Syllabus - Hernandez

Computer Information Processing
Von Steuben High School
2015 - 2016
Subject to Change
Unit 1: Ethics and Acceptable Use (1 week)
This unit builds will focus on ethics, acceptable use and netizenship.
Unit 2: Technology Tidbits (3 weeks)
This unit focuses on topics in technology such as viruses, e-mail, browsers and networks.
Unit 3: Basic HTML and Formats (4 weeks)
Students will review the basics of creating HTML pages and formatting pages. Introduction to
CIW Site Development Associate content. Binders and test prep material provided.
Unit 4: Images and Hyperlinks (4 weeks)
This unit will focus on laying out images and images for use in multi-page websites..
Unit 5: Frames and Tables (4 weeks)
Students will learn methods to layout webpage content using frames and tables.
Subject to Change
Unit 7: Multimedia (3 weeks)
This unit blends use of multi-media into web pages such as marquees, music and video.
Unit 8: CSS (8 weeks)
This unit forces students to unlearn all previous methods of formatting web pages and learn new
coding techniques for advance formatting tricks. This unit will also include a movie, TRON, for
your viewing pleasure.
Unit 9: JavaScript (4 weeks)
This unit looks at various programming skills developed over the last two years and how they
can be incorporated into web pages..
There will also be a 1-week semester project for each semester that will utilize the student’s skill sets.
Common Core Standards
 Refer to curriculum map
Text References
 HTML for the World Wide Web, 5th Edition, Elizabeth Castro
 Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML and CSS, John Duckett
 Weaving a Web Site, Susan Anderson-Freed
Internet References
 W3 Schools –
 Validator -
 Web Design Newsletter -
 CSS Tutorial -
 JavaScript Tutorial -
 Posted on classroom website
 Participation Grade
o Self-reflection spreadsheet
Formative Assessment
 Projects
o History of the Internet
o CIW Site Development Certification
Summative Assessment
 Quizzes
 Essays
 Homework Assignments
 Flash drive
 Active email account
 Text editor program,
 Internet connection