metro school lesson plan

Annette Cunningham
DATE: November 28 to December 2
CONTENT AREA: Science / Biology Unit – Cell Division – Lesson 3
NCSCOS GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: Science Competency Goal 4 – The learner will conduct
investigations, use models, simulations, and appropriate technologies and information systems to build an
understanding of cell theory. Competency Goal 1 – The learner will design and conduct investigation to
demonstrate and understanding of scientific inquiry. Grade level: 6, 7, and 8.
GRADE LEVEL EXTENSION: Observe and investigate the function of cells and their role in organisms
OBJECTIVE: Students will observe and investigate the way a cell divides and what the role cell division has in
the growth process of living things.
Symbolic: Participating in the experiment with verbal cues.
Early Symbolic: Participating in the experiment with minimal assistance.
Pre-Symbolic: Participating in the experiment with full assistance as needed.
LINKS TO PRIOR LEARNING: Review previous lesson, a cell is a living thing, plant, what a microscope is,
and the onion skin.
MATERIALS/TECHNOLOGIES NEEDED: pic symbols, AAC device, student handbook, worksheet, plant,
KWHL chart, Attainment teaching to standards book, Student response book, vocabulary words/pictures cell, cell
division, bacteria, disease, nutrition. 3 colors of play-doh and a microscope.
Day 1:
The teacher will follow the scripted KWHL chart from Attainment Science book, complete experiment by looking
at a plant cell and onion cell through a microscope and/or pictures on Smartboard. The students will answer
questions and lesson from Smartboard.
Group 1: (Annette) The group will complete the KWHL lesson, complete experiment and answer questions that
follow the lesson.
Group 2: (Laura) The group will complete the KWHL lesson, complete experiment and answer questions that
follow the lesson.
Group 3: (Ken) The group will complete the KWHL lesson, complete experiment and answer questions that follow
the lesson.
Day 2: This lesson will consist of three parts.
Part 1: Watch video clips from Discovery Education (10 minutes)
Part 2: Art/worksheet activity with cell division
Part 3: Class game: The students will get in one group and toss a ball around to each other to the count of five.
When the ball stops the student can choose a number 1 to 5 and answer the question on the Smartboard.
(Annette) Assist students in group with all parts of lesson.
(Laura) Assist students in group with all parts of lesson.
(Ken) Assist students in group with all parts of lesson.
The instructors will emphasize that a cell has three basic parts “the nucleus, the cell wall, and the cytoplasm”
Picture symbols, AAC devices, objects, Smartboard for those who can interact with it. Have a model of a cell for
students with visual impairments, light box with cell model.
Symbolic: Answering questions in the by reading/matching words.
Early Symbolic: Demonstrate knowledge by responding to questions in the experiment or by matching symbols.
Pre-Symbolic: Showing awareness of cell division
Picture symbols, AAC devices, objects, Smartboard for those who can interact with it. Have a model of a cell for
students with visual impairments. Allow them to feel the gelatin, grape, and bag and tell them which part of the cell
they are feeling. Have the play-doh to feel and assist cutting. Have textured objects to complete cell division
worksheet and light box with cell division model.
The students will complete the worksheet independently or with assistance.
SUMMARY/CLOSURE/ASSESSMENT: Students will be assessed on individual IEP goals and objectives.