Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Document Description WARNING: The links included in this document might not work with some browsers. This document describes the latest service packs and firmware versions needed for 2.x and 3.x releases of Communication Manager. The intent is for this document to be as complete and accurate as possible. However, due to the ever-changing nature of some of this information the document must be re-released as new information becomes available. For this reason, it is important to check for later versions of the firmware and document periodically. The changes between versions of the document are listed via date and can be used as a quick reference as to what has been updated since the previous version. Update information starts fresh at the beginning of every Major Release of Communication Manager. June 13, 2005 Updates: Communication Manager 3.0 is added. October 3, 2005 Updates: The Communication Manager 3.x upgrades section is updated; Communication Manager 2.2.1 and 3.0.1 releases are added; the G150 Media Gateway is added; Media Gateway, TN circuit pack, and Communication Manager compatibility is clarified to show the latest firmware available and recommended; an erroneous statement concerning 4602 telephone and Communication Manager 3.0 compatibility is removed. February 20, 2006 Updates: The Communication Manager 2.x and 3.x matrices are combined into one document; Communication Manager 3.1 is added; starting with 3.1 new releases contain a single page that details the specific firmware to use with that release; the document is rearranged so that the matrix is in the front of the document. March 13, 2006 Updates: Communication Manager 3.1.1 is added; all Communication Manager 1.x information except 1.3.2 running on the DEFINITY Server R is removed due to 1.x releases being End of Manufacturer Support. April 3, 2006 Updates: Communication Manager 2.2.2 is added; version numbers are substituted with actual dates for improved tracking purposes; phone firmware, Circuit Pack firmware, and G150 Media Gateway firmware is updated; information on valid Communication Manager upgrade paths is added. May 1, 2006 Updates: LSP, ESS, and primary Media Server compatibility is clarified as being tied to valid upgrade paths; phone firmware and Circuit Pack firmware is updated; the document is rearranged for better readability and efficiency in finding information. June 5, 2006 Updates: Communication Manager 3.1.2 is added; MM314C, MM316, and MM716 compatibility is added; SES compatibility is updated; Circuit Pack and Media Gateway firmware is updated. July 5, 2006 Updates: MM760 Vintage 62 and MM711H30 Vintage 84 Media Module firmware is added; Service Pack 12077 for Communication Manager 2.2 is added; Service Pack 11087 for Communication Manager 3.0.1 configurations using Video Telephony Solution is added; TN2302 Hardware Vintage 11+ Firmware Vintage 112 is added. 1 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 August 7, 2006 Updates: 9620 and 9630 IP Telephone compatibility is added; Service Pack 12249 for Communication Manager 3.1.2 is added; MGP firmware vintage 25.30.0 is added; LSP compatibility issues are added; Expanded Meet-Me Conferencing (EMMC) compatibility is added. November 6, 2006 Updates: New 4600 IP phone firmware is added; New TN circuit pack firmware is added; New Media Gateway and Media Module firmware is added; Service Pack 12714 for Communication Manager 3.1.2 is added; Link changes are made to support the Download Center. December 4, 2006 Updates: New 4600 series IP phone firmware is added; New daylight savings time patches are added; Service Pack 12866 for Communication Manager 3.1.2 is added. 2 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Table of Contents Communication Manager Release 3.1.2 Compatibility ............................................................................................5 MEDIA GATEWAYS AND MEDIA MODULES .................................................................................................................5 G700 Media Gateway ............................................................................................................................................5 G350 Media Gateway ............................................................................................................................................5 G250 & G150 Media Gateways .............................................................................................................................5 TN CIRCUIT PACKS ....................................................................................................................................................5 TELEPHONES ..............................................................................................................................................................5 COMMUNICATION MANAGER SERVICE PACKS & DST PATCH ....................................................................................5 S8500B SAMP FIRMWARE ........................................................................................................................................5 CM SOFTWARE UPGRADE PATH .................................................................................................................................5 SES COMPATIBILITY ...................................................................................................................................................5 SPECIAL MEDIA MODULE COMPATIBILITY..................................................................................................................6 Communication Manager Release 3.1 & 3.1.1 Compatibility ..................................................................................7 MEDIA GATEWAYS AND MEDIA MODULES .................................................................................................................7 G700 Media Gateway ............................................................................................................................................7 G350 Media Gateway ............................................................................................................................................7 G250 & G150 Media Gateways .............................................................................................................................7 TN CIRCUIT PACKS ....................................................................................................................................................7 TELEPHONES ..............................................................................................................................................................7 COMMUNICATION MANAGER SERVICE PACKS & DST PATCH ....................................................................................7 S8500B SAMP FIRMWARE ........................................................................................................................................7 CM SOFTWARE UPGRADE PATH .................................................................................................................................8 SES COMPATIBILITY ...................................................................................................................................................8 Communication Manager Release 2.2.2 Compatibility ............................................................................................9 MEDIA GATEWAYS AND MEDIA MODULES .................................................................................................................9 G700 Media Gateway ............................................................................................................................................9 G350 Media Gateway ............................................................................................................................................9 G250 & G150 Media Gateways .............................................................................................................................9 TN CIRCUIT PACKS ....................................................................................................................................................9 TELEPHONES ..............................................................................................................................................................9 COMMUNICATION MANAGER SERVICE PACKS & DST PATCH ....................................................................................9 S8500B SAMP FIRMWARE ........................................................................................................................................9 CM SOFTWARE UPGRADE PATH .................................................................................................................................9 SES COMPATIBILITY ...................................................................................................................................................9 Software/Firmware Compatibility Matrix ..............................................................................................................10 S8100 MEDIA SERVER .........................................................................................................................................10 G150 MEDIA GATEWAY COMPATIBILITY ......................................................................................................10 G250 (MGP ONLY), G350, & G700 MEDIA GATEWAY COMMON FIRMWARE..............................................11 G350 MEDIA GATEWAY SPECIFIC FIRMWARE ..............................................................................................12 S8XX0 SERIES MEDIA SERVERS ........................................................................................................................12 DEFINITY SERVER SI / CSI / R ............................................................................................................................14 Communication Manager 1.x Releases ....................................................................................................................14 New Daylight Savings Time Rules ............................................................................................................................15 Supported Communication Manager Upgrade Paths ............................................................................................15 FIELD LOAD UPGRADE PATHS ..................................................................................................................................15 UPGRADE PATHS FOR CM 2.0 AND LATER RELEASES............................................................................................... 15 SIP Enablement Services & CM Compatibility ......................................................................................................15 General Software / Firmware Compatibility Guidelines ........................................................................................16 3 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 E-NOTIFICATIONS .....................................................................................................................................................16 Circuit Pack Firmware Compatibility .....................................................................................................................17 IP INTERFACE CIRCUIT PACK FIRMWARE AVAILABLE ON THE COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.X SOFTWARE CD .....17 THE LATEST FIRMWARE FOR ALL PROGRAMMABLE TN CIRCUIT PACKS: .................................................................17 TN CP FW LINK.......................................................................................................................................................17 Media Gateway, LSP/ESS, & Primary Server Compatibility ...............................................................................17 GATEWAY/SERVER/LSP/ESS COMPATIBILITY MATRIX............................................................................................19 LSP/ESS COMPATIBILITY ISSUES .............................................................................................................................20 G700 MEDIA GATEWAY COMPATIBILITY ISSUES ......................................................................................................20 MEDIA MODULE 711 FIRMWARE AND HARDWARE DEPENDENCIES ..........................................................................20 Telephone Software Compatibility ...........................................................................................................................21 46XX IP TELEPHONES ...............................................................................................................................................21 96XX IP TELEPHONES ...............................................................................................................................................21 2400 DIGITAL TELEPHONES ......................................................................................................................................21 6400 DIGITAL TELEPHONES ......................................................................................................................................21 8400 DIGITAL TELEPHONES ......................................................................................................................................21 IP AGENT .................................................................................................................................................................21 IP SOFTPHONE ..........................................................................................................................................................21 IP SOFTPHONE FOR POCKET PC ................................................................................................................................ 21 SOFTCONSOLE ..........................................................................................................................................................21 TELEPHONE SOFTWARE DEPENDENCIES ...................................................................................................................21 Service Pack Compatibility .......................................................................................................................................22 SERVICE PACKS FOR ALL RELEASES: .........................................................................................................................22 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.0 ..............................................................................................................................22 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.0.1 ...........................................................................................................................22 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.1 ..............................................................................................................................22 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.1.1 ...........................................................................................................................23 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.2 ..............................................................................................................................23 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.2.1 ...........................................................................................................................23 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.2.2 ...........................................................................................................................23 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.0 ..............................................................................................................................23 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.0.1 ...........................................................................................................................23 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.1 ..............................................................................................................................23 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.1.1 ...........................................................................................................................24 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.1.2 ...........................................................................................................................24 Communication Manager Installations & Upgrades ..............................................................................................24 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 1.X TO COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.X UPGRADES ..................................................25 COMMUNICATION MANAGER 2.X TO COMMUNICATION MANAGER 3.X UPGRADES ..................................................26 Expanded Meet-Me Conferencing (EMMC) Compatibility ..................................................................................26 Integrated Management ............................................................................................................................................27 FAULT AND PERFORMANCE MANAGER .....................................................................................................................27 MULTISITE ADMINISTRATION ...................................................................................................................................27 NETWORK MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................27 PROXY AGENT ..........................................................................................................................................................27 SITE ADMINISTRATION..............................................................................................................................................27 VOICE ANNOUNCEMENT MANAGER .........................................................................................................................27 VOIP MONITORING MANAGER .................................................................................................................................27 4 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager Release 3.1.2 Compatibility If Communication Manager 3.1.2 is running on a primary server, the following information is used for detailed compatibility information. All software and firmware updates shown are available on Media Gateways and Media Modules G700 Media Gateway Component Firmware Vintage G700 Gateway 25.33.0 MM 760 65 G350 Gateway 25.33.0 MM 722 2 MM 720 6 MM 717 4 MM 716 86 MM 712 7 MM 711 HV 30+: 86 HV 20-29: 71 HV 7-19: 24 HV 3-6: 17 MM 710 18 MM 312 4 P330 FW 4.1.6 MM 710 18 MM 312 4 Analog P330 Device Manager 4.6.6 or 4.6.9 G350 Media Gateway Componen t Firmware Vintage MM 720 6 MM 717 4 MM 716 86 MM 714 71 HV10:86 MM 712 7 MM 711 HV 30+: 86 HV20-29: 71 HV7-19: 24 HV3-6: 17 Embedde d Web 3.1.8 71 HV6:86 G250 & G150 Media Gateways Component Firmware Vintage G250 Gateway 25.33.0 G150 Gateway 3.0(104) TN Circuit Packs TN Board FW Vintag e TN 8400/ 8412 2/6 TN 2602 TN 2501 TN 2464 TN 2313 TN 2312 TN 2302 TN 2224 TN 2214 TN 799 TN 793 TN 771 TN 464 25 17 19 48 36 HV 3-10: 94 HV 11+: 115 15 15 17 8 19 19 Telephones Phone 2400 Softphone IP Agent IP Softphone Pocket PC Softconsole Phone SW 2420: R4 2410: R2 IP:5.2 SIP:2.1 6 2.3.1 1.5.3 460 1 460 2 460 2 SW 462 0 2.3 4602 4602SW 4602SW+ 4610SW 4620SW 4621SW 4601+ 4602SW+ 4610SW 4620SW 4621SW 4622SW 4625SW 4625 SW 4630 4630SW 4690 460 6 461 2 462 4 962 0 963 0 SIP 2.2.2 2.7 2.5 2.0.3 2.0 1.8. 3 1.1 Communication Manager Service Packs & DST Patch The latest Communication Manager 3.1.2 Service Pack is 12866 (01.2.632.1-12866). Daylight Savings Time (DST) patch 01.2.632.1-12514 is needed for locations in Canada. See PSN 1027U and PCN 1585P for details. S8500B SAMP Firmware The required S8500B SAMP firmware for Communication Manager 3.1.2 is SAMP FW R2. The required S8500C SAMP firmware for Communication Manager 3.1.2 is SAMP FW R2.1. CM Software Upgrade Path Media Servers running Communication Manager 3.1.2 currently have no release to upgrade to. SES Compatibility Media Servers running CM 3.1.2 are compatible with SES 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, and 3.1.1. 5 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Special Media Module Compatibility The cost reduced MM314 (MM314 hardware suffix C), MM316, and MM716 require MGP firmware 25.23.0 or later to be recognized. 6 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager Release 3.1 & 3.1.1 Compatibility If Communication Manager 3.1 or 3.1.1 is running on a primary server, the following information is used for detailed compatibility information. All software and firmware updates shown are available on Media Gateways and Media Modules G700 Media Gateway Component G700 Gateway MM 760 MM 720 MM 717 MM 716 MM 712 MM 711 MM 710 MM 312 P330 FW Firmware Vintage 25.33.0 65 6 4 86 7 HV 30+: 86 HV 20-29: 71 HV 7-19: 24 HV 3-6: 17 18 4 4.1.6 Componen t Firmware Vintage G350 Gateway 25.33.0 MM 722 2 P330 Device Manage r 4.6.6 or 4.6.9 G350 Media Gateway MM 720 6 MM 717 4 MM 716 86 MM 714 71 HV10: 86 MM 712 7 MM 711 HV 30+: 86 HV 20-29: 71 HV 7-19: 24 HV 3-6: 17 MM 710 18 MM 312 4 Analog Embedded Web 3.1.8 71 HV6:86 G250 & G150 Media Gateways Component Firmware Vintage G250 Gateway 25.33.0 G150 Gateway 3.0(104) TN Circuit Packs TN Board FW Vintag e TN 8400/ 8412 2/6 TN 2602 TN 2501 TN 2464 TN 2313 TN 2312 TN 2302 TN 2224 TN 2214 TN 799 TN 793 TN 771 TN 464 25 17 19 48 36 HV 3-10: 94 HV 11+: 115 15 15 17 8 19 19 Telephones Phone 2400 Softphone IP Agent IP Softphone Pocket PC Softconsole Phone SW 2420: R4 2410: R2 IP:5.2 SIP:2.1 6 2.3.1 1.5.3 460 1 460 2 460 2 SW 462 0 2.3 4602 4602SW 4602SW+ 4610SW 4620SW 4621SW 4601+ 4602SW+ 4610SW 4620SW 4621SW 4622SW 4625SW 4625 SW 4630 4630SW 4690 460 6 461 2 462 4 962 0 963 0 SIP 2.2.2 2.7 2.5 2.0.3 2.0 1.8. 3 1.1 Communication Manager Service Packs & DST Patch The latest Communication Manager 3.1.1 Service Pack is 11846 (01.1.628.7-11846). For S8720 Media Servers running Communication Manager 3.1.1 using Software Duplication, Service Pack 11951 (01.1.628.7-11951) should be used instead of 11846. The latest CM 3.1 Service Pack is 11410 (01.0.628.6-11410). There is no Daylight Savings Time patch provided for 3.1 and 3.1.1. See PSN 1027U and PCN 1585P for details. S8500B SAMP Firmware The required S8500B SAMP firmware for Communication Manager 3.1/3.1.1 is SAMP FW R2. 7 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 CM Software Upgrade Path Media Servers running Communication Manager 3.1 can upgrade to 3.1.1 and later releases only. Media Servers running CM 3.1.1 can upgrade to 3.1.2 and later releases only. SES Compatibility Media Servers running CM 3.1/3.1.1 are compatible with SES 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, and 3.1.1. 8 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager Release 2.2.2 Compatibility If Communication Manager 2.2.2 is running on a primary server, the following information is used for detailed compatibility information. All software and firmware updates shown are available on Media Gateways and Media Modules G700 Media Gateway Component G700 Gateway MM760 MM720 MM717 MM712 MM711 MM710 MM312 P330 FW Firmware Vintage 25.33.0 65 6 4 7 HV 30+: 86 HV 20-29: 71 HV 7-19: 24 HV 3-6: 17 18 4 4.1.6 Component G350 Gateway 25.33.0 MM 722 2 P330 Device Manager 4.6.6 or 4.6.9 G350 Media Gateway Firmware Vintage MM 720 6 MM 717 4 MM 714 71 HV10:8 6 MM 712 7 MM 711 HV 30+: 86 HV 20-29: 71 HV 7-19: 24 HV 3-6: 17 MM 710 18 MM 312 4 Analog Embedde d Web 3.1.8 71 HV6:86 G250 & G150 Media Gateways Component Firmware Vintage G250 Gateway 25.33.0 G150 Gateway 3.0(104) TN Circuit Packs TN Board FW Vintag e TN 2602 Not Supported TN 2501 17 TN 2464 19 TN 2313 48 TN 2312 36 TN 2302 HV 3-10: 94 HV 11+: 115 TN 2224 15 TN 2214 15 TN 799 17 TN 793 8 TN 771 19 TN 464 19 460 6 461 2 462 4 1.8. 3 Telephones Phone 2400 Softphone IP Agent IP Softphone Pocket PC Softconsole 4601 4602 4602SW 4620 4602 4602SW 4610SW 4620SW 4621SW 4610SW 4620SW 4621SW 4622SW 4625SW 4630 4630SW 4690 Phone SW 2420: R4 2410: R2 IP:5.2 SIP:2.1 6 2.3.1 1.5.3 2.3 SIP 2.2.2 2.6 2.5 2.0.3 2.0 Communication Manager Service Packs & DST Patch The latest Communication Manager 2.2.2 Service Pack is 12809 ( Daylight Savings Time (DST) patch is needed for locations in the U.S. and Canada. See PSN 1027U and PCN 1585P for details. S8500B SAMP Firmware The required S8500B SAMP firmware for Communication Manager 2.2.2 is SAMP FW R1. CM Software Upgrade Path Media Servers running Communication Manager 2.2.2 can upgrade to 3.1.2 and later releases only. SES Compatibility Media Servers running Communication Manager 2.2.2 are compatible with SES 2.1, 3.0, and 3.1. They are not compatible with SES 3.1.1. 9 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Software/Firmware Compatibility Matrix The information presented in the matrix shows the latest firmware available and recommended at the time this document is published. Due to the frequency that new firmware becomes available it is possible that this document is temporarily out of date. Therefore, should always be checked for the very latest software and firmware available: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 2.0 and later releases are not available for the DEFINITY Server R. Communication Manager 2.1 and later releases are not available for the S8100 Media Server. Communication Manager 2.1 and later releases do not install or run on an S8300A Media Server. An S8300B or later server must be used. Communication Manager 3.0 and later releases are not available for the DEFINITY Server SI. Communication Manager Software / Firmware Compatibility Matrix S8100 MEDIA SERVER CM Release Launched Load R012c.00.0.219. 0 Offer S8100-2.0219.0 R012c.00.1.222. CM 2.0.1 0 Offer S81002.0.1-222.0 CM 2.1 and Later Releases CM 2.0 TN799DP (C-LAN) FW TN2302AP (Prowler) FW TN2501AP (VAL) FW V17 or later See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 or later HV11+: V115 or later See TN CP FW Link V17 or later See TN CP FW Link V17 or later See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 or later HV11+: V115 or later See TN CP FW Link Not Available V17 or later See TN CP FW Link G150 MEDIA GATEWAY COMPATIBILITY CM Release G150 Media Gateway Version 3.0(104) CM 2.2 and Later 10 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 G250 (MGP only), G350, & G700 MEDIA GATEWAY COMMON FIRMWARE CM Release G250 G350 G700 FW MM 710 FW MM 711 FW MM 712 FW MM 716 FW MM 717 FW MM 720 FW MM 760 FW P330 FW DM CM 2.0 G350: V25.33.0 G700: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 NA N/A V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 CM 2.0.1 G350: V25.33.0 G700: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 NA N/A V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 CM 2.1 G350: V25.33.0 G700: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 NA V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 CM 2.1.1 G350: V25.33.0 G700: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 NA V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 CM 2.2 G350: V25.33.0 G700: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 NA V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 CM 2.2.1 & 2.2.2 G350: V25.33.0 G700: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 NA V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 CM 3.0 All: V25.33.0 V18 V7 NA V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 CM 3.0.1 All: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 NA V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 11 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager Software / Firmware Compatibility Matrix CM 3.1 & 3.1.1 All: V25.33.0 V18 CM 3.1.2 All: V25.33.0 V18 HV3-6: V17 HV7: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 HV3-6: V17 HV7-19: V24 HV20-29:V71 HV30+:V86 V7 V86 V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 or 4.6.9 V7 V86 V4 V6 V65 4.1.6 4.6.6 or 4.6.9 G350 MEDIA GATEWAY SPECIFIC FIRMWARE CM Release G350 Analog FW MM312 FW MM714 FW MM722 FW CM 2.0 CM 2.0.1 CM 2.1 CM 2.1.1 CM 2.2 CM 2.2.1/2.2.2 CM 3.0 CM 3.0.1 CM 3.1 & 3.1.1 CM 3.1.2 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V71 HV6:V86 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V4 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V71 HV10:V86 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 S8xx0 SERIES MEDIA SERVERS CM Release Launched Load / S8500B SAMP FW Latest Service Pack TN799 (C-LAN) FW TN2302 (IP Media Processor) FW TN2312 (IPSI) FW TN2501 (VAL) FW TN2602 (IP 320) FW CM 2.0 R012x. V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link Not Available R012x. HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link V36 See TN CP FW Link CM 2.0.1 6999 See Communication Manager 2.0 Link 8182 See Communication Manager 2.0.1 Link V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link Not Available V17 See TN CP FW Link 12 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager Software / Firmware Compatibility Matrix CM 2.1 R012x.01.0.411.7 CM 2.1.1 R012x.01.1.414.1 CM 2.2 R012x. S8500B SAMP FW = R1 CM 2.2.1 & 2.2.2 R012x. R012x. S8500B SAMP FW = R1 CM 3.0 R013x.00.0.340.3 S8500B SAMP FW = R1 CM 3.0.1 R013x.00.1.346.0 S8500B SAMP FW = R1 CM 3.1 & 3.1.1 R013x.01.0.628.6 R013x.01.1.628.7 S8500B SAMP FW = R2 CM 3.1.2 R013x.01.2.632.1 S8500B SAMP FW = R2 S8500C SAMP FW = R2.1 7561 See Communication Manager 2.1 Link 8400 See Communication Manager 2.1.1 Link 12077 See Communication Manager 2.2 Link 2.2.1: 10885 2.2.2: 12809 See Communication Manager 2.2.1 & Communication Manager 2.2.2 Links 10678 10673 (SIP) See Communication Manager 3.0 Link 10986 11087 (Video Telephony Solution) See Communication Manager 3.0.1 Link 3.1: 11410 3.1.1: 11846 3.1.1: 11951 (SW Dup Only) See Communication Manager 3.1 & Communication Manager 3.1.1 Links 12866 See Communication Manager 3.1.2 Link V17 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link Not Available V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link Not Available V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link Not Available V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link Not Available V17 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V25 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V25 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V25 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link V36 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V25 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link 13 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager Software / Firmware Compatibility Matrix DEFINITY SERVER SI / CSI / R CM Release Launched Load TN799DP (C-LAN) FW TN2302AP (IP Media Processor) FW TN2501AP (VAL) FW R011r.03.2.536.1 R011i.03.2.536.1 Not available for R R012i. See TN CP FW Link See TN CP FW Link See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link CM 2.0.1 Not available for R R012i. V17 See TN CP FW Link CM 2.1 Not available for R R012i.01.0.411.7 V17 See TN CP FW Link CM 2.1.1 Not available for R R012i.01.1.414.1 V17 See TN CP FW Link CM 2.2 Not available for R R012i. V17 See TN CP FW Link CM 2.2.1 & 2.2.2 Not available for R R012i. R012i. Not available for R Not available for SI R012i.00.0.340.3 Not available for R Not available for SI R012i.00.1.346.0 Not available for R Not available for SI R013i.01.0.628.6 R013i.01.1.628.7 Not available for R Not available for SI R013i.01.2.632.1 V17 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link CM 1.3.2 CM 2.0 CM 3.0 CM 3.0.1 CM 3.1 & 3.1.1 CM 3.1.2 V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link HV3-6: V94 HV11+: V115 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link V17 See TN CP FW Link Communication Manager 1.x Releases 14 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager 1.x releases are now End of Manufacturer Support. However, 1.3.2 information is included in the compatibility matrix above for the DEFINITY Server R because it is the last load supported on a DEFINITY Server R. New Daylight Savings Time Rules On March 11, 2007 new Daylight Savings Time rules will take affect in the United States and portions of Canada. Avaya Media Servers located in the U.S. or Canada must be updated to ensure the time on the server changes appropriately. See PSN 1027U and PCN 1585P for details Supported Communication Manager Upgrade Paths Due to the overlapping nature and timing of Communication Manager Release launches, it is not always possible to upgrade from a lower release to a higher release without the possibility of encountering corruption or having a needed fix or enhancement not be available in the higher release. Therefore, not all Communication Manager upgrade paths are supported. The information presented in this section should be used to determine supported Communication Manager upgrade paths. Field Load Upgrade Paths Communication Manager Field Load upgrade paths are not covered in this document due to the large number of field loads that are available. When upgrading from a Communication Manager Field Load to a later release/load the upgrade path should be verified by escalating to Global Technical Services (GTS) prior to the upgrade to ensure the upgrade path is supported. Upgrade Paths for CM 2.0 and Later Releases A server running this release… A primary server running this release… CM 2.0 (R012x. CM 2.0.1 (R012x. CM 2.1 (R012x.01.0.411.7) CM 2.1.1 (R012x.01.1.414.1) CM 2.2 (R012x. CM 2.2.1 (R012x. CM 2.2.2 (R012x. CM 3.0 (R013x.00.0.340.3) (CSI Only: R013i.00.0.340.5) CM 3.0.1 (R013i.00.1.346.0) CM 3.1 (R013i.01.0.628.6) CM 3.1.1 (R013i.01.1.628.7) CM 3.1.2 (R013i.01.2.632.1) …can upgrade to this release. …requires LSP/ESS to be on the same release as the primary server, or else on this release. Same or CM 2.1 & Later (R012x.01.0.411.7 & Later) Same or CM 2.1 & Later (R012x.01.0.411.7 & Later) Same or CM 2.2 & Later (R012x.02.0.411.7 & Later) Same or CM 2.2 & Later (R012x.02.0.411.7 & Later) Same or CM 3.0 & Later (R013x.00.0.340.3 & Later) (CSI Only: R013i.00.0.340.5 & Later) Same or CM 3.0.1 & Later (R013.00.1.346.0 & Later Same or CM 3.1.2 & Later (R013i.01.2.632.1 & Later) Same or CM 3.0.1 & Later (R013i.00.1.346.0 & Later) Same or CM 3.1 & Later (R013i.01.0.628.6 & Later) Same or CM 3.1.1 & Later (R013i.01.1.628.7 & Later) Same or CM 3.1.2 & Later (R013i.01.2.632.1 & Later) Same Release Note: It is recommended that an LSP or ESS only run on a more recent release/load of Communication Manager than the primary Media Server for a limited time. The expectation is that in systems with many LSP/ESS servers Communication Manager software upgrades might occur slowly over a period of time, and that eventually the primary Media Server will be upgraded to the same release running on the LSP/ESS servers. SIP Enablement Services & CM Compatibility 15 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 CM & SES SES 3.1.1 SES 3.1 SES 3.0 SES 2.1 CM 3.1.x YES YES YES YES CM 3.0.x NO: Bulk MWI Issue YES YES YES CM 2.1.1 & 2.2.x NO: Bulk MWI Issue YES YES YES CM 2.0 back to DEFINITY R9.5 IM-Only IM-Only IM-Only IM-Only A value of YES indicates support for both telephony and Presence/IM. A value of IM-Only indicates support for stand alone SES deployments with Presence/IM only. General Software / Firmware Compatibility Guidelines The G150, G250, G350 & G700 Media Gateways, media modules, embedded P330 Ethernet switching system, various circuit packs, and many endpoints are designed to allow remote firmware upgrades once they’ve been installed in the field. Furthermore, the S8xx0 Series Media Servers allow Communication Manager software to be updated via downloadable service packs. New versions of firmware for media gateways, media modules, circuit packs, and endpoints continue to be developed and made available on the support web pages on an ongoing basis. New versions of firmware usually contain support for new functionality as well as fixes for known issues with previous firmware vintages. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to update firmware as new vintages become available. However, it is not required, especially if a system is experiencing no problems on the current version of firmware and new functionality is not desired. Whenever updating vintages of firmware and software, it is extremely important to review the readme file or Product Correction Notice (PCN) associated with the firmware or software update. Readme files and PCNs document any known caveats or issues with compatibility. While the general rule is that the latest firmware is backwards compatible with older Communication Manager releases, there are sometimes exceptions and these exceptions, when known, are documented in readme files and/or PCNs. Refer to specific sections in this document for additional compatibility details. When upgrading Media Servers, LSPs, and ESSs to new releases of Communication Manager, the upgrade path must be checked to ensure the currently running release can upgrade to the new release without experiencing translation corruption or loss of functionality. See the New Daylight Savings Time Rules On March 11, 2007 new Daylight Savings Time rules will take affect in the United States and portions of Canada. Avaya Media Servers located in the U.S. or Canada must be updated to ensure the time on the server changes appropriately. See PSN 1027U and PCN 1585P for details Supported Communication Manager Upgrade Paths and The G350 Media Gateway is not supported in configurations with primary Media Servers and LSPs running Communication Manager Releases earlier than 2.0. The G250 Media Gateway is not supported in configurations with primary Media Servers and LSPs running Communication Manager Releases earlier than 3.0. The G150 Media Gateway is not supported in configurations with primary Media Servers and LSPs running Communication Manager Releases earlier than 2.2. Gateway/Server/LSP/ESS Compatibility Matrix sections for additional details. For S8xx0 Series Media Servers the latest service pack must be applied. For additional information see the Service Pack Compatibility section. 16 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 E-Notifications To be automatically notified via e-mail when new service packs and firmware updates are available, you can subscribe to receive all PCN notifications via My E-Notifications on Circuit Pack Firmware Compatibility IP Interface Circuit Pack Firmware Available on the Communication Manager 3.x Software CD The latest circuit pack firmware available at the time of launch is on the Communication Manager software CD. However, it is possible that the firmware on the CD is out-of-date, so the support web pages should always be checked for the latest firmware. Avaya’s support web site should be checked for the latest firmware available for the following programmable circuit packs: TN464GP TN711DP TN793CP TN799DP TN2214CP TN2224CP TN2302AP TN2312AP and BP TN2313AP TN2464BP TN2501AP TN2602AP TN8400 TN8412AP For firmware downloadable (programmable) circuit packs, the latest firmware available for the circuit pack should be used regardless of the release of Communication Manager software being used. However, it is not necessary to update firmware that is working well unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Whenever firmware is updated, the readme file should be checked for specific Communication Manager compatibility issues. The latest IP Interface circuit pack firmware, readme files, and instructions for installing downloadable firmware are found at the link given below: The Latest Firmware for all Programmable TN Circuit Packs: TN CP FW Link temp.releaseID=129470 Media Gateway, LSP/ESS, & Primary Server Compatibility When upgrading configurations with a Media Gateway, the Media Gateway firmware should always be upgraded before Communication Manager Software is upgraded. In general, media gateway and media module firmware is compatible with the current major release of Communication Manager and the previous major release (also known as N–1 compatibility). For example, media gateway and media module firmware released with Communication Manager 3.0.1 is intended to be compatible with 17 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager 3.x and 2.x software releases. However, in practice, this is not always the case. Therefore, the information in this section provides more detailed compatibility information. When upgrading configurations with an LSP or ESS, the LSP/ESS Communication Manager Software should always be upgraded after all Media Gateways are upgraded and before the primary Media Server Communication Manager Software is upgraded. LSP and ESS upgrades are constrained by valid Communication Manager upgrade paths. This means that if an LSP or an ESS is being upgraded to a more recent release of Communication Manager than is running on the primary server, the more recent release must be a valid upgrade path for the release running on the primary server. See the New Daylight Savings Time Rules On March 11, 2007 new Daylight Savings Time rules will take affect in the United States and portions of Canada. Avaya Media Servers located in the U.S. or Canada must be updated to ensure the time on the server changes appropriately. See PSN 1027U and PCN 1585P for details Supported Communication Manager Upgrade Paths section for a mapping of valid Communication Manager upgrade paths. The latest media gateway and media module firmware available at the time of launch is on the Communication Manager software CD. However, it is possible that the firmware on the CD is out-of-date, so the support web pages should always be checked for the latest firmware. Whenever firmware is updated, the readme file or PCN should be checked for specific Communication Manager compatibility issues. Avaya’s support web site should be checked for the latest firmware available for a given media module. The latest G250, G350, & G700 Media Gateway firmware, media module firmware, readme files and instructions for installing media gateway firmware are found at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document The G350 Media Gateway is not supported in configurations with primary Media Servers and LSPs running Communication Manager Releases earlier than 2.0. The G250 Media Gateway is not supported in configurations with primary Media Servers and LSPs running Communication Manager Releases earlier than 3.0. The G150 Media Gateway is not supported in configurations with primary Media Servers and LSPs running Communication Manager Releases earlier than 2.2. 18 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Gateway/Server/LSP/ESS Compatibility Matrix YES = Compatible NO = Not Compatible 23.xx.x Gateway Firmware 24.xx.x Gateway Firmware 25.xx.x Gateway Firmware LSP Running 1.3.x CM Software LSP Running 2.x CM Software LSP/ESS Running CM 3.x Software Primary Media Server Running 1.3.x CM Software G250 = NA G350 = NA G700 = NO G250 = NA G350 = NA G700 = NO G250 = NA G350 = NA G700 = NO Primary Media Server Running CM 2.x Software G250 = NA G350 = YES G700 = YES G250 = NA G350 = YES G700 = NO G250 = NA G350 = YES G700 = YES Primary Media Server Running CM 3.x Software G250 = NO G350 = NO G700 = NO G250 = YES G350 = YES G700 = YES G250 = YES G350 = YES G700 = YES *YES NO NO ** Only if the Primary Media Server is running CM 1.3.2 or later ** Only if the Primary Media Server is running CM 1.3.2 or later *YES NO *YES *YES LSP on 1.3.x CM Software LSP on 2.x CM Software LSP/ESS on 3.x CM Software G250 = NA G350 = NA G700 = NO G250 = NA G350 = NA G700 = NO G250 = NA G350 = NA G700 = NO G250 = NA G350 = YES G700 = YES G250 = NA G350 = YES G700 = NO G250 = NA G350 = YES G700 = YES G250 = NO G350 = NO G700 = NO G250 = YES G350 = YES G700 = YES G250 = YES G350 = YES G700 = YES * As long as the LSP or ESS is running a release equal to or more recent than the primary server and the LSP/ESS release is a valid upgrade path for the release running on the primary server. LSP and ESS upgrades are constrained by valid Communication Manager upgrade paths. This means that if an LSP or an ESS is being upgraded to a more recent release of Communication Manager than the primary media server, the more recent release must be a valid upgrade path for the release running on the primary server. See the New Daylight Savings Time Rules On March 11, 2007 new Daylight Savings Time rules will take affect in the United States and portions of Canada. Avaya Media Servers located in the U.S. or Canada must be updated to ensure the time on the server changes appropriately. See PSN 1027U and PCN 1585P for details Supported Communication Manager Upgrade Paths section for a mapping of valid Communication Manager upgrade paths. In some cases when upgrading an LSP or ESS to a more recent release of CM than the primary server, firewall changes are required to support file synchronization between the servers. ** Primary Media Servers running Communication Manager Releases earlier than 1.3.2 are not compatible with LSPs running later releases of Communication Manager Software. 19 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Note: The following order of upgrading a distributed configuration with a primary server, media gateways, LSPs, and ESSs should be followed: 1. Media Gateways (MGP and Media Modules). The order in which the Media Gateway (MGP) and Media Modules (MM) are upgraded does not matter. 2. LSPs/ESSs 3. Primary Media Servers If an LSP or ESS is to be upgraded to a new version of Communication Manager Software, all Media Gateways supported by that LSP/ESS must be running the appropriate new vintages of media gateway firmware. In addition, before a primary server is upgraded to a new release of CM software, all media gateways, media gateway media modules, LSPs, and ESSs in the configuration must be upgraded appropriately before an upgrade of the primary server is attempted. LSP/ESS Compatibility Issues There is a known issue when upgrading an LSP to a later version of Communication Manager than the primary Media Server when the primary server is running Communication Manager releases 1.3 through 2.1. In this case a patch must be applied to the primary server prior to upgrading the LSP to prevent system resets from occuring every 2 minutes on the LSP (Rolling reboots) after the upgrade. See PSN 877U for additional information When upgrading an LSP to a later version of Communication Manager than the primary Media Server it is possible that file synchronization might not work after the LSP has been upgraded. This can be caused because firewall changes are required between releases, but it can also be caused by software problems. See PSN 796U for one example of this problem. G700 Media Gateway Compatibility Issues G350 Media Gateways running MGP firmware vintages earlier than 25.23.0 do not recognize the new MM314 hardware suffix C and MM316 Media Modules. Likewise, the new MM716 Media Module is not recognized in G350 and G700 Media Gateways running MGP firmware vintages earlier than 25.23.0. The MM316 and MM716 Media Modules are new with Communication Manager 3.1. The MM314 is not a new Media Module, but the MM314C is based on new hardware and a new form factor. The MM314C can be differentiated from the original MM314 by the hardware suffix. The “new” MM314 reports as hardware suffix “C”, while older MM314 Media Modules report as a hardware suffix “B” or hardware suffix “A”. G700 Media Gateway firmware vintages 24.xx.x (e.g., 24.17.0, 24.21.1, etc.) are not compatible with primary Media Servers and LSPs running Communication Manager releases earlier than 3.0. For Communication Manager 2.x releases, G700 Media Gateway firmware vintages 23.xx.x should be used. G700 Media Gateway firmware v22.8.0 and earlier vintages are incompatible with S8300 Media Servers using IA770 and running Communication Manager 2.1 and later releases due to port assignments. The Media Gateway firmware must be upgraded to the latest supported version for an S8300 Media Server using IA770 and running Communication Manager 2.1 or later software. A maximum of 3 MM717 24-port DCP Media Modules can be installed in a single G700. The number of MM717 Media Modules supported is limited by power draw. Also, the ports on the MM717 are intended for in-building use only. Phone lines connected to those ports are not to be routed out-of-building. Failure to comply with this restriction could cause harm to personnel or equipment. Media Module 711 Firmware and Hardware Dependencies There are currently 3 distinct Media Module 711 (MM711) firmware vintages for 3 distinct MM711 hardware vintage ranges. These distinct firmware vintage ranges are incompatible with any other MM711 hardware vintages than the ones for which they were intended. 20 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Media Module 711 (MM711) hardware vintages 3 through 6 require firmware vintages lower than V19, and any vintages greater than V19 are incompatible. MM711 hardware vintage 7 requires firmware vintages greater than V20, but less than V57, and any other vintages are incompatible. MM711 hardware vintage 20 and above requires firmware vintages V57 and greater, and any other vintages are incompatible. The firmware filename structure for the MM711 shows the hardware designation since there is now a hardware dependency on the firmware. For example, the filename MM711h7v21.fdl denotes the hardware vintage via h7 and v21 maps to the firmware vintage. Telephone Software Compatibility For telephones that support software downloads, the latest telephone software available for the specific phone should be used regardless of the release of Communication Manager software being used. However, it is not necessary or desirable to update telephone software that is working well, unless the Communication Manager software is upgraded. Whenever telephone software is updated, the readme file should be checked for specific Communication Manager compatibility issues. Some of the links below contain multiple vintages of telephone software for a given telephone. The most recent (highest numbered) telephone software should always be used (e.g., R1.8.1 is more recent than R1.8). For some telephones the latest telephone software available is marked as “Current” on the web pages that are linked below. For each telephone, the most recent telephone software available when this document was issued is listed. The links should always be checked to determine if more recent telephone software is available: 46xx IP Telephones 96xx IP Telephones 2400 Digital Telephones 6400 Digital Telephones 8400 Digital Telephones IP Agent IP Softphone IP Softphone for Pocket PC Softconsole 21 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Telephone Software Dependencies The CM 3.0.1 features Security of IP Telephone Registration/H.323 Signaling Channel and Emergency Calls from Unnamed IP Endpoints require IP telephone software R2.3 or later. IP telephone software R2.3 or later requires TN799C hardware vintage 3 or later circuit packs. The 4606, 4612, and 4624 IP terminal endpoints do not support 2.0 and later firmware. The 4630 and 4630SW IP terminal endpoints do no support 2.1 and later firmware. The 4690 IP terminal endpoints require 1.7.5 or later firmware to be compatible with Communication Manager 2.1. 4630/4630SW IP Telephone R2.0 and R2.0.1 firmware is not compatible with server software Releases 10 and earlier. The 96xx IP Telephones are supported on Communication Manager 3.0 and later releases. However, Communication Manager 3.1 is required to enable G.722 wide band audio. Furthermore, Communication Manager 3.1.2 is required for personalization of button labels. Using Communication Manager releases earlier than 3.1.2 for button label personalization may result in corrupted button labels. Communication Manager does not currently provide native support for the 96xx IP Telephones; it is recommended that the 9620 be administered as a 4610 and the 9630 be administered as a 4620/4621. Service Pack Compatibility The S8xx0 Series Media Servers have Communication Manager service packs available for specific software releases. These service packs contain fixes for known issues and the latest service pack for the appropriate release must be applied during initial installation. Furthermore, if a service pack becomes available for a given release after installation of a media server has been completed, the service pack must be applied to bring Communication Manager software running on the server up-to-date. Service Packs are release dependent so it is extremely important to be sure the service pack you are applying is for the appropriate software release. All service packs are issued with Product Correction Notices (PCN). Product Correction Notices contain important information about the service pack and allow for automated notification via e-mail when new service packs become available. The application of service packs is call preserving unless noted otherwise in the PCN. This means that existing calls remain stable while the service pack is being applied. Additionally, new calls can be initiated and signaling on existing calls is processed while the service pack is being applied. Be aware that a new service pack might become available on the web pages, so it is best to subscribe for automated PCN e-mail notifications or check the link directly below for the latest service pack for a specific Communication Manager software release. Service Packs for all releases: Links to all service packs are available at the following link: temp.releaseID=129470 22 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager 2.0 The latest Communication Manager 2.0 (software release R012x. / Offer 219.0 launched December 8 th 2003 in the U.S.) software update is available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 2.0.1 The latest Communication Manager 2.0.1 (software release R012x. / Offer 221.1 launched February 9 th 2004 in the U.S.) software update is available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 2.1 The latest Communication Manager 2.1 (software release R012x.01.0.411.7 / Offer 411.7 launched July 12 th 2004 in the U.S.) software update is available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 2.1.1 The latest Communication Manager 2.1.1 (software release R012x.01.1.414.1 / Offer 414.1 launched September 7 th 2004 in the U.S.) software update is available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 2.2 Communication Manager 2.2 (software release R012x. / Offer 111.4 launched January 10 th 2005 in the U.S.) service pack is available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document#2.2_svc_pack Communication Manager 2.2.1 Communication Manager 2.2.1 (software release R012x. launched November 7 th 2005 in the U.S.) service pack is available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 2.2.2 The latest Communication Manager 2.2.2 (software release R012x. launched April 3 rd 2006 in the U.S.) service pack is available by doing the following: 1. Go to in a web browser and clock Download Center 2. Click on Download My Software and log in 3. Click on Latest TN Circuit Pack, Media Server, and Media Gateway Firmware and Software Updates 4. Click on GA load 122.0 in the Communication Manager 2.2 Release row of the Software Update table for Media Servers running Communication Manager 5. Click on Latest Avaya Communication Manager 2.2.2 Service Pack 23 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager 3.0 There are two service packs for Communication Manager 3.0. One service pack is for SIP enabled configurations and the other is for non-SIP enabled configurations. The service pack for SIP enabled configurations is not call preserving when it is activated. Communication Manager 3.0 (software release R013x.00.0.340.3 launched June 13 th 2005 in the U.S.) service packs are available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 3.0.1 Communication Manager 3.0.1 (software release R013x.00.1.346.0 launched October 3 rd 2005 in the U.S.) service pack is available at the following link: 025&PAGE=Document Communication Manager 3.1 The latest Communication Manager 3.1 (software release R013x.01.0.628.6 launched February 20 th 2006 in the U.S.) service pack is available by doing the following: 1. Go to in a web browser and clock Download Center 2. Click on Download My Software and log in 3. Click on Latest TN Circuit Pack, Media Server, and Media Gateway Firmware and Software Updates 4. Click on GA load 628.6 in the Communication Manager 3.1 Release row of the Software Update table for Media Servers running Communication Manager 5. Click on Latest Avaya Communication Manager 3.1 Service Pack Communication Manager 3.1.1 The latest Communication Manager 3.1.1 (software release R013x.01.1.628.7 launched March 13 th 2006 in the U.S.) service pack is available by doing the following: 1. Go to in a web browser and clock Download Center 2. Click on Download My Software and log in 3. Click on Latest TN Circuit Pack, Media Server, and Media Gateway Firmware and Software Updates 4. Click on GA load 628.7 in the Communication Manager 3.1.1 Release row of the Software Update table for Media Servers running Communication Manager 5. Click on Latest Avaya Communication Manager 3.1.1 Service Pack Note: A different service pack should be used for S8720 Media Servers running Software Duplication on Communication Manager 3.1.1 releases. This special Software Duplication service pack is available at the CM 3.1.1 service pack link referenced above. Communication Manager 3.1.2 The latest Communication Manager 3.1.2 (software release R013x.01.2.632.1 launched June 5 th 2006 in the U.S.) service pack is available by doing the following: 1. Go to in a web browser and clock Download Center 2. Click on Download My Software and log in 3. Click on Latest TN Circuit Pack, Media Server, and Media Gateway Firmware and Software Updates 4. Click on GA load 632.1 in the Communication Manager 3.1.2 Release row of the Software Update table for Media Servers running Communication Manager 5. Click on Latest Avaya Communication Manager 3.1.2 Service Pack 24 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 Communication Manager Installations & Upgrades The latest up-to-date documentation can be found on using the following navigation path: 1. Enter in a web browser. 2. Select FIND DOCUMENTATION and TECHNICAL INFORMATION by PRODUCT NAME 3. Select the appropriate product (e.g., S8700-Series Media Servers) 4. Select Installations, Migrations, Upgrades & Configurations 5. Select the desired release (e.g., 3.1/3.1.1) and click the right arrow. Then select the desired document. There is no longer any Communication Manager software shipped on the hard disk drive for the S8xx0 Media Servers. The hard drive must be formatted and populated with software by using the software CD delivered with the Media Servers. Because the hard drive is reformatted for upgrades to Communication Manager 2.0 and later, a pre-upgrade software update must be applied to release 1.2 and 1.3 prior to upgrading to release 2.0 and later so that the server configuration settings can be backed up and restored. Communication Manager 1.3.1 does not require a pre-upgrade software update because the required fix is already in the launched load of software. Communication Manager 1.3 does require pre-upgrade software update unless service pack/software update 03.0.526.5-6111 or later is already applied, since it includes the required fix. When installing Communication Manager 2.2 and later releases on an S8300B Media Server, the installation fails if the hard drive is loaded with Remaster Program (RP) 3-11 software and TFTP via the service port is the installation method used. The version of RP software on the S8300 hard drive can be checked via the label affixed to the top of the hard drive. A CD-ROM drive and the Communication Manager software CD can be used to work around this issue. When upgrading from Communication Manager 2.x to 3.x releases pre-upgrade patches are required. Communication Manager 1.x to Communication Manager 3.x Upgrades CM 1.x (loads 110.4, 526.5, and 536.1) to 3.x high-level S8700 Media Servers upgrade steps: Note: Any upgrade from 1.x to 3.x requires a new license file. 1. Use the appropriate CM 3.x Product Documentation on CM 1.x (loads other than 110.4, 526.5, and 536.1) to 3.x high-level S8700 Media Server upgrade steps: Note: Any upgrade from 1.x to 3.x requires a new license file. 1. Perform the usual pre-upgrade activities such as checking for alarms, observing the server for busyout conditions, etc. 2. Contact the RTS to acquire an erase_mbr pre-upgrade patch for the appropriate 1.x software load. Then, apply the pre-upgrade patch on the Media Server. 3. Backup the server using the Linux Migration Backup/Restore. 4. Put the CM 3.x software CD in the CD-ROM drive and issue the erase_mbr command from the bash. The erase_mbr command can be run by a craft login. 5. Reboot the server. The server should boot into the CM 3.x installation software on the CD-ROM. This can be verified by ensuring the installation screens are in color. 6. Perform the CM 3.x installation using the “Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 Series Media Server, Release 3.0” document. Specifically, refer to Chapter 3, “Installing Communication Manager Software” pages 37 – 41. 7. Apply the latest Communication Manager 3.x Service Pack on the Media Server. The latest CM 3.x Service Pack is available on 8. Restore the server from the backup. 25 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 9. If the load being upgraded from is earlier than 1.3.1 (load 531), reconfigure the server using the Maintenance Web Pages. CM 1.x to 3.x high-level S8300 Media Server upgrade steps: Note: Any upgrade from 1.x to 3.x requires a new license file. 1. If the S8300 server is an S8300A this upgrade will require a migration to an S8300B Media Server. The S8300B can be distinguished from the S8300A because the S8300B is labeled “S8300B” on the faceplate and the color of the faceplate is gray. To distinguish an S8300B server from an S8300A server remotely, a “free –b” command can be issued from the bash to determine the total memory available on the server. The S8300B server will show total memory available as “528072704” and an S8300A will show less total memory available. 2. Backup the server via Linux Migration Backup. 3. If the existing server is an S8300A, replace it with an S8300B. This is not a free upgrade. Perform a standard S8300A to S8300B Media Server migration without completing the restore step on the server. Use the “Installation and Upgrades for Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server document. Specifically, refer to Chapter 5, “Upgrading an existing S8300A to R2.2” pages 209-252. Stop at the step just before the section header “Restoring Data”. 4. Apply the latest Communication Manager 3.x Service Pack on the Media Server. The latest CM 3.x Service Pack is available on 5. Restore the server from the backup. 6. Configure the server using the Maintenance Web Pages. 7. Complete the remainder of the upgrade steps. Refer to the “Installation and Upgrades for Avaya G700 Media Gateway and Avaya S8300 Media Server” document. Specifically, refer to Chapter 5, “Upgrading an existing S8300A to R2.2” pages 263-280. Communication Manager 2.x to Communication Manager 3.x Upgrades CM 2.x (load 219.0, 221.1, 411.7, 414.1, and 111.4) to 3.x high-level S8300, S8500, and S87x0 Media Server upgrade steps: Note: Any upgrade from 2.x to 3.x requires a new license file and a pre-upgrade patch. 1. Use the appropriate Product Documentation on the documentation CD or on CM 2.x (loads other than 219.0, 221.1, 411.7, 414.1, and 111.4) to 3.x high-level S87x0 Media Server upgrade steps: Note: Any upgrade from 2.x to 3.x requires a new license file and a pre-upgrade patch. 1. Backup the server. 2. Place the CM 3.x software CD in the CD-ROM drive. Run the remaster command from the bash and reboot the server. Note: the remaster command is not available on CM releases earlier than 2.0.1. 3. The server will boot to the original installation software, which will be running a black-and-white character mode installation. The original installation software will load and boot into the CM 3.x installation software from the CD-ROM. This can be verified by ensuring the installation screens are in color after the second reboot. 4. Perform a standard 3.x installation using the “Installing and Configuring the Avaya S8700 Series Media Server, Release 3.0” document. Specifically, refer to Chapter 3, “Installing Communication Manager Software”. 5. Restore the server from the backup. CM 2.x (loads other than 219.0, 221.1, 411.7, 414.1, and 111.4) to 3.0.1 high-level S8300 and S8500 Media Server upgrade steps: Note: Any upgrade from 2.x to 3.0.1 requires a new license file and a pre-upgrade patch. 1. Backup the server. 2. Place the CM 3.x software CD in the CD-ROM drive. Run the remaster command from the bash and reboot the server. Note: the remaster command is not available on CM releases earlier than 2.0.1. 26 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 3. 4. 5. 8. 9. The server will boot to the original installation software, which will be running a black-and-white character mode installation. The original installation software will load and boot into the CM 3.x installation software from the CD-ROM. This can be verified by ensuring the installation screens are in color after the second reboot. Perform the 3.x installation using the appropriate installation document for the media server. Install the latest CM 3.0.1 Service Pack. Restore the server from the backup. Complete the remainder of the upgrade steps. Expanded Meet-Me Conferencing (EMMC) Compatibility CM & EMMC RELEASES EMMC 1.0.16 EMMC 1.0.17 CM 3.1.x and Later NO YES CM 3.0.x YES YES CM 2.x and Earlier Not Supported Not Supported A value of YES indicates that the specified Communication Manager and EMMC releases are compatible. A value of NO indicates that they are not compatible. Integrated Management The latest updates for Integrated Management applications can be accessed from the following links: Fault and Performance Manager MultiSite Administration Network Management Proxy Agent Site Administration Voice Announcement Manager VoIP Monitoring Manager Integrated Management Dependencies Upgrading IM application software releases 1.3 and earlier to 2.1 requires a two-step (release) upgrade process for the Integrated Management offers. 2.1 IM offers contain both a 2.0 and 2.1 software CD. An upgrade from 1.3 and earlier IM releases to 2.1 requires an upgrade to 2.0, then an upgrade to 2.1. Upgrading directly to release 2.1 results in loss of previously saved data. 27 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH Communication Manager Software & Firmware Compatibility Matrix December 4th, 2006 The Avaya Installation Wizard (AIW) is recommended for all new media server installations involving Communication Manager. AIW should be updated to the latest version on the support web pages to properly support installations of Communication Manager: 28 ©2006 Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Avaya and the Avaya logo are trademarks of Avaya Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. All trademarks identified by ® and ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other registered trademarks or trademarks are property of their respective owners. BDH