De La Salle - College of Saint Benilde School of Management and Information Technology Game Design and Development Program As of 1st Trimester SY 2010-2011 COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE COURSE CREDIT PRE-REQUISITE PRE-REQUISITE TO TYPE OF COURSE FACULTY TERM /TIME /ROOM : : : : : : : : APLIMAT Applied Mathematics for Game Programming 3 Units NONE NONE Major Course COURSE DESCRIPTION: In this course, students will understand the concepts and mathematics involving collisions of simple geometries and polygons. The subject is meant to enable the students to implement algorithms for collision detection for their gaming needs. The subject also teaches concepts and mathematics of physics with the goal of enabling students to implement them in a program or a gaming application. Finally, the course also covers advanced topics on 3D orientation and angular displacement representations and computations. COURSE OBJECTIVES / COMPETENCY SKILLS: Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the concept of collision detection as well as implement a collision detection algorithm in a 3D game program. 2. Understand physics concepts as well as implement basic physics algorithms in games. 3. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of the different methodologies for computing 3D orientation and angular displacements 4. Implement a Euler angles and quaternions in 3D programs. CSB CORE VALUES: 1. Appreciative of the Worth of Each Individual a. Know one’s strength and weaknesses b. Confident in the ability of applying Data Structures for creating solutions c. Able to collaborate with a team and understand each team member’s capabilities and limitations d. Adheres to excellence in accomplishing assigned task 2. Socially Responsible a. Abide by the IT Code of Ethics and b. Performs assigned task diligently and honestly 3. Professionally Competent a. Can apply IT and business skills in solving problems COURSE OUTLINE: Part I. Points, Lines and Geometries Coordinate Systems o Cartesian coordinate system o Polar coordinate system Defining a point Defining a line Parabolas Circles and Spheres Application in collision detection Mathematical visualization 2.5 Weeks APLYMAT Course Syllabus Page 1 of 4 Part II. Collision Detection Test for Simple 3D Geometries Review of related mathematics Sphere o Sphere – Sphere Test o Ray – Sphere Test o Line Segment – Sphere Test Aligned-Axis Boxes o Ray – Box Test o Sphere – Box Test Separating Axis o Line Segment – Box Test o Triangle – Box Test o Box – Box Test Polygons o Ray – Triangle Test o Line Segment – Triangle Test o Ray – Polygon Test o Triangle – Triangle Test o Polygon – Polygon Test o Triangle – Sphere Test o Polygon – Volume Test 3.5 Weeks Part III. Physics Review of related mathematics Speed and Velocity Acceleration Equations of motion Visualizing velocity and acceleration Using vectors Projectiles and implementation Forces Using Newton’s law Work and kinetic energy Collision with a stationary object Momentum and impulse Modeling collision Rotational motion Implementing collision 3.0 Weeks Part IV. 3D Orientation and Angular Displacement Understanding orientation A review of matrices Euler Angles o What are Euler angles? o Euler angle conventions o Advantages and disadvantages of Euler angles o Using Euler angles Quaternions o What are quaternions? o Quaternion operations Converting angle representations 3.0 Weeks TEACHING METHODS / STRATEGIES: The course is delivered mostly through learner-centered methodology with emphasis on individual and collaborative activities where teachers prepare the environment for learning and guide the learners to develop the important competencies. These methods are geared towards the belief that students learn best and retain much of the learning in an atmosphere where they are allowed to apply their creativeness and self expression. APLYMAT Course Syllabus Page 2 of 4 REQUIREMENTS / DELIVERABLES: Individual Activity and Collaborative Work will require any of the following deliverables for a given topic. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preparation and Participation in Lectures / Discussions Prepared Multimedia Aided Presentations Exercises and Application Output Machine Projects Quizzes and Examinations Plagiarism Policy : Using the oral or written words and ideas of others without proper acknowledgment is plagiarism and is an academic offense. As a form of academic misconduct, students found guilty face serious consequences as stipulated in the Student’s Handbook. Submission Policy : To promote professionalism and competence, submission of requirements and deliverables must always be on time. The teacher reserves the right NOT to accept late submissions and will rate the requirement as failed or zero. In case the teacher decides to accept late requirement due to valid reasons, the teacher will impose point deductions on the score obtained or deduct 10% of the total score per day of delay. Students must present a letter from their parent or legal guardian appealing for the teacher to accept the late requirement. Valid proof must be attached to the letter of appeal. Assessment / Evaluation To asses the performance and competencies of the learners… 1. Short quizzes will be administered to determine if the learners can remember basic concepts and principles 2. Exercises will be given as practice sets for students in preparation for future hands on projects and development requirements as well as to solidify their knowledge on the topics they already know. Exercises will also be used to illustrate practical and concrete applications to the abstract concepts taught in class lectures 3. Machine Projects will be required to give the students a first hand experience on implementing data structures and algorithms in simple programming applications as well as to enable the students to develop solutions and solve simple problems using data structures. 4. Examinations will be used as tools for validation tools to rate long term memory retention on the topics at hand. Examinations may also be used as a learning tool to derive how current topics maybe intertwined to the next area of discussion Quiz & Exam Policy : Students must attend all required scheduled quizzes and exams at the designated time and place. Individual professors may accommodate for illness or personal crisis. Additional accommodation will not be made unless a written request is sent to and approved by the Chairperson or Dean prior to the scheduled exam or as prescribed by the student manual. Any student who misses a scheduled quiz or exam without approval will be given a failing grade for the quiz or exam. Behavior during exams is expected to conform to College guidelines. No further warnings will be given prior or during the exams, the penalty for cheating is immediate failure. GRADING SYSTEM: Mid-Term Grade Point Pre-Final Grade Distribution Attendance 10% Attendance Exercises and Short Quizzes 20% Exercises and Short Quizzes Long Quizzes 25% Long Quizzes Machine Project 20% Machine Project Mid-Term Examination 25% Final Examination Final Grade = 50% of Mid-Term Grade + 50% of Pre-Final Grade MATERIALS OF INSTRUCTIONS: o o o Beginning Math and Physics for Game Programmers – New Riders Publishing Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments – Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 3d Math Primer fro Graphics and Game Development – Wordware Publishing, Inc. APLYMAT Course Syllabus Page 3 of 4 PROFESSOR’S CONSULTATION HOURS AND VENUE: ____________________ COURSE CODE : APLIMAT : APPLIED MATHEMATICS FOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM COURSE TITLE GAME PROGRAMMING COURSE CREDIT : 3 Units (SUBMIT THIS FORM TO THE TEACHER) COURSE SCHEDULE : Days : Time : Term : S.Y. : SECTION & ROOM : Section : Room : TEACHER ___________________________________________ COURSE SYLLABUS This is to certify that I, ___________________________ have read and understood the entire WRITE YOUR FULL NAME syllabus and agree with its content, policies and consequences. ___________________ ____________ SIGNATURE DATE SIGNED APLYMAT Course Syllabus Page 4 of 4