instalments as set out in section 3. $ TOTAL FUND BALANCE $ and same shall be deposited with a chartered bank or credit union incorporated under The Credit Union Act, 1998, in a separate and designated account called "The Northern of Capital Trust Fund." 3. The sum of $ , as set out in subsection (c) of section 2, shall be provided out of funds of the in equal annual instalments of $ in the years 20 to 20 inclusive, and each such instalment shall be deposited in the Fund on or before December 31st in the year in which it falls due, in accordance with the following schedule. Year 4. Amount of Instalment The establishment, addition to, reduction of, and use of the Fund shall be subject to the approval of the Minister of Municipal Affairs upon such terms and conditions as the Minister may specify. -2- 5. Capital Trust Fund Bylaw No. is hereby repealed. Read a first time this day of , 20 . __________________ Mayor SEAL _______________________ Clerk/Administrator ________________________ Deputy Minister or designate for and on behalf of the Minister of Municipal Affairs Date Approved Read a second time this Read a third time this day of day of , 20 . , 20 . ________________________ Mayor SEAL ________________________ Clerk/Administrator NOTE: 1. This bylaw should be given first reading only by Council and submitted to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval. Only after the proposed bylaw has been approved by the Minister can the bylaw be given second and third readings. 2. If section "c" of the second enacting clause and the third enacting clause of the bylaw are not applicable then these should be omitted and the following enacting clauses should be renumbered to form a proper sequence. Non applicable statutory references should also be omitted from the bylaw.