COURSE SYLLABUS 1.0 PORTFOLIO ASSESSMENT 2.0 CATALOG NUMBER ID-113U 3.0 SEMESTER CREDIT HOURS: 1 Credit Hour 3.1 3.2 4.0 LECTURE HOURS LAB HOURS 0 2 Course Description This course prepares the student to enter the business world with an organized portfolio of work samples that displays technical strength and skill in the specialty area of the student’s choice. Guest speakers from diverse career specialties will present on topics that are generated from student interest and help prepare the student to transition from the classroom into the workplace. The Instructor, the Materials Library, and CAD LAB will be available as students revise a project and organize their portfolio in an attempt to prepare for interviewing in the specialty of their choice. The class is team driven and supported and simulates the workplace environment in business where projects are constantly revised and reworked until the client finds approval with a project. 5.0 Prerequisites The first three semesters should be completed. 6.0 General Course Competencies Following the completion of this course, you should be able to: 6.01 Make a goal concerning which specialty of the Interior Design career you would like to enter upon graduation and revise your portfolio to show technical strength in this area of subject content. 6.02 Prepare yourself to enter the professional world beginning with displaying a strong interest and curiosity towards a career specialty. 6.03 The student will identify one completed Interior Design project from the list below that will be reworked in organizing their portfolio for job interviews in their chosen career specialty. The selected project was originally prepared and evaluated according to a Rubric Rating Scale/Checklist. The Rubric Rating Scale and drawings were returned marked up with revision notes from the Instructor. Use the notes and Rubric to revise the project. Project List Includes CAD drawings & Swatch Board: Kitchen Remodel & Swatch Board Ideal Kitchen/Great Room & Custom Area Rug Interior Design I Composite Great Room Ideal Bath Home Office Accounting Firm 6.04 The original Rubric Rating Scale/Checklist will be used again to evaluate the project as the student continues to learn and build skill while utilizing the Instructor Revision Notes to rework the project. These marked up revision notes reflect technical problems but in business could reflect changes the client requires that were marked up during the last meeting as revision notes. 6.05 Log Weekly Time Sheet when you are spending time on projects and assignments from this class and turn into instructor weekly. Some design firms charge $50.00 an hour as billable hours and time sheets are logged and turned in for invoicing and project management. 6.06 Give an oral presentation using correct terminology to the class showing the former work and the revised project and explain how content and quality was improved with the current revision. 6.07 Meet Portfolio Review Checklist of work samples. This involves portfolio organization of projects, drawings, cost analysis, written programs, client files, and resume and cover letter. 7.0 Expected Learner Outcomes Following the completion of this course, you should be able to: Attend all classes as they simulate the professional work setting where attendance is mandatory and commitment is expected. Scheduled guest speakers from the career specialties will give advise on what the professional expectations are in their workplace and how the students can prepare themselves. The student will build skill revising previous work according to their career goals for entry into business. Technical skill and accurate subject matter content will be evident which ensures their success in job interviewing and portfolio presentation in the career specialty they plan to enter. The CAD Lab in Jones Hall is coordinated for Open Lab and printing during our class time and students can work on CAD during our Open Lab Scheduled Days. The student will gain self-confidence as they organize their portfolio complete with a written resume and cover letter for job interviewing. 7.0 Major Units of Instruction 7.1 Leadership 7.2 Job Seeking Skills 7.3 Guest Speakers- Career Specialties & Professionalism 7.4 Job Keeping Skills 8.0 Unit Objectives 8.1 8.2 LEADERSHIP TRAITS 8.1.1 Show willingness to accept responsibility 8.1.2 Use tact, diplomacy, and discretion in communication 8.1.3 Define professional goals and work toward their attainment as they prepare themselves and their portfolio. 8.1.4 Show positive attitudes 8.1.5 Motivate self and others JOB SEEKING SKILLS 8.2.1 Develop professional portfolio representing a variety of graphic skills and project types 8.2.2 Apply information about self and job opportunities in career decision making 8.2.3 Write a resume specific to the career specialty that the student wishes to enter 8.2.4 Prepare job application forms 8.2.5 Write letters for the job application process 8.2.6 Apply job interview techniques 8.2.7 Evaluate employment offers 8.2.8 Write letters for the job application process 8.2.9 Apply job interview techniques 8.2.10 Evaluate job offers 8.3 Career Guest Speakers & Professionalism 8.3.1 Portfolio Assessment by an EmployerWhat employers look for in a portfolio when interviewing job candidates 8.3.2 Residential Retail Furniture 8.3.3 Residential Interior Design 8.3.4 Kitchen Dealership 8.3.5 Contract Furniture Dealership 8.3.6 Architecture & Design Firms 8.3.7 Retail Specialty Shops 8.4 JOB KEEPING SKILLS 8.4.1 Show an awareness of the work environment 8.4.2 Know and use sources of continuing and professional development 8.4.3 Display loyalty to employer/business 8.4.4 Have good attendance and be punctual 8.4.5 Relate personal and organizational goals to the business environment 8.4.6 Accept and learn from constructive criticism 8.4.7 Accept supervision willingly 8.4.8 Seek work challenges 8.4.9 Show a willingness to accept responsibility 8.4.10 Meet project deadlines and maintain time schedules 8.4.11 Practice teamwork effectiveness 8.4.12 Support and promote school/employer’s company image and purpose 9.0 Course Bibliography None although it is possible to use any or all the textbooks as reference materials depending on what projects the student chooses to revise and their field of interest. 10.0 Primary Instructional Methodologies Lecture and Lab 11.0 Grading Criteria The following criteria will be used to determine your final grade: This is a hands-on skills class that provides real goal setting and Portfolio Readiness according to a major project revision to support a goal. The original Rubric/Rating Scale will become the Evaluation of learner outcomes. It has simple numerical ratings that will assess the student’s performance for each competency. A Letter grade to the student’s overall performance will be the student’s grade for this course. Attendance is mandatory. Instruction is skill based and guest speakers will be scheduled as inclass activities and punctuality and dependability is of major importance. Missing class will have negative impact on your grade. A Portfolio Work sample Checklist needs to be accomplished. Missing work samples, drawings, and swatch boards from the list will have negative impact on your final grade. GRADING SCALE: A= A- = B+ = B= B- = C+ = 93-100% 90-92 87-89 83-86 80-82 77-79 C= C- = D+ = D= D- = F= 73-76 70-72 67-69 63-66 60-62 59