AGM & ECC Membership. Our AGM will take place on Sunday 14th April, which sounds like a long way off, but will come round quickly! At our AGM this year we have up to 5 spaces on the ECC to fill as various people's terms on the ECC come to an end. In addition one of our church wardens, after a number of years of faithful service, is standing down. If you are interested in finding out more about what is involved in serving on the ECC or as Church Warden, please speak to myself or Helena or Paul, and please be praying for those on the ECC and considering offering themselves to serve us in this way Monday Prayers and Blessings 9am and 8pm in the sanctuary. Tuesday Prayers 9:30am when Day centre meets. In the vestry, including intercessory prayers. All are welcome to attend these prayer times. Living Stones Year B. If you have borrowed the copy of this book of prayers from the vestry cupboard could you return it as soon as possible please. Spring Market. Saturday 20th April, 10-12. Proceeds to church funds The Ones That Got Away. Win Saha has had one hundred books printed containing a collection of her poems, the book is called "The Ones That Got Away". It will cost £5 all of which will be donated to the work of "New Beginnings". Win has paid the printing costs and no profit is made from the sales. These will be available from Sunday. Flowers. Please sign up on the rota if you wish to arrange or contribute to the cost of our church flowers on any particular date. Corsers Court service. On the last Friday of each month a short service in held for the people of Corsers Court. The service begins at 11am and has a variety of leaders and speakers. You are welcome to attend. Website. Minister Rev. Julia Cody. 750232 Notices to Claire Hopkins by Thursday 6pm please 759949 email to THE CHURCH AT PERTON 24th February 2013 Welcome to the Church at Perton. There is a crèche facility available for under 3 years old and Kidscount in the small hall for those aged 3+. All Adults are church members and have been CRB checked. If communion is being served please participate if you would normally do so in your usual place of worship. All communion is non-alcoholic. If you require gluten free wafers please speak to a church warden or a member of the stewarding team before the service. The Church At Perton is proud to be a fair-trade church. Todays service is Morning Worship. Preaching is Paul Cartwright. HOUSEGROUPS WANT - to understand more about the Christian Faith - to spend time in an informal environment - to build friendships and relationships within our Church family TRY - joining one of our housegroups - new members are always welcome. Wednesdays at 2pmSue Ridley, 6 Hawksmoor Drive, 754929 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7.30pm Davina Boldero, 6 Butterfield Close, 840278 Alternate Wednesdays at 8.00pm Paola Ciancimino, 11 The Wheatlands, 757844 Alternate Thursdays at 8.00pm Sarah Anson, 12 Elmley Grove. , 256783 THIS WEEK Prayers and Blessings Monday 9am & 8pm Midweek Communion Thursday 11am Essence Thursday 5pm Music Group. Friday 7:15 Saints Friday 7pm Following child protection guidelines please be aware that you should have no electronic contact with anyone under the age of 18 unless it is a member of your family. This includes facebook contact. Women's World Day of Prayer. Friday 1st March atSt Columba's Church Finchfield. This year prepared by the Women of France. Everybody Welcome We are going to run this fantastic course during Lent. Everybody Welcome is a four week course for the whole church - a chance for us to meet together, to grow together and be challenged and inspired by God together. We are strongly encouraging everyone from the church family to come along, we want to hear from everyone. The tagline for the course is "the course where everybody helps grow their church". It's an incredibly practical and encouraging course, but will also give us some clear points for action as we review ourselves together. We are going to run the course twice each week, one daytime group, and one evening group and we hope that means that the maximum number of people will be able to attend. The regular evening house groups are not going to meet during these 4 weeks, and instead encourage their members to come along to the church for these evenings. The dates and times are as follows: Wednesdays - 10am-12 noon: 27th Feb, 6th March, 13th March, 20th March Thursdays - 7.30-9.30pm: 28th Feb, 7th March, 14th March, 21st March Please try and come along - let's enjoy meeting together in this way and see what God wants to say to us as a church family. Please do speak to me if you have further questions. Covenanting Churches Lent House Groups Although we are running "Everybody Welcome" this Lent and so not offering house groups to the Covenanting Churches, we are still welcome to join other groups across the area if anyone wants to. A full list of the groups is displayed on the noticeboard in church. The Day Centre need another volunteer cook to help once a month on a Thursday, 9.00am to 2.00pm. They need to be able to prepare a simple hot meal for approx 12-20 people and will have a small team of 3/4 people to help with preparation, serving/ washing up etc. We would love to cover this slot and be able to provide another days meal for people who need it. You would be part of a friendly and relaxed group and at the same time provide a valuable service to our community. If you need any more information please speak to either Maureen Worley or Marjorie Harding or telephone Liz on 01902 759258. Many thanks. Church Library. Just a reminder that books are available from the shelves in the small hall. The books in the library cover many aspects of our Christian journeys and there will be something of interest for everyone Mothering Sunday On Mothering Sunday, 10th March, we will be having a retiring collection in aid of Mothers Unions. Mothering Sunday On Mothering Sunday, 10th March, we will be having a retiring collection in aid of Mothers Unions. Perton Carnival Family Quiz. Saturday 9th March, 6:30 start, at the Church At Perton. Teams of up to 5 people one of which must be a child. £1 per head. Contact Jayne, 07951349745. Perton Carnival Family Quiz. Saturday 9th March, 6:30 start, at the Church At Perton. Teams of up to 5 people one of which must be a child. £1 per head. Contact Jayne, 07951349745. Confirmation service. On Sunday March 24th at 6:30pm we will be celebrating a confirmation service. We are looking for volunteers to serve refreshments after the service. If you are able to help please Rev Julia or one of the wardens. Confirmation service. On Sunday March 24th at 6:30pm we will be celebrating a confirmation service. We are looking for volunteers to serve refreshments after the service. If you are able to help please Rev Julia or one of the wardens. Church Roll. The Church of England revises its roll of members every five years so everyone needs to fill in a new form form between now and the AGM. Please make sure you have completed a form and handed it to Penny Allen or the churchwardens. Forms are available on the vestibule table. This will entitle you to vote at the AGM and in church meetings. Church Roll. The Church of England revises its roll of members every five years so everyone needs to fill in a new form form between now and the AGM. Please make sure you have completed a form and handed it to Penny Allen or the churchwardens. Forms are available on the vestibule table. This will entitle you to vote at the AGM and in church meetings.