Erith School Geography Name: Form: The U.K. Homework Over the next five weeks, you are going to investigate how human and physical processes shape places, landscapes and societies. Unless told otherwise, do all this homework in your Geography homework book. Week commencing 25th February 2013 1. Bring in postcards or pictures from magazines, travel brochures and other sources, showing different types of landscapes in the British Isles. Due in week beginning 4th March. Week commencing 4th March 2013 2. Research a group of in-migrants for the 20th Century from the following list – Jews. Italians, Poles, West Indians, Irish, Ugandan Asians, Kurds, Kosovans, Indians and Pakistanis. Find out where they came from, when the came, why they came, where they settled and how they have contributed to life and culture in the U.K. Write a report and illustrate it with pictures and maps. Week commencing 11th March 2013 3. The UK at work. List all the characters in your favourite soap, film or book who have jobs. What work do they do? Group their jobs into primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary activities. Week commencing 18th March 2013 4. The Capital on your doorstep. On an A4 piece of paper, write a poem for London – collect pictures of London to decorate your poem. Assessment of homework These homeworks make up a project which is due in the week beginning 25th March. The completed project will be peer assessed using National Curriculum levels. A detention may be set if the project is not attempted or it is not handed in on time. Year 7 UK Homework Peer Assessment Level 3 You describe the physical and human features of different landscapes. You can recognize that different places may have both similar and different characteristics. You begin to use appropriate vocabulary. Level 4 You recognize and describe the physical and human features of places. You describe how these processes can change the features of places and how these changes can affect the lives and activities of people. You use appropriate vocabulary to communicate your findings. Level 5 You describe how physical and human processes can lead to similarities and differences in the environments of different places and the lives of people who live there. You begin to explain some ways that human activities cause envirnments to change. My classmate thinks this is a level _____ because: How my classmate thinks I could get a level _____: