WINSFORD TOWN COUNCIL B Minutes of the meeting of Winsford Town Council held in the Town Council Chamber, Wyvern House, Winsford, on Monday 16 February 2015. PRESENT:- Councillor Mrs Gina Lewis (Town Mayor) Councillors Beckett, Blackmore, Mrs Booher, Clarke, Edwards, Mrs Gaskill-Jones, Kennedy, Mrs Langley, Parkinson and Theron. Also present: Aleta Steele, Locality Partnership Manager, Cheshire West and Chester Council, approximately seven residents from Winsford and a Local Reporter from the Northwich, Winsford and Middlewich Guardian. In attendance: Mr A Warburton (Town Clerk/Finance Officer) and Mrs E Haspell (Administrative Officer). APOLOGIES Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors Baker, Burns, Hooton and Smith. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST C155 Cllrs Mrs Gaskill-Jones and Mrs Lewis declared their personal interest in agenda item 11, ‘Allotments Committee, 13 January 2015’, minute C166. Cllr Kennedy declared his personal interest in agenda item 10, ‘Planning Committee Minutes’, minute C165. OPEN FORUM C156 Mrs Byers once again spoke of her fight to save the X22 Winsford to Liverpool bus. She reiterated that this bus was very well used. She thanked Winsford Town Council for subsidising the service since April 2014. She was accompanied by several fellow supporters. X22 WINSFORD LIVERPOOL BUS SERVICE C157 Winsford Town Council had been subsidising the service since April 2014. The arrangement was due to end on 31 March 2015. On 21 January 2015 a private meeting had been held between interested parties to discuss whether the service could be sustainable – i.e. if it could be self funding without any Town Council support. RESOLVED:a) That the current subsidy end on 31 March 2015 but that discussions take place with GHA coaches regarding a private hire service from Winsford to Liverpool to operate on alternate Saturdays for a 3 month trial basis with effect from Saturday 4 April 2015; b) That no concessions be made available and that the fare for all passengers be set at £7.50 return with a view to achieving a sustainable service; c) That an assessment of passenger numbers currently boarding the bus at Northwich be made, and Northwich Town Council be then invited to make an appropriate financial Winsford Town Council 16 February 2015 – (page 2) contribution towards the operating cost to enable the bus to continue to pick up passengers in the town; and d) That in the event that the service does not break even at the end of each month, Winsford Town Council agree to underwrite any operating loss (i.e. any difference between the total amount of fares received and the current subsidy level of £560) for the period of the trial scheme. MAYORS C158 REMARKS AND COMMUNICATIONS A list of engagements attended by the Town Mayor since the last meeting was circulated. MINUTES C159 RESOLVED:That the minutes of the meeting of the Town Council held on 19 January 2015 be approved and signed as a correct record. ARISING FROM MINUTE C149 C160 The Clerk reported that the Councils concerns regarding the condition of certain roads in Winsford had been conveyed to CWAC. ARISING FROM MINUTE C150 C161 The Clerk reported that Colin Edmondson would be giving a more detailed presentation at the next ‘New Dawn for Winsford’ meeting. He also reported that the Friends of Weaver Parkway had produced a number of display boards. He said that they would be going on display in the Winsford library between the 9th and 27th of March. BUDGET 2015/16 C162 The Finance Committee held on 19 January, had recommended the following:a) That a zero Council tax increase for Winsford residents in 2015/16 in respect of Town Council services be agreed: b) That the Town Council’s budget requirements for 2015/16 be £350,873; c) That the precept be set at £291,783 by utilising £11,732 from the 1st Reserve Account and by the receipt of a Tax Base reduction grant of £47,358 from Cheshire West and Chester Council, resulting in an annual charge to Band ‘D’ properties of £37.08; d) That the Capital programme for 2015/16, in the sum of £35,000, be approved as per the draft budget. RESOLVED:a) That the Town Council’s budget for 2015/16 be formally approved, and b) That the precept be set at £291,783 by utilising £11,732 from the 1st Reserve Account and by the receipt of a Tax Base reduction grant of £47,358 from Cheshire West and Chester Winsford Town Council 16 February 2015 – (page 3) FINANCE COMMITTEE C163 NEW HOMES C164 BONUS PRIORITIES Council, resulting in an annual charge to Band ‘D’ properties of £37.08. RESOLVED:That the Minutes of the Finance Committee held on 19 January 2015 (approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting held earlier), be ratified. At the December meeting, Members had been informed that the Council would be receiving a ‘New Homes Bonus’ of £28,167 for the current financial year, which, when coupled with the remaining allocation from the previous financial year, had resulted in the sum of £41,556 being available. Use of the grant was at the Council’s discretion and the Council had committed itself to utilising the grant in helping to deliver the aspirations of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Council had set up a Working Group to review the early wins and draw up an order of priority for implementation, for consideration by the Council. The Working Group’s recommendations were submitted. RESOLVED:That the New Homes Bonus Priority List be approved. PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES C165 The Minutes of meetings of the Planning Committee held on 26 January and 9 February 2015 were circulated for information. RESOLVED:That this information be received and noted. ALLOTMENTS C166 COMMITTEE, 13 JANUARY 2015 RESOLVED:That the Minutes of the meeting of the Allotments Committee held on 13 January 2015 be received and noted. CONSULTATION C167 ON ‘PLANNING FOR A SAFER CHESHIRE 2015-2020’ – CHESHIRE FIRE AUTHORITY’S DRAFT FIVE YEAR STRATEGY Cheshire Fire Authority was consulting on a new five year strategy which sets out the authority’s plans up to 2020. The Strategy proposed to: a) Provide the Service’s frontline resources on its current Cheshire boundaries rather than exploring options to merge with other fire and rescue services. b) in relation to support functions, embark upon a programme of collaboration with Cheshire Police and potentially with other organisations locally and regionally. c) Further review the Service’s prevention and protection functions, including exploring the potential to work more closely with health bodies to reduce the demand on services. Winsford Town Council 16 February 2015 – (page 4) d) Consider asking residents to vote for an additional council tax increase if the Authority feels that the alternatives would increase local risk levels unacceptably. e) Undertake a new review of emergency response arrangements to ensure that the resources in place reflect local risks and activity levels. A copy of the strategy and further details could be found on the Service’s website The consultation period would run up to 27 March. An approach had been received from Northwich Town Council suggesting that a small number of members meet jointly to discuss a possible response on behalf of both authorities. RESOLVED:That Cllrs Beckett, Edwards and Kennedy meet with their Northwich counterparts to discuss and agree a joint response to the Cheshire Fire Authority’s consultation. GROT SPOTS C168 CHESHIRE WEST C169 AND CHESTER COUNCIL EXCELLENCE AWARDS Concern was expressed about the condition of the former Raven public house and the former Liquid Lounge. Members also expressed their concern regarding Whitby’s Lane, Rilshaw Meadow’s car park and the amount of litter which accumulated from McDonalds at Wharton Park. RESOLVED:a) That McDonalds be approached and asked what the radius is from their premises that they are required to litter pick. b) That Cheshire West and Chester council be approached with regards to the condition of the former Liquid Lounge; c) That Cheshire West and Chester council be asked to tidy up Whitby’s Lane and finally d) That Darnhall Parish council be approached regarding the condition of the former Raven public house. It was reported that CWAC wished to celebrate the role and value of Local councils as the most local form of democracy and to showcase the work of town and parish councils across the Borough through the presentation of ‘Excellence Awards’. The prospectus was circulated from which applications were being invited in 8 award categories. The awards would be made at the annual Local Council assembly on 25 March. RESOLVED:That Winsford Town Council be nominated in the ‘Council of the Year’ category. EVENTS C170 RESOLVED:- Winsford Town Council 16 February 2015 – (page 5) AND EARLY WINS ACTION GROUP That this information be received and approved. SALT FAIR COMMITTEE C171 RESOLVED:That the notes of a meeting of the Salt Fair Committee held on 10 February be received and noted. TIMETABLE OF MEETINGS C172 RESOLVED:That the draft timetable of Finance and Town Council meetings for 2015/16 be received and noted. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC C173 RESOLVED:That due to its confidential nature, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following matter in accordance with section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960. LAND MATTER C174 RESOLVED:a) That a site visit be held to clearly identify the extent of the land concerned and b) That a representative from CWAC be present at the site visit. STAFF MATTERS C175 RESOLVED:a) That the post for Part-time Administrative Officer be filled like for like i.e. 2 days a week, Thursday-Friday. b) That consideration be given to exploring the possibility of 100% Arts Council/Heritage Lottery Funding being available for the employment of a Festivals and Heritage Officer on a two year contract. PART B CLOSURE OF MEETING The Town Mayor declared the meeting of the Town Council closed at 8.00 pm. TOWN MAYOR ………………………………