Clark / Puccio P2P PE Presidential Fitness Testing The President's Challenge is a program that encourages all Americans to make being active a part of their everyday lives. No matter what your activity and fitness level, the President's Challenge can help motivate you to improve. Starting with the Presidential Physical Fitness Award in 1966, The President's Challenge has rewarded and motivated millions of youth. The Presidential Physical Fitness Test is an important component of Peak to Peak’s overall educational program goals. The program recognizes students for their level of physical fitness in 5 events: sit ups (curl ups), shuttle run, one-mile run, right angle push-ups, and the sit and reach. Students at Peak to Peak will also complete the PACER test, making a total of 6 events. Students at Peak to Peak are expected to recognize the importance of and choose to participate regularly in physical activities designed to maintain and enhance healthy lifestyles. The Presidential Physical Fitness Test is evidence of a commitment to the physical development of Peak to Peak’s students, as well as a commitment to focusing on outcomes and specific performance objectives. Physical fitness should be a result of the balance of activities that are provided in the Physical Education programs at school and continued by the family and in other community activities. These assessments are part of an ongoing process of helping children understand and improve and/or maintain their physical health and well-being. Who participates in the Presidential Physical Fitness Test? All students in grades 6-12 must take the physical fitness test. When will the testing occur? Testing will take place at the beginning and end of each semester. How did I do on the test? All tests are measured based on students' age and gender. Please see the scoring sheets for all tests posted in the PE office window for your scores. Each Pre Test is worth 10 points each; students will get 60 points for completing them all. Each Post test is worth 20 points each, giving you a total of 120 points. Breakdown of points for the Post Test are on the last page of this handout and will be explained in class. Mile Run: Objective: To measure heart/lung endurance by the fastest time to cover a one mile distance. Testing: On the signal, students begin running a one mile distance. Walking may be interspersed with running. However, the students should be encouraged to cover the distance in as short a time as possible. Scoring: Students should be given instruction on how to pace themselves and should be allowed to practice running this distance against time. Clark / Puccio P2P PE Sit Ups (Curl Ups): Objective: To measure abdominal strength/endurance by maximum number of curlups performed in one minute. Testing: Have student lie on flat surface with knees flexed and feet about 12 inches from body. Partner holds feet. Arms are crossed with hands placed on opposite shoulders and elbows held close to chest. Keeping this arm position, student raises the trunk curling up to touch elbows to thighs and then lowers the back to the floor so that the shoulder blades touch the floor, for one curl-up. Student does as many as possible in one minute. Scoring: The curl-up should be counted only if performed correctly. Push Ups: Objective: To measure upper body strength/endurance by maximum number of pushups completed. Testing: The student lies face down on the mat in push-up position with hands under shoulders, fingers straight, and legs straight, parallel, and slightly apart, with the toes supporting the feet. The student straightens the arms, keeping the back and knees straight, the lowers the body until there is a 90-degree angle at the elbows, with the upper arms parallel to the floor. Push ups will be completed until the student cannot perform any longer. Scoring: Record only those push-ups done with proper form. Shuttle Run: Objective: To measure speed and agility. Testing: Mark two parallel lines 30 feet apart and place two blocks of wood behind one of the lines. Students start behind opposite line. On the signal, the student runs to the blocks, pick one up, runs back to the starting line, places block behind the line, runs back and picks up the second block, and runs back across the starting line. Scoring: Blocks should not be thrown across the lines. Scores are recorded to the nearest tenth of a second. Clark / Puccio P2P PE Sit and Reach: Objective: To measure flexibility of lower back and hamstrings. Testing: Student removes shoes and sits on floor with his/her feet against the inside of the Sit and Reach Box. Student clasps thumbs so that hands are together, palms down, and places them on tab. With the legs held flat by a partner, student slowly reaches forward as far as possible, keeping fingers on the tab and feet against the box. After three practice tries, the student will attempt the fourth reach for his/her score. Scoring: Legs must remain straight with soles of feet held against the box. Students should be encouraged to reach slowly rather than "bounce" while stretching. Scores recorded to the nearest half-inch are read and marked. PACER (Beep) Test: Objective: To measure running endurance and the ability to pace one’s self. Testing: The student is tested by playing a CD that has a series of signals that they must keep pace with. They run only when the CD instructs them to do so. The signals start farther apart and eventually are played closer together. The student must keep up with the pace of the signals on the CD by running 3/4 of the length of the basketball court which will count as 1 lap. If they don't make it to the 3/4 mark of the basketball court before the next signal the student has finished his/her test. Scoring: The class is divided in half with one group counting for one of the runners in the other half. To find more information regarding the Presidential Physical Fitness Tests, go to Clark / Puccio P2P PE Presidential Physical Fitness Scoring Rubric: The scores are based on the percentage scores found on the PE office window. Find your percentile score and put it into the rubric. Ranking your scores 4 = Advanced 3 = Proficient 2 = Partially Proficient 1 = Needs Improvement Pacer Test 4 A score of 62 and above 3 A score of 52 to 61 2 A score of 33 to 51 1 A score of 32 and below Shuttle Run, Mile Run, Push-Ups, Sit-Ups, & Sit and Reach 4 A score of 70% and above 3 A score of 65% to 50% 2 A score of 45% to 30% 1 A score of 25% and below