MOST IMMEDIATE/TIMED OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE: PROVISIONING & LOGISTICS: AN ISO 9001 : 2008 CERTIFIED UNIT: 5, RAJPUR ROAD, DELHI- 110054. FAX NO. 011- 23993344, 23974427. No. To 1587-96 /CSA (Q-IV)/DCP-P&L, dated Delhi, the 14.2.2011. M/S___________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ SUBJECT: LIMITED TENDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMMANDO DANGRIES WITH CHAIN (MADE OF JEANS CLOTH) FOR USE IN DELHI POLICE. Sir, This office intends to purchase following Commando Dangries with Chain (Made of Jeans Cloth) for use in Delhi Police. The tender can be sent through registered post, Speed Post, through Courier or can be put personally in the sealed tender box kept at Reception/Prov. & Logistics situated at 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi – 110054 latest by 10.30 A.M. on 14.3.2011 and no request will be entertained thereafter. The tenders will be opened on the same day at 11.00 A.M. by the Purchase Committee in the presence of willing tenderers. The tender’s terms and conditions can be obtained from the office of the undersigned, ACP/CSA or CSA Branch free of cost on any working day from 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. The company/firms participating in the tender have to deposit Application Fee amounting to Rs. 200/- and Earnest Money of Rs. 40,000/- in the shape of an Account Payee Demand Draft in favour of DCP/Prov. & Logistics, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054 payable at Delhi alongwith the tender documents. EMD may also be deposited in the form of FDR, Banker’s Cheque or Bank Guarantee from any Commercial Bank in an acceptable form. In case, the due date is declared holiday, tender shall be opened on next working day. However, the Tender Box will be sealed on the scheduled date & time. The tender is also available on Delhi Police website as well as Delhi Govt. website .: S No. Name of the items Quantity EMD required Delivery (in Rs.) Period 1. Commando Dangries with Chain 1133 Nos. 40000 60 Days (made of Jeans Cloth) Yours faithfully, Sd/DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE: PROV. & LOGISTICS: DELHI. TENDER FORMAT TENDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF COMMANDO DANGRIES WITH CHAIN (MADE OF JEANS CLOTH) FOR USE OF DELHI POLICE SL. NO. CONTENTS 1. NAME OF THE FIRM, CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS WITH TELEPHONE, FAX NO. AND E-MAIL ADDRESS 2. LOCAL ADDRESS WITH TELEPHONE NO., FAX NO. AND E-MAIL ADDRESS 3. APPLICATION FEE OF RS. 200/- 4. EARNEST MONEY OF RS. 40000/- 5. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF NSIC/DGS&D FOR THIS ITEM, IF REQUESTED FOR EMD EXEMPTION. SALES TAX /VAT REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE 6. 7. CURRENT SALES TAX/VAT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE OR LATEST SALES TAX/VAT DEPOSIT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/ CHALLAN 8. WHETHER SUBMITTED TWO SAMPLES OF COMMANDO DANGRIES OR NOT 9. LIST OF DIRECTORS/OWNERS/PARTNERS 10. A CERTIFICATE REG. NON-BLACKLISTING AND CRIMINAL CASE/COMPLAINT IS NOT REGISTERED AGAINST THE FIRM OR ITS OWNERS/PARTNERS ANYWHERE IN INDIA. PROOF OF PAST PERFORMANCE (IF ANY) 11. 12. COPY OF TERMS AND CONDITION DULY SIGNED SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER WITH STAMP INFORMATION/WHETHER AT PAGE DOCUMENTS NOS. SUBMITTED OR NOT TERMS & CONDITIONS: Sealed tenders are invited in two bid system i.e. Technical Bid and Financial Bid on the following term and conditions by the undersigned from the manufacturers, authorized dealers and traders dealing in the trade for the purchase of following Commando Dangries with Chain (made of Jeans Cloth) on sample basis for use in Delhi Police. The tender can be sent through registered post, speed post, through courier or can be put personally in the sealed tender box kept at Reception/Prov. & Logistics situated at 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi – 110054 latest by 10.30 A.M. on 14.3.2011 and no request will be entertained thereafter:S No. 1. Name of the items Quantity Commando Dangries with Chain (made of Jeans Cloth) 1133 Nos. EMD required Delivery (in Rs.) Period 40000 60 Days Tenderers are advised to quote their rate after carefully study of the following terms and conditions of the tender: 1. Separate envelope should be used for TECHNICAL BID as well as for FINANCIAL BID. The word “TECHNICAL BID/FINANCIAL BID” for the purchase of various Commando Uniform Articles due to open on 14.3.2011 at 11.00 A.M.” shall be prominently marked on the top of each envelope separately and both the sealed envelopes (Technical Bid and Financial Bid) should further be put in a bigger envelope duly sealed and super scribed. 2. The person signing the tender document should be authorized for signing the tender documents and his signature should be attested by owner/partner/director of the tendering firm/company. A certificate, in this regard, duly issued by the owner/partner/director, must be attached alongwith the tender document. 3. Only authorized representative will be allowed to attend the meeting of the Purchase Committee. He/She should also bring authority letter on company/firm’s letter head that any decision/negotiation taken by him/her would be accepted by the firm/company. 4. No representative shall be allowed to attend the meeting of the Purchase Committee on behalf of more than one tendering firm. The representative, who is deputed to attend the meeting, should be Director or Partner or Owner or an employee of the company/firm bearing an authority letter, whose specimen signatures should be attested by the company/firm’s authorized signatory having seal of the company/firm. 5. Only Sales Tax/VAT payee firm(s) are entitled to fill this tender. The Sales Tax/VAT Registration Certificate must be attached with technical bid. 6. The Current Sales Tax/VAT Clearance Certificate issued from the Sales Tax/VAT Deptt. OR latest Sales Tax/VAT Deposit acknowledgement/ Challan must be attached with the technical bid. The Current Sales Tax/VAT Clearance Certificate should be as per prescribed enclosed format (in English or Hindi language only). 7. Manufacturing firms or authorized dealers or traders dealing in the trade can participate in the tender. 8. The TECHNICAL BIDS will be opened first on 14.3.2011 at 11.00 A.M. and the FINANCIAL BIDS of only technically approved firms will be opened only after scrutiny of technical bid. 9. The tenders should reach this office by 10.30 A.M. on 14.3.2011. 10. Bidders shall not be permitted to alter or modify their bids after expiry of the deadline for receipt of bids. 11. The Application Fee is non-refundable. 12. Incomplete tender/conditional tenders will not be accepted. 13. All companies/firms registered with NSIC/DGS&D for these items are exempted from deposit of EMD. They have to enclose valid registration certificate/document with their tender. 14. The companies/firms participating in the tender have to deposit Application Fee of Rs. 200/- and Earnest Money amounting to Rs. 40,000/- in the shape of an Account Payee Demand Draft in favour of DCP/Prov. & Logistics, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi-110054 payable at Delhi with the technical bid. EMD may also be submitted in the form of Banker’s Cheque, FDR or Bank Guarantee from any Commercial Bank in an acceptable form. No tender will be accepted without requisite Application Fee and E.M.D. EMD deposited with the tender shall bear no interest. The EMD should be valid for a period of forty five days beyond the date of the bid validity (i.e. for a period of 7½ months from the date of opening of tenders). 15. All the companies/firms participating in the tender must attach a list of their directors/owners/partners etc. and a Certificate to the effect that the company/firm is neither blacklisted by any Govt. Department nor any criminal case/complaint is registered/pending against the company/firm or its director/owner/partner anywhere in India. Any company/firm found blacklisted by any Govt. Deptt. shall not be considered for this tender. 16. The tendering company/firm shall clearly mention the Guarantee/Warranty of the tendered stores, which shall not be less than one year for each item. 17. The price must be quoted inclusive of all taxes. Nothing over and above the quoted price inclusive of all taxes will be payable and also no future taxes shall be payable by the purchaser. No optional rates shall be considered and the bid shall be rejected straightway. 18. The Financial Bid should be filled as per proforma enclosed as Annexure – A. 19. The rates will be valid for a period of six months. 20. The rates will be F.O.R. at 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi – 110054. 21. The payment will be made after receipt/acceptance of stores in good condition as per approved sample. No advance payment will be made. 22. The tenderers will have to submit two samples of above mentioned article duly tagged and stamped alongwith the tender, which should be as per the approved samples displayed in CSA Clothing Store/P&L. Samples will not be accepted after opening of tenders. No tender will be acceptable without samples. 23. The samples of previous tender shall not be considered. 24. Approved SAMPLES of the above mentioned articles may be seen in CSA/CLOTHING STORE/P&L, Delhi at 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi on any working day between 10.00 A.M. to 5.00 P.M. The supply of above-mentioned items should be strictly according to the samples approved by this office. 25. The company/firm whose rates are accepted will have to deposit 8% of the total cost of the item(s) as Performance Security (Security Money) in the shape of an Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee from any Commercial Bank in an acceptable form in favour of Deputy Commissioner of Police, Provisioning & Logistics, 5, Rajpur Road, Delhi – 110054 before the supply order is placed to the company/firm. The Performance Security (Security Money) shall bear no interest. The Performance Security should be valid for 60 days beyond the completion of all contractual obligations by the supplier including Warranty/Guarantee period. 26. In case the company/firm, whose rates are accepted, fails to deposit requisite Performance Security, the EMD deposited by the company/firm will be forfeited. 27. The Purchase Committee, in order to satisfy itself can order an on the spot enquiry to verify the soundness, capability, viability and any other information given by the tendering company/firms. 28. The quantity of the items mentioned in the tender notice can be increased or decreased, at any stage till the delivery of consignment is completed/ accepted. 29. The company/firm which has been awarded the contract shall commence the supply within 30 days from the date of receipt of supply order and shall complete within 60 days from the date of receipt of supply order. In case of failure of the company/firm to complete the supply within the delivery period, the supply order shall be cancelled and Performance Security will be forfeited, besides blacklisting the company/firm after serving a Show Cause Notice. 30. The supply of the stores should be completed by the company/firm within the delivery period failing which liquidated damage charges will be charged @ 2% of total cost per month of delay of the items. Besides, action will be taken to Black List the company/firm and forfeiture of its Performance Security. 31. After evaluation of technical bids of all tendering companies/firms, the Purchase Committee will open the Financial Bids of those firms qualified in technical bids and whose samples are found meeting with the approved samples. The Purchase Committee will have discretion to award the contract to more than one firm, if their rates are found same. 32. If the supply is found inferior to the sample approved by the Purchase Committee, the consignment will be rejected. The supplier will have to take back the consignment at his own cost and replace it with fresh stock as per approved samples within 10 days. In case the supplier fails to give the supply or to replace as per approved sample, the Performance Security will be forfeited. 33. The company/firm, which has been blacklisted by any Govt. department are not eligible to participate in this tender. 34. A copy of terms and conditions duly signed by the tenderer, as a token of acceptance of the same should be attached alongwith the tenders. 35. The Competent Authority reserves the right to relax any terms & conditions in the Govt. interest on the recommendations of the Purchase Committee. 36. The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons thereof on the recommendations of the Purchase Committee. 37. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts in the N.C.T. of Delhi. 38. In case of any differences arises between company/firm and department, the company/firm can be called for negotiation on table to patch-up the matter amicably prior to approaching court. 39. In case of violation of clause of terms and conditions, an explanation of the company/firm can be called by issuing Show Cause Notice. If the reply of Show Cause Notice is not found satisfactory, action against the company/firm like forfeiture of Performance Security, blacklisting etc. can be taken. NOTE: A) THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED WITH THE ENVELOPE SUPERSCRIBED AS TECHNICAL BID AND DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE PROPERLY PAGED IN TENDER FORMAT :- 1. 2. TWO SAMPLES OF EACH ARTICLE DULY TAGGED & STAMPED. APPLICATION FEE OF RS. 200/- IN THE SHAPE OF AN ACCOUNT PAYEE DEMAND DRAFT IN FAVOUR OF DCP/PROV. & LOGISTICS, 5, RAJPUR ROAD, DELHI-54. EARNEST MONEY OF RS. 40,000/- IN CASE THE COMPANY/FIRM IS PARTICIPATING FOR ALL THE ARTICLES, OTHERWISE AS MENTIONED AGAINST EACH IN THE SHAPE OF AN ACCOUNT PAYEE DEMAND DRAFT, BANKER’S CHEQUE, FDR OR BANK GUARANTEE FROM ANY COMMERCIAL BANK IN AN ACCEPTABLE FORM IN FAVOUR OF DCP/PROV. & LOGISTICS, 5, RAJPUR ROAD, DELHI-54. REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE OF NSIC/DGS&D FOR THESE ITEM, IF REQUESTED FOR EMD EXEMPTION. SALES TAX/VAT REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. CURRENT SALES TAX/VAT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE OR LATEST SALES TAX/VAT DEPOSIT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT/CHALLAN. LIST OF DIRECTORS/OWNERS/PARTNERS OF THE COMPANY/FIRM WITH THEIR CONTACT NUMBERS. A CERTIFICATE TO THE EFFECT THAT THE COMPANY/FIRM IS NEITHER BLACK LISTED BY ANY GOVT. DEPARTMENT NOR ANY CRIMINAL CASE/COMPLAINT IS REGISTERED AGAINST THE COMPANY/FIRM OR ITS DIRECTOR/OWNER/PARTNER ANYWHERE IN INDIA. DOCUMENTS RELATING TO PAST PERFORMANCE, IF ANY. COPY OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS DULY SIGNED WITH SEAL OF THE COMPANY/FIRM, IN TOKEN OF ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS. HAS THE RATES BEEN QUOTED IN FINANCIAL BID INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES, DULY SIGNED BY THE BIDDER. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. B) FINANCIAL BID SHALL CONTAIN PRICE ONLY AND NO OTHER DOCUMENTS SHALL BE ENCLOSED WITH THE FINANCIAL BID. NO CONDITION SHALL BE STIPULATED IN FINANCIAL BID. THE RATES QUOTED SHOULD BE INCLUSIVE OF ALL TAXES AS PER PRESCRIBED PROFORMA ENCLOSED AS ANNEXURE – A. Sd/DEPUTY COMMISSIONER OF POLICE: PROV. & LOGISTICS: DELHI. SIGN. OF TENDERER: ______________________ NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS: _________________ FULL ADDRESS: __________________________ TO BE SUBMITTED WITH TECHNICAL BID OFFICE OF THE SALES TAX/VAT OFFICER, WARDSALES TAX/VAT DEPARTMENT, _______________ No.___________________________________________________, dated _____________ SALES TAX/VAT CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Certified that M/s _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ a registered manufacturer/distributor/trader ________________. of this ward having Registration No. The manufacturer/distributor/trader is assessed upto _____________ and there are no dues pending against the said manufacturer/distributor/trader. This certificate is issued on the written request of the manufacturer/distributor/trader, dated __________ for submission for tender purpose only. This certificate is valid upto _______________. SALES TAX/VAT OFFICER WARD – DATED ANNEXURE – A FINANCIAL BID COMMANDO DANGRIES WITH CHAIN (MADE OF JEANS CLOTH) FOR USE IN DELHI POLICE S No. 1. Name of the items Quantity Rate per unit (inclusive of all taxes) (IN FIGURES) Rate per unit (inclusive of all taxes) (IN WORDS) Command 1133 Nos. Dangries with Chain (made of Jeans Cloth) Signature of Tenderer With stamp Date