Comparative Study of Member Forces of Steel Building with Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall in Different Seismic Zones Nay Myo Thu, Zaw Min Htun Department of Civil Engineering Mandalay Technological University Abstract - This journal presents seventeen-storeyed steel building with reinforced concrete shear wall which is situated in seismic zone 4. And the structural member forces and moments of proposed structure obtained from the analysis of different seismic zones are compared. The overall height of the building is 181 ft and it is rectangular-shape. The parameters of the building are 84 ft in length and 86 ft in width respectively. For dynamic analysis, response spectra analysis is used in this paper. The building is composed of special moment-resisting frame. The structural elements are designed based on AISC-LRFD 1999. For earthquake and wind forces, loading data were referenced from UBC-97. Wind speed is used 80 mph. Dead loads and live loads are used according to ACI code. The load combination required for the whole structure is used according to UBC. The structural steel used for the building is A572 Grade 50 and wide flange W-section. Stability checks such as overturning moment, storey drift, sliding and torsional irregularity are also checked. cause powerful twisting forces called torsion. These forces can literally shear a building apart. When shear walls are designed and constructed properly, they have the enough strength and stiffness to resist unwanted effects caused by the lateral forces. Therefore, shear walls are essentially important in high-rise steel building subjected to lateral forces mainly. The design of steel structure is done with the aid of computer software program named “ETABS”. Keywords – AISC-LRFD 1999 code, ETABS software, UBC 97 code (3) I. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, like other countries, the growth of population of Myanmar is getting more and more with a high pace. The requirements of increased population and natural geology of country highly demands the high-rise building. Myanmar is situated in a secondary seismic belt which is in the junction of two major belts. It is likely to meet highly destructive damage of earthquake to the buildings in some areas. Therefore, high-rise building should be designed to resist the earthquake effects. To save the construction time and other several factors, steel structures are commonly designed. Steel structures are more preferable than other structural materials. Steel members are widely used all over the world because of high strength, long life, ease of construction and fire resisting. So, most people like steel structured buildings because of less construction cost, light weight, easy installation. And they can resist seismic force more than reinforced concrete buildings. In this paper, reinforced concrete shear wall is used as a vertical structural resisting member to resist the lateral load caused by the wind and earthquake.In building construction, a rigid vertical diaphragm capable of transferring lateral forces from exterior walls, floors and roofs to the ground foundation in a direction parallel to their planes. Lateral forces caused by wind and earthquake and in addition to the own weight of structure (1) (2) (4) II. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objectives of the study are as follow; To collect information of actual behaviour of high-rise steel building with reinforced concrete shear wall To know the usefulness and performance of reinforced concrete shear wall To acquire the more understanding of lateral force resistant design with a better, safe and modernized technique To compare the results of structural member forces and moments obtained from the analysis of different seismic zones III. DATA PREPARATION FOR DESIGN OF STRUCTURE A. Structural Framing System The proposed steel superstructure is designed as Special Moment Resisting Frame and based on UBC1997. It is seventeen storeyed and located in seismic zone 4. The case study building is rectangular shape with an overall height of 181 ft. Maximum length is 84 ft and maximum width is 86 ft. ETABS-software is used to analyse the structure. B. Material Properties The strength of a structure depends on the strength of the materials from which it is made. Analysis property data - Weight per unit volume - Modulus of elasticity for steel - Poisson's ratio - Coefficient of thermal expansion Design property data = 490 pcf = 29×106 psi = 0.3 = 6.5×10-6 - Concrete strength, fc ' - Yield stress , Fy - Tensile stress , Fu = 3.5 ksi = 50 ksi = 65 ksi C. Loading Consideration There are two kinds of load considered in this study which is gravity load that includes dead and live load, lateral load that includes wind and earthquake load. Design load combinations are also used. Gravity Load All masses are attracted toward the center of the earth by the gravitational force. Loads are defined as these attracting forces acting upon their corresponding masses. There are two different gravity loads: (1) Dead loads and (2) Live loads. 1) Dead Load Dead loads consist of the weight of all material and fixed equipments incorporated into the building. - 4.5 " thick wall weight 9" thick wall weight superimposed dead load unit weight of concrete = = = = 55 lb/ft3 100 lb/ft2 25 lb/ft3 150 lb/ft 2) Live Load Live loads are gravity load produced by the used and occupancy of the building and do not include dead loads, construction load, or environmental loads such as wind and earthquake loadings are based on to UBC-97. - live load on residential = 40 lb/ft2 - live load on stair case = 100 lb/ft2 - live load on roof = 20 lb/ft2 - unit weight of water = 62.4 pcf Lateral Load 1) Wind Load The wind pressure on a structure depends on the wind response of the structure. Required Data in designing for wind load: - Exposure type = Type B - Basic wind velocity = 80 mph - Total height of building = 181 ft - Method used = Normal Force Method - Windward coefficient = 0.8 - Leeward coefficient = 0.5 - Importance Factor = 1.0 2) Earthquake Load The purpose of seismic design is to proportion the structures so that they can withstand the displacements and forces induced by the ground motion. (i) Seismic Importance Factor, I (ii) Seismic Zone Factor, Z (iii) Soil Profile Types, S (iv) Seismic Source Type (v) Near - Source Factors, Na and Nv (vi)Seismic Response Coefficients, Ca and Cv (vii) Response Modification Factor, R - Seismic zone - Seismic Source Type - Soil Type - Structural frame structure = = = = 4 A SD Special Moment Resisting Frame - Zone Factor = 0.4 - Importance Factor, I = 1.0 - Response Modification Factor, R = 8.5 - Time period factor, Ct = 0.035 IV. MODELLING OF THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE The proposed steel superstructure is designed as Special Moment Resisting Frame. The architectural view of steel building with reinforced concrete shear wall is shown in appendix. - Total height Length Width Location = = = = 181 ft 84 ft 86 ft Zone-4 V. DESIGN RESULTS OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE In this paper, the design sections of proposed structure with static analysis are shown in table I and II. TABLE I Column Section Column Section C1 12x19 C9 12x65 C2 12x22 C10 12x72 C3 12x26 C11 12x79 C4 12x30 C12 12x87 C5 12x35 C13 12x96 C6 12x45 C14 12x106 C7 12x53 C15 12x120 C8 12x58 Column section of proposed structure TABLE II Beam Section B1 10X12 B2 10X15 B3 10X17 B4 10X19 B5 10X22 B6 10X26 B7 10X30 Beam sections of proposed structure VI. STABILITY CHECKING OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE IN ZONE 2B According to UBC-97, the stability for structure has been checked in the following cases. A. Checking for overturning moment B. Checking for sliding C. Checking for story drift D. Checking for torsion A. Checking for Overturning Moment a) For X-direction My Total dead weight = 347815.5 kip-in = 7565.661 kip Cumulated Center of mass In X direction, XCCM = 522.179 in Resisting Moment, M =0.9 x Total deadweight x XCCM = 0.9 x 7565.661 x 522.179 = 3555566.366 kip-in Factor of safety = Resisting moment Overturning moment = 3555566.366 347815.5 = 10.22 >1.5 OK b) For Y-direction My = 347816 kip-in Total dead weight = 7565.661 kip Cumulated Centre of mass In Y direction, YCCM = 522.238 in Resisting Moment, M =0.9 x Total deadweight x YCCM = 0.9 x 7565.661 x 522.238 = 3555968.102 kip-in Factor of safety = Resisting moment Overturning moment = 3555968.102 347816 = 10.22 >1.5 OK B. Checking for sliding a) For X direction Sliding force, Vx = 229.15 kip Friction coefficient, μ = 0.25 Total dead weight = 7565.661 kip Resistance due to Friction = μ × 0.9 × Total dead weight = 0.25 × 0.9 × 7565.661 = 1702.27 kip Factor of safety = 1702.27 229.15 = 7.43 >1.5 No sliding occurs in X direction. b) For Y direction Sliding force, Vy = 229.15 kip Friction coefficient, u = 0.25 Total dead weight Resistance due to friction = 7565.661 kip = μ × 0.9 × Total dead weight = 0.25 × 0.9 × 7565.661 = 1702.27 kip Factor of safety = 1702.27 229.15 = 7.43 >1.5 No sliding occurs in Y direction. C. Checking for Story Drift Period, T = Cth3/4 = 0.035 x 1813/4 = 1.73 >0.7 sec Allowable story drift = 0.02h = 0.02 x 181 = 3.62 ∆M = 0.7R∆s ∆M x = 1.62 <3.62 OK ∆M y = 1.27<3.62 OK D. Checking for torsional irregularity For point 5, Drift X = 0.001551 in, Drift Y = 0.001193 in For point15, Drift X = 0.001624 in, Drift Y = 0.000849 in (a) For X direction Maximum Drift Ratio, max = 0.001624 in Average displacement of two points, avg = 0.001551 0.001193 2 = 0.0015875 in max = 0.001624 = 1.02 <1.2 OK avg 0.0015875 (b) For Y direction Maximum Drift Ratio, max = 0.001193 in Average displacement of two points, avg = 0.001193 0.000849 2 = 0.001021 in max = 0.001193 =1.17 <1.2 OK avg 0.001021 Therefore, torsional irregularity does not exist in the proposed building. VII. COMPARISON OF STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE RESULTS OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE UNDER DIFFERENT SEISMIC ZONES In this journal, the proposed structure is analysed with response spectra analysis. And, the structural performance results of proposed building under different seismic zones are compared by using the ETABS Satisfactory software. Figure 1, Story drift in X direction for different seismic zones Figure 4, Story moment for different seismic zones Similar to story shear, maximum story moment can be occurred at the bottom level, that is, story 1. Due to the severe seismic effectiveness of proposed structure, seismic zone 4 has the greater story moment values than that of others. Figure 2, Story drift in Y direction for different seismic zones VIII. COMPARISON OF STRUCTURAL MEMBER FORCES UNDER DIFFERENT SEISMIC ZONES From the above graphs, the maximum value of storey drift can be found at storey level 8. As a result of seismic effect on structures, the drift formed at seismic zone 4 is greater compared with other two seismic zones. Figure e 5, Maximum axial force for three column types under different seismic zones Figure 3, Story shear for different seismic zones From the chart, we can see the maximum story shear at the bottom story level. The applied forces on the members of all stories transfer from the top most member to the lowerest members. So, the maximum story shear occurs at the bottom story level. According to the bar chart, the maximum axial force can be found at seismic zone 4. The reason is because of the greater effectiveness of the seismic force on the proposed structure than the last two zones. In addition, the column type that suffered peak axial force is the exterior one. After the exterior column type, the second greater axial force can be occurred at corner types and the least value can be seen at interior column one. Figure e 6, Maximum bending moments for three types of column under different seismic zones Unlikely to the axial forces, the maximum bending moment can be found at interior column types. And the second greater values occur at exterior column types and the smallest values can be occurred at coner column types. Similar to the others, the maximum bending moment exists at the seismic zone 4 because of the greater seismic effectiveness on the proposed structure. Fig 8, Location of shear walls of Structure APPENDIX Fig 9, 3D View of Structure IX. CONCLUSIONS Fig 7, Plan view of Structure In this study, the seventeen storied steel building with reinforced shear wall is analysed and the values of structural member forces and moments for different seismic zones are compared. From the analysis results, the forces and moments of structural members are slowly increasing from the lower to the higher level depending on the respective seismic zone .The wind speed for the design of structure is 80 mph. The structure is analysed according to ETABS software and AISC- LRFD 1999 specifications. The static approach procedure was analysed according to UBC-97.The stability checking, such as story drift, overturning moment and sliding were also checked in the design calculation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express her deep gratitude to his Excellency, Minister Dr. Ko Ko Oo, Ministry of Science and Technology, for opening the Master of Engineering course at Mandalay Technological University. The author is very thankful to Dr. Myint Thein, Pro-Rector of Mandalay Technological University, for his in valuable permission and kind support in carrying out this research work. The author wishes to record her thanks to Dr. Kyaw Moe Aung, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, for his guidance, suggestions and necessary advice. The author is deeply indebted to her supervisor, Dr. Zaw Min Htun, Lecturer, Department of Civil engineering, Mandalay Technological University, for his careful guidance, necessary advice and encouragement. The author also wishes to thank all her friends for their helps and advices on her studying. Finally, the author would like to express grateful thanks to all teachers and parents for their supports, kindness and unconditional love. REFERENCES (1) AISC. “Load and Resistance Factor Design Specification.” American Institute of Steel Construction Inc., Chicago. 1999. (2) U Nyi Hla Nge: Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Ed., Theory and Examples, (2010). (3) Uniform Building Code, Volume 2. "Structural Engineering (4) (5) (6) Design Provisions". 1997, 8th Ed. International Conference of Building Officials. Michael R. Lindeburg, PE with Majid Baradar: A Professional’s Introduction to Earthquake Forces and Design Details, In Seismic Design of Building Structures, 8th Ed., Professional Publications, Inc., (2001). Salmon, C. G. and J.E. Johnson, 1990, Steel Structures – Design and Behavior, Third Edition, Harper & Row, New York, NY Irwin, A. W. (1984). CIRIA Report 102. Design of Shear Wall Buildings. London: CIRIA Publication.