A Christmas Carol Response Notes for Stave 2 Visualize Draw a

A Christmas Carol Response Notes for Stave 2
Draw a picture of the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Personal Connections
Scrooge was sad and lonely when he was left at school for Christmas. A
time when I was sad and lonely was ________________________________
One of Scrooge’s favorite characters was Ali Baba. Who is your favorite
character from A Christmas Carol? Explain why._____________________
Words to know:
(in my own words)
A question I have about the story is ________________________________
A character I find interesting is __________________________. If I could
ask him/her a question, it would be, “_______________________________
Describe how Scrooge felt when:
1. he was left at the school: ___________________________________
2. his sister, Fan, came to visit: ________________________________
3. he worked for Fezziwig: ____________________________________
4. he was at the Fezziwig’s party: _______________________________
5. he saw Belle’s family: ______________________________________
A one sentence summary of my favorite part of this portion of the story:
The exact text, word for word of my favorite part: ____________________
Random Act of Kindness
A one sentence summary of a random act of kindness from this portion of
the story: _____________________________________________________
The exact text, word for word: ____________________________________
In the next section of the story, I think Scrooge will ___________________
In the next section of the story, I think _________________ will _________
A Christmas Carol Response Notes
During your reading, take response notes. Your notes should be organized using a
graphic organizer, table, bullet points, or whatever works best for you.
They should include:
1. Draw a picture of the Ghost of Christmas Past
2. Personal connections
3. Your feelings connected to the mood of the story
4. Vocabulary (words and definitions)
5. Questions
6. Predictions
7. Summaries of any reference to child labor (cite the page number!)
a. Infer how Fezziwig feels about child labor & cite 2 excerpts to support
your theory
b. Infer why Scrooge is such a “Bah Humbug!”
8. Opinion statements about a character or event from each part of the story. Give
textual support for your argument.
9. Characterization. Explain how Scrooge changed throughout the course of this
stave. Cite 5 specific events to show the change.
A Christmas Carol Response Notes
During your reading, take response notes. Your notes should be organized using a
graphic organizer, table, bullet points, or whatever works best for you. They should
1. Draw a picture of the Ghost of Christmas Past
2. Personal connections
3. Your feelings connected to the mood of the story
4. Vocabulary (words and definitions)
5. Questions
6. Predictions
7. Summaries of any reference to child labor (cite the page number!)
a. Infer how Fezziwig feels about child labor & cite 2 excerpts to support
your theory
b. Infer why Scrooge is such a “Bah Humbug!”
8. Opinion statements about a character or event from each part of the story. Give
textual support for your argument.
9. Characterization. Explain how Scrooge changed throughout the course of this
stave. Cite 5 specific events to show the change.
A Christmas Carol Response Notes for Stave 2
Draw a picture of the Ghost of Christmas Past.
Personal Connections
Scrooge felt ___________________________________ when he was left at
school for Christmas. A time when I felt that way was _________________
One of Scrooge’s favorite characters was Ali Baba. Who is your favorite
character from A Christmas Carol? Explain why._____________________
Words to know:
(in my own words)
A question I have about the story is ________________________________
A character I find interesting is ___________________________________.
If I could ask him/her a question, it would be, “______________________
Show how Scrooge changed. Complete the chart below.
Event (use specific text
from the story)
Reason for emotion
A one sentence summary of my favorite part of this portion of the story:
The exact text, word for word of my favorite part: ____________________
In the next section of the story, I think Scrooge will ___________________
In the next section of the story, I think _________________ will _________