Constitution for Project Professionalism’s Humanism in Medicine Committee Created July 6, 2007 Article l - Name, Purpose, and Non-Discrimination Policy of the Organization. Section 1 - Name: Project Professionalism’s Humanism in Medicine Committee Section 2 - Purpose: To create and maintain the culture of respect in the medical school environment. The ‘culture of respect’ encompasses compassionate care, professional behaviors, excellence in medical knowledge and placing the needs of others before your own (altruism). Creating this culture does not depend on ‘policing’ each other but it is built on a foundation of caring about the personal and professional growth of every medical student that seeks their education at The Ohio State University College of Medicine. Point I – Facilitating the enrichment of the learning process in medical education. Point II – Enriching the medical education, outside the classroom, to foster personal and professional growth. Point III – Building a better learning environment while simultaneously providing an avenue through which medical students can connect and serve their surrounding community. Section 3 - Non-Discrimination Policy: This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Article II - Membership: Qualifications and categories of membership. Section 1 – Membership is open to all members of the College of Medicine at The Ohio State University. Section 2 – Members of the faculty, alumni, and other related professionals will be considered honorary members should they desire further involvement within the student organization or receive an invitation from student members. Article III - Organization Leadership: Titles, terms of office, type of selection, and duties of the leaders. Section 1 – The structure of Project Professionalism shall consist of ten (10) named subcommittees, and 2 affiliated student groups. Point I - Each of these satellite committees or groups shall be governed by an elected or appointed committee chair. In cases where there are 2 or more candidates running for the committee chair position, an election shall be utilized through a ballot vote with the winner of the majority vote being granted the office. If there is only one eligible candidate, then that person shall be appointed to the position by either the current committee chair or the faculty advisor of Project Professionalism. Point II – Each subcommittee has the opportunity to elect an additional co-chair if there is need for additional leadership and full consensus of the group. This second individual shall be elected or appointed in the same manner as detailed in Article III, Section 1, Point I. Co-Chairs shall share all responsibilities of governance. Point III – Each determined subcommittee chair shall lead their respective group in a capacity that fulfills the purpose of that subcommittee. In addition, each chair shall serve as a representative on the leadership council of the larger Project Professionalism, herein termed the Project Professionalism Council of Chairs. Point IV – As a member of the Council of Chairs, each shall be responsible for the duties outlined in Article III, Section 2. Point V – All subcommittee chairs shall serve a leadership term lasting a minimum of one academic school year and no longer than two years. Section 2 – The Council of Chairs Point I - The Council of Chairs shall be responsible for all voting and decision making regarding Project Professionalism, as a whole. This Council shall be ultimately governed by a leadership core comprised of two elected chairs, an elected Treasurer, and an elected Secretary as outlined in Article III, Section 3. Point II – Committee chairs are expected to report on all current developments for their respective groups, including but not limited to membership status, financial status, and programming status. In addition, committee chairs shall represent their groups as a voting entity within the Council of Chairs regarding Project Professionalism movements and decision making. 1 Point III - All voting shall occur as a show of hands, unless a ballot vote is proposed by any member of the Council of Chairs. Each member of the Council of Chairs is granted one (1) vote. Section 3 – Executive Leadership Body Point I – The Council of Chairs shall be governed by two Co-Chairs, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. Point II – Executive leadership positions may only be granted to current subcommittee chairs. For each elected position, eligible candidates must be nominated by the members of the Council of Chairs, which encompasses self-nomination. Upon nomination of all candidates, voting shall immediately commence by silent ballot. Sub-point 1 – The Co-Chairs shall be elected first and the top two vote-getters shall be appointed to the position. All nominated candidates, not granted the elected positions, are eligible to be nominated for the remaining positions. Sub-point 2 – Following the election of the Co-Chairs, voting shall commence for the position of the Treasurer in the same manner as was conducted for the Co-Chairs. Upon this determination, the position of Secretary shall be filled in the same manner. Point III – Roles and Duties of the Executive Leadership Sub-point 1 – Co-Chairs are responsible for organizing and running all proceedings of the Council of Chairs, including but not limited to motions, movements, and presentation of new developments to the group. Co-Chairs shall oversee the financial status and decisions of the group. CoChairs shall serve as a student liaison to the faculty, other student organizations, The Ohio State University student body, and the SOURCE for all subcommittees. Sub-point 2 – The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate financial records and overseeing the checking account of the group. He or she shall accept and review all financial requests from each subcommittee and distribute funds based on the discretion of the Executive Leadership. He or she shall also serve as a liaison for the different subcommittees in regards to obtaining all necessary funds. Sub-point 3 – The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining accurate attendance records and minutes for all meetings of the Council of Chairs. The Secretary shall be responsible for possessing and maintaining current membership rosters for all subcommittees. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining a current Constitution and amending all aspects of the document when necessitated by group vote. Sub-point 4 – All members of the Executive Leadership have the choice to continue their roles as subcommittee chairs or to appoint a replacement chair in their stead. Point IV - Executive Leadership shall serve a leadership term of one year extending from May of MED I year to May of the MED II year. Article IV - Standing Committees Section 1 – Subcommittees 1. History of Medicine Committee. The work of this committee includes innovations in bringing the rich heritage of the OSU COMPH legacy to the attention of the students in the COMPH. Section 2 – Affiliated Groups These affiliated groups are considered a part of the Project Professionalism group in regards to the COM community, however they shall function as separate entities by classifications of The Ohio State University student organization guidelines. These groups are therefore not privileged to any financial funding through Project Professionalism granted to this group by the Source, but do fall under the umbrella of full membership and voting privileges given to member groups of the Project Professionalism. 1. Clowning in Columbus: This committee shall provide opportunities to learn clowning techniques and participate in community clowning outreach. Members of this group shall also have educational opportunities through The Gesundheit! Institute. 2. Difficult Conversations: This committee shall hold several lunch-time panel discussions that try to answer the difficult issues facing medical students and the medical profession. Article VI – Advisor: Qualification Criteria. Section 1 – Project Professionalism, as a whole, shall be advised by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs. Section 2 – Each subcommittee and affiliated group shall have the opportunity to appoint their own advisor. This advisor must be a full-time member of the University faculty or an administrative or professional staff 2 member of the College of Medicine. If the subcommittee or affiliated group does not select an advisor, the Associate Dean of Student Affairs shall serve in that capacity until otherwise determined. Section 3 – All advisors shall oversee the proceedings of the various subcommittees and/or Project Professionalism. These duties shall include but are not limited to assistance in resolution of conflicts and facilitation of disciplinary action. Article VII – Meetings of the Organization: Required meetings and their frequency. Section 1 – Subcommittees shall be given full autonomy for establishing their meeting criteria based on their objectives for the year. Section 2 – Council of Chairs shall hold a minimum of one meeting each academic quarter, excluding the summer quarter. Additional meetings can be organized based on need as determined by the Executive Leadership or any committee chair. Section 3 – All members of the Council of Chairs shall receive one (1) vote in regards to all motions and movements. The Executive Leadership Co-Chairs shall run all voting proceedings. All voting shall occur as a show of hands, unless a ballot vote is proposed by any member of the Council of Chairs. In the case of a tie, the Co-Chairs shall organize one re-vote following a period of short discussion. Shall the tie persist, then the tie-breaking vote shall be given to the faculty advisor. Article VIII – Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notice, and voting requirements. Section 1 – Any member of the Council of Chairs has the right to propose an amendment to this Constitutional body. Section 2 - Proposed amendments shall be in writing and presented to the Council of Chairs during a general meeting. There shall be an open discussion by the Council regarding the proposed amendment. This discussion shall be led by the Co-Chairs. Voting shall not commence at the same meeting in which the proposal was presented. Section 3 – The Executive Leadership shall hold a subsequent meeting of the Council of Chairs for which voting on the proposed amendment shall occur. In order for a vote to take place, two-thirds of voting members must be present to meet quorum. In order for the amendment to pass, two-thirds of those present must vote in favor of the change. Section 4 – Upon passing of an amendment, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to make all corrections to the Constitution. Article IX – Method of Dissolution of Organization Section 1 – In order for dissolution to occur, there must be a complete consensus of all subcommittee chairs, the Executive Leadership, and the faculty advisor. Section 2 – Shall any organizational assets or debts exist, responsibility shall be transferred to the faculty member holding Advisory role of Project Professionalism. By-Laws Article I- Membership Section 1 – All students members of the COM are eligible for membership in all subcommittees, assuming they are in good standing in the COM in regards to his or her professional and academic standings. Section 2 – Students shall not be allowed to participate if they receive any note of un-professionalism on their student record. Section 3 – There shall be no restrictions in regards to the number of student members in each subcommittee. Article II- Election / Appointment of Government Leadership Section 1 – Elections shall follow the guidelines detailed in the Constitution of Project Professionalism. Section 2 – Elected individuals shall maintain their respective office for their full term and only be revoked of these privileges in cases of un-professionalism, negligence or misuse of duties, or at the discretion of the faculty advisor. Point 1 – In these cases, the faculty advisor shall hold a vote of the Council of Chairs for removal of the offending party. 3 Point 2 – Majority vote shall control this decision and the offending party shall receive and official written notification of removal by the Executive Leadership. Section 3 – Any student wishing to resign from his or her duties must submit a letter of resignation to the Executive Leadership one month in advance in order to facilitate the timing for a new election. Point 1 – Elections for the replacement chair shall follow the same guidelines covered in the Constitution. Section 4 – In the case of a resignation or dismissal of a member of the Executive Leadership, the Council of Chairs shall nominate and vote for a replacement in the same fashion as outlined in the Constitution. Article III- Distribution of Funds Section 1 – Each subcommittee shall submit a written proposal for the projected use of SOURCE funds for the upcoming quarter. This proposal shall include the amount desired and a detailed budget of expenses. Section 2 – All proposals shall be reviewed first by the Treasurer and then presented before the Executive Leadership. There shall be a majority vote for approval of the organization’s budget within the Executive Leadership. Section 3 – The Treasurer shall then submit a proposal to the SOURCE quarterly on behalf of the projected total of all subcommittee requests. Section 4 – It will be responsibility of the Treasurer to control all funds obtained from the SOURCE and disbursement of all said funds. Each subcommittee will be notified by the Treasurer of the funding amount that will be allocated to them for the quarter based on their initial proposal. Section 5 – Each subcommittee will then be free to spend their own money within the amount allocated to them. Subcommittee chairs should then present receipts to the Treasurer within two weeks of the conclusion of their event to receive reimbursement through SOURCE funds controlled by the Treasurer. Section 6 – All funds that shall be distributed by the Treasurer shall not exceed the initial proposed amount that was approved by the Executive Leadership prior to proposal to the SOURCE. Section 7 – All funds shall be distributed in the form of reimbursements and no advance payments shall occur. Section 8 – In instances where subcommittees fail to utilize all requested funds, excess funds shall be reallocated by the Treasurer to other subcommittees upon request of need in order to ensure complete utilization of funds. Section 9 – Should the case arise where Project Professionalism has excess funds for the year, all said money shall be returned to the SOURCE by the Treasurer following specified guidelines. Article VII - Meeting Requirements Section 1 – All committee chairs are required to attend all quarterly meetings and other specially called meetings of the Council of Chairs. Section 2 – In cases of personal emergencies or extreme academic need, each chair has the right to send another committee member in their stead. The student in this stead shall hold full voting rights during the meeting. Section 3 – Should no member of a subcommittee be able to attend, written notice is required 48 hours in advance and should be sent to the Secretary. Failure to comply will result in revocation of the subcommittees voting rights for the remainder of the academic year. Section 4 – It is the responsibility of the Executive Leadership to organize and choose meeting dates and times that facilitate the best attendance rate, including working around testing and class schedules, preceptorships, and other academic requirements of the COM. Section 5 – Executive Leadership shall also be responsible for securing a location for all meetings. Article VIII - Method of Amending By-Laws Section 1 – Any member of the Council of Chairs has the right to propose an amendment to this body. Section 2 - Proposed amendments shall be in writing and presented to the Council of Chairs during a general meeting. There shall be an open discussion by the Council regarding the proposed amendment. This discussion shall be led by the Co-Chairs. Voting shall commence immediately following discussion, assuming that quorum is met. In order for the amendment to pass, two-thirds of those present must vote in favor of the change. Section 3 – Upon passing of an amendment, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to make all corrections to the By-Laws. 4