A MOOC based Seminar Report On WEB DEVELOPMENT Name of website registered (IN CAPITAL LETTERS, Bold, TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT, FONT SIZE 18 POINTS)….. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement Seminar for the IV Semester B.Tech (CSE) By Sachin Singh University Roll No Under the Guidance of Mr. Purushottam Das Asst. Professor Department of CSE DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING GRAPHIC ERA HILL UNIVERSITY, DEHRADUN DEHRADUN CAMPUS THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT MR. / MS. ___sachin Singh___ HAS SATISFACTORILY PRESENTED MOOC BASED SEMINAR. THE COURSE OF THE MOOC REGISTRATION ___WEB DEVELOPMENT_ IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE SEMINAR PRESENTATION REQUIREMENT IN _______4______ SEMESTER OF B.TECH (CSE) / M.TECH( ) / BCA / MCA / BBA / MBA DEGREE COURSE PRESCRIBED BY GRAPHIC ERA HILL UNIVERSITY, DEHRADUN BHIMTAL CAMPUS DURING THE YEAR___2022_-2023. Campus MOOC-Coordinator Class Seminar Coordinator CONCERNED Mentor HOD Name Name Name Name Signature Signature Signature Signature DEHRADUN CAMPUS Copy of confirmation Email of registration Received DEHRADUN CAMPUS Copy of confirmation-Email of Course Completion Received DEHRADUN CAMPUS Modules Attended S. NO. 1 16-02-2023 Structure of HTML File 2 17-02-2023 Tags in HTML 3 19-02-2023 Text and Font formatting 4 21-02-2023 List ,Tables and forms in HTML 5 24-02-2023 Basic properties of CSS 6 25-02-2023 Box model in a Webpage 7 27-02-2023 Flex BOX And Grids in CSS 8 2-03-2023 Animation using CSS 9 4-03-2023 Keyframes in CSS 10 5-03-2023 Responsiveness in CSS 11 7-03-2023 Variables and constants in java scripts 12 8-03-2023 Data types in javascript 10-03-2023 Operators in java script 11-03-2023 Objects in java Script 15 13-03-2023 Arrays 16 14-03-2023 Strings 17 16-03-2023 Regular Expressions and loops 18 19-03-2023 If-else and switch cases 19 20-03-2023 Global functions 20 22-03-2023 Error Handling 13 14 DATE Details of Modules Attended PAGE NO. Signature ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Name of Student Email ID MODULE- 1 (NAME OF MODULE) NAME OF STUDENT: Sachin Singh COURSE: B-TECH SEMESTER: 4 ROLL NO.: 2119068 DATE:16-02-2023 WEEK OF EXECUTION: Week-1 OBJECTIVE OF LEARNING: Learning HTML CONTENT OF MODULE: HTML COMPONENTS TEXT FORMATTING LINKS IN HTML LISTS IN HTML TABLES IN HTML CHARACTER AND SYMBOLS LEARNING OUTCOME: Learned about HTML components Learned about Text formatting Learned how to add links in HTML file Learned how generate lists and tables Learned how to link image to HTML file Learned how to use special chararcters Learned how to format the HTML file PROBLEMS FACED during Learning: Difficulty in learning the HTML tags To Organize the file. Lack of concentration. Syntax formatting. Making Tables POSSIBLE REMEDIES: Practice more. Proper revision. Experiments with sytax Consistency Work hard FUTURE SCOPE: Quality manager engineer Social manager Web producer Content manager MODULE- 2 (NAME OF MODULE) NAME OF STUDENT: Sachin Singh COURSE: B-TECH SEMESTER: 4 ROLL NO.: 2119068 DATE:24-02-2023 WEEK OF EXECUTION: Week-2 OBJECTIVE OF LEARNING:Learning Basics of CSS CONTENT OF MODULE: Font Properties Text Properties Background Properties Border properties Box Model Colors properties LEARNING OUTCOME: CSS Layout styling the texts How to Organize the content Box model of a webpage Proper formatting of text,images,videos etc. Designing the website PROBLEMS FACED during Learning: Learning the properties name. Formatting content. Positioning the elements Difference between class and id Properties of Box model like padding,margin etc POSSIBLE REMEDIES: Proper Revision Practice more and more For help use Website named MDN Do experiments with the properties Create mini projects. Work hard FUTURE SCOPE: Quality manager engineer Social manager Web producer Content manager MODULE- 3 (NAME OF MODULE) NAME OF STUDENT: Sachin Singh COURSE: B-TECH SEMESTER: 4 ROLL NO.: 2119068 DATE:4-03-2023 WEEK OF EXECUTION: Week-3 OBJECTIVE OF LEARNING: ANIMATION AND RESPONSIVENESS CONTENT OF MODULE: Transition Transform Key frames Media Query View Ports Time functions LEARNING OUTCOME: Learned about Transition property in css Learned about transform property Learned about key frames in CSS Learned about media Query Learned about the view ports in css Learned about the time function PROBLEMS FACED during Learning: Difficulty in remembering the property name Difficulty in learning Key frames in CSS Difficulty in Animate the content Using time function in the animative content Lack of concentration POSSIBLE REMEDIES: Proper Revision Practice more and more For help use Website named MDN Do experiments with the properties Create mini projects. Work hard FUTURE SCOPE: Quality manager engineer Social manager Web producer Content manager MODULE- 4 (NAME OF MODULE) NAME OF STUDENT: Sachin Singh COURSE: B-TEECH SEMESTER: 4 ROLL NO.: 2119068 DATE:13-03-2023 WEEK OF EXECUTION: Week-4 OBJECTIVE OF LEARNING: MINI PROJECTS USING HTML AND CSS CONTENT OF MODULE: Making a Gym website Making a cafe card website Making a parallax website Making a Restaurent website Making a Garage Website Making a mall website LEARNING OUTCOME: Practical use of HTML and CSS Proper use of Syntax and properties Proper Designing of website Making a Responsive Website Proper Formatting of a website Linking html and css files PROBLEMS FACED during Learning: Designing a particular content Proper Formatting of a website Forgetting Syntax and properties name Resizing image size,text size etc. Giving proper padding , margin etc POSSIBLE REMEDIES: POSSIBLE REMEDIES: roper Revision Practice more and more For help use Website named MDN Do experiments with the properties Create More mini projects. Work hard PFUTURE SCOPE: Quality manager engineer Social manager Web producer Content manager MODULE- 5 (NAME OF MODULE) NAME OF STUDENT: Sachin Singh COURSE: B-Tech SEMESTER: 4 ROLL NO.: 2119068 DATE:21-0302023 WEEK OF EXECUTION: Week-5 OBJECTIVE OF LEARNING: Learning Basics of Java script CONTENT OF MODULE: Creating Variables , constants and Data types in Java script Creating objects Arrays Operators If-else and Switch case Loops LEARNING OUTCOME: Learned to create variables and constants Learned to create an object Learned to crate an array Types of operators in java script Use of if-else and switch case Use of loops PROBLEMS FACED during Learning: Syntax error Forgetting syntax . Difficulty in learning difference between let and var Difficulty in learning about objects Difficulty in learing for of loop POSSIBLE REMEDIES: proper Revision Practice more and more For help use Website named MDN Do experiments with the properties Create More mini projects. Work hard FUTURE SCOPE: Quality manager engineer Social manager Web producer Content manager MODULE- 6 (NAME OF MODULE) NAME OF STUDENT: Sachin Singh COURSE: B-TECH SEMESTER: 4 ROLL NO.: 2119068 DATE:1-04-2023 WEEK OF EXECUTION: Week-6 OBJECTIVE OF LEARNING: Advance javascript CONTENT OF MODULE: Functions in javascript Dynamic Nature of Objects Object clonning Area function Filtering and mapping content Error Handling LEARNING OUTCOME: Learned of creating Function Use of factory function and constructor function Clone an object Use of inbuilt objects Error handing using try and catch Use of various operators like spread ,assign etc PROBLEMS FACED during Learning: Syntax Error Forgetting Syntax Difficulty in Learning spread operator Difficulty in Error Handling Difficulty in learning difference b/w cons. function and factory function POSSIBLE REMEDIES: proper Revision Practice more and more For help use Website named MDN Do experiments with the properties Create More mini projects. Work hard FUTURE SCOPE: Used both in web and app development Social manager Web producer Content manager