SATIN CREDITCARE NETWORK LIMITED SCHEDULE 14 A. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. BASIS OF PREPARATION OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The financial statements have been prepared under historical cost convention in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles and the accounting standards referred to in the Companies Act, 1956, and in Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006 and also guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India. Accounting policies have been consistently applied except where a newly issued accounting standard is initially adopted or a revision to the existing accounting standard requires a change in the accounting policy hitherto in use. The management evaluates all recently issued or revised accounting standards on an ongoing basis. 2. USE OF ESTIMATES The preparation of financial statements in conformity with the Indian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities as at the date of the financial statements and reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates. Any revision to accounting estimates is recognized prospectively in current and future periods. 3. FIXED ASSETS: All fixed assets owned by the Company are stated at historic cost less depreciation. Fixed assets acquired on account of amalgamation are stated at the acquisition value agreed in the amalgamation agreement Intangible assets are recorded at the consideration paid for acquisition. Capital work in progress comprises outstanding advances paid to acquire fixed assets and the cost of fixed assets that are not ready for their intended use as at the Balance sheet date. 4. DEPRECIATION Depreciation is provided at the rates prescribed in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956 on written down value method. Depreciation for assets acquired on amalgamation has been charged from the effective date of merger. Goodwill acquired on account of amalgamation will be written in equal installments over a period of five years. 5. INVESTMENTS: (i) Investments are classified as long-term investments and current investment. (ii) The Company value its Investment based on the accounting standard issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India as under: a. Investment held as long-term investments are valued at cost. Provision for diminution in value is not made unless there is a permanent fall in their net realisable value. b. Current investments are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value. 6. CURRENT ASSETS (i) Portfolio loan comprises of future receivables in respect of finance /loan contracts and are shown at their principal value and which represents the net future recoverable as on the balance sheet date. (ii) Cash and bank balance includes cash in hand, balances in current account and fixed deposits with banks. 7. REVENUE RECOGNITION (i) The Reserve Bank of India’s prudential norms on income recognition and provisioning for bad and doubtful debts has been followed. (ii) Subject to the above, specific incomes have been accounted for as under: a. Interest income on loans is recognized under the internal rate of return method. b. Interest income on deposits with bank is recognized on a time proportion accrual basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable. c. Loan processing fee and loan protection charges are recognized as income on accrual basis. d. Other Interest: Overdue interest and other interest on margin money /security deposits considered recoverable is recognised as income, as and when received. e. Miscellaneous Income: Dividend income, Miscellaneous Income is accounted for as and when received. 8. BORROWING COSTS Borrowing costs, which are directly attributable to the acquisition /construction of fixed assets, till the time such assets are ready for intended use, are capitalized as a part of the cost of assets. Other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense in the year in which they are incurred. 9. FOREIGN CURRENCY: Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the rates of exchange prevalent on the date of transaction. Exchange difference, if any, arising from foreign currency transaction are dealt in the Profit & Loss account at year end rates. 10. PROVISIONS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES: Provisions involving substantial degree of estimation in measurement are recognized when there is present obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that there will be an outflow of resources. Contingent liabilities are not recognized but are disclosed in the notes. Contingent Assets are neither recognized nor disclosed in the financial statements. 11. EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BENEFITS: Contributions to Provident Fund and Employee State Insurance are being paid and accounted as per the rules and debited to profit and loss account. The Company has no further obligations beyond its monthly contributions. Employees Gratuity liability has been calculated and managed through a trust by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. As per the valuation conducted by the insurance company the shortfall is paid as the premium for the year and which is debited as an expense. Provision for encashment of leave is being made on the basis of actuarial valuation made at the end of each financial year and is charged to Profit and Loss account. 12. IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS: An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying cost of assets exceeds its recoverable value. An impairment loss is charged to Profit & Loss account in the year in which the asset is identified as impaired. The Impairment loss recognized in prior accounting period is reversed if there has been a change in the estimate of recoverable amount. 13. AMORTISATION: Preliminary & Public Issue expenses are written off equally over a period of ten years. 14. TAXATION : Tax expense comprises of current tax, deferred tax and fringe benefits tax. (i) Provision for current tax is made based on the estimated tax liability as per the appropriate provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and considering the previous final assessment orders. (ii) Deferred tax for timing differences between tax profit and book profit is accounted for using the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantially enacted as on balance sheet date. Deferred Tax Assets are recognized to the extent there is reasonable certainty that these assets can be realised in future. (iii) Provision for fringe benefit tax has been recognized on the basis of appropriate provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and considering the previous final assessment orders. 15. EARNING PER SHARE: In determining earning per share, the Company considers the net profit after tax and includes the post tax effect of any extra-ordinary / exceptional item. The number of shares used in computing basic earning per share is the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period. The number of shares used in computing diluted earning per share comprises the weighted average shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share and also the weighted average number of equity shares that could have been issued on the conversion of all dilutive potential equity shares. The diluted potential equity shares are adjusted for the proceeds receivable, had the shares been actually issued at fair value (i.e. the average market value of the outstanding shares). Dilutive potential equity shares are deemed converted as of the beginning of the period, unless issued at a later date. The number of shares and potential dilutive equity shares are adjusted for any stock splits and bonus shares issued effected prior to the approval of the financial statements by the board of directors. B NOTES TO ACCOUNTS 1. Estimated amount of contract remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs.Nil). 2. Contingent Liability: On account of Guarantees – Rs. 223.96 Lacs (Previous year Rs. Nil Lacs). 3. Cash & Bank balance components are as under: Particulars Cash and Bank Balance (Refer Schedule 7) Cash in Hand Balance with scheduled banks - On Current accounts - On Deposit accounts Balance with Unscheduled Bank - On Current accounts Sarv UP Gramin Bank - On Deposit accounts SIDBI Total Maximum Balance with Unscheduled Bank during the year - On Current accounts Sarv UP Gramin Bank - On Deposit accounts SIDBI As at 31.03.2009 (Rs.) As at 31.03.2008 (Rs.) 2,76,91,240.50 1,55,73,666.00 8,74,70,606.58 11,55,06,675.69 3,87,99,830.42 17,57,50,000.00 15,86,588.00 0.00 40,00,000.00 23,62,55,110.77 20,00,000.00 23,21,23,496.42 43,91,701.00 0.00 40,00,000.00 20,00,000.00 Out of total money lying in deposit accounts amounting to Rs. 11,95,06,675.69 (Previous Year Rs. 17,77,50,000.00) lien is marked on Rs. 9,70,11,675.69 (Previous Year Rs. 5,77,50,000.00) against term loan availed and assets assigned. 4. The detail of borrowings from Banks and financial institutions as at 31.03.2009 is as under Name of Institution Nature & purpose of Loan Principal Outstanding as at 31.03.09 (Rs./Lacs) Primary Security Guaranteed by ICICI Bank Limited Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities 825.59 (Previous Year 1210.69) 562.50 (Previous Year 662.50 ) Hypothecation of book debts arising out of bank’s assistance Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh Hypothecation of book debts arising out of bank’s assistance Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh 680.00 (Previous Year 568.57 ) Hypothecation of book debts arising out of bank’s assistance Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh 160.00 (Previous Year 200.00) Nil Term Loan for Microfinance Activities Term Loan for Microfinance Activities Nil (Previous Year 33.99 Hypothecation of book debts (equivalent to 110% of the loan amount plus interest due at all times). Hypothecation of book debts arising out of bank’s assistance Nil (Previous Year 212.00) Hypothecation of book debts with asset coverage of minimum 55% of the outstanding principal. First Loss guarantee in the form of cash deposit of minimum 50% of the outstanding principal, at any point, placed with Standard Chartered Bank, UK by Vision Microfinance Fund, Luxembourg. Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh HDFC Bank Limited Axis Bank Limited Maanaveeya Holdings and Investments Private Limited Standard Chartered Bank Standard Chartered Bank Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh Yes Bank Limited Term Loan for microfinance activities 944.44 (Previous Year 1388.89) BNP Paribas Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan 300.00 (Previous Year 50.00) Hypothecation of book debts (equivalent to 110% or 115% of the outstanding term loan). Hypothecation of book debts arising out of bank’s assistance 1700.00 (Previous Year 500.00) Hypothecation of book debts arising out of bank’s assistance Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh 333.50 (Previous Year 200.00) Hypothecation of book debts arising out of bank’s assistance Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh 385.89 Hypothecation of book Nil Indian Bank Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) Reliance Capital Limited Nil HSBC Bank Indian Overseas Bank Bank Of India Yes Bank Limited for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities Term Loan for microfinance activities Cash Credit Limit (Previous Year Nil) debts arising out of the loan amount 275.00 (Previous Year Nil) Hypothecation of book debts arising out of the loan amount Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh 833.33 (Previous Year Nil) Hypothecation of book debts arising out of the loan amount Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh 700.00 (Previous Year Nil) Hypothecation of book debts arising out of the loan amount Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh 160.22 (Previous Year Nil) Hypothecation of book debts equivalent to 115% of the outstanding term loan) Nil B. Unsecured Loans Name of Institution Nature, purpose & duration of Loan Principal Outstanding as at 31.03.09 (Rs./Lacs) Guaranteed by Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) HDFC Limited Term Loan for on lending to individual borrower / micro enterprises Nil (Previous Year 57.15) 18.75 (Previous Year 123.02) Personal guarantee of Mr. H P Singh and Mr. Satvinder Singh. 5. Nil Auditors’ remuneration includes the following: Audit Fees Tax Audit Fees Certification work 6. Term Loan for microfinance activities CURRENT YEAR (In Rs.) PREVIOUS YEAR (In Rs.) 50,000.00 10,000.00 24,786.00 _________ 84,786.00 ======== 44,944.00 11,236.00 30,379.00 _________ 86,559.00 ======== Directors' remuneration includes the following: CURRENT YEAR (In Rs.) Salary Provident Fund Value of perquisites 27,00,000.00 3,24,000.00 4,78,800.00 ___________ 35,02,800.00 ========== PREVIOUS YEAR (In Rs.) 21,00,000.00 2,52,000.00 2,03,800.00 ___________ 25,55,800.00 ========== 7. (i) In the opinion of the Directors, Current Assets, Loans and Advances are good for recovery unless otherwise stated. An amount of Rs 35,25,820.37 (Previous Year –Rs 23, 87,129.79) has been written off / provided as bad debts during the year. In the opinion of management, the amounts, which are written off as bad debts, are not recoverable despite legal and other steps taken against erring borrowers. (ii) Portfolio loans amounting to Rs. 63,89,14,110.59 (Previous year Rs. 37,09,76,497.49) are shown at their principal value and are net of assigned portfolio. An amount of Rs. Nil (Previous Year Rs. 28,95,000.00) is outstanding as Loans and Advances and is included under Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received in Current Assets. (iii) Installments in arrear amounting to Rs. 2,92,47,291.31 (Previous Year Rs. 2,24,83,647.03) is net of provision for doubtful debts. As per prudential norms prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India on income recognition and provisioning for bad and doubtful debts, a provision of Rs. 6,42,210.69 (Previous year Rs. 2,05,475.97) stood at towards bad and doubtful debts. In the opinion of the management the classification of various assets as per the prudential norms prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India are as under: Asset classification Standard Assets Substandard Assets Doubtful Assets Loss Assets Total Less: Provision for Bad and Doubtful Debts Net Less: Assigned Portfolio Own Portfolio Loan Outstanding As at 31.03.2009 (Rs.) As at 31.03.2008 (Rs.) 39,53,67,243.83 75,60,15,937.89 11,93,376.66 40,03,997.19 0.00 3,02,009.51 0.00 0.00 39,65,60,620.49 76,03,21,944.59 2,05,475.97 6,42,210.69 39,63,55,144.52 75,96,79,733.90 0.00 9,15,18,332.00 39,63,55,144.52 66,81,61,401.90 8. The disclosures required under Accounting Standard 15 “ Employee Benefits’ notified in the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules 2006, are given below: Provident fund Defined Contribution Plan Contribution to Defined Contribution Plan, recognized are charged off for the year are as under: Current Year Previous Year In Rupees In Rupees Employer’s Contribution to Provident Fund Employer’s Contribution to Superannuation Fund Employer’s Contribution to Pension Scheme Gratuity 967,513.00 Nil Nil 662,165.00 Nil Nil The employee’s gratuity fund scheme managed by Life Insurance Corporation of India. The present value of obligation is determined based on actuarial valuation using the Project Unit Credit Method, which recognizes each period of service as giving rise to additional unit of employee benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final obligation. Leave Encashment The obligation for leave encashment is recognized based on the present value of obligation based on actuarial valuation using the Project Unit Credit Method, which recognizes each period of service as giving rise to additional unit of employee benefit entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final obligation. The detail of the same is as under: Current Year Previous Year In Rupees In Rupees Leave Encashment (Unfunded) a. Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of Defined Benefit Obligation Defined Benefit obligation at beginning of the year Current Service Cost Interest Cost Actuarial (gain)/loss Benefits paid Defined Benefit obligation at year end 8,69,037.00 4,34,831.00 61,066.00 1,27,113.00 (1,09,655.00) 13,82,392.00 5,83,483.00 2,31,409.00 44,685.00 59,311.00 (49,851.00) 869,037.00 b. Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of fair value of plan assets Fair value of plan assets at the beginning of the year Expected return on plan assets Actuarial gain/(loss) Employer contribution Benefits Paid Fair value of plan assets at year end Actual return on plan assets (1,09,655.00) (49,851.00) c. Reconciliation of fair value of assets and obligations Fair Value of plan assets as at 31st March, 2009 Present value of obligation as at 31st March,2009 Amount recognized in Balance Sheet 1,382,392.00 869,037.00 1,382,392.00 869,037.00 d. Expenses recognized during the year (Under the head “Payments to and Provisions for Employees) Current Service Cost Interest Cost 4,34,,831.00 61,066.00 231,409.00 44,685.00 Expected return on plan assets Actuarial (gain)/loss Net Cost 1,27,113.00 59,311.00 6,23,010.00 335,405.00 e. Actuarial assumptions Mortality Table (L.I.C) LIC 1994-96 (Ultimate) LIC 1994-96 (Ultimate) Discount Rate (per annum) 7.50% 8.00% Expected rate of return on plan assets (per annum) Rate of escalation in salary (per annum) 5.00% 5.00% The estimates of rate of escalation in salary considered in actuarial valuation, take into account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors including supply and demand in the employment market. The above information is certified by the actuary. The above figures pertain to Long Term Liability worked in respect of deferred leave only. Expected Short Term Liability of Rs. 2,68,151.00 (Previous Year Rs. 1,82,263.00) will be added to this figure. 9. Pursuant to Accounting Standard - 22 issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in respect of “Accounting for Taxes on Income” necessary deferred tax liabilities and assets have been recognised. The major components of deferred tax as at 31.03.2009 are as under: Timing difference on account of Depreciation Provisions created but not claimed in Income Tax Total (Deferred Tax Assets) 10. As at 31.03.2008 (Liability)/Assets/Mo As at 31.03.2009 vements/ during the year 5,58,148.60 - 91,253.44 4,66,895.16 3,88,343.77 +3,90,963.21 7,79,306.98 9,46,492.37 +2,99,709.77 12,46,202.14 Earning Per Share In accordance with the Accounting Standard 20 of ‘Earning Per Share’ as notified by the Companies (Accounting Standards) Rules, 2006: a) Calculation of Earnings Per Share: Particulars Net Profit after Tax available for appropriation (Rs.) Weighted average number of Equity Shares for computation of Basic Earnings Per Share Basic Earnings Per Share (Rs.) Weighted average number of Equity Shares for computation of Diluted Earnings Per Share Diluted Earning Per Share (Rs.) Current Year (Rs.) 75,02,252.26 88,31,679 Previous Year (Rs.) 51,14,909.28 66,08,460 0.85 0.77 1,01,51,679 0.74 68,25,446 0.75 b) The reconciliation between Basic and Diluted Earnings Per Share is as follows: Particulars Basic Earnings Per Share Effect of outstanding Fully Convertible Warrants pending conversion Diluted Earnings Per Share Current Year (Rs.) 0.85 (0.11) Previous Year (Rs.) 0.77 (0.02) 0.74 0.75 c) The Basic Earnings Per Share has been computed by dividing the Net Profit after Tax by the weighted average number of equity shares for the respective periods whereas the Diluted Earnings Per Share has been computed by dividing the Net Profit after Tax by the weighted average number of equity shares, after giving dilutive effect of the outstanding fully convertible warrants for the respective periods. 11. Segment Reporting: The Company is operating as single segment i.e. financing operations. Hence the segment wise reporting is not applicable to the Company. 12. (i) Earning /Remittance (Inward) in Foreign currency : Equity Share Capital Rs. Nil (Previous year Rs. 4,87,40,000/-) (ii) Expenditure /remittance (Outward) in Foreign Currency: Rs. Nil (Previous year Rs. Nil) 13. Pursuant to the provision of section 45 (IC) of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the Company has transferred Rs. 15,00,450.00 (Previous Year Rs. 10,24,592.00) towards Statutory Reserve Fund. 14. Related party disclosures in terms of Accounting Standard 18 issued by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India: Name of Related party Description relationship Parishek Finance Private Limited Nature transaction of Investment equity shares in Mr. H P Singh Influence of Key Managerial Personnel & Relatives Influence of Key Managerial Personnel & Relatives Key Personnel Mr. Satvinder Singh Key Personnel Remuneration Satin (India) Limited Influence of Key Managerial Personnel & Relatives Investment equity shares Influence of Key Managerial Personnel & Investment equity shares Taco Consultants Limited Private of Interest Corporate Deposit refund and Interest thereon Remuneration in Inter Corporate Deposit refund, Interest & Others Volume transaction (Rs.) Nil (Nil) of Outstanding amount as at 31st March, 2009 (Rs.) 8,00,000.00 (8,00,000.00) Amount written off or written back (Rs.) Nil (Nil) Nil (2,74,192.00) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil 23,30,400.00 (14,58,400.00) 11,72,400.00 (10,97,400.00) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) 6,000.00 (Nil) 25,00,000.00 Dr. (25,00,000.00 Dr.) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) Nil (Nil) 11,62,384.00 (785,584.00) Nil (11,00,000.00 Dr.) Nil (Nil) 30,00,000.00 Dr. (30,00,000.00 Dr.) Satin Media Solutions Limited in Nil (Nil) Relatives Inter Corporate Deposit, interest & Others 9,44,000.00 (1,44,000.00) Nil (8,00,000.00 Dr.) # Figures in brackets pertain to previous year. The names and relationship with all the related parties with whom the Company had financial transaction have been included in the above list. 15. Disclosure of loans/advances and investments in its own shares by the listed company, its subsidiaries, associates etc. (as certified by the management): Current Year Previous Year Amount Maximum amount Amount Maximum amount Name outstanding as at outstanding during the outstanding as at outstanding during the 31.03.2009 year (31.03.2009) 31.03.2008 year (31.03.2008) Loans and advances in Nil. 8,00,000.00 Dr. 8,00,000.00 Dr. 8,00,000.00 Dr. the nature of loan to associate Company: Satin Media Solutions Ltd. Investment by the Loanee (i.e. Satin Media Solutions Ltd.) in the shares of the Company (paid up value) Loans and advances in the nature of loan to associate Company: Satin (India) Ltd. Investment by the Loanee (i.e. Satin (India) Ltd.) in the shares of the Company (paid up value) 10,90,000.00 10,90,000.00 10,90,000.00 10,90,000.00 Nil 11,00,000.00 Dr. 11,00,000.00Dr. 16,00,000.00 Dr. 30,61,000.00 30,61,000.00 30,61,000.00 30,61,000.00 16. The Company had stopped accepting public deposits with effect from 20th November, 2004. The Company has intimated the same to Reserve Bank of India. Payment to depositors is being made on the maturity of deposit or over premature request from depositor. The outstanding public deposits as at 31 st March, 2009 is Rs. 33,680.00 (Previous year Rs. 38,430.00). Investments of Rs. 50,591.33 (Previous year Rs. 50,591.33) are being held in pursuant to directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India as applicable to Non Banking Financial Companies. The entire amount of outstanding public deposit is being held in an Escrow account with scheduled bank. 17. Disclosure as required by Para 13 of Non Banking Financial (Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007 are enclosed in Annexure I to the notes on accounts. 18. Based on the information available with the company , there were no suppliers who are registered as micro, small or medium enterprises under “The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act,2006” as at 31st March,2009. 19. The Company had allotted 13,20,000 Fully Convertible Warrants (FCWs) of Rs. 10/- each at par on preferential basis to the non promoters on 1st February, 2008 to meet the working capital requirements for the existing operations and for expansion of the Company’s business operations. As per the terms of allotment these FCWs are convertible into equal number of equity shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid up after receipt of balance amount within eighteen months from the date of allotment. The Company has further received Rs. 79,20,000.00 towards part payment of allotment money during the year. Accordingly, the entire amount received has been reflected as Share Application Money as on 31.03.2009. 20. During the year the Company has entered into assignment agreements with Scheduled Bank in respect of certain loan contracts, whereby underlying pool of assets are transferred to the bank for a lump sum consideration. During the year, the company has assigned loan portfolio having book value of Rs. 915.18 Lacs and received Rs. 992.74 Lacs as consideration. The difference between the consideration received and the book value of the loan portfolio assigned amounting to Rs 77.56 Lacs has been accounted as a gain in the profit & loss account in the current year, as all the right to benefits specified in the contract have been unconditionally and irrevocably transferred to the bank without any recourse obligation. 21. During the year the category of the company has been changed from Category A (Deposit taking) to Category B (Non Deposit Taking) by RBI. 22. The figures of the previous year have been regrouped / reclassified wherever necessary to make them comparable with the figures of the current year. As per our report of even date annexed For A.K Gangaher & Co. Chartered Accountants A. K. Gangaher Proprietor M. No. 83674 Place: Delhi Dated: 30.06.2009 For and on behalf of Board of Directors H P Singh (Director) Jugal Kataria CFO & CS Satvinder Singh (Director)