5.6(B): Location of Quaternary Economic Activity

5.6(B): Location of Quaternary Economic Activity
In this lesson you will:
 5.6.2 Examine factors that affect the location of a quaternary activity. (a)
 5.6.4 Analyze factors that account for patterns in mass communications.
 5.6.5 Examine how mass communications can affect the location of a
workplace. (a)
The quaternary sector of the economy is a specialized part of the Tertiary Sector.
 QUATERNARY activity refers to activities which involve the collection,
recoding, arranging, storage, retrieval, exchange, and dissemination of
information. Computers, Cell Phones, E-mail, and the WWW are some of
the examples of new information technology which drives the quaternary
Factors Affecting Location of Quaternary Activity
 People & Infrastructure:
o Populations of people concentrated in an area makes the
information sector viable. Think about the areas that can avail of
digital cell phone service, high speed Internet connection.
Historically, information technology like cable TV, telephones, and
Radio flourished in areas where there was a population large
enough to support them.
o Infrastructure is required for the communication of information.
The infrastructure has been closely linked to populated areas.
Interestingly enough the development of infrastructure is
changing so much and decreasing in price to the point it may
change the patterns of infrastructure. Lesser developed nations
currently do not have much access. However, Lesser developed
nations are not tied to the old and outdated infrastructure. This
might be the time for lesser developed nations to build
infrastructure and increase their share of the information
technology market.
Factors Affecting Mass Communications Patterns.
In the telesphere of global communications there are islands and continents of
activity and there are deserts or areas where there is no activity because there is
no connectivity. The areas of connectivity are closely associated with
development and you will see that in your readings and activity.
5.6(B): Location of Quaternary Economic Activity
Mass Communication Affects Workplace Location.
As more and more people work in the information sector we may see a trend
towards reducing urbanization. People would not be tied to an office building if
they could work at home. Maybe they could work at home on the country farm
and submit work electronically.
Businesses need not be located physically near other businesses as we saw with
the agglomerating tendency of the manufacturing sector.
If Infrastructure improves to the point it overcomes distances information
technology will be a new source of employment and economic activity in rural
depressed regions.
Assigned activities
 Read "The Quaternary Sector and The Information Age" p. 249
 Complete questions #19-21
While it is valuable to read the highlights presented here, it is imperative you do
the assigned readings and questions as they will provide you with practice in
Economists recognize that the tertiary industry has expanded significantly in the
last 100 years. Figure 14.3 on page 243 of your text shows that in Canada the
tertiary sector of the economy has grown from 36% of GNP - 73% of GNP over
the last 100 years. A quick survey of any high school class will reveal that
students are expressing a preference for a career choice in Tertiary activity.
The entire tertiary sector is growing and is becoming a much larger part of the
economy of developed nations. The multiplier effect is in part responsible for this
Multiplier effect: As the secondary sector of the economy grew there were
more people working in urban areas as manufacturers. The concentration of
people meant there was more need for services. Service industries grow in turn.
The people working in the tertiary industry need services too so the growth of
the service industry continues.