香港科技大學 HONG KONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 電子及計算機工程系 Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering 香港九龍清水灣 Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 電話 Tel: (852) 2358 7040 傳真 Fax: (852) 2358 1485 Information Sheet for Recruitment A. Company Information Name of company: Nature of business: Address: Company website: Contact person: Position: E-mail address: Tel. no.: Fax no.: B. Job Information Position offered: Type of employment: [ ] Summer Internship (Period: ) [ ] One-year Internship (Period: ) [ ] Graduate Employment Work location: [ ] Hong Kong Fields of studies: [ ] All Disciplines [ ] Chemical Engineering / Environmental Engineering [ ] Civil and Structural Engineering [ ] Information Technology / Electronic Engineering [ ] Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering / Logistics Management [ ] Mechanical Engineering / Building Services [ ] Mail to above address Number of vacancies: Job description: [ ] Mainland [ ] Others Skill requirements: Salary: C. Application Details Application method: Documents required: [ ] Resume [ [ ] Email to: [ ] Fax to: ] Transcript [ ] Covering letter Application deadline: Please return the completed form by E-mail: or by Fax: (852) 2358-1485. web-jc-oct/05