CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM REPORTING INSTRUCTIONS on the MONTHLY FLOWS ADJUSTMENTS DATA and the SECURITISATIONS AND OTHER LOAN TRANSFERS ADJUSTMENTS DATA of Monetary Financial Institutions SECTION I Introduction Part 1 Part 2 SECTION II Part 1 Part 2 SECTION III Part 1 Part 2 JUNE 2014 Revised 3 September 2014 STATISTICS DEPARTMENT MONEY AND BANKING STATISTICS AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS SECTION CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Section : GUIDANCE NOTES on the submission of Flows Adjustments Returns and the Securitisations and Other Loan Transfers Adjustments Returns List of abbreviations Introduction 1.1 1.2 6 7 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.4 1.5 1.6 Scope Submission of Flows Adjustments returns and Securitisations and other Loan Transfers Adjustments Returns Minimum standards for fulfilment of the reporting obligations Minimum standards for transmission Minimum standards for accuracy Minimum standards for conceptual compliance Minimum standards for revision Verification and compulsory collection Imposition of sanctions Repeal PART 1 Conceptual issues on the Flows Adjustments Returns 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 The need for flows adjustments Inter-relationship with the MBSR Reporting Instructions Guidance Notes Definition of “flow” The Flows Adjustments Returns Reclassifications and other adjustments Revaluation adjustments Exchange rate adjustments Further guidance notes on special matters/items PART 2 Statistical Reporting Requirements for Loan Securitisations and Other Loan transfers 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Definitions Requirements for reporting net flows of loans securitised or otherwise transferred Requirements for reporting of securitised and derecognised loans which are serviced Requirements for reporting the outstanding amounts of loans serviced in a securitisation Statistical reporting requirements for MFIs applying the IAS39, the IFRS9 or similar national accounting rules Reclassification and revaluation amounts for Securitisations and other Loans transfers 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 16 18 18 24 26 27 27 27 28 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 Section II : SCHEDULES PART 1 Flows Adjustments Returns 1.1 1.2 Revaluation adjustments schedules Reclassifications and other adjustments schedules PART 2 Securitisations and other Loan transfers adjustments Returns 2.1 2.2 Securitisations and other loan transfers schedules Reclassification and revaluation schedules for securitisations and other loan transfers Section III : TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 1. Submission Details for Flows Adjustments Returns Main Submission Requirements (i) Electronic submission (ii) Submitted FLOW data must be certified 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. PART 2 1. VPN client software File specifications for FLOW1 type of data General notes Variables used for each record of FLOW data item Allowed values Per Schedule specifications of data to be reported Submission Details for Securitisations and Other Loan Transfers Adjustments Returns Main Submission Requirements (i) Electronic submission (ii) Submitted ‘Securitisations and other loan transfers’ data must be certified 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. VPN client software File specifications for ‘Securitisations and other loan transfers’ type of data General notes Variables used for each record of ‘Securitisations and other loan transfers’ data item Allowed values Per Schedule specifications of data to be reported CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM SECTION GUIDANCE NOTES on the submission of FLOWS ADJUSTMENTS RETURNS and the SECURITISATIONS AND OTHER LOAN TRANSFERS ADJUSTMENTS RETURNS of Monetary Financial Institutions JUNE 2014 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS CBC : Central Bank of Cyprus ECB : European Central Bank ESA 2010 : European System of Accounts 2010 FARs : Flows Adjustments Returns SEC and OLT Rs : Securitisations and Other Loan Transfers Returns MBSR : Monthly Balance Sheet Return MFIs : Monetary Financial Institutions NACE : Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community- NACE Rev.2 of the European Union NCBs : National Central Banks RIs : Reporting Instructions CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM INTRODUCTION 1.1 Scope The Central Bank of Cyprus (“CBC”), hereby, issues these Reporting Instructions (“RIs”) which prescribe the returns and contents of data relating to reclassification and revaluation adjustments, as well as the statistical reporting requirements for loan securitizations and other loan transfers which Monetary Financial Institutions (“MFIs”) are required to submit to the CBC on a monthly basis. The requirements are revised in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 2013/33, issued by the European Central Bank (“ECB”) on 24 September 2013, concerning the balance sheet of the monetary financial institutions ECB/2008/32(recast). sector, which replaced Regulation The new requirements also take into account the balance sheet requirements set out in Guideline ECB/2014/15 which replaced Guideline ECB/2007/9 on monetary, financial institutions and markets statistics (recast). Furthermore, they provide for data necessary for the compilation of the euro area financial accounts, the “Other Financial Intermediaries” sector as well as data required for supervisory and financial stability purposes. These RIs are closely connected with and build on the “Reporting Instructions on the Monthly Balance Sheet Return of Monetary Financial Institutions” and apply to all MFIs resident in Cyprus. A list of these institutions, which is updated on an ad hoc basis, can be found on the CBC’s website at www.centralbank.gov.cy/nqcontent.cfm?aid=1366. Page 7 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM 1.2 FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 Submission of the Flows Adjustments Returns (FARs) and the Securitisations and Other Loan Transfers Adjustments Returns (SEC and OLTRs) MFIs are required to submit to the CBC the FARs and the SEC and OLTRs prescribed in Section II of this Directive, within eight working days from the end of the reference month, in accordance with the minimum standards for transmission, accuracy, conceptual compliance and revisions, as set out in paragraph 1.3 below. The first returns of reporting MFIs under these RIs shall be submitted to the CBC for the reporting month of December 2014. The first reporting month for the above adjustments data, for MFIs commencing operations after December 2014, shall be for the reference month following the one for which an MBSR is submitted. The transmission of the FARs and the SEC and OLTRs, which shall be certified by using electronic signatures, shall be effected electronically as described in the “Technical Requirements” set out in Section III of these RIs. The names of the officers authorised to certify the returns shall be provided to the Money and Banking Statistics and Financial Accounts Section, Statistics Department of the CBC, prior to the first data submission under these RIs. 1.3 Minimum standards for fulfillment of the reporting requirements The following minimum standards must be observed by MFIs in order to meet the reporting requirements to the CBC of the above returns. 1.3.1 Minimum standards for transmission (a) MFIs shall ensure that they transmit the FARs and the SEC and OLTRs within the specified time limit, i.e. within eight working days from the end of the reference month. (b) MFIs shall ensure that the transmission of the returns is effected in accordance with the provisions of Section ΙΙΙ of these RIs, which may change from time to time; the prescribed technical format of transmission of data should not in any way be changed on the initiative of MFIs. Page 8 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM (c) MFIs shall always provide the CBC with the names of at least two contact persons prior to the first data transmission, who shall be responsible for the submission of the FARs and SEC and OLTRs to the CBC and for the provision of any explanations and/or clarifications deemed necessary by the CBC on the contents of the returns. 1.3.2 Minimum standards of accuracy (a) The data included in the FARs and SEC and OLTRs shall be correct. All linear constraints must be fulfilled (eg. assets’ and liabilities’ sides must balance, where the case maybe, subtotals must add up to totals and data must be consistent across similar schedules). (b) The data shall be complete. In very rare cases, where a reporting MFI is not able to provide data for certain instrument categories, an estimate shall be reported. It is emphasized that such reporting shall be accepted only for one transmission and that the situation shall be rectified by the next transmission at the latest. (c) Data shall be expressed in euro and shall be submitted to the last cent without any rounding of the figures. (d) The allowed values for the reported data are specified in the “Technical Requirements” as set out in Section III. 1.3.3 Minimum standards for conceptual compliance (a) The submitted data shall be consistent with the provisions of these RIs, as well as those of the “Reporting Instructions concerning the Monthly Balance Sheet Return of Monetary Financial Institutions”. (b) In the event of deviations from the requirements, reporting MFIs shall monitor on a regular basis and quantify the difference between the measure used and the measure contained in these RIs. (c) MFIs must be able to provide conceptual explanations regarding any data reported under revaluation adjustments, reclassifications and other adjustments and Securitisations and Other Loan Transfers data. Page 9 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM 1.3.4 FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 Minimum standards for revisions MFIs may have to revise the data referring to the previous reference month should such need arise. In addition, revisions arising from, for example, mistakes or improved reporting procedures and referring to data prior to the previous reference month, may also occur. However, MFIs shall not systematically revise the data for the period prior to the previous reference month. Should such revisions, however, take place, they should be submitted to the CBC accompanied by an explanatory note. 1.4 Verification and compulsory collection The CBC shall exercise the right to verify or collect the information which MFIs are required to provide pursuant to these RIs, without prejudice to the ECB’s right to exercise this right itself. In particular, the CBC shall exercise this right when an MFI does not fulfill the minimum standards for transmission, accuracy, conceptual compliance and revisions specified in paragraph 1.3 above. 1.5 Imposition of sanctions The ECB may impose sanctions on reporting agents which fail to comply with the statistical reporting requirements set out in these Reporting Instructions in accordance with Decision ECB/2010/10 of 19 August 2010 on non-compliance with statistical reporting requirements. 1.6 Repeal The “Reporting Instructions on the monthly Flows Adjustments Data of Monetary Financial Institutions” and all its subsequent amendments issued in January 2010, shall be repealed with effect 1st January 2015. Page 10 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM PART 1 CONCEPTUAL ISSUES ON THE FLOWS ADJUSTMENTS RETURNS 2.1 The need for flows adjustments The purpose of flows adjustments statistics is to enable the calculation of the net transactions, i.e. the real movement in balance sheet items, from period to period, as opposed to other non-transactional factors. Such data are extremely useful to the CBC e.g. for economic research, financial stability, supervisory and other purposes. With the implementation of these RIs, the enhanced data will also be used to fulfil the CBC’s statistical obligations towards the ECB. The ECB compiles euro area monetary aggregates and their counterparts as month-end stock positions within the framework of the aggregated balance sheet of the euro area monetary financial institutions sector. The ECB also analyses developments in monetary statistics. The evolution of monetary aggregates and counterparts is analysed by the ECB in terms of the transactions that have taken place during the period, measuring, separately, transactions in liabilities and in assets. Therefore, in the context of aggregate balance sheet statistics, the value of net transactions (flows) is to be distinguished from changes in stock positions that arise for other reasons. Euro area flows statistics for balance sheet items are compiled by the ECB by taking the difference between balance sheet levels (stocks) for two consecutive periods and then making adjustments that remove the effect of changes from events other than transactions, i.e. revaluation adjustments, reclassifications/other adjustments and exchange rate differences. 2.2 Inter-relationship with the MBSR RIs Since the FARs relate to the reporting of data on non-transactional changes in balance sheet item values from one month to another, these Page 11 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM RIs are closely connected with and build on the “Reporting Instructions on the Monthly Balance Sheet Return by Monetary Financial Institutions”. Therefore, the definitions, basic reporting rules, special provisions for the treatment of certain balance sheet items, general information on the monthly balance sheet return, description of balance sheet items and guidance on their classification, included therein, are an integral part of these RIs as well. Furthermore, for the sake of ease and efficiency, the FARs, as well as the pertinent technical requirements, have been designed in such a way so as to be, to the extent possible, compatible with the RIs of the MBSR. 2.3 Guidance notes 2.3.1 Definition of “flow” The “flow” for a balance sheet item for period t is defined as: Ft = (Lt - Lt-1) - Ct - Vt – Et, where for period t: Ft = Flow Lt = Stock at the end of the period Lt-1 = Stock at the end of the previous period Ct = Reclassification adjustment Vt = Revaluation adjustment Et = Exchange rate adjustment Ct, Vt and Et are ”non-transactions-related” factors In this respect, it should be noted that the ECB does not collect data on flows directly but, instead, it follows an indirect approach for the derivation of flows. First, it calculates the month-to-month differences (Lt-Lt-1) in balance sheet items from data available through the MBSR. Secondly, it collects revaluation and reclassification adjustments (Vt and Ct) from National Central Banks (“NCBs”). Thirdly, it estimates the Page 12 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 exchange rate adjustment (Et) through its own methodology. Finally, by deducting the three types of adjustments from the difference in stocks, it produces the real flows (Ft), ie. the differences which are due to actual transactions, which are then published and used in many ways. Therefore, these RIs relate to the submission of data by MFIs to the CBC on: • • Revaluation adjustments Reclassifications and other adjustments The above data is, in turn, processed by the CBC and transmitted to the ECB, under strict deadlines, for further action as above. The data is also used by the CBC for the calculation of the flows for Cyprus. The three types of adjustments mentioned in the definition of the flow are explained in paragraphs 2.3.3 - 2.3.6 below. 2.3.2 The Flows Adjustments Returns The FARs comprise two sets: 1. Schedules for revaluation adjustments 2. Schedules for reclassifications and other adjustments Both sets of schedules follow a very similar structure as the MBSR schedules. The reporting is, however, in some ways simplified, reflecting the fact that the flows adjustments data requirements of the ECB are less extensive than the balance sheet data requirements. Furthermore, some types of adjustment are not applicable to certain balance sheet items (e.g. no revaluation adjustment applies to items such as cash, deposits and debt securities issued by MFIs). In certain cases, such as those of Schedules 2.7, 6, 8, 11, 13 and 14, further simplifications could have been made as, generally, no detailed flows adjustments data are required on the sub-items of those Schedules. However, the above Schedules were kept very close to their original Page 13 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 form (as in the MBSR) in order not to interfere with the underlying MBSR software systems of both the CBC and the MFIs, as this would, perhaps, create additional work burden for MFIs. 2.3.3 Reclassifications and other adjustments ‘Reclassifications and other adjustments’ comprise any change in the balance sheet of the reference sector that arises as a result of changes in the composition and structure of the reporting population, changes in the classification of financial instruments and counterparties, changes in statistical definitions and the correction of reporting errors, all of which gives rise to breaks in the series, and hence affect the comparability of two successive end-of-period stocks. Reclassifications and other adjustments comprise the effect of the following factors on MFI balance sheet items: (a) Changes in the classification of assets and liabilities These may arise as a result of changes in instrument classification or sectoral classification of MFIs’ counterparties and may occur for a number of reasons. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples to be used only as an indication of situations which give rise to reclassifications and other adjustments : i. A customer may change his country of residence, eg. from Other MU Member States to Rest of the World. ii. A non-financial corporation may change its principal activity and become a financial corporation or vice-versa. iii. A public sector body may be transferred to the private sector, or vice-versa. iv. A sole trader turning his business into a limited company (nonfinancial corporation). v. The issuer of Securities changing its country of residence or its principal activity (eg from MFI to non-MFI and so on) or being Page 14 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM transferred from the public sector to the private sector (eg. a semi-government organization becoming a non financial corporation). vi. A negotiable security becoming non-negotiable or vice versa. The above and other similar situations will lead reporting MFIs to reclassify asset and liability balances within their balance sheet. As a result, changes will be observed in the reported stock positions in the period in which the change takes place. As these changes essentially represent book-entry transfers between sectors or instruments, they do not represent transactions and must be reported as adjustments, so that their effect is removed from the flows statistics. (b) Correction of reporting errors It is inevitable that, from time to time, errors may occur and these must be corrected. The following is a non-exhaustive list of examples to serve, only as an indication: (i) A customer’s deposit or loan which had been previously classified in the wrong maturity band or ESA sector/subsector, geographical area or NACE code. (ii) A housing loan which had been previously classified in error under consumer credit or vice versa. (iii) A tangible fixed asset erroneously classified under intangible fixed assets or vice versa. (iv) A non-negotiable security previously classified in error under negotiable securities (i.e. into Securities other than shares instead of Loans). (v) Securities other than shares wrongly classified as Shares and other equity. (vi) Misclassifications of items within Remaining Assets or Remaining Liabilities. Page 15 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM (vii) A customer who is a private individual classified in error as non financial corporation or vice-versa. (viii) A customer’s deposit redeemable at notice wrongly classified as overnight or with agreed maturity. (ix) Securities other than shares or Shares and other equity classified under the wrong country of issuer or currency or maturity band (when applicable) or ESA sector/subsector. The effects of correcting the above errors do not represent transactions and must, therefore, be reported as reclassification adjustments. Minimum standards for revisions are already in place for MFIs’ monthly balance sheet data (stocks) and MFIs should make every effort to immediately correct errors in the stock data as soon as the errors have been identified. It should be noted that, where the error in stock data occurs once only (i.e. it affects a single month) or affects back series only over a limited time range, revisions can be made that totally remove the error from the data. In these circumstances, no break in series will occur and, therefore, reclassifications and other adjustments data will not need to be reported. However, where the error affects historical data and no correction of past data can be made or corrections can be made only for a limited time range, then a break will occur between the first reference month with the corrected stock figure and the last reference month with the incorrect stock figure. In this case, reclassification and other adjustments data needs to be reported in the reference month where the break occurs. (c ) Changes in statistical coverage This case refers to changes in the composition of the MFI sector, through institutions joining or leaving the MFI sector. Such situations may give rise to the transfer of business across economic sector boundaries. To the extent that such transfers do not represent transactions, they should be reported as flows adjustments under reclassifications and other adjustments (see paragraph 2.3.6 (i) for further guidance). Page 16 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM (d) Changes in structure This situation refers to the appearance in or disappearance from the banking system of certain assets and liabilities (due to the creation or disappearance of an institutional unit), arising from restructuring, ie. mergers, acquisitions and divisions. corporate To the extent that the above do not represent transactions, they should be reported as flows adjustments under reclassifications and other adjustments (see paragraph 2.3.6 (h) for further guidance). Furthermore, corporate restructuring operations may lead to changes in the valuation of financial assets and liabilities. Revaluation adjustments are reported to reflect these changes and thus allow transactions to be correctly derived. 2.3.4 Revaluation adjustments Revaluation adjustments relate to changes in the valuation of certain balance sheet instruments and affect a more limited range of items than the reclassification and other adjustments category. They mainly reflect the impact of fluctuations in the market prices/values of securities, shares and financial derivatives, changes in the valuation of fixed assets as well as the impact of loan write downs/ write-offs. Changes in value caused by movements in exchange rates are not considered revaluation adjustments but are, instead, part of the exchange rate adjustment (see paragraph 2.3.5). Revaluation adjustments may therefore arise, mainly, as a result of the following three factors: (a) Price revaluation of securities/shares/financial derivatives This refers to fluctuations in the valuation of securities other than shares, shares and other equity and financial derivatives on the asset side as well as financial derivatives on the liability side, which arise as a result of changes in their prices/values. The adjustment includes the changes that occur in the value of end-period balance sheet stocks Page 17 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM arising from holding (unrealized) gains/losses during the reporting month. Therefore, MFIs should report any revaluations/fair value adjustments which were recognized during the reporting month through the profit and loss account or revaluation reserves. (b) Loan write-downs/write-offs/Loan restorations By the term loan write-down/write-off, the accounting entry is meant, whereby a loan considered to be partially or wholly worthless is partially or wholly removed from the books. Therefore, a revaluation adjustment seeks to remove from the flows statistics the impact of changes in the value of loans recorded on the balance sheet that are caused by the application of write-downs/write-offs of loans by MFIs. Losses recognized at the time loans are sold/transferred to a third party should also be included in the adjustment. As loans in the MBSR are reported gross of provisions for doubtful debts, MFIs should report an adjustment at the time of a write-off and not at the time of recording a provision because the provision has no effect on gross loans. A reversal of write-off may take place when a previously written off loan is subsequently considered to be recoverable. Such loans may (partially or totally) be restored on balance sheet or, alternatively, they may be recovered by the MFI without being first restored on the balance sheet. In the first case (i.e. of the loan being restored on the balance sheet), a revaluation adjustment should be reported so that the restored loan is not recorded as a new loan in the transaction flows. On the contrary, in the second case (i.e. of the loan being recovered without restoration on balance sheet), no adjustment is to be reported. Write-downs that occur at the time when a loan is securitized (or otherwise transferred) and write-offs/write-downs on serviced loans are reported to the CBC in accordance with the “Statistical Reporting Requirements for Loan Securitisations and other loan transfers” as described in PART 3 of these RIs. Page 18 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM Write-offs/write-downs on loans for which the MFI acts as a servicer may also occur, because the loans are still subject to on-balance sheet recording, either on the individual accounts of the MFI or at group level. They may also occur when the servicer must state a reduced principal loan balance for impaired loans in order to be in compliance with the investor agreements. (c ) Changes in the values of fixed assets Changes in the valuation of fixed assets may emanate from upward or downward revaluation exercises (e.g. land and buildings) and, of course, through depreciation/amortization. 2.3.5 Exchange rate adjustment Movements in exchange rates against the reporting currency (i.e. euro) that occur between end-period reporting dates give rise to changes in the values of assets/liabilities denominated in other currencies when expressed in the reporting currency. As these changes are not due to transactions, they need to be removed from the flows data through an exchange rate adjustment. Contrary to the practice for the other two types of adjustments (revaluations, reclassifications and other adjustments), the exchange rate adjustment is estimated by the ECB, based on balance sheet data transmitted by the NCBs, using its own methodology which includes certain assumptions and simplifications. Therefore, the exchange rate adjustment is beyond the scope of these Ris and MFIs should not submit this type of adjustments to the CBC. 2.3.6 Further guidance notes on special matters/items (a) Data signs Upward and downward revaluation adjustments should be reported with a positive and negative sign, respectively. Also, Page 19 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM reclassifications into and out of an item should be reported with a positive and negative sign, respectively. (b) No revaluation adjustment for deposits and debt securities issued by MFIs It is clarified that as deposits are reported in the MBSR in their nominal values, they are not subject to revaluation adjustments. The same treatment is applicable in the case of debt securities issued by MFIs. (c) Accrued interest receivable/payable According to the MBSR RIs, accrued interest receivable and payable are not presented together with the respective principal amounts but are, instead, separately classified under remaining assets/remaining liabilities, respectively. MFIs should note that, when accrued interest is moved to the corresponding account (e.g. loan, deposit etc) this constitutes a transaction and no reclassification or other type of adjustment is applicable. (d) Fixed assets revaluation adjustment In the case of fixed assets, the revaluation adjustment reported should take into account any revaluations as well as any depreciation/amortization charges in the reporting month. In this regard, monthly depreciation/amortization charges are considered downward revaluations and should, therefore, be reported with a negative sign. (e) MFIs’ accompanying explanatory notes in relation to their reclassifications and other adjustments In relation to reclassifications and other adjustments, MFIs should note that accompanying notes explaining the most significant adjustments are required. This is an area requiring the exercise of judgment on the part of MFIs and provision has been made to enable the writing of text at the bottom of each FAR text file. The above is necessary so as to avoid unnecessary enquiries by CBC to the reporting MFIs’ staff following the submission of data. Page 20 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 (f) Adjustments and double entry system Revaluation and reclassification adjustments are subject to the same double-entry accounting rules as stocks of balance sheet items. Therefore, in general, adjustments have a counterpart and, in both types of adjustments, the asset side should agree with the liabilities (including capital and reserves) side. However, due to the nature and particularities of some of the lower level breakdowns of information collected through the FARs, there are exceptions to this theoretical rule. In some cases, a revaluation or reclassification adjustment may have a counterpart which is not to be captured by the returns. The following examples serve only as an indication of such cases: • A reclassification of a company out of Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) involves only one entry (a negative reclassification out of SPEs) because only the Special Purpose Entity stocks are reported in the MBSR (ie no positive reclassification into “non-SPEs” would be reported). • The reclassification of a loan with collateral to a loan without collateral would entail only one entry (a negative reclassification out of loans with collateral), because there is no corresponding category “Loans without collateral”). (g) Renewal of deposits/rescheduling of loans It is clarified that the renewal of a deposit for a period which is different than the original one or its conversion into another type of deposit should not be reported as a reclassification. Instead, such a deposit is deemed to have been repaid and a new one placed (i.e. both are considered transactions). The same approach applies in the case of loan rescheduling, where the maturity of a loan may change/ extended after negotiations between the MFI and the borrower. Page 21 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM (h) Mergers/acquisitions/divisions The criterion used to distinguish between flows that represent transactions and those to be recorded as reclassifications relies on the existence of two separate institutional units at the moment when the transfer takes place. The following cases can be identified as the most usual : (i) Merger of two or more reporting institutions into a new reporting institution/ acquisition of one reporting institution by another reporting institution, belonging to the same sector. This case refers to the merger of two MFIs into a new MFI (consolidation merger) or the acquisition of an MFI by another MFI (statutory merger). When a merger takes place, two different types of non-transactions may arise. First, and probably most important, a change in the value of assets and liabilities may occur. Such a revaluation/ devaluation is not a transaction, so the amounts involved are recorded under revaluation adjustments. In addition, any outstanding balances between the two merged institutions are cancelled. This decrease in the cross-positions between the merging MFIs and the disappearance from the banking system of their shares, is not a financial transaction and, therefore, an adjustment to remove its impact from the flow statistics must be included under reclassifications and other adjustments with a negative sign. Useful information sources for the identification of these adjustments may be the final set of assets and liabilities recorded by each of the two merged institutions and the first set of assets and liabilities recorded for the new institution as a whole. (ii) Division of one reporting institution into two different reporting institutions Page 22 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM This refers to the division of an MFI into two separate MFIs. This operation is the opposite of a merger. However, any change in the valuation of assets/ liabilities has the same impact as in a merger. Also, balances vis-à-vis other institutions can include amounts between the two institutions that are not due to transactions. Such amounts are included as an adjustment in reclassifications and other adjustments, with a positive sign. (iii) Merger between two institutions or acquisition of one institution by another one, when one of the institutions does not belong to the reporting sector. This case refers to the merger of an MFI with a non-MFI or the acquisition by an MFI of a non-MFI. In such case, the assets/ liabilities of the non-MFI taken over by the MFI have not arisen due to transactions but have been, instead, brought into the MFI sector from another (non-MFI) sector. As such, all balance sheet positions, including the decreases in crosspositions, between the merging institutions should be reported as reclassifications and other adjustments with a positive sign. A reasonable methodology would be to compare the two balance sheets of the reporting entity, with and without the incorporation of the acquired non-MFI’s assets/ liabilities, and the differences arising from the comparison be reported under reclassifications and other adjustments. (i) Institutions joining or leaving the MFI sector From time to time, there are cases where an institution may join the MFI sector or an existing institution may leave the MFI sector. For example, an existing institution of the Cyprus MFI reporting population may decide to cease operating in Cyprus. On the contrary, an overseas Bank may establish presence and operations in Cyprus, joining thus the Cyprus MFI reporting population. Page 23 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM To the extent that the joining institution starts its business ex novo after having joined the MFI sector and/or the leaving institution runs down its business gradually prior to leaving the MFI sector, such cases do not give rise to flows adjustments. This is because the consequent changes in assets and liabilities from period to period represent real transactions. In cases, however, where assets and liabilities are transferred into the MFI sector (by the joining institution) or out of the MFI sector (by the leaving institution) these should be reported under reclassifications and other adjustments. Transfers of assets/liabilities into the sector should be reported with positive signs at the end of the month in which it joins, whereas transfers out of the sector should be reported with negative signs at the time of its exit from the MFI sector. The above is necessary so that the changes in balance sheet values from period to period are not erroneously taken as arising from transactions. (j) Special Purpose Entities (SPEs) It should be noted that, in submitting the FARs, where required, both revaluation and reclassification adjustments which relate to special purpose entities (eg. a loan by an MFI to an SPE, a deposit by an SPE with an MFI, etc) must be reported separately as provided in Section III “Technical Requirements”. Page 24 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM PART 2 3.1 FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 STATISTICAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR LOAN SECURITISATIONS AND OTHER LOAN TRANSFERS Definitions: “Securitisation” means a transaction that is either: (a) a traditional securitisation as defined in Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013; meaning a transaction or scheme, whereby the credit risk associated with an exposure or pool of exposures is tranched, having both of the following characteristics: i) payments in the transaction or scheme are dependent upon the performance of the exposure or pool of exposures; ii) the subordination or tranches determines the distribution of losses during the ongoing life of the transaction or scheme and/or (b) a securitisation which involves the disposal of the loans being securitised to a Financial Vehicle Corporation (FVC), as defined in Article 1 of Regulation (EU) No. 1075/2013 (ECB/2013/40); meaning a transaction or scheme whereby an entity that is separate from the originator or insurance of reinsurance undertaking and is created for or serves the purpose of the transaction or scheme issues financing instruments to investors, and one or more or the following takes place: i) an asset or pool of assets, or part thereof, is transferred to an entity that is separate from the originator and is created for or serves the purpose of the transaction or scheme, either by the transfer of legal title or beneficial interest of those assets from the originator or through sub-participation; ii) the credit risk of an asset or pool of assets, or part thereof, is transferred through the use of credit derivatives, guarantees or any similar mechanism to the investors in the financing instruments issued by an entity that is separate from the originator and is created for or serves the purpose of the transaction or scheme; Page 25 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 iii) insurance risks are transferred from an insurance or reinsurance undertaking to a separate entity that is created for or serves the purpose of the transaction or scheme, whereby the entity fully funds its exposure to such risks through the issuance of financing instruments, and the repayment rights of the investors in those financing instruments are subordinated to the reinsurance obligations of the entity. “Loan disposal” means the economic transfer of a loan or pool of loans by the reporting agent to a transferee, achieved either by transfer of ownership or by sub-participations. Loans disposed of during a warehousing phase in a securitization are treated as if they were already securitized. Loan acquisition” means the economic transfer of a loan or pool of loans from a transferor to the reporting agent, achieved either by transfer of ownership or by sub-participation. “Servicer” means an MFI which manages loans underlying a securitization or loans that have otherwise been transferred in terms of the collection of principal and interest from the obligors. MFIs shall report the following: (a) The net flow of loans securitizations and other loan transfers carried out during the reporting period. (b) The end-of-period amount outstanding and financial transactions excluding loan disposals and acquisitions during the relevant period in respect of securitized and derecognized loans for which the MFI acts as servicer. (c) The end of period amount outstanding in respect of all loans for which the MFI acts as servicer in a securitization. (d) When applying the International Accounting Standard 39 (IAS 39), the International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (IFRS 9) or similar national accounting rules, the end-of-period amount outstanding in respect of loans disposed of by means of a securitization that has not been derecognized from the balance sheet. Page 26 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM 3.2 Requirements for reporting net flows of loans securitised or otherwise transferred For the purposes of Article 6(a) of Regulation 2013/33, MFIs are required to calculate the items in Schedules 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, 1.2.1 and Schedule 2, as net flows of loans securitised or otherwise disposed of during the relevant period minus loans acquired during the relevant period. Loans transferred to or acquired from non-domestic MFIs are included in the calculation. Loans transferred to or acquired from another domestic MFI, and loans whose transfer occurs as a result of a division of the reporting agent, or of a merger or take-over involving the reporting agent and another domestic MFI, are not included in this calculation. Schedules 1.1 1.1.1 1.2 1.2.1 Net Flows, i.e. Disposals minus acquisitions with an impact on the loan stocks are reported in accordance with Schedules 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2 and 1.2.1, i.e. disposals resulting in derecognition minus acquisitions resulting in recognition or re-recognition. Loans securitised or otherwise transferred to a Financial Vehicle Corporation (FVC) are reported in Schedule 1.1 according to the ESA 2010 counterparty in the loans transfer. Data for FVCs resident in the euro area is additionally reported in Schedule 1.1.1. Further breakdowns by original maturity and purpose of the loan (for some items) are required. Loans securitised or otherwise transferred to other counterparties (except to FVCs) are reported in Schedule 1.2 according to the ESA 2010 counterparty in the loans transfer. Similarly, data for non- domestic euro-area MFIs is reported in Schedule 1.2.1. Schedule 2 Disposals minus acquisitions without an impact on the loans stocks are reported in accordance with Schedule 2, i.e. disposals not resulting in derecognition minus acquisitions not resulting in recognition or re-recognition. Page 27 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 EUROSYSTEM 3.3 Requirements for reporting of securitised and derecognised loans which are serviced Schedules 3.1 & 3.2 MFIs provide data in accordance with Schedules 3.1 and 3.2 on loans securitised and derecognised for which the MFI acts as servicer as follows: 3.1 (a) end-of-period amounts outstanding; and 3.2 (b) financial transactions, excluding loan disposals and acquisitions during the relevant period, i.e. the change in the amounts outstanding which is attributable only to loan principal repayments by borrowers. 3.4 Requirements for reporting the outstanding amounts of loans serviced in a securitisation Schedules 4.1 MFIs provide data on all loans serviced for Financial Vehicle & 4.1.1 Corporations (FVCs) in a securitisation, irrespective of whether the serviced loans or their respective servicing rights are recognised on the reporting agent’s balance sheet. With respect to loans serviced for FVCs resident in other euro area Member States, MFIs provide further breakdowns, by aggregating the serviced loans separately for each Member State in which an FVC is resident. 3.5 Statistical reporting requirements for MFIs applying the IAS39, the IFRS 9 or similar national accounting rules Schedules 5 & 5.1 MFIs applying the IAS 39, the IFRS 9 or similar national accounting rules, report the end-of-month amounts outstanding of loans disposed of by means of a securitisation that have not been subject to derecognition in accordance with Schedules 5 and 5.1. Page 28 of 29 CENTRAL BANK OF CYPRUS EUROSYSTEM 3.6 FLOWS&SEC/DEC.14 Reclassification and revaluation amounts for Securitisations and other Loan transfers Schedules 6.1.RA,6.1.1.RA, 7.1.ROA, 7.1.RA, 8.1.ROA, 8.1.RA, 8.1.1.ROA, 8.1.1.RA, 9.ROA, 9.1.ROA In addition to net flows, transactions and outstanding amounts to be reported in relation to loan securitisations and other loan transfers, as described in para. 3.2 to 3.5, MFIs are required to submit reclassifications and revaluations amounts for data submitted in Schedules 1.1, 1.1.1, 3.1, 4.1, 4.1.1, 5 and 5.1, on a monthly basis, in accordance with the requirements of Schedules 6.1.RA, 6.1.1.RA, 7.1.ROA, 7.1.RA, 8.1.ROA, 8.1.RA, 8.1.1.ROA, 8.1.1.RA, 9.ROA and 9.1.ROA. Page 29 of 29