acrostic poem

Your name: __________________________________________
Date: __________________
Name of classmate you are interviewing: ___________________________________________
Part I directions: Interview one person in the team that you do not know. There
are some questions listed below that will help you get started with your interview.
1. What is your name? ______________________________________________________________
2. What are some adjectives that describe you? _____________________________________
3. What are some activities that you enjoy? _________________________________________
4. What do you think makes you a good friend to others? ____________________________
5. What do you like to do in your spare time? ________________________________________
Part II directions: Think of 4 or 5 more questions to ask your classmate. Record
your questions and answers below.
1. Question: ________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Question: ________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Question: ________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Question: ________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
5. Question: ________________________________________________________________________
Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________
Part III directions: Create and acrostic poem about your classmate. An acrostic
poem uses the letters in a topic word to begin each line. All lines of the poem
should relate to or describe the topic word. You may use the back side of this
sheet to draft your poem. Use your classmate’s name as the topic word.
Part IV directions: Have a teacher check your poem and then transfer it to large
white paper. Decorate your paper to represent your classmate.