---------------------[Outline of 14 CFR as of Dec. 6, 1994]------------------Title 14--Aeronautics and Space CHAPTER I--FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SUBCHAPTER A--DEFINITIONS PART 1--DEFINITIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS Sec. 1.1 General definitions. Sec. 1.2 Abbreviations and symbols. Sec. 1.3 Rules of construction. SUBCHAPTER B--PROCEDURAL RULES PART 11--GENERAL RULE-MAKING PROCEDURES Subpart A--General Sec. 11.1 Applicability. Sec. 11.11 Docket. Sec. 11.13 Delegation of authority. Sec. 11.15 Emergency exemptions. Subpart B--Rules Other Than Airspace Assignment and Use Sec. 11.21 Scope. Sec. 11.23 Initiating rule-making procedures. Sec. 11.25 Petitions for rule making or exemptions. Sec. 11.27 Action on petitions for rule making or exemptions. Sec. 11.28 Action on special conditions. Sec. 11.29 Notice of proposed rule making. Sec. 11.31 Participation of interested persons in rulemaking procedures. Sec. 11.33 Additional rule-making proceedings. Sec. 11.35 Participation by Civil Aeronautics Board in rulemaking proceedings. Sec. 11.37 Requests for informal appearances. Subpart C--Processing of Rules Other Than Airworthiness Directives and Airspace Assignment and Use Sec. 11.41 Scope. Sec. 11.43 Processing of petitions for rule making or exemption from parts of this chapter. Sec. 11.45 Issue of notice of proposed rule making. Sec. 11.47 Proceedings after notice of proposed rule making. Sec. 11.49 Adoption of final rules. Sec. 11.51 Denial of petition for rule making. Sec. 11.53 Grant or denial of exemption. Sec. 11.55 Reconsideration of a denial or grant of exemption. Subpart D--Rules and Procedures for Airspace Assignment and Use Sec. 11.61 Scope. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 11.63 11.65 11.67 11.69 11.71 11.73 Filing of proposals. Issue of notice of proposed rule making. Hearings. Adoption of rules or orders. Exemptions. Petitions for rehearing or reconsideration of rules or orders. Sec. 11.75 Petitions for revoking or modifying rules or orders. Subpart E--Processing of Airworthiness Directives Sec. 11.81 Scope. Sec. 11.83 Processing of petitions for rule making or exemption. Sec. 11.85 Issue of notice of proposed rule making. Sec. 11.87 Proceedings after notice of proposed rule making. Sec. 11.89 Adoption of final rules. Sec. 11.91 Grant or denial of exemption. Sec. 11.93 Petitions for reconsideration of rules. Subpart F--Agency Information Collection Requirements Under the Paperwork Reduction Act Sec. 11.101 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act. PART 13--INVESTIGATIVE AND ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 72 Subpart A--Investigative Procedures Sec. 13.1 Reports of violations. Sec. 13.3 Investigations (general). Sec. 13.5 Formal complaints. Sec. 13.7 Records, documents and reports. Subpart B--Administrative Actions Sec. 13.11 Administrative disposition of certain violations. Subpart C--Legal Enforcement Actions Sec. 13.13 Consent orders. Sec. 13.15 Civil penalties: Federal Aviation Act of 1958 involving an amount in controversy in excess of $50,000; an in rem action; seizure of aircraft; or injunctive relief. Sec. 13.16 Civil penalties: Federal Aviation Act of 1958, involving an amount in controversy not exceeding $50,000; Hazardous Materials Transportation Act. Sec. 13.17 Seizure of aircraft. Sec. 13.19 Certificate action. Sec. 13.20 Orders of compliance, cease and desist orders, orders of denial, and other orders. Sec. 13.21 Military personnel. Sec. 13.23 Criminal penalties. Sec. 13.25 Injunctions. Sec. 13.27 Final order of Hearing Officer in certificate of aircraft registration proceedings. Subpart D--Rules of Practice for FAA Hearings Sec. 13.31 Applicability. Sec. 13.33 Appearances. Sec. 13.35 Request for hearing. Sec. 13.37 Hearing Officer's powers. Sec. 13.39 Disqualification of Hearing Officer. Sec. 13.41 [Reserved] Sec. 13.43 Service and filing of pleadings, motions, and documents. Sec. 13.44 Computation of time and extension of time. Sec. 13.45 Amendment of notice and answer. Sec. 13.47 Withdrawal of notice or request for hearing. Sec. 13.49 Motions. Sec. 13.51 Intervention. Sec. 13.53 Depositions. Sec. 13.55 Notice of hearing. Sec. 13.57 Subpoenas and witness fees. Sec. 13.59 Evidence. Sec. 13.61 Argument and submittals. Sec. 13.63 Record. Subpart E--Orders of Compliance Under the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act Sec. 13.71 Applicability. Sec. 13.73 Notice of proposed order of compliance. Sec. 13.75 Reply or request for hearing. Sec. 13.77 Consent order of compliance. Sec. 13.79 Hearing. Sec. 13.81 Order of immediate compliance. Sec. 13.83 Appeal. Sec. 13.85 Filing, service and computation of time. Sec. 13.87 Extension of time. Subpart F--Formal Fact-Finding Investigation Under an Order of Investigation Sec. 13.101 Sec. 13.103 Sec. 13.105 Sec. 13.107 Sec. 13.109 Sec. 13.111 Sec. 13.113 Sec. 13.115 Sec. 13.117 Applicability. Order of investigation. Notification. Designation of additional parties. Convening the investigation. Subpoenas. Noncompliance with the investigative process. Public proceedings. Conduct of investigative proceeding or deposition. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 13.119 13.121 13.123 13.125 13.127 13.129 13.131 Rights of persons against self-incrimination. Witness fees. Submission by party to the investigation. Depositions. Reports, decisions and orders. Post-investigation action. Other procedures. Subpart G--Rules of Practice in FAA Civil Penalty Actions Sec. 13.201 Applicability. Sec. 13.202 Definitions. Sec. 13.203 Separation of functions. Sec. 13.204 Appearances and rights of parties. Sec. 13.205 Administrative law judges. Sec. 13.206 Intervention. Sec. 13.207 Certification of documents. Sec. 13.208 Complaint. Sec. 13.209 Answer. Sec. 13.210 Filing of documents. Sec. 13.211 Service of documents. Sec. 13.212 Computation of time. Sec. 13.213 Extension of time. Sec. 13.214 Amendment of pleadings. Sec. 13.215 Withdrawal of complaint or request for hearing. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 13.216 Waivers. 13.217 Joint procedural or discovery schedule. 13.218. Motions. 13.219 Interlocutory appeals. 13.220 Discovery. 13.221 Notice of hearing. 13.222 Evidence. 13.223 Standard of proof. 13.224 Burden of proof. 13.225 Offer of proof. 13.226 Public disclosure of evidence. 13.227 Expert or opinion witnesses. 13.228 Subpoenas. 13.229 Witness fees. 13.230 Record. 13.231 Argument before the administrative law judge. 13.232 Initial decision. 13.233 Appeal from initial decision. 13.234 Petition to reconsider or modify a final decision and order of the FAA decisionmaker on appeal. Sec. 13.235 Judicial review of a final decision and order. PART 14--RULES IMPLEMENTING THE EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT OF 1980 Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. 14.01 Purpose of these rules. Sec. 14.02 Proceedings covered. Sec. 14.03 Eligibility of applicants. Sec. 14.04 Standards for awards. Sec. 14.05 Allowance fees and expenses. Subpart B--Information Required From Applicants Sec. 14.10 Contents of application. Sec. 14.11 Net worth exhibit. Sec. 14.12 Documentation of fees and expenses. Subpart C--Procedures for Considering Applications Sec. 14.20 When an application may be filed. Sec. 14.21 Filing and service of documents. Sec. 14.22 Answer to application. Sec. 14.23 Reply. Sec. 14.24 Comments by other parties. Sec. 14.25 Settlement. Sec. 14.26 Further proceedings. Sec. 14.27 Decision. Sec. 14.28 Review by FAA decisionmaker. Sec. 14.29 Judicial review. Sec. 14.30 Payment of award. PART 15--ADMINISTRATIVE CLAIMS UNDER FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS ACT Subpart A--General Procedures Sec. 15.1 Scope of regulations. Sec. 15.3 Administrative claim, when presented; appropriate office. Sec. 15.5 Administrative claim, who may file. Sec. 15.7 Administrative claims; evidence and information to be submitted. Sec. 15.9 Investigation and examination. Subpart B--Indemnification Under Section 1118 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. Sec. 15.101 Applicability. Sec. 15.103 Exclusions. Sec. 15.105 Filing of requests for indemnification. Sec. 15.107 Notification requirements. Sec. 15.109 Settlements. Sec. 15.111 Conduct of litigation. Sec. 15.113 Indemnification agreements. Sec. 15.115 Payment. SUBCHAPTER C--AIRCRAFT PART 21--CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 26 Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 27-5 [Removed. 55 FR 32859, Aug. 10, 1990] SFAR No. 27-5 [Removed. 55 FR 32860, Aug. 10, 1990] SFAR No. 29-4 SFAR No. 41 Subpart A--General Sec. 21.1 Applicability. Sec. 21.2 Falsification of applications, reports, or records. Sec. 21.3 Reporting of failures, malfunctions, and defects. Sec. 21.5 Airplane or Rotorcraft Flight Manual. Subpart B--Type Certificates Sec. 21.11 Applicability. Sec. 21.13 Eligibility. Sec. 21.15 Application for type certificate. Sec. 21.16 Special conditions. Sec. 21.17 Designation of applicable regulations. Sec. 21.19 Changes requiring a new type certificate. Sec. 21.21 Issue of type certificate: normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter, and transport category aircraft; manned free balloons; special classes of aircraft; aircraft engines; propellers. Sec. 21.23 [Reserved] Sec. 21.24 Issuance of type certificate: primary category aircraft. Sec. 21.25 Issue of type certificate: Restricted category aircraft. Sec. 21.27 Issue of type certificate: surplus aircraft of the Armed Forces. Sec. 21.29 Issue of type certificate: import products. Sec. 21.31 Type design. Sec. 21.33 Inspection and tests. Sec. 21.35 Flight tests. Sec. 21.37 Flight test pilot. Sec. 21.39 Flight test instrument calibration and correction report. Sec. 21.41 Type certificate. Sec. 21.43 Location of manufacturing facilities. Sec. 21.45 Privileges. Sec. 21.47 Transferability. Sec. 21.49 Availability. Sec. 21.50 Instructions for continued airworthiness and manufacturer's maintenance manuals having airworthiness limitations sections. Sec. 21.51 Duration. Sec. 21.53 Statement of conformity. Subpart C--Provisional Type Certificates Sec. 21.71 Applicability. Sec. 21.73 Eligibility. Sec. 21.75 Application. Sec. 21.77 Duration. Sec. 21.79 Transferability. Sec. 21.81 Requirements for issue and amendment of Class I provisional type certificates. Sec. 21.83 Requirements for issue and amendment of Class II provisional type certificates. Sec. 21.85 Provisional amendments to type certificates. Subpart D--Changes to Type Certificates Sec. 21.91 Applicability. Sec. 21.93 Classification of changes in type design. Sec. 21.95 Approval of minor changes in type design. Sec. 21.97 Approval of major changes in type design. Sec. 21.99 Required design changes. Sec. 21.101 Designation of applicable regulations. Subpart E--Supplemental Type Certificates Sec. 21.111 Applicability. Sec. 21.113 Requirement of supplemental type certificate. Sec. 21.115 Applicable requirements. Sec. 21.117 Issue of supplemental type certificates. Sec. 21.119 Privileges. Subpart F--Production Under Type Certificate Only Sec. 21.121 Applicability. Sec. 21.123 Production under type certificate. Sec. 21.125 Production inspection system: Materials Review Board. Sec. 21.127 Tests: aircraft. Sec. 21.128 Tests: aircraft engines. Sec. 21.129 Tests: propellers. Sec. 21.130 Statement of conformity. Subpart G--Production Certificates Sec. 21.131 Applicability. Sec. 21.133 Eligibility. Sec. 21.135 Requirements for issuance. Sec. 21.137 Location of manufacturing facilities. Sec. 21.139 Quality control. Sec. 21.143 Quality control data requirements; prime manufacturer. Sec. 21.147 Changes in quality control system. Sec. 21.149 Multiple products. Sec. 21.151 Production limitation record. Sec. 21.153 Amendment of the production certificates. Sec. 21.155 Transferability. Sec. 21.157 Inspections and tests. Sec. 21.159 Duration. Sec. 21.161 Display. Sec. 21.163 Privileges. Sec. 21.165 Responsibility of holder. Subpart H -- Airworthiness Certificates Sec. 21.171 Applicability. Sec. 21.173 Eligibility. Sec. 21.175 Airworthiness certificates: classification. Sec. 21.177 Amendment or modification. Sec. 21.179 Transferability. Sec. 21.181 Duration. Sec. 21.182 Aircraft identification. Sec. 21.183 Issue of standard airworthiness certificates for normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter, and transport category aircraft; manned free balloons; and special classes of aircraft. Sec. 21.184 Issue of special airworthiness certificates for primary category aircraft. Sec. 21.185 Issue of airworthiness certificates for restricted category aircraft. Sec. 21.187 Issue of multiple airworthiness certification. Sec. 21.189 Issue of airworthiness certificate for limited category aircraft. Sec. 21.191 Experimental certificates. Sec. 21.193 Experimental certificates: general. Sec. 21.195 Experimental certificates: Aircraft to be used for market surveys, sales demonstrations, and customer crew training. Sec. 21.197 Special flight permits. Sec. 21.199 Issue of special flight permits. Subpart I--Provisional Airworthiness Certificates Sec. 21.211 Applicability. Sec. 21.213 Eligibility. Sec. 21.215 Application. Sec. 21.217 Duration. Sec. 21.219 Transferability. Sec. 21.221 Class I provisional airworthiness certificates. Sec. 21.223 Class II provisional airworthiness certificates. Sec. 21.225 Provisional airworthiness certificates corresponding with provisional amendments to type certificates. Subpart J--Delegation Option Authorization Procedures Sec. 21.231 Applicability. Sec. 21.235 Application. Sec. 21.239 Eligibility. Sec. 21.243 Duration. Sec. 21.245 Maintenance of eligibility. Sec. 21.247 Transferability. Sec. 21.249 Inspections. Sec. 21.251 Limits of applicability. Sec. 21.253 Type certificates: application. Sec. 21.257 Type certificates: issue. Sec. 21.261 Equivalent safety provisions. Sec. 21.267 Production certificates. Sec. 21.269 Export airworthiness approvals. Sec. 21.271 Airworthiness approval tags. Sec. 21.273 Airworthiness certificates other than experimental. Sec. 21.275 Experimental certificates. Sec. 21.277 Data review and service experience. Sec. 21.289 Major repairs, rebuilding and alteration. Sec. 21.293 Current records. Subpart K--Approval of Materials, Parts, Processes, and Appliances Sec. 21.301 Applicability. Sec. 21.303 Replacement and modification parts. Sec. 21.305 Approval of materials, parts, processes, and appliances. Subpart L--Export Airworthiness Approvals Sec. 21.321 Applicability. Sec. 21.323 Eligibility. Sec. 21.325 Export airworthiness approvals. Sec. 21.327 Application. Sec. 21.329 Issue of export certificates of airworthiness for Class I products. Sec. 21.331 Issue of airworthiness approval tags for Class II products. Sec. 21.333 Issue of export airworthiness approval tags for Class III products. Sec. 21.335 Responsibilities of exporters. Sec. 21.337 Performance of inspections and overhauls. Sec. 21.339 Special export airworthiness approval for aircraft. Subpart M--Designated Alteration Station Authorization Procedures Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 21.431 21.435 21.439 21.441 21.443 21.445 21.447 21.449 21.451 21.461 21.463 21.473 Applicability. Application. Eligibility. Procedure manual. Duration. Maintenance of eligibility. Transferability. Inspections. Limits of applicability. Equivalent safety provisions. Supplemental type certificates. Airworthiness certificates other than experimental. Sec. 21.475 Experimental certificates. Sec. 21.477 Data review and service experience. Sec. 21.493 Current records. Subpart N--Approval of Engines, Propellers, Materials, Parts, and Appliances: Import Sec. 21.500 Approval of engines and propellers. Sec. 21.502 Approval of materials, parts, and appliances. Subpart O--Technical Standard Order Authorizations Sec. 21.601 Applicability. Sec. 21.603 TSO marking and privileges. Sec. 21.605 Application and issue. Sec. 21.607 General rules governing holders of TSO authorizations. Sec. 21.609 Approval for deviation. Sec. 21.611 Design changes. Sec. 21.613 Recordkeeping requirements. Sec. 21.615 FAA inspection. Sec. 21.617 Issue of letters of TSO design approval: import appliances. Sec. 21.619 Noncompliance. Sec. 21.621 Transferability and duration. PART 23--AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: NORMAL, UTILITY, ACROBATIC, AND COMMUTER CATEGORY AIRPLANES Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 23 SFAR No. 41 Subpart A--General Sec. 23.1 Applicability. Sec. 23.2 Special retroactive requirements. Sec. 23.3 Airplane categories. Subpart B--Flight General Sec. 23.21 Proof of compliance. Sec. 23.23 Load distribution limits. Sec. 23.25 Weight limits. Sec. 23.29 Empty weight and corresponding center of gravity. Sec. 23.31 Removable ballast. Sec. 23.33 Propeller speed and pitch limits. Performance Sec. 23.45 General. Sec. 23.49 Stalling speed. Sec. 23.51 Takeoff. Sec. 23.53 Takeoff speeds. Sec. 23.55 Accelerate-stop distance. Sec. 23.57 Takeoff path. Sec. 23.59 Takeoff distance and takeoff run. Sec. 23.61 Takeoff flight path. Sec. 23.65 Climb: All engines operating. Sec. 23.67 Climb: one engine inoperative. Sec. 23.75 Landing. Sec. 23.77 Balked landing. Flight Characteristics Sec. 23.141 General. Controllability and Maneuverability Sec. 23.143 General. Sec. 23.145 Longitudinal control. Sec. 23.147 Directional and lateral control. Sec. 23.149 Minimum control speed. Sec. 23.151 Acrobatic maneuvers. Sec. 23.153 Control during landings. Sec. 23.155 Elevator control force in maneuvers. Sec. 23.157 Rate of roll. Trim Sec. 23.161 Trim. Stability Sec. 23.171 General. Sec. 23.173 Static longitudinal stability. Sec. 23.175 Demonstration of static longitudinal stability. Sec. 23.177 Static directional and lateral stability. Sec. 23.179 [Removed. Amdt. No. 23-45, 58 FR 42158, Aug. 6, 1993] Sec. 23.181 Dynamic stability. Stalls Sec. 23.201 Wings level stall. Sec. 23.203 Turning flight and accelerated stalls. Sec. 23.205 Critical engine inoperative stalls. Sec. 23.207 Stall warning. Spinning Sec. 23.221 Spinning. Ground and Water Handling Characteristics Sec. 23.231 Longitudinal stability and control. Sec. 23.233 Directional stability and control. Sec. 23.235 Taxiing, takeoff, and landing condition. Sec. 23.239 Spray characteristics. Miscellaneous Flight Requirements Sec. 23.251 Vibration and buffeting. Sec. 23.253 High speed characteristics. Subpart C--Structure General Sec. 23.301 Loads. Sec. 23.302 Canard or tandem wing configurations. Sec. 23.303 Factor of safety. Sec. 23.305 Strength and deformation. Sec. 23.307 Proof of structure. Flight Loads Sec. 23.321 General. Sec. 23.331 Symmetrical flight conditions. Sec. 23.333 Flight envelope. Sec. 23.335 Design airspeeds. Sec. 23.337 Limit maneuvering load factors. Sec. 23.341 Gust loads factors. Sec. 23.345 High lift devices. Sec. 23.347 Unsymmetrical flight conditions. Sec. 23.349 Rolling conditions. Sec. 23.351 Yawing conditions. Sec. 23.361 Engine torque. Sec. 23.363 Side load on engine mount. Sec. 23.365 Pressurized cabin loads. Sec. 23.367 Unsymmetrical loads due to engine failure. Sec. 23.369 Rear lift truss. Sec. 23.371 Gyroscopic and areodynamic loads. Sec. 23.373 Speed control devices. Control Surface and System Loads Sec. 23.391 Control surface loads. Sec. 23.395 Control system loads. Sec. 23.397 Limit control forces and torques. Sec. 23.399 Dual control system. Sec. 23.405 Secondary control system. Sec. 23.407 Trim tab effects. Sec. 23.409 Tabs. Sec. 23.415 Ground gust conditions. Horizontal Stabilizing and Balancing Surfaces Sec. 23.421 Balancing loads. Sec. 23.423 Maneuvering loads. Sec. 23.425 Gust loads. Sec. 23.427 Unsymmetrical loads. Vertical Surfaces Sec. 23.441 Maneuvering loads. Sec. 23.443 Gust loads. Sec. 23.445 Outboard fins or winglets. Ailerons, Wing Flaps, and Special Devices Sec. 23.455 Ailerons. Sec. 23.457 Wing flaps. Sec. 23.459 Special devices. Ground Loads Sec. 23.471 General. Sec. 23.473 Ground load conditions and assumptions. Sec. 23.477 Landing gear arrangement. Sec. 23.479 Level landing conditions. Sec. 23.481 Tail down landing conditions. Sec. 23.483 One-wheel landing conditions. Sec. 23.485 Side load conditions. Sec. 23.493 Braked roll conditions. Sec. 23.497 Supplementary conditions for tail wheels. Sec. 23.499 Supplementary conditions for nose wheels. Sec. 23.505 Supplementary conditions for skiplanes. Sec. 23.507 Jacking loads. Sec. 23.509 Towing loads. Sec. 23.511 Ground load; unsymmetrical loads on multiplewheel units. Water Loads Sec. 23.521 Water load conditions. Sec. 23.523 Design weights and center of gravity positions. Sec. 23.525 Application of loads. Sec. 23.527 Hull and main float load factors. Sec. 23.529 Hull and main float landing conditions. Sec. 23.531 Hull and main float takeoff condition. Sec. 23.533 Hull and main float bottom pressures. Sec. 23.535 Auxiliary float loads. Sec. 23.537 Seawing loads. Emergency Landing Conditions Sec. 23.561 General. Sec. 23.562 Emergency landing dynamic conditions. Fatigue Evaluation Sec. 23.571 Pressurized cabin. Sec. 23.572 Wing, empennage, and associated structures. Sec. 23.573 Damage tolerance and fatigue evaluation of structure. Subpart D--Design and Construction Sec. 23.601 General. Sec. 23.603 Materials and workmanship. Sec. 23.605 Fabrication methods. Sec. 23.607 Self-locking nuts. Sec. 23.609 Protection of structure. Sec. 23.611 Accessibility. Sec. 23.613 Material strength properties and design values. Sec. 23.615 [Removed. Amdt. No. 23-45, 58 FR 42164, Aug. 6, 1993] Sec. 23.619 Special factors. Sec. 23.621 Casting factors. Sec. 23.623 Bearing factors. Sec. 23.625 Fitting factors. Sec. 23.627 Fatigue strength. Sec. 23.629 Flutter. Wings Sec. 23.641 Proof of strength. Control Surfaces Sec. 23.651 Proof of strength. Sec. 23.655 Installation. Sec. 23.657 Hinges. Sec. 23.659 Mass balance. Control Systems Sec. 23.671 General. Sec. 23.672 Stability augmentation and automatic and poweroperated systems. Sec. 23.673 Primary flight controls. Sec. 23.675 Stops. Sec. 23.677 Trim systems. Sec. 23.679 Control system locks. Sec. 23.681 Limit load static tests. Sec. 23.683 Operation tests. Sec. 23.685 Control system details. Sec. 23.687 Spring devices. Sec. 23.689 Cable systems. Sec. 23.693 Joints. Sec. 23.697 Wing flap controls. Sec. 23.699 Wing flap position indicator. Sec. 23.701 Flap interconnection. Landing Gear Sec. 23.721 General. Sec. 23.723 Shock absorption tests. Sec. 23.725 Limit drop tests. Sec. 23.726 Ground load dynamic tests. Sec. 23.727 Reserve energy absorption drop test. Sec. 23.729 Landing gear extension and retraction system. Sec. 23.731 Wheels. Sec. 23.733 Tires. Sec. 23.735 Brakes. Sec. 23.737 Skis. Floats and Hulls Sec. 23.751 Main float buoyancy. Sec. 23.753 Main float design. Sec. 23.755 Hulls. Sec. 23.757 Auxiliary floats. Personnel and Cargo Accommodations Sec. 23.771 Pilot compartment. Sec. 23.773 Pilot compartment view. Sec. 23.775 Windshields and windows. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 23.777 23.779 23.781 23.783 23.785 Cockpit controls. Motion and effect of cockpit controls. Cockpit control knob shape. Doors. Seats, berths, litters, safety belts, and shoulder harnesses. Sec. 23.787 Baggage and cargo compartments. Sec. 23.803 Emergency evacuation. Sec. 23.805 Flightcrew emergency exits. Sec. 23.807 Emergency exits. Sec. 23.811 Emergency exit marking. Sec. 23.812 Emergency lighting. Sec. 23.813 Emergency exit access. Sec. 23.815 Width of aisle. Sec. 23.831 Ventilation. Pressurization Sec. 23.841 Pressurized cabins. Sec. 23.843 Pressurization tests. Fire Protection Sec. 23.851 Fire extinguishers. Sec. 23.853 Compartment interiors. Sec. 23.859 Combustion heater fire protection. Sec. 23.863 Flammable fluid fire protection. Sec. 23.865 Fire protection of flight controls, engine mounts, and other flight structure. Lightning Evaluation Sec. 23.867 Lightning protection of structure. Miscellaneous Sec. 23.871 Leveling means. Subpart E--Powerplant General Sec. 23.901 Installation. Sec. 23.903 Engines. Sec. 23.904 Automatic power reserve system. Sec. 23.905 Propellers. Sec. 23.907 Propeller vibration. Sec. 23.909 Turbocharger systems. Sec. 23.925 Propeller clearance. Sec. 23.929 Engine installation ice protection. Sec. 23.933 Reversing systems. Sec. 23.934 Turbojet and turbofan engine thrust reverser systems tests. Sec. 23.937 Turbopropeller-drag limiting systems. Sec. 23.939 Powerplant operating characteristics. Sec. 23.943 Negative acceleration. Fuel System Sec. 23.951 General. Sec. 23.953 Fuel system independence. Sec. 23.954 Fuel system lightning protection. Sec. 23.955 Fuel flow. Sec. 23.957 Flow between interconnected tanks. Sec. 23.959 Unusable fuel supply. Sec. 23.961 Fuel system hot weather operation. Sec. 23.963 Fuel tanks: general. Sec. 23.965 Fuel tank tests. Sec. 23.967 Fuel tank installation. Sec. 23.969 Fuel tank expansion space Sec. 23.971 Fuel tank sump. Sec. 23.973 Fuel tank filler connection. Sec. 23.975 Fuel tank vents and carburetor vapor vents. Sec. 23.977 Fuel tank outlet. Sec. 23.979 Pressure fueling systems. Fuel System Components Sec. 23.991 Fuel pumps. Sec. 23.993 Fuel system lines and fittings. Sec. 23.994 Fuel system components. Sec. 23.995 Fuel valves and controls. Sec. 23.997 Fuel strainer or filter. Sec. 23.999 Fuel system drains. Sec. 23.1001 Fuel jettisoning system. Oil System Sec. 23.1011 General. Sec. 23.1013 Oil tanks. Sec. 23.1015 Oil tank tests. Sec. 23.1017 Oil lines and fittings. Sec. 23.1019 Oil strainer or filter. Sec. 23.1021 Oil system drains. Sec. 23.1023 Oil radiators. Sec. 23.1027 Propeller feathering system. Cooling Sec. 23.1041 General. Sec. 23.1043 Cooling tests. Sec. 23.1045 Cooling test procedures for turbine engine powered airplanes. Sec. 23.1047 Cooling test procedures for reciprocating enginepowered airplanes. Liquid Cooling Sec. 23.1061 Installation. Sec. 23.1063 Coolant tank tests. Induction System Sec. 23.1091 Air induction system. Sec. 23.1093 Induction system icing protection. Sec. 23.1095 Carburetor deicing fluid flow rate. Sec. 23.1097 Carburetor deicing fluid system capacity. Sec. 23.1099 Carburetor deicing fluid system detail design. Sec. 23.1101 Sec. 23.1103 Sec. 23.1105 Sec. 23.1107 Sec. 23.1109 Sec. 23.1111 Exhaust System Sec. 23.1121 Induction air preheater design. Induction system ducts. Induction system screens. Induction system filters. Turbocharger bleed air system. Turbine engine bleed air system. General. Sec. 23.1123 Exhaust system. Sec. 23.1125 Exhaust heat exchangers. Powerplant Controls and Accessories Sec. 23.1141 Powerplant controls: general. Sec. 23.1142 Auxiliary power unit controls. Sec. 23.1143 Engine controls. Sec. 23.1145 Ignition switches. Sec. 23.1147 Mixture controls. Sec. 23.1149 Propeller speed and pitch controls. Sec. 23.1153 Propeller feathering controls. Sec. 23.1155 Turbine engine reverse thrust and propeller pitch settings below the flight regime. Sec. 23.1157 Carburetor air temperature controls. Sec. 23.1163 Powerplant accessories. Sec. 23.1165 Engine ignition systems. Sec. 23.1181 Designated fire zones; regions included. Powerplant Fire Protection Sec. 23.1182 Nacelle areas behind firewalls. Sec. 23.1183 Lines, fittings, and components. Sec. 23.1189 Shutoff means. Sec. 23.1191 Firewalls. Sec. 23.1192 Engine accessory compartment diaphragm. Sec. 23.1193 Cowling and nacelle. Sec. 23.1195 Fire extinguishing systems. Sec. 23.1197 Fire extinguishing agents. Sec. 23.1199 Extinguishing agent containers. Sec. 23.1201 Fire extinguishing system materials. Sec. 23.1203 Fire detector system. Subpart F--Equipment General Sec. 23.1301 Function and installation. Sec. 23.1303 Flight and navigation instruments. Sec. 23.1305 Powerplant instruments. Sec. 23.1307 Miscellaneous equipment. Sec. 23.1309 Equipment, systems, and installations. Instruments: Installation Sec. 23.1311 Electronic display instrument systems. Sec. 23.1321 Arrangement and visibility. Sec. 23.1322 Warning, caution, and advisory lights. Sec. 23.1323 Airspeed indicating system. Sec. 23.1325 Static pressure system. Sec. 23.1327 Magnetic direction indicator. Sec. 23.1329 Automatic pilot system. Sec. 23.1331 Instruments using a power source. Sec. 23.1335 Flight director systems. Sec. 23.1337 Powerplant instruments. Electrical Systems and Equipment Sec. 23.1351 General. Sec. 23.1353 Storage battery design and installation. Sec. 23.1357 Circuit protective devices. Sec. 23.1361 Master switch arrangement. Sec. 23.1365 Electric cables and equipment. Sec. 23.1367 Switches. Lights Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 23.1381 23.1383 23.1385 23.1387 23.1389 23.1391 Instrument lights. Landing lights. Position light system installation. Position light system dihedral angles. Position light distribution and intensities. Minimum intensities in the horizontal plane of position lights. Sec. 23.1393 Minimum intensities in any vertical plane of position lights. Sec. 23.1395 Maximum intensities in overlapping beams of position lights. Sec. 23.1397 Color specifications. Sec. 23.1399 Riding light. Sec. 23.1401 Anticollision light system. Safety Equipment Sec. 23.1411 General. Sec. 23.1413 Safety belts and harnesses. Sec. 23.1415 Ditching equipment. Sec. 23.1416 Pneumatic de-icer boot system. Sec. 23.1419 Ice protection. Miscellaneous Equipment Sec. 23.1431 Electronic equipment. Sec. 23.1435 Hydraulic systems. Sec. 23.1437 Accessories for multiengine airplanes. Sec. 23.1438 Pressurization and pneumatic systems. Sec. 23.1441 Oxygen equipment and supply. Sec. 23.1443 Minimum mass flow of supplemental oxygen. Sec. 23.1445 Oxygen distribution system. Sec. 23.1447 Equipment standards for oxygen dispensing units. Sec. 23.1449 Means for determining use of oxygen. Sec. 23.1450 Chemical oxygen generators. Sec. 23.1457 Cockpit voice recorders. Sec. 23.1459 Flight recorders. Sec. 23.1461 Equipment containing high energy rotors. Subpart G--Operating Limitations and Information Sec. 23.1501 General. Sec. 23.1505 Airspeed limitations. Sec. 23.1507 Operating maneuvering speed. Sec. 23.1511 Flap extended speed. Sec. 23.1513 Minimum control speed. Sec. 23.1519 Weight and center of gravity. Sec. 23.1521 Powerplant limitations. Sec. 23.1522 Auxiliary power unit limitations. Sec. 23.1523 Minimum flight crew. Sec. 23.1524 Maximum passenger seating configuration. Sec. 23.1525 Kinds of operation. Sec. 23.1527 Maximum operating altitude. Sec. 23.1529 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Markings And Placards Sec. 23.1541 General. Sec. 23.1543 Instrument markings: general. Sec. 23.1545 Airspeed indicator. Sec. 23.1547 Magnetic direction indicator. Sec. 23.1549 Powerplant and auxiliary power unit instruments. Sec. 23.1551 Oil quantity indicator. Sec. 23.1553 Fuel quantity indicator. Sec. 23.1555 Control markings. Sec. 23.1557 Miscellaneous markings and placards. Sec. 23.1559 Operating limitations placard. Sec. 23.1561 Safety equipment. Sec. 23.1563 Airspeed placards. Sec. 23.1567 Flight maneuver placard. Airplane Flight Manual and Approved Manual Material Sec. 23.1581 General. Sec. 23.1583 Operating limitations. Sec. 23.1585 Operating procedures. Sec. 23.1587 Performance information. Sec. 23.1589 Loading information. Appendix A to Part 23--Simplified Design Load Criteria for Conventional, Single-Engine Airplanes of 6,000 Pounds or Less Maximum Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Weight B to Part C to Part D to Part E to Part 23--[Reserved] 23--Basic Landing Conditions 23--Wheel Spin-Up and Spring-Back Loads 23--Limited Weight Credit for Airplanes Equipped With Standby Power Appendix F to Part 23--Test Procedure Appendix G to Part 23--Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Appendix H to Part 23--Installation of An Automatic Power Reserve (APR) System Appendix I to Part 23--Seaplane Loads PART 25--AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY AIRPLANES Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 13 Subpart A--General Sec. 25.1 Applicability. Sec. 25.2 Special retroactive requirements. Subpart B--Flight General Sec. 25.21 Proof of compliance. Sec. 25.23 Load distribution limits. Sec. 25.25 Weight limits. Sec. 25.27 Center of gravity limits. Sec. 25.29 Empty weight and corresponding center of gravity. Sec. 25.31 Removable ballast. Sec. 25.33 Propeller speed and pitch limits. Performance Sec. 25.101 General. Sec. 25.103 Stalling speed. Sec. 25.105 Takeoff. Sec. 25.107 Takeoff speeds. Sec. 25.109 Accelerate-stop distance. Sec. 25.111 Takeoff path. Sec. 25.113 Takeoff distance and takeoff run. Sec. 25.115 Takeoff flight path. Sec. 25.117 Climb: general. Sec. 25.119 Landing climb: All-engine-operating. Sec. 25.121 Climb: One-engine-inoperative. Sec. 25.123 En route flight paths. Sec. 25.125 Landing. Controllability and Maneuverability Sec. 25.143 General. Sec. 25.145 Longitudinal control. Sec. 25.147 Directional and lateral control. Sec. 25.149 Minimum control speed. Trim Sec. 25.161 Trim. Stability Sec. 25.171 General. Sec. 25.173 Static longitudinal stability. Sec. 25.175 Demonstration of static longitudinal stability. Sec. Sec. Stalls Sec. Sec. Sec. 25.177 Static lateral-directional stability. 25.181 Dynamic stability. Sec. Ground Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 25.207 Stall warning. and Water Handling Characteristics 25.231 Longitudinal stability and control. 25.233 Directional stability and control. 25.235 Taxiing condition. 25.237 Wind velocities. 25.239 Spray characteristics, control, and stability 25.201 Stall demonstration. 25.203 Stall characteristics. 25.205 [Removed. Amdt. 25-72, 55 FR 29775, July 20, 1990] on water. Miscellaneous Flight Requirements Sec. 25.251 Vibration and buffeting. Sec. 25.253 High-speed characteristics. Sec. 25.255 Out-of-trim characteristics. Subpart C--Structure General Sec. 25.301 Loads. Sec. 25.303 Factor of safety. Sec. 25.305 Strength and deformation. Sec. 25.307 Proof of structure. Flight Loads Sec. 25.321 General. Flight Maneuver and Gust Conditions Sec. 25.331 General. Sec. 25.333 Flight envelope. Sec. 25.335 Design airspeeds. Sec. 25.337 Limit maneuvering load factors. Sec. 25.341 Gust loads. Sec. 25.343 Design fuel and oil loads. Sec. 25.345 High lift devices. Sec. 25.349 Rolling conditions. Sec. 25.351 Yawing conditions. Supplementary Conditions Sec. 25.361 Engine torque. Sec. 25.363 Side load on engine mount. Sec. 25.365 Pressurized cabin loads. Sec. 25.367 Unsymmetrical loads due to engine failure. Sec. 25.371 Gyroscopic loads. Sec. 25.373 Speed control devices. Control Surface and System Loads Sec. 25.391 Control surface loads: general. Sec. 25.393 Loads parallel to hinge line. Sec. 25.395 Control system. Sec. 25.397 Control system loads. Sec. 25.399 Dual control system. Sec. 25.405 Secondary control system. Sec. 25.407 Trim tab effects. Sec. 25.409 Tabs. Sec. 25.415 Ground gust conditions. Sec. 25.427 Unsymmetrical loads. Sec. 25.445 Outboard fins. Sec. 25.457 Wing flaps. Sec. 25.459 Special devices. Ground Loads Sec. 25.471 General. Sec. 25.473 Ground load conditions and assumptions. Sec. 25.477 Landing gear arrangement. Sec. 25.479 Level landing conditions. Sec. 25.481 Tail-down landing conditions. Sec. 25.483 One-wheel landing conditions. Sec. 25.485 Side load conditions. Sec. 25.487 Rebound landing condition. Sec. 25.489 Ground handling conditions. Sec. 25.491 Takeoff run. Sec. 25.493 Braked roll conditions. Sec. 25.495 Turning. Sec. 25.497 Tail-wheel yawing. Sec. 25.499 Nose-wheel yaw. Sec. 25.503 Pivoting. Sec. 25.507 Reversed braking. Sec. 25.509 Towing loads. Sec. 25.511 Ground load: unsymmetrical loads on multiplewheel units. Sec. 25.519 Jacking and tie-down provisions. Water Loads Sec. 25.521 General. Sec. 25.523 Design weights and center of gravity positions. Sec. 25.525 Application of loads. Sec. 25.527 Hull and main float load factors. Sec. 25.529 Hull and main float landing conditions. Sec. 25.531 Hull and main float takeoff condition. Sec. 25.533 Hull and main float bottom pressures. Sec. 25.535 Auxiliary float loads. Sec. 25.537 Seawing loads. Emergency Landing Conditions Sec. 25.561 General. Sec. 25.562 Emergency landing dynamic conditions. Sec. 25.563 Structural ditching provisions. Fatigue Evaluation Sec. 25.571 Damage--tolerance and fatigue evaluation of structure. Lightning Protection Sec. 25.581 Lightning protection. Subpart D--Design and Construction General Sec. 25.601 General. Sec. 25.603 Materials. Sec. 25.605 Fabrication methods. Sec. 25.607 Fasteners. Sec. 25.609 Protection of structure. Sec. 25.611 Accessibility provisions. Sec. 25.613 Material strength properties and design values. Sec. 25.615 [Removed. Amdt. 25-72, 55 FR 29776, July 20, 1990] Sec. 25.619 Special factors. Sec. 25.621 Casting factors. Sec. 25.623 Bearing factors. Sec. 25.625 Fitting factors. Sec. 25.629 Aeroelastic stability requirements. Sec. 25.631 Bird strike damage. Control Surfaces Sec. 25.651 Proof of strength. Sec. 25.655 Installation. Sec. 25.657 Hinges. Control Systems Sec. 25.671 General. Sec. 25.672 Stability augmentation and automatic and poweroperated systems. Sec. 25.673 [Removed. Amdt. 25-72, 55 FR 29777, July 20, 1990] Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 25.675 25.677 25.679 25.681 25.683 25.685 25.689 25.693 25.697 25.699 Stops. Trim systems. Control system gust locks. Limit load static tests. Operation tests. Control system details. Cable systems. Joints. Lift and drag devices, controls. Lift and drag device indicator. Sec. 25.701 Flap and slat interconnection. Sec. 25.703 Takeoff warning system. Landing Gear Sec. 25.721 General. Sec. 25.723 Shock absorption tests. Sec. 25.725 Limit drop tests. Sec. 25.727 Reserve energy absorption drop tests. Sec. 25.729 Retracting mechanism. Sec. 25.731 Wheels. Sec. 25.733 Tires. Sec. 25.735 Brakes. Sec. 25.737 Skis. Floats and Hulls Sec. 25.751 Main float buoyancy. Sec. 25.753 Main float design. Sec. 25.755 Hulls. Personnel and Cargo Accommodations Sec. 25.771 Pilot compartment. Sec. 25.772 Pilot compartment doors. Sec. 25.773 Pilot compartment view. Sec. 25.775 Windshields and windows. Sec. 25.777 Cockpit controls. Sec. 25.779 Motion and effect of cockpit controls. Sec. 25.781 Cockpit control knob shape. Sec. 25.783 Doors. Sec. 25.785 Seats, berths, safety belts, and harnesses. Sec. 25.787 Stowage compartments. Sec. 25.789 Retention of items of mass in passenger and crew compartments and galleys. Sec. 25.791 Passenger information signs and placards. Sec. 25.793 Floor surfaces. Emergency Provisions Sec. 25.801 Ditching. Sec. 25.803 Emergency evacuation. Sec. 25.805 [Removed. 55 FR 29781, July 20, 1990] Sec. 25.807 Emergency exits. Sec. 25.809 Emergency exit arrangement. Sec. 25.810 Emergency egress assist means and escape routes. Sec. 25.811 Emergency exit marking. Sec. 25.812 Emergency lighting. Sec. 25.813 Emergency exit access. Sec. 25.815 Width of aisle. Sec. 25.817 Maximum number of seats abreast. Sec. 25.819 Lower deck service compartments (including galleys). Ventilation and Heating Sec. 25.831 Ventilation. Sec. 25.832 Cabin ozone concentration. Sec. 25.833 Combustion heating systems. Pressurization Sec. 25.841 Pressurized cabins. Sec. 25.843 Tests for pressurized cabins. Fire Protection Sec. 25.851 Fire extinguishers. Sec. 25.853 Compartment interiors. Sec. 25.854 Lavatory fire protection. Sec. 25.855 Cargo or baggage compartments. Sec. 25.857 Cargo compartment classification. Sec. 25.858 Cargo compartment fire detection systems. Sec. 25.859 Combustion heater fire protection. Sec. 25.863 Flammable fluid fire protection. Sec. 25.865 Fire protection of flight controls, engine mounts, and other flight structure. Sec. 25.867 Fire protection: other components. Sec. 25.869 Fire protection: systems. Miscellaneous Sec. 25.871 Leveling means. Sec. 25.875 Reinforcement near propellers. Subpart E--Powerplant General Sec. 25.901 Installation. Sec. 25.903 Engines. Sec. 25.904 Automatic takeoff thrust control system (ATTCS). Sec. 25.905 Propellers. Sec. 25.907 Propeller vibration. Sec. 25.925 Propeller clearance. Sec. 25.929 Propeller deicing. Sec. 25.933 Reversing systems. Sec. 25.934 Turbojet engine thrust reverser system tests. Sec. 25.937 Turbopropeller-drag limiting systems. Sec. 25.939 Turbine engine operating characteristics. Sec. 25.941 Inlet, engine, and exhaust compatibility. Sec. 25.943 Negative acceleration. Sec. 25.945 Thrust or power augmentation system. Fuel System Sec. 25.951 General. Sec. 25.952 Fuel system analysis and test. Sec. 25.953 Fuel system independence. Sec. 25.954 Fuel system lightning protection. Sec. 25.955 Fuel flow. Sec. 25.957 Flow between interconnected tanks. Sec. 25.959 Unusable fuel supply. Sec. 25.961 Fuel system hot weather operation. Sec. 25.963 Fuel tanks: general. Sec. 25.965 Fuel tank tests. Sec. 25.967 Fuel tank installations. Sec. 25.969 Fuel tank expansion space. Sec. 25.971 Fuel tank sump. Sec. 25.973 Fuel tank filler connection. Sec. 25.975 Fuel tank vents and carburetor vapor vents. Sec. 25.977 Fuel tank outlet. Sec. 25.979 Pressure fueling system. Sec. 25.981 Fuel tank temperature. Fuel System Components Sec. 25.991 Fuel pumps. Sec. 25.993 Fuel system lines and fittings. Sec. 25.994 Fuel system components. Sec. 25.995 Fuel valves. Sec. 25.997 Fuel strainer or filter. Sec. 25.999 Fuel system drains. Sec. 25.1001 Fuel jettisoning system. Oil System Sec. 25.1011 General. Sec. 25.1013 Oil tanks. Sec. 25.1015 Oil tank tests. Sec. 25.1017 Oil lines and fittings. Sec. 25.1019 Oil strainer or filter. Sec. 25.1021 Oil system drains. Sec. 25.1023 Oil radiators. Sec. 25.1025 Oil valves. Sec. 25.1027 Propeller feathering system. Cooling Sec. 25.1041 General. Sec. 25.1043 Cooling tests. Sec. 25.1045 Cooling test procedures. Induction System Sec. 25.1091 Air induction. Sec. 25.1093 Induction system icing protection. Sec. 25.1101 Carburetor air preheater design. Sec. 25.1103 Induction system ducts and air duct systems. Sec. 25.1105 Induction system screens. Sec. 25.1107 Inter-coolers and after-coolers. Exhaust System Sec. 25.1121 General. Sec. 25.1123 Exhaust piping. Sec. 25.1125 Exhaust heat exchangers. Sec. 25.1127 Exhaust driven turbo-superchargers. Powerplant Controls and Accessories Sec. 25.1141 Powerplant controls: general. Sec. 25.1142 Auxiliary power unit controls. Sec. 25.1143 Engine controls. Sec. 25.1145 Ignition switches. Sec. 25.1147 Mixture controls. Sec. 25.1149 Propeller speed and pitch controls. Sec. 25.1153 Propeller feathering controls. Sec. 25.1155 Reverse thrust and propeller pitch settings below the flight regime. Sec. 25.1157 Carburetor air temperature controls. Sec. 25.1159 Supercharger controls. Sec. 25.1161 Fuel jettisoning system controls. Sec. 25.1163 Powerplant accessories. Sec. 25.1165 Engine ignition systems. Sec. 25.1167 Accessory gearboxes. Powerplant Fire Protection Sec. 25.1181 Designated fire zones; regions included. Sec. 25.1182 Nacelle areas behind firewalls, and engine pod attaching structures containing flammable fluid lines. Sec. 25.1183 Flammable fluid-carrying components. Sec. 25.1185 Flammable fluids. Sec. 25.1187 Drainage and ventilation of fire zones. Sec. 25.1189 Shutoff means. Sec. 25.1191 Firewalls. Sec. 25.1192 Engine accessory section diaphragm. Sec. 25.1193 Cowling and nacelle skin. Sec. 25.1195 Fire extinguishing systems. Sec. 25.1197 Fire extinguishing agents. Sec. 25.1199 Extinguishing agent containers. Sec. 25.1201 Fire extinguishing system materials. Sec. 25.1203 Fire detector system. Sec. 25.1207 Compliance. Subpart F--Equipment General Sec. 25.1301 Function and installation. Sec. 25.1303 Flight and navigation instruments. Sec. 25.1305 Powerplant instruments. Sec. 25.1307 Miscellaneous equipment. Sec. 25.1309 Equipment, systems, and installations. Sec. 25.1316 System lightning protection. Instruments: Installation Sec. 25.1321 Arrangement and visibility. Sec. 25.1322 Warning, caution, and advisory lights. Sec. 25.1323 Airspeed indicating system. Sec. 25.1325 Static pressure systems. Sec. 25.1326 Pitot heat indication systems. Sec. 25.1327 Magnetic direction indicator. Sec. 25.1329 Automatic pilot system. Sec. 25.1331 Instruments using a power supply. Sec. 25.1333 Instrument systems. Sec. 25.1335 Flight director systems. Sec. 25.1337 Powerplant instruments. Electrical Systems and Equipment Sec. 25.1351 General. Sec. 25.1353 Electrical equipment and installations. Sec. 25.1355 Distribution system. Sec. 25.1357 Circuit protective devices. Sec. 25.1359 [Removed. 55 FR 29785, July 20, 1990] Sec. 25.1363 Electrical system tests. Lights Sec. 25.1381 Instrument lights. Sec. 25.1383 Landing lights. Sec. 25.1385 Position light system installation. Sec. 25.1387 Position light system dihedral angles. Sec. 25.1389 Position light distribution and intensities. Sec. 25.1391 Minimum intensities in the horizontal plane of forward and Sec. 25.1393 forward and Sec. 25.1395 forward and rear position lights. Minimum intensities in any vertical plane of rear position lights. Maximum intensities in overlapping beams of rear position lights. Sec. 25.1397 Color specifications. Sec. 25.1399 Riding light. Sec. 25.1401 Anticollision light system. Sec. 25.1403 Wing icing detection lights. Safety Equipment Sec. 25.1411 General. Sec. 25.1413 [Removed. 55 FR 29785, July 20, 1990] Sec. 25.1415 Ditching equipment. Sec. 25.1416 [Removed. 55 FR 29785, July 20, 1985] Sec. 25.1419 Ice protection. Sec. 25.1421 Megaphones. Miscellaneous Equipment Sec. 25.1423 Public address system. Sec. 25.1431 Electronic equipment. Sec. 25.1433 Vacuum systems. Sec. 25.1435 Hydraulic systems. Sec. 25.1438 Pressurization and pneumatic systems. Sec. 25.1439 Protective breathing equipment. Sec. 25.1441 Oxygen equipment and supply. Sec. 25.1443 Minimum mass flow of supplemental oxygen. Sec. 25.1445 Equipment standards for the oxygen distributing system. Sec. 25.1447 Equipment standards for oxygen dispensing units. Sec. 25.1449 Means for determining use of oxygen. Sec. 25.1450 Chemical oxygen generators. Sec. 25.1451 [Removed. 55 FR 29786, July 20, 1990] Sec. 25.1453 Protection of oxygen equipment from rupture. Sec. 25.1455 Draining of fluids subject to freezing. Sec. 25.1457 Cockpit voice recorders. Sec. 25.1459 Flight recorders. Sec. 25.1461 Equipment containing high energy rotors. Subpart G--Operating Limitations and Information Sec. 25.1501 General. Operating Limitations Sec. 25.1503 Airspeed limitations: general. Sec. 25.1505 Maximum operating limit speed. Sec. 25.1507 Maneuvering speed. Sec. 25.1511 Flap extended speed. Sec. 25.1513 Minimum control speed. Sec. 25.1515 Landing gear speeds. Sec. 25.1519 Weight, center of gravity, and weight distribution. Sec. 25.1521 Powerplant limitations. Sec. 25.1522 Auxiliary power unit limitations. Sec. 25.1523 Minimum flight crew. Sec. 25.1525 Kinds of operation. Sec. 25.1527 Maximum operating altitude. Sec. 25.1529 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Sec. 25.1531 Maneuvering flight load factors. Sec. 25.1533 Additional operating limitations. Markings and Placards Sec. 25.1541 General. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 25.1543 25.1545 25.1547 25.1549 Instrument markings: general. Airspeed limitation information. Magnetic direction indicator. Powerplant and auxiliary power unit instruments. Sec. 25.1551 Oil quantity indication. Sec. 25.1553 Fuel quantity indicator. Sec. 25.1555 Control markings. Sec. 25.1557 Miscellaneous markings and placards. Sec. 25.1561 Safety equipment. Sec. 25.1563 Airspeed placard. Airplane Flight Manual Sec. 25.1581 General. Sec. 25.1583 Operating limitations. Sec. 25.1585 Operating procedures. Sec. 25.1587 Performance information. Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C to Part 25 Appendix D to Part 25 Appendix E to Part 25 Appendix F to Part 25 Appendix G to Part 25--Continuous Gust Design Criteria Appendix H to Part 25--Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Appendix I to Part 25--Installation of an Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System (ATTCS) Appendix J to Part 25--Emergency Demonstration PART 27--AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: NORMAL CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 29-4 Subpart A--General Sec. 27.1 Applicability. Sec. 27.2 Special retroactive requirements. Subpart B--Flight General Sec. 27.21 Proof of compliance. Sec. 27.25 Weight limits. Sec. 27.27 Center of gravity limits. Sec. 27.29 Empty weight and corresponding center of gravity. Sec. 27.31 Removable ballast. Sec. 27.33 Main rotor speed and pitch limits. Performance Sec. 27.45 General. Sec. 27.51 Takeoff. Sec. 27.65 Climb: all engines operating. Sec. 27.67 Climb: one engine inoperative. Sec. 27.71 Glide performance. Sec. 27.73 Performance at minimum operating speed. Sec. 27.75 Landing. Sec. 27.79 Limiting height--speed envelope. Flight Characteristics Sec. 27.141 General. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 27.143 27.151 27.161 27.171 27.173 27.175 Controllability and maneuverability. Flight controls. Trim control. Stability: general. Static longitudinal stability. Demonstration of static longitudinal stability. Sec. 27.177 Static directional stability. Ground and Water Handling Characteristics Sec. 27.231 General. Sec. 27.235 Taxiing condition. Sec. 27.239 Spray characteristics. Sec. 27.241 Ground resonance. Miscellaneous Flight Requirements Sec. 27.251 Vibration. Subpart C--Strength Requirements General Sec. 27.301 Loads. Sec. 27.303 Factor of safety. Sec. 27.305 Strength and deformation. Sec. 27.307 Proof of structure. Sec. 27.309 Design limitations. Flight Loads Sec. 27.321 General. Sec. 27.337 Limit maneuvering load factor. Sec. 27.339 Resultant limit maneuvering loads. Sec. 27.341 Gust loads. Sec. 27.351 Yawing conditions. Sec. 27.361 Engine torque. Control Service and System Loads Sec. 27.391 General. Sec. 27.395 Control system. Sec. 27.397 Limit pilot forces and torques. Sec. 27.399 Dual control system. Sec. 27.401 [Removed. Amdt. 27-27, 55 FR 38966, Sept. 21, 1990] Sec. 27.403 [Removed. Amdt. 27-27, 55 FR 38966, Sept. 21, 1990] Sec. 27.411 Ground clearance: tail rotor guard. Sec. 27.413 [Removed. Amdt. 27-27, 55 FR 38966, Sept. 21, 1990] Sec. Ground Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. tail 27.427 Loads 27.471 27.473 27.475 27.477 27.479 27.481 27.483 27.485 27.493 27.497 Unsymmetrical loads. General. Ground loading conditions and assumptions. Tires and shock absorbers. Landing gear arrangement. Level landing conditions. Tail-down landing conditions. One-wheel landing conditions. Lateral drift landing conditions. Braked roll conditions. Ground loading conditions: landing gear with wheels. Sec. 27.501 Ground loading conditions: landing gear with skids. Sec. 27.505 Ski landing conditions. Water Loads Sec. 27.521 Float landing conditions. Main Component Requirements Sec. 27.547 Main rotor structure. Sec. 27.549 Fuselage, landing gear, and rotor pylon structures. Emergency Landing Conditions Sec. 27.561 General. Sec. 27.562 Emergency landing dynamic conditions. Sec. 27.563 Structural ditching provisions. Fatigue Evaluation Sec. 27.571 Fatigue evaluation of flight structure. Subpart D--Design and Construction General Sec. 27.601 Design. Sec. 27.603 Materials. Sec. 27.605 Fabrication methods. Sec. 27.607 Fasteners. Sec. 27.609 Protection of structure. Sec. 27.610 Lightning protection. Sec. 27.611 Inspection provisions. Sec. 27.613 Material strength properties and design values. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Rotors Sec. 27.619 27.621 27.623 27.625 27.629 Special factors. Casting factors. Bearing factors. Fitting factors. Flutter. 27.653 Pressure venting and drainage of rotor blades. Sec. 27.659 Mass balance. Sec. 27.661 Rotor blade clearance. Sec. 27.663 Ground resonance prevention means. Control Systems Sec. 27.671 General. Sec. 27.672 Stability augmentation, automatic, and poweroperated systems. Sec. 27.673 Primary flight control. Sec. 27.674 Interconnected controls. Sec. 27.675 Stops. Sec. 27.679 Control system locks. Sec. 27.681 Limit load static tests. Sec. 27.683 Operation tests. Sec. 27.685 Control system details. Sec. 27.687 Spring devices. Sec. 27.691 Autorotation control mechanism. Sec. 27.695 Power boost and power-operated control system. Landing Gear Sec. 27.723 Shock absorption tests. Sec. 27.725 Limit drop test. Sec. 27.727 Reserve energy absorption drop test. Sec. 27.729 Retracting mechanism. Sec. 27.731 Wheels. Sec. 27.733 Tires. Sec. 27.735 Brakes. Sec. 27.737 Skis. Floats and Hulls Sec. 27.751 Main float buoyancy. Sec. 27.753 Main float design. Sec. 27.755 Hulls. Personnel and Cargo Accommodations Sec. 27.771 Pilot compartment. Sec. 27.773 Pilot compartment view. Sec. 27.775 Windshields and windows. Sec. 27.777 Cockpit controls. Sec. 27.779 Motion and effect of cockpit controls. Sec. 27.783 Doors. Sec. 27.785 Seats, berths, safety belts, and harnesses. Sec. 27.787 Cargo and baggage compartments. Sec. 27.801 Ditching. Sec. 27.807 Emergency exits. Sec. 27.831 Ventilation. Sec. 27.833 Heaters. Fire Protection Sec. 27.853 Compartment interiors. Sec. 27.855 Cargo and baggage compartments. Sec. 27.859 Heating systems. Sec. 27.861 Fire protection of structure, controls, and other parts. Sec. 27.863 Flammable fluid fire protection. External Load Attaching Means Sec. 27.865 External load attaching means. Miscellaneous Sec. 27.871 Leveling marks. Sec. 27.873 Ballast provisions. Subpart E--Powerplant General Sec. 27.901 Installation. Sec. 27.903 Engines. Sec. 27.907 Engine vibration. Rotor Drive System Sec. 27.917 Design. Sec. 27.921 Rotor brake. Sec. 27.923 Rotor drive system and control mechanism tests. Sec. 27.927 Sec. 27.931 Sec. 27.935 Sec. 27.939 Fuel System Sec. 27.951 Additional tests. Shafting critical speed. Shafting joints. Turbine engine operating characteristics. General. Sec. 27.952 Fuel system crash resistance. Sec. 27.953 Fuel system independence. Sec. 27.954 Fuel system lightning protection. Sec. 27.955 Fuel flow. Sec. 27.959 Unusable fuel supply. Sec. 27.961 Fuel system hot weather operation. Sec. 27.963 Fuel tanks: general. Sec. 27.965 Fuel tank tests. Sec. 27.967 Fuel tank installation. Sec. 27.969 Fuel tank expansion space. Sec. 27.971 Fuel tank sump. Sec. 27.973 Fuel tank filler connection. Sec. 27.975 Fuel tank vents. Sec. 27.977 Fuel tank outlet. Fuel System Components Sec. 27.991 Fuel pumps. Sec. 27.993 Fuel system lines and fittings. Sec. 27.995 Fuel valves. Sec. 27.997 Fuel strainer or filter. Sec. 27.999 Fuel system drains. Oil System Sec. 27.1011 Engines: General. Sec. 27.1013 Oil tanks. Sec. 27.1015 Oil tank tests. Sec. 27.1017 Oil lines and fittings. Sec. 27.1019 Oil strainer or filter. Sec. 27.1021 Oil system drains. Sec. 27.1027 Transmissions and gearboxes: General. Cooling Sec. 27.1041 General. Sec. 27.1043 Cooling tests. Sec. 27.1045 Cooling test procedures. Induction System Sec. 27.1091 Air induction. Sec. 27.1093 Induction system icing protection. Exhaust System Sec. 27.1121 General. Sec. 27.1123 Exhaust piping. Powerplant Controls and Accessories Sec. 27.1141 Powerplant controls: general. Sec. 27.1143 Engine controls. Sec. 27.1145 Ignition switches. Sec. 27.1147 Mixture controls. Sec. 27.1163 Powerplant accessories. Powerplant Fire Protection Sec. 27.1183 Lines, fittings, and components. Sec. 27.1185 Flammable fluids. Sec. 27.1187 Ventilation. Sec. 27.1189 Shutoff means. Sec. 27.1191 Firewalls. Sec. 27.1193 Cowling and engine compartment covering. Sec. 27.1194 Other surfaces. Sec. 27.1195 Fire detector systems. Subpart F--Equipment General Sec. 27.1301 Function and installation. Sec. 27.1303 Flight and navigation instruments. Sec. 27.1305 Powerplant instruments. Sec. 27.1307 Miscellaneous equipment. Sec. 27.1309 Equipment, systems, and installations. Instruments: Installation Sec. 27.1321 Arrangement and visibility. Sec. 27.1322 Warning, caution, and advisory lights. Sec. 27.1323 Airspeed indicating system. Sec. 27.1325 Static pressure systems. Sec. 27.1327 Magnetic direction indicator. Sec. 27.1329 Automatic pilot system. Sec. 27.1335 Flight director systems. Sec. 27.1337 Powerplant instruments. Electrical Systems and Equipment Sec. 27.1351 General. Sec. 27.1353 Storage battery design and installation. Sec. 27.1357 Circuit protective devices. Sec. 27.1361 Master switch. Sec. 27.1365 Electric cables. Sec. 27.1367 Switches. Lights Sec. 27.1381 Instrument lights. Sec. 27.1383 Landing lights. Sec. 27.1385 Position light system installation. Sec. 27.1387 Position light system dihedral angles. Sec. 27.1389 Position light distribution and intensities. Sec. 27.1391 Minimum intensities in the horizontal plane of forward and rear position lights. Sec. 27.1393 Minimum intensities in any vertical plane of forward and rear position lights. Sec. 27.1395 Maximum intensities in overlapping beams of forward and rear position lights. Sec. 27.1397 Color specifications. Sec. 27.1399 Riding light. Sec. 27.1401 Anticollision light system. Safety Equipment Sec. 27.1411 General. Sec. 27.1413 Safety belts. Sec. 27.1415 Ditching equipment. Sec. 27.1419 Ice protection. Sec. 27.1435 Hydraulic systems. Sec. 27.1457 Cockpit voice recorders. Sec. 27.1459 Flight recorders. Sec. 27.1461 Equipment containing high energy rotors. Subpart G--Operating Limitations and Information Sec. 27.1501 General. Operating Limitations Sec. 27.1503 Airspeed limitations: general. Sec. 27.1505 Never-exceed speed. Sec. 27.1509 Rotor speed. Sec. 27.1519 Weight and center of gravity. Sec. 27.1521 Powerplant limitations. Sec. 27.1523 Minimum flight crew. Sec. 27.1525 Kinds of operations. Sec. 27.1527 Maximum operating altitude. Sec. 27.1529 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Markings and Placards Sec. 27.1541 General. Sec. 27.1543 Instrument markings: general. Sec. 27.1545 Airspeed indicator. Sec. 27.1547 Magnetic direction indicator. Sec. 27.1549 Powerplant instruments. Sec. 27.1551 Oil quantity indicator. Sec. 27.1553 Fuel quantity indicator. Sec. 27.1555 Control markings. Sec. 27.1557 Miscellaneous markings and placards. Sec. 27.1559 Limitations placard. Sec. 27.1561 Safety equipment. Sec. 27.1565 Tail rotor. Rotorcraft Flight Manual and Approved Manual Material Sec. 27.1581 General. Sec. 27.1583 Operating limitations. Sec. 27.1585 Operating procedures. Sec. 27.1587 Performance information. Sec. 27.1589 Loading information. Appendix A Part 27--Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Appendix B to Part 27--Airworthiness Criteria for Helicopter Instrument Flight PART 29--AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 29-4 Subpart A--General Sec. 29.1 Applicability. Sec. 29.2 Special retroactive requirements. Subpart B--Flight General Sec. 29.21 Proof of compliance. Sec. 29.25 Weight limits. Sec. 29.27 Center of gravity limits. Sec. 29.29 Empty weight and corresponding center of gravity. Sec. 29.31 Sec. 29.33 Performance Sec. 29.45 Sec. 29.51 Sec. 29.53 Sec. 29.59 Sec. 29.63 Sec. 29.65 Sec. 29.67 Sec. 29.71 Sec. 29.73 Sec. 29.75 Sec. 29.77 Sec. 29.79 Removable ballast. Main rotor speed and pitch limits. General. Takeoff data: general. Takeoff: Category A. Takeoff path: Category A. Takeoff: Category B. Climb: all engines operating. Climb: one engine inoperative. Helicopter angle of glide: Category B. Performance at minimum operating speed. Landing. Balked landing: category A. Limiting height-speed envelope. Flight Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Characteristics 29.141 General. 29.143 Controllability and maneuverability. 29.151 Flight controls. 29.161 Trim control. 29.171 Stability: general. 29.173 Static longitudinal stability. 29.175 Demonstration of static longitudinal stability. Sec. 29.177 Static directional stability. Sec. 29.181 Dynamic stability: Category A rotorcraft. Ground and Water Handling Characteristics Sec. 29.231 General. Sec. 29.235 Taxiing condition. Sec. 29.239 Spray characteristics. Sec. 29.241 Ground resonance. Miscellaneous Flight Requirements Sec. 29.251 Vibration. Subpart C--Strength Requirements General Sec. 29.301 Loads. Sec. 29.303 Factor of safety. Sec. 29.305 Strength and deformation. Sec. 29.307 Proof of structure. Sec. 29.309 Design limitations. Flight Loads Sec. 29.321 General. Sec. 29.337 Limit maneuvering load factor. Sec. 29.339 Resultant limit maneuvering loads. Sec. 29.341 Gust loads. Sec. 29.351 Yawing conditions. Sec. 29.361 Engine torque. Control Surface and System Loads Sec. 29.391 General. Sec. 29.395 Control system. Sec. 29.397 Limit pilot forces and torques. Sec. 29.399 Dual control system. Sec. 29.401 [Removed. Amdt. 29-31, 55 FR 38966, Sept. 21, 1990] Sec. 29.403 [Removed. Amdt. 29-31, 55 FR 38966, Sept. 21, 1990] Sec. 29.411 Ground clearance: tail rotor guard. Sec. 29.413 [Removed. Amdt. 29-31, 55 FR 38966, Sept. 21, 1990] Sec. Ground Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 29.427 Loads 29.471 29.473 29.475 29.477 29.479 29.481 29.483 29.485 Unsymmetrical loads. General. Ground loading conditions and assumptions. Tires and shock absorbers. Landing gear arrangement. Level landing conditions. Tail-down landing conditions. One-wheel landing conditions. Lateral drift landing conditions. Sec. 29.493 Braked roll conditions. Sec. 29.497 Ground loading conditions: landing gear with tail wheels. Sec. 29.501 Ground loading conditions: landing gear with skids. Sec. 29.505 Ski landing conditions. Sec. 29.511 Ground load: unsymmetrical loads on multiplewheel units. Water Loads Sec. 29.519 Hull type rotorcraft: Water-based and amphibian. Sec. 29.521 Float landing conditions. Main Component Requirements Sec. 29.547 Main rotor structure. Sec. 29.549 Fuselage and rotor pylon structures. Sec. 29.551 Auxiliary lifting surfaces. Emergency Landing Conditions Sec. 29.561 General. Sec. 29.562 Emergency landing dynamic conditions. Sec. 29.563 Structural ditching provisions. Fatigue Evaluation Sec. 29.571 Fatigue evaluation of structure. Subpart D--Design and Construction General Sec. 29.601 Design. Sec. 29.603 Materials. Sec. 29.605 Fabrication methods. Sec. 29.607 Fasteners. Sec. 29.609 Protection of structure. Sec. 29.610 Lightning protection. Sec. 29.611 Inspection provisions. Sec. 29.613 Material strength properties and design values. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Rotors Sec. 29.619 29.621 29.623 29.625 29.629 Special factors. Casting factors. Bearing factors. Fitting factors. Flutter. 29.653 Pressure venting and drainage of rotor blades. Sec. 29.659 Mass balance. Sec. 29.661 Rotor blade clearance. Sec. 29.663 Ground resonance prevention means. Control Systems Sec. 29.671 General. Sec. 29.672 Stability augmentation, automatic, and poweroperated systems. Sec. 29.673 Primary flight controls. Sec. 29.674 Interconnected controls. Sec. 29.675 Stops. Sec. 29.679 Control system locks. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 29.681 29.683 29.685 29.687 29.691 29.695 Limit load static tests. Operation tests. Control system details. Spring devices. Autorotation control mechanism. Power boost and power-operated control system. Landing Gear Sec. 29.723 Shock absorption tests. Sec. 29.725 Limit drop test. Sec. 29.727 Reserve energy absorption drop test. Sec. 29.729 Retracting mechanism. Sec. 29.731 Wheels. Sec. 29.733 Tires. Sec. 29.735 Brakes. Sec. 29.737 Skis. Floats and Hulls Sec. 29.751 Main float buoyancy. Sec. 29.753 Main float design. Sec. 29.755 Hull buoyancy. Sec. 29.757 Hull and auxiliary float strength. Personnel and Cargo Accommodations Sec. 29.771 Pilot compartment. Sec. 29.773 Pilot compartment view. Sec. 29.775 Windshields and windows. Sec. 29.777 Cockpit controls. Sec. 29.779 Motion and effect of cockpit controls. Sec. 29.783 Doors. Sec. 29.785 Seats, safety belts, and harnesses. Sec. 29.787 Cargo and baggage compartments. Sec. 29.801 Ditching. Sec. 29.803 Emergency evacuation. Sec. 29.805 Flight crew emergency exits. Sec. 29.807 Passenger emergency exits. Sec. 29.809 Emergency exit arrangement. Sec. 29.811 Emergency exit marking. Sec. 29.812 Emergency lighting. Sec. 29.813 Emergency exit access. Sec. 29.815 Main aisle width. Sec. 29.831 Ventilation. Sec. 29.833 Heaters. Fire Protection Sec. 29.851 Fire extinguishers. Sec. 29.853 Compartment interiors. Sec. 29.855 Cargo and baggage compartments. Sec. 29.859 Combustion heater fire protection. Sec. 29.861 Fire protection of structure, controls, and other parts. Sec. 29.863 External Load Sec. 29.865 Miscellaneous Sec. 29.871 Flammable fluid fire protection. Attaching Means External load attaching means. Leveling marks. Sec. 29.873 Ballast provisions. Subpart E--Powerplant General Sec. 29.901 Installation. Sec. 29.903 Engines. Sec. 29.907 Engine vibration. Sec. 29.908 Cooling fans. Rotor Drive System Sec. 29.917 Design. Sec. 29.921 Rotor brake. Sec. 29.923 Rotor drive system and control mechanism tests. Sec. 29.927 Sec. 29.931 Sec. 29.935 Sec. 29.939 Fuel System Sec. 29.951 Sec. 29.952 Sec. 29.953 Sec. 29.954 Sec. 29.955 Sec. 29.957 Sec. 29.959 Sec. 29.961 Sec. 29.963 Sec. 29.965 Sec. 29.967 Sec. 29.969 Sec. 29.971 Sec. 29.973 Sec. 29.975 Sec. 29.977 Sec. 29.979 Additional tests. Shafting critical speed. Shafting joints. Turbine engine operating characteristics. General. Fuel system crash resistance. Fuel system independence. Fuel system lightning protection. Fuel flow. Flow between interconnected tanks. Unusable fuel supply. Fuel system hot weather operation. Fuel tanks: general. Fuel tank tests. Fuel tank installation. Fuel tank expansion space. Fuel tank sump. Fuel tank filler connection. Fuel tank vents and carburetor vapor vents. Fuel tank outlet. Pressure refueling and fueling provisions below fuel level. Fuel System Components Sec. 29.991 Fuel pumps. Sec. 29.993 Fuel system lines and fittings. Sec. 29.995 Fuel valves. Sec. 29.997 Fuel strainer or filter. Sec. 29.999 Fuel system drains. Sec. 29.1001 Fuel jettisoning. Oil System Sec. 29.1011 Engines: General. Sec. 29.1013 Oil tanks. Sec. 29.1015 Oil tank tests. Sec. 29.1017 Oil lines and fittings. Sec. 29.1019 Oil strainer or filter. Sec. 29.1021 Oil system drains. Sec. 29.1023 Oil radiators. Sec. 29.1025 Oil valves. Sec. 29.1027 Transmission and gearboxes: General. Cooling Sec. 29.1041 General. Sec. 29.1043 Cooling tests. Sec. 29.1045 Climb cooling test procedures. Sec. 29.1047 Takeoff cooling test procedures. Sec. 29.1049 Hovering cooling test procedures. Induction System Sec. 29.1091 Air induction. Sec. 29.1093 Induction system icing protection. Sec. 29.1101 Carburetor air preheater design. Sec. 29.1103 Induction systems ducts and air duct systems. Sec. 29.1105 Induction system screens. Sec. 29.1107 Inter-coolers and after-coolers. Sec. 29.1109 Carburetor air cooling. Exhaust System Sec. 29.1121 General. Sec. 29.1123 Exhaust piping. Sec. 29.1125 Exhaust heat exchangers. Powerplant Controls and Accessories Sec. 29.1141 Powerplant controls: general. Sec. 29.1142 Auxiliary power unit controls. Sec. 29.1143 Engine controls. Sec. 29.1145 Ignition switches. Sec. 29.1147 Mixture controls. Sec. 29.1151 Rotor brake controls. Sec. 29.1157 Carburetor air temperature controls. Sec. 29.1159 Supercharger controls. Sec. 29.1163 Powerplant accessories. Sec. 29.1165 Engine ignition systems. Powerplant Fire Protection Sec. 29.1181 Designated fire zones: regions included. Sec. 29.1183 Lines, fittings, and components. Sec. 29.1185 Flammable fluids. Sec. 29.1187 Drainage and ventilation of fire zones. Sec. 29.1189 Shutoff means. Sec. 29.1191 Firewalls. Sec. 29.1193 Cowling and engine compartment covering. Sec. 29.1194 Other surfaces. Sec. 29.1195 Fire extinguishing systems. Sec. 29.1197 Fire extinguishing agents. Sec. 29.1199 Extinguishing agent containers. Sec. 29.1201 Fire extinguishing system materials. Sec. 29.1203 Fire detector systems. Subpart F--Equipment General Sec. 29.1301 Function and installation. Sec. 29.1303 Flight and navigation instruments. Sec. 29.1305 Powerplant instruments. Sec. 29.1307 Miscellaneous equipment. Sec. 29.1309 Equipment, systems, and installations. Instruments: Installation Sec. 29.1321 Arrangement and visibility. Sec. 29.1322 Warning, caution, and advisory lights. Sec. 29.1323 Airspeed indicating system. Sec. 29.1325 Static pressure and pressure altimeter systems. Sec. 29.1327 Magnetic direction indicator. Sec. 29.1329 Automatic pilot system. Sec. 29.1331 Instruments using a power supply. Sec. 29.1333 Instrument systems. Sec. 29.1335 Flight director systems. Sec. 29.1337 Powerplant instruments. Electrical Systems and Equipment Sec. 29.1351 General. Sec. 29.1353 Electrical equipment and installations. Sec. 29.1355 Distribution system. Sec. 29.1357 Circuit protective devices. Sec. 29.1359 Electrical system fire and smoke protection. Sec. 29.1363 Electrical system tests. Lights Sec. 29.1381 Instrument lights. Sec. 29.1383 Landing lights. Sec. 29.1385 Position light system installation. Sec. 29.1387 Position light system dihedral angles. Sec. 29.1389 Position light distribution and intensities. Sec. 29.1391 Minimum intensities in the horizontal plane of forward and rear position lights. Sec. 29.1393 Minimum intensities in any vertical plane of forward and rear position lights. Sec. 29.1395 Maximum intensities in overlapping beams of forward and rear position lights. Sec. 29.1397 Color specifications. Sec. 29.1399 Riding light. Sec. 29.1401 Anticollision light system. Safety Equipment Sec. 29.1411 General. Sec. 29.1413 Safety belts: passenger warning device. Sec. 29.1415 Ditching equipment. Sec. 29.1419 Ice protection. Miscellaneous Equipment Sec. 29.1431 Electronic equipment. Sec. 29.1433 Vacuum systems. Sec. 29.1435 Hydraulic systems. Sec. 29.1439 Protective breathing equipment. Sec. 29.1457 Cockpit voice recorders. Sec. 29.1459 Flight recorders. Sec. 29.1461 Equipment containing high energy rotors. Subpart G--Operating Limitations and Information Sec. 29.1501 General. Operating Limitations Sec. 29.1503 Airspeed limitations: general. Sec. 29.1505 Never-exceed speed. Sec. 29.1509 Rotor speed. Sec. 29.1517 Limiting height-speed envelope. Sec. 29.1519 Weight and center of gravity. Sec. 29.1521 Powerplant limitations. Sec. 29.1522 Auxiliary power unit limitations. Sec. 29.1523 Minimum flight crew. Sec. 29.1525 Kinds of operations. Sec. 29.1527 Maximum operating altitude. Sec. 29.1529 Instructions for continued airworthiness. Markings and Placards Sec. 29.1541 General. Sec. 29.1543 Instrument markings: general. Sec. 29.1545 Airspeed indicator. Sec. 29.1547 Magnetic direction indicator. Sec. 29.1549 Powerplant instruments. Sec. 29.1551 Oil quantity indicator. Sec. 29.1553 Fuel quantity indicator. Sec. 29.1555 Control markings. Sec. 29.1557 Miscellaneous markings and placards. Sec. 29.1559 Limitations placard. Sec. 29.1561 Safety equipment. Sec. 29.1565 Tail rotor. Rotorcraft Flight Manual Sec. 29.1581 General. Sec. 29.1583 Operating limitations. Sec. 29.1585 Operating procedures. Sec. 29.1587 Performance information. Sec. 29.1589 Loading information. Appendix A to Part 29--Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Appendix B to Part 29--Airworthiness Criteria for Helicopter Instrument Flight Appendix C to Part 29--Icing Certification Appendix D--Criteria for Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation Procedures Under Sec. 29.803 PART 31--AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: MANNED FREE BALLOONS Subpart A--General Sec. 31.1 Applicability. Subpart B--Flight Requirements Sec. 31.12 Proof of compliance. Sec. 31.14 Weight limits. Sec. 31.16 Empty weight. Sec. 31.17 Performance: Climb. Sec. 31.19 Performance: Uncontrolled descent. Sec. 31.20 Controllability. Subpart C--Strength Requirements Sec. 31.21 Loads. Sec. 31.23 Flight load factor. Sec. 31.25 Factor of safety. Sec. 31.27 Strength. Subpart D--Design Construction Sec. 31.31 General. Sec. 31.33 Materials. Sec. 31.35 Fabrication methods. Sec. 31.37 Fastenings. Sec. 31.39 Protection. Sec. 31.41 Inspection provisions. Sec. 31.43 Fitting factor. Sec. 31.45 Fuel cells. Sec. 31.46 Pressurized fuel systems. Sec. 31.47 Heaters. Sec. 31.49 Control systems. Sec. 31.51 Ballast. Sec. 31.53 Drag rope. Sec. 31.55 Deflation means. Sec. 31.57 Rip cords. Sec. 31.59 Trapeze, basket, or other means provided for occupants. Sec. 31.61 Static discharge. Sec. 31.63 Safety belts. Sec. 31.65 Position lights. Subpart E--Equipment Sec. 31.71 Function and installation. Subpart F--Operating Limitations and Information Sec. 31.81 General. Sec. 31.82 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Sec. 31.83 Conspicuity. Sec. 31.85 Required basic equipment. Appendix A--Instructions for Continued Airworthiness PART 33--AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: AIRCRAFT ENGINES Subpart A--General Sec. 33.1 Applicability. Sec. 33.3 General. Sec. 33.4 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness. Sec. 33.5 Instruction manual for installing and operating the engine. Sec. 33.7 Engine ratings and operating limitations. Sec. 33.8 Selection of engine power and thrust ratings. Subpart B--Design and Construction; General Sec. 33.11 Applicability. Sec. 33.13 [Reserved] Sec. 33.14 Start-stop cyclic stress (low-cycle fatigue). Sec. 33.15 Materials. Sec. 33.17 Fire prevention. Sec. 33.19 Durability. Sec. 33.21 Engine cooling. Sec. 33.23 Engine mounting attachments and structure. Sec. 33.25 Accessory attachments. Sec. 33.27 Turbine, compressor, fan, and turbosupercharger rotors. Sec. 33.28 Electrical and electronic engine control systems. Sec. 33.29 Instrument connection. Subpart C--Design and Construction; Reciprocating Aircraft Engines Sec. 33.31 Applicability. Sec. 33.33 Vibration. Sec. 33.35 Fuel and induction system. Sec. 33.37 Ignition system. Sec. 33.39 Lubrication system. Subpart D--Block Tests; Reciprocating Aircraft Engines Sec. 33.41 Applicability. Sec. 33.42 General. Sec. 33.43 Vibration test. Sec. 33.45 Calibration tests. Sec. 33.47 Detonation test. Sec. 33.49 Endurance test. Sec. 33.51 Operation test. Sec. 33.53 Engine component tests. Sec. 33.55 Teardown inspection. Sec. 33.57 General conduct of block tests. Subpart E--Design and Construction; Turbine Aircraft Engines Sec. 33.61 Applicability. Sec. 33.62 Stress analysis. Sec. 33.63 Vibration. Sec. 33.65 Surge and stall characteristics. Sec. 33.66 Bleed air system. Sec. 33.67 Fuel system. Sec. 33.68 Induction system icing. Sec. 33.69 Ignitions system. Sec. 33.71 Lubrication system. Sec. 33.72 Hydraulic actuating systems. Sec. 33.73 Power or thrust response. Sec. 33.75 Safety analysis. Sec. 33.77 Foreign object ingestion. Sec. 33.79 Fuel burning thrust augmentor. Subpart F--Block Tests; Turbine Aircraft Engines Sec. 33.81 Applicability. Sec. 33.82 General. Sec. 33.83 Vibration test. Sec. 33.85 Calibration tests. Sec. 33.87 Endurance test. Sec. 33.88 Engine overtemperature test. Sec. 33.89 Operation test. Sec. 33.90 Initial maintenance inspection. Sec. 33.91 Engine component tests. Sec. 33.92 Windmilling tests. Sec. 33.93 Teardown inspection. Sec. 33.94 Blade containment and rotor unbalance tests. Sec. 33.95 Engine-propeller systems tests. Sec. 33.96 Engine tests in auxiliary power unit (APU) mode. Sec. 33.97 Thrust reversers. Sec. 33.99 General conduct of block tests. Appendix A--Instructions for Continued Airworthiness PART 34--FUEL VENTING AND EXHAUST EMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR TURBINE ENGINE POWERED AIRPLANES Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. 34.1 Definitions. Sec. 34.2 Abbreviations. Sec. 34.3 General requirements. Sec. 34.4 [Reserved] Sec. 34.5 Special test procedures. Sec. 34.6 Aircraft safety. Sec. 34.7 Exemptions. Subpart B--Engine Fuel Venting Emissions (New and In-Use Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) Sec. 34.10 Applicability. Sec. 34.11 Standard for fuel venting emissions. Subpart C--Exhaust Emissions (New Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) Sec. 34.20 Applicability. Sec. 34.21 Standards for exhaust emissions. Subpart D--Exhaust Emissions (In-use Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) Sec. 34.30 Applicability. Sec. 34.31 Standards for exhaust emissions. Subpart E--[Reserved] Subpart F--[Reserved] Subpart G--Test Procedures for Engine Exhaust Gaseous Emissions (Aircraft and Sec. 34.60 Sec. 34.61 Sec. 34.62 Sec. 34.63 Sec. 34.64 Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) Introduction. Turbine fuel specifications. Test procedure (propulsion engines). [Reserved] Sampling and analytical procedures for measuring gaseous exhaust emissions. Secs. 34.65-34.70 [Reserved] Sec. 34.71 Compliance with gaseous emission standards. Subpart H--Test Procedures for Engine Smoke Emissions (Aircraft Gas Turbine Engines) Sec. 34.80 Introduction. Sec. 34.81 Fuel specifications. Sec. 34.82 Sampling and analytical procedures for measuring smoke exhaust emissions. Sec. 34.83--Sec. 34.88 [Reserved] Sec. 34.89 Compliance with smoke emission standards. PART 35--AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: PROPELLERS Subpart A--General Sec. 35.1 Applicability. Sec. 35.3 Instruction manual for installing and operating the propeller. Sec. 35.4 Instructions for continued airworthiness. Sec. 35.5 Propeller operating limitations. Subpart B--Design and Construction Sec. 35.11 Applicability. Sec. 35.13 General. Sec. 35.15 Design features. Sec. 35.17 Materials. Sec. 35.19 Durability. Sec. 35.21 Reversible propellers. Sec. 35.23 Pitch control and indication. Subpart C--Tests and Inspections Sec. 35.31 Applicability. Sec. 35.33 General. Sec. 35.35 Blade retention test. Sec. 35.37 Fatigue limit tests. Sec. 35.39 Endurance test. Sec. 35.41 Functional test. Sec. 35.42 Blade pitch control system component test. Sec. 35.43 Special tests. Sec. 35.45 Teardown inspection. Sec. 35.47 Propeller adjustments and parts replacements. Appendix A--Instructions for Continued Airworthiness PART 36--NOISE STANDARDS: AIRCRAFT TYPE AND AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATION Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 41 Subpart A--General Sec. 36.1 Applicability and definitions. Sec. 36.2 Special retroactive requirements. Sec. 36.3 Compatibility with airworthiness requirements. Sec. 36.5 Limitation of part. Sec. 36.6 Incorporations by reference. Sec. 36.7 Acoustical change: Transport category large airplanes and turbojet powered airplanes. Sec. 36.9 Acoustical change: Propeller-driven small airplanes and propeller- driven commuter category airplanes. Sec. 36.11 Acoustical change: Helicopters. Subpart B--Noise Measurement and Evaluation for Transport Category Large Airplanes and Turbojet Powered Airplanes Sec. 36.101 Noise measurement. Sec. 36.103 Noise evaluation. Subpart C--Noise Limits for Subsonic Transport Category Large Airplanes and Subsonic Turbojet Powered Airplanes Sec. 36.201 Noise limits. Subpart D--Noise Limits for Supersonic Transport Category Airplanes Sec. 36.301 Noise limits: Concorde. Subpart E--[Reserved] Subpart F--Propeller Driven Small Airplanes And PropellerDriven, Commuter Category Airplanes Sec. 36.501 Noise limits. Subpart G--[Reserved] Subpart H--Helicopters Sec. 36.801 Noise measurement. Sec. 36.803 Noise evaluation and calculation. Sec. 36.805 Noise limits. Subparts I--N [Reserved] Subpart O--Operating Limitations and Information Sec. 36.1501 Procedures, noise levels and other information. Sec. 36.1581 Manuals, markings, and placards. Sec. 36.1583 Noncomplying agricultural and fire fighting airplanes. Appendix A--Aircraft Noise Measurement Under Sec. 36.101 Appendix B--Aircraft Noise Evaluation Under Sec. 36.103 Appendix C--Noise Levels for Transport Category and Turbojet Powered Airplanes Under Sec. 36.201 Appendices D-E--[Reserved] Appendix F--Flyover Noise Requirements for Propeller-Driven Small Airplane and Propeller-Driven, Commuter Category Airplane Certification Tests Prior to December 22, 1988 Appendix G--Takeoff Noise Requirements for Propeller-Driven Small Airplane and Propeller-Driven, Commuter Category Airplane Certification Tests on or After December 22, 1988 Appendix H--Noise Requirements For Helicopters Under Subpart H Appendix I--[Reserved. Amdt. 36-20, 57 FR 42855, Sept. 16, 1992] Appendix J--Alternative Noise Certification Procedure For Helicopters Under Subpart H Having A Maximum Certificated Takeoff Weight Of Not More Than 6,000 Pounds PART 39--AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES Subpart A--General Sec. 39.1 Applicability. Sec. 39.3 General. Subpart B--Airworthiness Directives Sec. 39.11 Applicability. Sec. 39.13 Airworthiness directives. PART 43--MAINTENANCE, PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE, REBUILDING, AND ALTERATION Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 27 [Removed. Amdt. No. 43-32, 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990. Corrected at 55 FR 35139, Aug. 28, Sec. 43.1 Sec. 43.2 Sec. 43.3 1990] Applicability. Records of overhaul and rebuilding. Persons authorized to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alterations. Sec. 43.5 Approval for return to service after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. Sec. 43.7 Persons authorized to approve aircraft, airframes, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, or component parts for return to service after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration. Sec. 43.9 Content, form, and disposition of maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration records (except inspections performed in accordance with Part 91, Part 123, Part 125, Sec. 135.411(a)(1), and Sec. 135.419 of this chapter). Sec. 43.11 Content, form, and disposition of records for inspections conducted under Parts 91 and 125 and Secs. 135.411(a)(1) and 135.419 of this chapter. Sec. 43.12 Maintenance records: Falsification, reproduction, or alteration. Sec. 43.13 Performance rules (general). Sec. 43.15 Additional performance rules for inspections. Sec. 43.16 Airworthiness Limitations. Sec. 43.17 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations performed on U.S. aeronautical products by certain Canadian persons. Appendix A--Major Alterations, Major Repairs, and Preventive Maintenance Appendix B--Recording of Major Repairs and Major Alterations Appendix C--[Reserved] Appendix D--Scope and Detail of Items (as Applicable to the Particular Aircraft) To Be Included in Annual and 100-Hour Inspections Appendix E--Altimeter System Test and Inspection Appendix F--ATC Transponder Tests and Inspections PART 45--IDENTIFICATION AND REGISTRATION MARKING Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 27 [Removed. 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990] Subpart A--General Sec. 45.1 Applicability. Subpart B--Identification of Aircraft and Related Products Sec. 45.11 General. Sec. 45.13 Identification data. Sec. 45.14 Identification of critical components. Sec. 45.15 Replacement and modification parts. Subpart C--Nationality and Registration Marks Sec. 45.21 General. Sec. 45.22 Exhibition, antique, and other aircraft: Special rules. Sec. 45.23 Display of marks; general. Sec. 45.25 Location of marks on fixed-wing aircraft. Sec. 45.27 Location of marks; nonfixed-wing aircraft. Sec. 45.29 Size of marks. Sec. 45.31 Marking of export aircraft. Sec. 45.33 Sale of aircraft; removal of marks. PART 47--AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION Subpart A--General Sec. 47.1 Applicability. Sec. 47.2 Definitions. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 47.3 Registration required. 47.5 Applicants. 47.7 United States citizens and resident aliens. 47.8 Voting trusts. 47.9 Corporations not U.S. citizens. 47.11 Evidence of ownership. 47.13 Signatures and instruments made by representatives. Sec. 47.15 Identification number. Sec. 47.16 Temporary registration numbers. Sec. 47.17 Fees. Sec. 47.19 FAA Aircraft Registry. Subpart B--Certificates of Aircraft Registration Sec. 47.31 Application. Sec. 47.33 Aircraft not previously registered anywhere. Sec. 47.35 Aircraft last previously registered in the United States. Sec. 47.37 Aircraft last previously registered in a foreign country. Sec. 47.39 Sec. 47.41 Sec. 47.43 Sec. 47.45 Sec. 47.47 Effective date of registration. Duration and return of Certificate. Invalid registration. Change of address. Cancellation of Certificate for export purpose. Sec. 47.49 Replacement of Certificate. Sec. 47.51 Triennial aircraft registration report. Subpart C--Dealers' Aircraft Registration Certificate Sec. 47.61 Dealers' Aircraft Registration Certificates. Sec. 47.63 Application. Sec. 47.65 Eligibility. Sec. 47.67 Evidence of ownership. Sec. 47.69 Limitations. Sec. 47.71 Duration of Certificate; change of status. PART 49--RECORDING OF AIRCRAFT TITLES AND SECURITY DOCUMENTS Subpart A--Applicability Sec. 49.1 Applicability. Subpart B--General Sec. 49.11 FAA Aircraft Registry. Sec. 49.13 Signatures and acknowledgements. Sec. 49.15 Fees for recording. Sec. 49.17 Conveyances recorded. Sec. 49.19 Effective date of filing for recordation. Sec. 49.21 Return of original conveyance. Subpart C--Aircraft Ownership and Encumbrances Against Aircraft Sec. 49.31 Applicability. Sec. 49.33 Eligibility for recording: general requirements. Sec. 49.35 Eligibility for recording: ownership requirements. Sec. 49.37 Claims for salvage or extraordinary expenses. Subpart D--Encumbrances Against Specifically Identified Aircraft Engines and Propellers Sec. 49.41 Applicability. Sec. 49.43 Eligibility for recording: general requirements. Sec. 49.45 Recording of releases, cancellations, discharges, and satisfactions: special requirements. Subpart E--Encumbrances Against Air Carrier Aircraft Engines, Propellers, Appliances, and Spare Parts Sec. 49.51 Applicability. Sec. 49.53 Eligibility for recording: general requirements. Sec. 49.55 Recording of releases, cancellations, discharges, and satisfactions: special requirements. PARTS 50--59 [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--AIRMEN PART 60--[RESERVED] PART 61--CERTIFICATION: PILOTS AND FLIGHT INSTRUCTORS Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 58 SFAR No. 63--Relief for Participants in Operation Desert Shield/Storm Subpart A--General Sec. 61.1 Applicability. Sec. 61.2 Certification of foreign pilots and flight instructors. Sec. 61.3 Requirement for certificates, rating, and authorizations. Sec. 61.5 Certificates and ratings issued under this part. Sec. 61.7 Obsolete certificates and ratings. Sec. 61.9 Exchange of obsolete certificates and ratings for current certificates and ratings. Sec. 61.11 Expired pilot certificates and reissuance. Sec. 61.13 Application and qualification. Sec. 61.14 Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test. Sec. 61.15 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. Sec. 61.16 Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results. Sec. 61.17 Temporary certificate. Sec. 61.19 Duration of pilot and flight instructor certificates. Sec. 61.21 Duration of Category II pilot authorization. Sec. 61.23 Duration of medical certificates. Sec. 61.25 Change of name. Sec. 61.27 Voluntary surrender or exchange of certificate. Sec. 61.29 Replacement of lost or destroyed certificate. Sec. 61.31 General limitations. Sec. 61.33 Tests: General procedure. Sec. 61.35 Written test: Prerequisites and passing grades. Sec. 61.37 Written tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. Sec. 61.39 Prerequisites for flight tests. Sec. 61.41 Flight instruction received from flight instructors not Sec. Sec. Sec. certificated 61.43 Flight 61.45 Flight 61.47 Flight by FAA. tests: General procedures. tests: Required aircraft and equipment. tests: Status of FAA inspectors and other authorized flight examiners. Sec. 61.49 Retesting after failure. Sec. 61.51 Pilot logbooks. Sec. 61.53 Operations during medical deficiency. Sec. 61.55 Second-in-command qualifications. Sec. 61.56 Flight review. Sec. 61.57 Recent flight experience: Pilot in command. Sec. 61.58 Pilot-in-command proficiency check: Operation of aircraft requiring more than one required pilot. Sec. 61.59 Falsification, reproduction, or alteration of applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, or records. Sec. 61.60 Change of address. Subpart B--Aircraft Ratings and Special Certificates Sec. 61.61 Applicability. Sec. 61.63 Additional aircraft ratings (other than airline transport pilot). Sec. 61.65 Instrument rating requirements. Sec. 61.67 Category II pilot authorization requirements. Sec. 61.69 Glider towing: Experience and instruction requirements. Sec. 61.71 Graduates of certificated flying schools: Special rules. Sec. 61.73 Military pilots or former military pilots: Special rules. Sec. 61.75 Pilot certificate issued on basis of a foreign pilot license. Sec. 61.77 Special purpose pilot certificate: Operation of U.S.-registered civil airplanes leased by a person not a U.S. citizen. Subpart C--Student and Recreational Pilots Sec. 61.81 Applicability. Sec. 61.83 Eligibility requirements: Student pilots. Sec. 61.85 Application. Sec. 61.87 Solo flight requirements for student pilots. Sec. 61.89 General limitations. Sec. 61.91 Aircraft limitations: Pilot in command. Sec. 61.93 Cross-country flight requirements (for student and recreational pilots seeking private pilot certification). Sec. 61.95 Operations in a terminal control area and at airports located within a terminal control area. Sec. 61.96 Eligibility requirements: Recreational pilots. Sec. 61.97 Aeronautical knowledge. Sec. 61.98 Flight proficiency. Sec. 61.99 Airplane rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.100 Rotorcraft rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.101 Recreational pilot privileges and limitations. Subpart D--Private Pilots Sec. 61.102 Applicability. Sec. 61.103 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 61.105 Aeronautical knowledge. Sec. 61.107 Flight proficiency. Sec. 61.109 Airplane rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.111 Cross-country flights: Pilots based on small islands. Sec. 61.113 Rotorcraft rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.115 Glider rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.117 Lighter-than-air rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.118 Private pilot privileges and limitations: Pilot in command. Sec. 61.119 Free balloon rating: Limitations. Sec. 61.120 Private pilot privileges and limitations: Second in command of aircraft requiring more than one required pilot. Subpart E--Commercial Pilots Sec. 61.121 Applicability. Sec. 61.123 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 61.125 Aeronautical knowledge. Sec. 61.127 Flight proficiency. Sec. 61.129 Airplane rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.131 Rotorcraft ratings: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.133 Glider rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.135 Airship rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.137 Free balloon rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.139 Commercial pilot privileges and limitations: General. Sec. 61.141 Airship and free balloon ratings: Limitations. Subpart F--Airline Transport Pilots Sec. 61.151 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 61.153 Airplane rating: Aeronautical knowledge. Sec. 61.155 Airplane rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.157 Airplane rating: Aeronautical skill. Sec. 61.159 Rotorcraft rating: Aeronautical knowledge. Sec. 61.161 Rotorcraft rating: Aeronautical experience. Sec. 61.163 Rotorcraft rating: Aeronautical skill. Sec. 61.165 Additional category ratings. Sec. 61.167 Tests. Sec. 61.169 Instruction in air transportation service. Sec. 61.171 General privileges and limitations. Subpart G--Flight Instructors Sec. 61.181 Applicability. Sec. 61.183 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 61.185 Aeronautical knowledge. Sec. 61.187 Flight proficiency. Sec. 61.189 Flight instructor records. Sec. 61.191 Additional flight instructor ratings. Sec. 61.193 Flight instructor authorizations. Sec. 61.195 Flight instructor limitations. Sec. 61.197 Renewal of flight instructor certificates. Sec. 61.199 Expired flight instructor certificates and ratings. Sec. 61.201 Conversion to new system of instructor ratings. Appendix A to Part 61--Practical Test Requirements for Airplane Airline Transport Pilot Certificates and Associated Class and Type Ratings Appendix B to Part 61--Practical Test Requirements for Rotorcraft Airline Transport Pilot Certificates with a Helicopter Class Rating and Associated Type Ratings PART 63--CERTIFICATION: FLIGHT CREWMEMBERS OTHER THAN PILOTS Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 58 SFAR No. 63--Relief For Participants in Operation Desert Shield/Storm Subpart A--General Sec. 63.1 Applicability. Sec. 63.2 Certification of foreign flight crewmembers other than pilots. Sec. 63.3 Certificates and ratings required. Sec. 63.11 Application and issue. Sec. 63.12 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. Sec. 63.12a Refusal to submit to an alcohol test or to furnish test results. Sec. 63.12b Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test. Sec. 63.13 Temporary certificate. Sec. 63.15 Duration of certificates. Sec. 63.15a [Reserved] Sec. 63.16 Change of name; replacement of lost or destroyed certificate. Sec. 63.17 Tests: General procedure. Sec. 63.18 Written tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. Sec. 63.19 Operations during physical deficiency. Sec. 63.20 Applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, and records; falsification, reproduction, or alteration. Sec. 63.21 Change of address. Sec. 63.23 Special purpose flight engineer and flight navigator certificates: Operation of U.S.-registered civil airplanes leased by a person not a U.S. citizen. Subpart B--Flight Engineers Sec. 63.31 Eligibility requirements; general. Sec. 63.33 Aircraft ratings. Sec. 63.35 Knowledge requirements. Sec. 63.37 Aeronautical experience requirements. Sec. 63.39 Skill requirements. Sec. 63.41 Retesting after failure. Sec. 63.42 Flight engineer certificate issued on basis of a foreign flight engineer license. Sec. 63.43 Flight engineer courses. Subpart C--Flight Navigators Sec. 63.51 Eligibility requirements; general. Sec. 63.53 Knowledge requirements. Sec. 63.55 Experience requirements. Sec. 63.57 Skill requirements. Sec. 63.59 Retesting after failure. Sec. 63.61 Flight navigator courses. Appendix A to Part 63--Test Requirements for Flight Navigator Certificate Appendix B to Part 63--Flight Navigator Training Course Requirements Appendix C to Part 63--Flight Engineer Training Course Requirements PART 65--CERTIFICATION: AIRMEN OTHER THAN FLIGHT CREWMEMBERS Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 58 SFAR No. 63--Relief for Participants in Operation Desert Shield/Storm Subpart A--General Sec. 65.1 Applicability. Sec. 65.3 Certification of foreign airmen other than flight crewmembers. Sec. 65.11 Application and issue. Sec. 65.12 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. Sec. 65.13 Temporary certificate. Sec. 65.15 Duration of certificates. Sec. 65.16 Change of name: Replacement of lost or destroyed certificate. Sec. 65.17 Tests: General procedure. Sec. 65.18 Written tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. Sec. 65.19 Retesting after failure. Sec. 65.20 Applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, and records: Falsification, reproduction, or alteration. Sec. 65.21 Change of address. Sec. 65.23 Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test. Subpart B--Air Traffic Control Tower Operators Sec. 65.31 Required certificates, and rating or qualification. Sec. 65.33 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 65.35 Knowledge requirements. Sec. 65.37 Skill requirements: Operating positions. Sec. 65.39 Practical experience requirements: Facility rating. Sec. 65.41 Skill requirements: Facility ratings. Sec. 65.43 Rating privileges and exchange. Sec. 65.45 Performance of duties. Sec. 65.46 Use of prohibited drugs. Sec. 65.46a Misuse of alcohol. Sec. 65.46b Testing for alcohol. Sec. 65.47 Maximum hours. Sec. 65.49 General operating rules. Sec. 65.50 Currency requirements. Subpart C--Aircraft Dispatchers Sec. 65.51 Certificate required. Sec. 65.53 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 65.55 Knowledge requirements. Sec. 65.57 Experience requirements. Sec. 65.59 Skill requirements. Sec. 65.61 Aircraft dispatcher courses. Subpart D--Mechanics Sec. 65.71 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 65.73 Ratings. Sec. 65.75 Knowledge requirements. Sec. 65.77 Experience requirements. Sec. 65.79 Skill requirements. Sec. 65.80 Certificated aviation maintenance technician school students. Sec. 65.81 General privileges and limitations. Sec. 65.83 Recent experience requirements. Sec. 65.85 Airframe rating; additional privileges. Sec. 65.87 Powerplant rating; additional privileges. Sec. 65.89 Display of certificate. Sec. 65.91 Inspection authorization. Sec. 65.92 Inspection authorization: Duration. Sec. 65.93 Inspection authorization: Renewal. Sec. 65.95 Inspection authorization: Privileges and limitations. Subpart E--Repairmen Sec. 65.101 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 65.103 Repairman certificate: Privileges and limitations. Sec. 65.104 Repairman certificate--experimental aircraft builder-- Eligibility, privileges and limitations. Sec. 65.105 Display of certificate. Subpart F--Parachute Riggers Sec. 65.111 Certificate required. Sec. 65.113 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 65.115 Senior parachute rigger certificate: Experience, knowledge, and skill requirements. Sec. 65.117 Military riggers or former military riggers: Special certification rule. Sec. 65.119 Master parachute rigger certificate: Experience, knowledge, and skill requirements. Sec. 65.121 Type ratings. Sec. 65.123 Additional type ratings: Requirements. Sec. 65.125 Certificates: Privileges. Sec. 65.127 Facilities and equipment. Sec. 65.129 Performance standards. Sec. 65.131 Records. Sec. 65.133 Seal. Appendix A to Part 65--Aircraft Dispatcher Courses PART 67--MEDICAL STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION Subpart A--General Sec. 67.1 Applicability. Sec. 67.3 Access to the National Driver Register. Sec. 67.11 Issue. Sec. 67.12 Certification of foreign airmen. Sec. 67.13 First-class medical certificate. Sec. 67.15 Second-class medical certificate. Sec. 67.17 Third-class medical certificate. Sec. 67.19 Special issue of medical certificates. Sec. 67.20 Applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, and records: Falsification, reproduction, or alteration. Subpart B--Certification Procedures Sec. 67.21 Applicability. Sec. 67.23 Medical examinations: Who may give. Sec. 67.25 Delegation of authority. Sec. 67.27 Denial of medical certificate. Sec. 67.29 Medical certificates by senior flight surgeons of armed forces. Sec. 67.31 Medical records. SUBCHAPTER E--AIRSPACE PART 71--DESIGNATION OF CLASS A, CLASS B, CLASS C, CLASS D, AND CLASS E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIRWAYS; ROUTES; AND REPORTING POINTS Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 45-1 Subpart A--General; Class A Airspace Sec. 71.1 Applicability. Sec. 71.3 [Reserved] Sec. 71.5 Reporting points. Sec. 71.7 Bearings, radials, and mileages. Sec. 71.9 Overlapping airspace designations. Sec. 71.31 Class A airspace. Sec. 71.33 Class A airspace areas. Subpart B--Class B Airspace Sec. 71.41 Class B airspace. Subpart C--Class C Airspace Sec. 71.51 Class C airspace. Subpart D--Class D Airspace Sec. 71.61 Class D airspace. Subpart E--Class E Airspace Sec. 71.71 Class E airspace. Sec. 71.73 Classification of Federal airways. Sec. 71.75 Extent of Federal airways. Sec. 71.77 [Reserved. Amdt. 71-19, 58 FR 12137, Mar. 2, 1993] Sec. 71.79 Designation of VOR Federal airways. Subpart F--[Reserved] Subpart G--[Reserved] Subpart H--Reporting Points Sec. 71.901 Applicability. PART 73--SPECIAL USE AIRSPACE Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 53--Establishment of Warning Areas in the Airspace Overlying the Waters Between 3 and 12 Nautical Miles From the United States Coast SFAR No. 59--Temporary Prohibited Areas; 1990 Goodwill Games in the State of Washington Subpart A--General Sec. 73.1 Applicability. Sec. 73.3 Special use airspace. Sec. 73.5 Bearings; radials; miles. Subpart B--Restricted Areas Sec. 73.11 Applicability. Sec. 73.13 Restrictions. Sec. 73.15 Using agency. Sec. 73.17 Controlling agency. Sec. 73.19 Reports by using agency. Subpart C--Prohibited Areas Sec. 73.81 Applicability. Sec. 73.83 Restrictions. Sec. 73.85 Using agency. PART 75--[Reserved] PART 77--OBJECTS AFFECTING NAVIGABLE AIRSPACE Subpart A--General Sec. 77.1 Scope. Sec. 77.2 Definition of terms. Sec. 77.3 Standards. Sec. 77.5 Kinds of objects affected. Subpart B--Notice of Construction or Alteration Sec. 77.11 Scope. Sec. 77.13 Construction or alteration requiring notice. Sec. 77.15 Construction or alteration not requiring notice. Sec. 77.17 Form and time of notice. Sec. 77.19 Acknowledgment of notice. Subpart C--Obstruction Standards Sec. 77.21 Scope. Sec. 77.23 Standards for determining obstructions. Sec. 77.25 Civil airport imaginary surfaces. Sec. 77.27 [Reserved] Sec. 77.28 Military airport imaginary surfaces. Sec. 77.29 Airport imaginary surfaces for heliports. Subpart D--Aeronautical Studies of Effect of Proposed Construction on Navigable Airspace Sec. 77.31 Scope. Sec. 77.33 Initiation of studies. Sec. 77.35 Aeronautical studies. Sec. 77.37 Discretionary review. Sec. 77.39 Effective period of determination of no hazard. Subpart E--Rules of Practice for Hearings Under Subpart D Sec. 77.41 Scope. Sec. 77.43 Nature of hearing. Sec. 77.45 Presiding officer. Sec. 77.47 Legal officer. Sec. 77.49 Notice of hearing. Sec. 77.51 Parties to the hearing. Sec. 77.53 Prehearing conference. Sec. 77.55 Examination of witnesses. Sec. 77.57 Evidence. Sec. 77.59 Subpoenas of witnesses and exhibits. Sec. 77.61 Revision of construction or alteration proposal. Sec. 77.63 Record of hearing. Sec. 77.65 Recommendations by parties. Sec. 77.67 Final decision of the Administrator. Sec. 77.69 Limitations on appearance and representation. Subpart F--Establishment of Antenna Farm Areas Sec. 77.71 Scope. Sec. 77.73 General provisions. Sec. 77.75 Establishment of antenna farm areas. SUBCHAPTER F--AIR TRAFFIC AND GENERAL OPERATING RULES PART 91--GENERAL OPERATING AND FLIGHT RULES Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 21--Southern Rhodesia; Aviation Sanctions [Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] SFAR No. 27-5 [Removed. 55 FR 32861, Aug. 10, 1990] SFAR No. 29-4--Limited IFR Operations of Rotorcraft SFAR No. 41 SFAR No. 44-5--Air Traffic Control System Interim Operations Plan [Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] SFAR No. 44-6--Air Traffic Control System Interim Operations Plan [Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] SFAR No. 45-1 SFAR No. 47--[Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] SFAR No. 50-2--Special Flight Rules in the Vicinity of the Grand Canyon National Park, AZ SFAR No. 51-1--Special Flight Rules in the Vicinity of Los Angeles International Airport SFAR No. 54--Temporary Restriction of Instrument Approaches and Certain Visual Flight Rules Operations in High Pressure Weather Conditions SFAR No. 55-1--Flight Restrictions in the Vicinity of Prince William Sound, Alaska SFAR No. 56--Temporary Suspension of Transponder With Altitude Encoding Equipment Requirement Below the Chicago, IL, Terminal Control Area SFAR No. 57--Restriction on Certain Flights From the United States To the Republic of the Philippines [Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 60--Air Traffic Control System Emergency Operation Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 61 [Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 61-1. Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 62 SFAR No. 64--Special Flight Authorizations for Noise Restricted Aircraft Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 65 Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 66 Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 67--Prohibition Against Certain Flights Within the Territory and Airspace of Afghanistan Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 68 [Removed. 59 FR 54385, Oct. 31, 1994] Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 69 [Removed. 59 FR 53584, Oct. 25, 1994] SFAR No. 71--Special Operating Rules for Air Tour Operators in the State of Hawaii Subpart A--General Sec. 91.1 Applicability. Sec. 91.3 Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command. Sec. 91.5 Pilot in command of aircraft requiring more than one required pilot. Sec. 91.7 Civil aircraft airworthiness. Sec. 91.9 Civil aircraft flight manual, marking, and placard requirements. Sec. 91.11 Prohibition against interference with crewmembers. Sec. 91.13 Careless or reckless operation. Sec. 91.15 Dropping objects. Sec. 91.17 Alcohol or drugs. Sec. 91.19 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Sec. 91.21 Portable electronic devices. Sec. 91.23 Truth-in-leasing clause requirement in leases and conditional sales contracts. Sec. 91.25 Aviation Safety Reporting Program: Prohibition against use of reports for enforcement purposes. Secs. 91.27--91.99 [Reserved] Subpart B--Flight Rules General Sec. 91.101 Applicability. Sec. 91.103 Preflight action. Sec. 91.105 Flight crewmembers at stations. Sec. 91.107 Use of safety belts, shoulder harnesses, and child restraint systems. Sec. 91.109 Flight instruction; Simulated instrument flight and certain flight tests. Sec. 91.111 Operating near other aircraft. Sec. 91.113 Right-of-way rules: Except water operations. Sec. 91.115 Right-of-way rules: Water operations. Sec. 91.117 Aircraft speed. Sec. 91.119 Minimum safe altitudes: General. Sec. 91.121 Altimeter settings. Sec. 91.123 Compliance with ATC clearances and instructions. Sec. 91.125 ATC light signals. Sec. 91.126 Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class G airspace. Sec. 91.127 Operating on or in the vicinity of an airport in Class E airspace. Sec. 91.129 Operations Sec. 91.130 Operations Sec. 91.131 Operations Sec. 91.133 Restricted in Class D airspace. in Class C airspace. in Class B airspace. and prohibited areas. Sec. 91.135 Operations in Class A airspace. Sec. 91.137 Temporary flight restrictions. Sec. 91.138 Temporary flight restrictions in national disaster areas in the State of Hawaii. Sec. 91.139 Emergency air traffic rules. Sec. 91.141 Flight restrictions in the proximity of the Presidential ad other parties. Sec. 91.143 Flight limitation in the proximity of space flight operations. Sec. 91.144 Temporary Restriction on Flight Operations During Abnormally High Barometric Pressure Conditions. Secs. 91.145--91.149 [Reserved] Visual Flight Rules Sec. 91.151 Fuel requirements for flight in VFR conditions. Sec. 91.153 VFR flight plan: Information required. Sec. 91.155 Basic VFR weather minimums. Sec. 91.157 Special VFR weather minimums. Sec. 91.159 VFR cruising altitude or flight level. Secs. 91.161--91.165 [Reserved] Instrument Flight Rules Sec. 91.167 Fuel requirements for flight in IFR conditions. Sec. 91.169 IFR flight plan: Information required. Sec. 91.171 VOR equipment check for IFR operations. Sec. 91.173 ATC clearance and flight plan required. Sec. 91.175 Takeoff and landing under IFR. Sec. 91.177 Minimum altitudes for IFR operations. Sec. 91.179 IFR cruising altitude or flight level. Sec. 91.181 Course to be flown. Sec. 91.183 IFR radio communications. Sec. 91.185 IFR operations: Two-way radio communications failure. Sec. 91.187 Operation under IFR in controlled airspace: Malfunction reports. Sec. 91.189 Category II and III operations: General operating rules. Sec. 91.191 Category II manual. Sec. 91.193 Certificate of authorization for certain Category II operations. Secs. 91.195--91.199 [Reserved] Subpart C--Equipment, Instrument, and Certificate Requirements Sec. 91.201 Carry-on-baggage. Sec. 91.203 Civil aircraft: Certifications required. Sec. 91.205 Powered civil aircraft with standard category U.S. airworthiness certificates: Instrument and equipment requirements. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 91.207 91.209 91.211 91.213 91.215 Emergency locator transmitters. Aircraft lights. Supplemental oxygen. Inoperative instruments and equipment. ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use. Sec. 91.217 Data correspondence between automatically reported pressur altitude data and the pilot's altitude reference. Sec. 91.219 Altitude alerting system or device: Turbojetpowered civil airplanes. Sec. 91.221 Traffic alert and collision avoidance system equipment anduse. Secs. 91.223--91.299 [Reserved] Subpart D--Special Flight Operations Sec. 91.301 Applicability; relation to Part 36. Sec. 91.303 Aerobatic flight. Sec. 91.305 Flight test areas. Sec. 91.307 Parachutes and parachuting. Sec. 91.309 Towing: Gliders. Sec. 91.311 Towing: Other than under Sec. 91.309. Sec. 91.313 Restricted category civil aircraft: Operating limitations. Sec. 91.315 Limited category civil aircraft: Operating limitations. Sec. 91.317 Provisionally certificated civil aircraft: Operating limitations. Sec. 91.319 Aircraft having experimental certificates: Operating limitations. Sec. 91.321 Carriage of candidates in Federal elections. Sec. 91.323 Increased maximum certificated weights for certain airplans operated in Alaska. Sec. 91.325 Primary Category Aircraft: Operating limitations. Secs. 91.326--91.399 [Reserved] Subpart E--Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations Sec. 91.401 Applicability. Sec. 91.403 General. Sec. 91.405 Maintenance required. Sec. 91.407 Operation after maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuiding, or alteration. Sec. 91.409 Inspections. Sec. 91.411 Altimeter system and altitude reporting equipment tests an inspections. Sec. 91.413 ATC transponder tests and inspections. Sec. 91.415 Changes to aircraft inspection programs. Sec. 91.417 Maintenance records. Sec. 91.419 Transfer of maintenance records. Sec. 91.421 Rebuilt engine maintenance records. Secs. 91.423--91.499 [Reserved] Subpart F--Large and Turbine-Powered Multiengine Airplanes Sec. 91.501 Applicability. Sec. 91.503 Flying equipment and operating information. Sec. 91.505 Familiarity with operating limitations and emergency equipent. Sec. 91.507 Equipment requirements: Over-the-top or night VFR operatios. Sec. 91.509 Sec. 91.511 Sec. 91.513 Sec. 91.515 Sec. 91.517 Sec. 91.519 Sec. 91.521 Sec. 91.523 Sec. 91.525 Sec. 91.527 Sec. 91.529 Sec. 91.531 Sec. 91.533 Sec. 91.535 Survival equipment for overwater operations. Radio equipment for overwater operations. Emergency equipment. Flight altitude rules. Passenger information. Passenger briefing. Shoulder harness. Carry-on baggage. Carriage of cargo. Operating in icing conditions. Flight engineer requirements. Second in command requirements. Flight attendant requirements. Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during aircraft movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing. Secs. 91.536--91.599 [Reserved] Subpart G--Additional Equipment and Operating Requirements for Large and Transport Category Aircraft Sec. 91.601 Applicability. Sec. 91.603 Aural speed warning device. Sec. 91.605 Transport category civil airplane weight limitations. Sec. 91.607 Emergency exits for airplanes carrying passengers for hire Sec. 91.609 Flight recorders and cockpit voice recorders. Sec. 91.611 Authorization for ferry flight with one engine inoperative Sec. 91.613 Materials for compartment interiors. Secs. 91.615--91.699 [Reserved] Subpart H--Foreign Aircraft Operations and Operations of U.S.Registered Civil Aircraft Outside of the United States Sec. 91.701 Applicability. Sec. 91.703 Operations of civil aircraft of U.S. registry outside of te United States. Sec. 91.705 Operations within the North Atlantic Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications Airspace. Sec. 91.707 Flights between Mexico or Canada and the United States. Sec. 91.709 Operations to Cuba. Sec. 91.711 Special rules for foreign civil aircraft. Sec. 91.713 Operation of civil aircraft of Cuban registry. Sec. 91.715 Special flight authorizations for foreign civil aircraft. Secs. 91.717--91.799 [Reserved] Subpart I--Operating Noise Limits Sec. 91.801 Applicability: Relation to Part 36. Sec. 91.803 Part 125 operators: Designation of applicable regulations. Sec. 91.805 Final compliance: Subsonic airplanes. Sec. 91.807 Phased compliance under Parts 121, 125, and 135: Subsonic airplanes. Sec. 91.809 Replacement airplanes. Sec. 91.811 Service to small communities exemption: Twoengine, subsonc airplanes. Sec. 91.813 Compliance plans and status: U.S. operations of subsonic airplanes. Sec. 91.815 Agricultural and fire fighting airplanes: Noise operating limitations. Sec. 91.817 Civil aircraft sonic boom. Sec. 91.819 Civil supersonic airplanes that do not comply with Part 36 Sec. 91.821 Civil supersonic airplanes: Noise limits. Secs. 91.823--91.849 [Reserved] Sec. 91.851 Definitions. Sec. 91.853 Final compliance: Civil subsonic airplanes. Sec. 91.855 Entry and nonaddition rule. Sec. 91.857 Airplanes imported to points outside the contiguous United States. Sec. 91.859 Modification to meet Stage 3 noise levels. Sec. 91.861 Base level. Sec. 91.863 Transfers of Stage 2 airplanes with base level. Sec. 91.865 Phased compliance for operators with base level. Sec. 91.867 Phased compliance for new entrants. Sec. 91.869 Carry-forward compliance. Sec. 91.871 Waivers from interim compliance requirements. Sec. 91.873 Waivers from final compliance. Sec. 91.875 Annual progress reports. Secs. 91.877--91.899 [Reserved] Subpart J--Waivers Sec. 91.901 [Reserved] Sec. 91.903 Policy and procedures. Sec. 91.905 List of rules subject to waivers. Secs. 91.907--91.999 [Reserved] Appendix A to Part 91--Category II Operations: Manual, Instruments, Equipment, and Maintenance Appendix B to Part 91--Authorizations to Exceed Mach 1 (section 91.817) Appendix C to Part 91--Operations in the North Atlantic (NAT) Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications (MNPS) Airspace Appendix D--Airports/Locations: Special Operating Restrictions Appendix E to Part 91--Airplane Flight Recorder Specifications Appendix F to Part 91--Helicopter Flight Recorder Specifications PART 93--SPECIAL AIR TRAFFIC RULES AND AIRPORT TRAFFIC PATTERNS Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 43 SFAR No. 48--Special Slot Withdrawal and Reallocation Procedures Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 60--Air Traffic Control System Emergency Operation Subpart A--General Sec. 93.1 Applicability. Subparts B-C-- [Reserved] Subpart D--Anchorage, Alaska, Terminal Area Sec. 93.51 Applicability. Sec. 93.53 Description of area. Sec. 93.55 Subdivision of area. Sec. 93.57 General rules: All segments. Sec. 93.59 General rules: International segment. Sec. 93.61 General rules: Lake Hood segment. Sec. 93.63 General rules: Merrill segment. Sec. 93.65 General rules: Elmendorf segment. Sec. 93.67 General rules: Bryant segment. Sec. 93.69 Special Requirements, Lake Campbell and Sixmile Lake Airports. Subpart E--VOR Federal Airway No. 16 Sec. 93.71 Applicability. Sec. 93.73 Crossing VOR Federal Airway No. 16; VFR Jet Training Operations. Sec. 93.75 Crossing and operating along VOR Federal Airway No. 16. Subpart F--Valparaiso, Florida, Terminal Area Sec. 93.81 Applicability and description of area. Sec. 93.83 Aircraft Operations. Subpart G--[Reserved] Subpart H--[Reserved] Subpart I--[Reserved. Amdt. 93-64, 56 FR 65662, Dec. 17, 1991; 57 FR 11575, Apr. 6, 1992] Subpart J--Lorain County Regional Airport Traffic Rule Sec. 93.117 Applicability. Sec. 93.119 Aircraft operations. Subpart K--High Density Traffic Airports Sec. 93.121 Applicability. Sec. 93.123 High density traffic airports. Sec. 93.125 Arrival or departure reservation. Sec. 93.129 Additional operations. Sec. 93.130 Suspension of allocations. Sec. 93.133 Exceptions. Subpart L--[Reserved] Subpart M--Ketchikan International Airport Traffic Rule Sec. 93.151 Applicability. Sec. 93.153 Communications. Sec. 93.155 Aircraft operations. Subpart N--[Reserved. Amdt. 93-64, 56 FR 65662, Dec. 17, 1991; 57 FR 11575, Apr. 6, 1992] Subpart O--[Reserved. Amdt. 93-64, 56 FR 65662, Dec. 17, 1991; 57 FR 11575, Apr. 6, 1992] Subpart P--[Reserved. Amdt. 93-67, 58 FR 12137, Mar. 2, 1993] Subpart Q--[Reserved. Amdt. 93-64, 56 FR 65662, Dec. 17, 1991; 57 FR 11575, Apr. 6, 1992] Subpart R--[Reserved. Amdt. 93-64, 56 FR 65662, Dec. 17, 1991; 57 FR 11575, Apr. 6, 1992] Subpart S--Allocation of Commuter and Air Carrier IFR Operations at High Density Traffic Airports Sec. 93.211 Applicability. Sec. 93.213 Definitions and general provisions. Sec. 93.215 Initial allocation of slots. Sec. 93.217 Allocation of slots for international operations and applicable limitations. Sec. 93.219 Allocation of slots for essential air service operations and applicable limitations. Sec. 93.221 Transfer of slots. Sec. 93.223 Slot withdrawal. Sec. 93.224 Return of slots. Sec. 93.225 Lottery of available slots. Sec. 93.226 Allocation of slots in low-demand periods. Sec. 93.227 Slot use and loss. Sec. 93.229 [Removed. Amdt. 93-65, 57 FR 37315, Aug. 18, 1992] Subpart T--Washington National Airport Traffic Rules Sec. 93.251 Applicability. Sec. 93.253 Nonstop operations. Appendix A Appendix B to Part 93--[Removed. Amdt. 93-68, 58 FR 39616, July 23, 1993] PART 95--IFR ALTITUDES Subpart A--General Sec. 95.1 Applicability. Sec. 95.3 Symbols. Subpart B--Designated Mountainous Areas Sec. 95.11 General. Sec. 95.13 Eastern United States Mountainous Area. Sec. 95.15 Western United States Mountainous Area. Sec. 95.17 Alaska Mountainous Area. Sec. 95.19 Hawaii Mountainous Area. Sec. 95.21 Puerto Rico Mountainous Area. Subpart C--En Route IFR Altitudes Over Particular Routes and Intersections Sec. 95.31 General. Subpart D--Changeover Points Sec. 95.8001 General. PART 97--STANDARD INSTRUMENT APPROACH PROCEDURES Subpart A--General Sec. 97.1 Applicability. Sec. 97.3 Symbols and terms used in procedures. Sec. 97.5 Bearings; courses; headings; radials; miles. Subpart B--Procedures Sec. 97.10 General. Subpart C--TERPS Procedures Sec. 97.20 General. PART 99--SECURITY CONTROL OF AIR TRAFFIC Subpart A--General Sec. 99.1 Applicability. Sec. 99.3 General. Sec. 99.5 Emergency situations. Sec. 99.7 Special security instructions. Sec. 99.9 Radio requirements. Sec. 99.11 ADIZ flight plan requirements. Sec. 99.12 Transponder-on requirements. Sec. 99.15 Arrival or completion notice. Sec. 99.17 Position reports; aircraft operating in or penetrating an ADIZ; IFR. Sec. 99.19 Position reports; aircraft operating in or penetrating an ADIZ; DVFR. Sec. 99.21 Position reports; aircraft entering the United States through an ADIZ; United States aircraft. Sec. 99.23 Position reports; aircraft entering the United States through an ADIZ; foreign aircraft. Sec. 99.27 Deviation from flight plans and ATC clearances and instructions. Sec. 99.29 Radio failure; DVFR. Sec. 99.31 Radio failure; IFR. Subpart B--Designated Air Defense Identification Zones Sec. 99.41 General. Sec. 99.42 Contiguous U.S. ADIZ. Sec. 99.43 Sec. 99.45 Sec. 99.47 Sec. 99.49 PART 101--MOORED Alaska ADIZ. Guam ADIZ. Hawaii ADIZ. Defense Area. BALLOONS, KITES, UNMANNED ROCKETS AND UNMANNED FREE BALLOONS Subpart A--General Sec. 101.1 Applicability. Sec. 101.3 Waivers. Sec. 101.5 Operations in prohibited or restricted areas. Sec. 101.7 Hazardous operations. Subpart B--Moored Balloons and Kites Sec. 101.11 Applicability. Sec. 101.13 Operating limitations. Sec. 101.15 Notice requirements. Sec. 101.17 Lighting and marking requirements. Sec. 101.19 Rapid deflation device. Subpart C--Unmanned Rockets Sec. 101.21 Applicability. Sec. 101.22 Special provisions for large model rockets. Sec. 101.23 Operating limitations. Sec. 101.25 Notice requirements. Subpart D--Unmanned Free Balloons Sec. 101.31 Applicability. Sec. 101.33 Operating limitations. Sec. 101.35 Equipment and marking requirements. Sec. 101.37 Notice requirements. Sec. 101.39 Balloon position reports. PART 103--ULTRALIGHT VEHICLES Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 45-1 Subpart A--General Sec. 103.1 Applicability. Sec. 103.3 Inspection requirements. Sec. 103.5 Waivers. Sec. 103.7 Certification and registration. Subpart B--Operating Rules Sec. 103.9 Hazardous operations. Sec. 103.11 Daylight operations. Sec. 103.13 Operation near aircraft; right-of-way rules. Sec. 103.15 Operations over congested areas. Sec. 103.17 Operations in certain airspace. Sec. 103.19 Operations in prohibited or restricted areas. Sec. 103.20 Flight restrictions in the proximity of certain areas designated by notice to airmen. Sec. 103.21 Visual reference with the surface. Sec. 103.23 Flight visibility and cloud clearance requirements. PART 105--PARACHUTE JUMPING Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 45-1 Subpart A--General Sec. 105.1 Applicability. Subpart B--Operating Rules Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 105.11 105.13 105.14 105.15 Applicability. General. Radio equipment and use requirements. Jumps over or into congested areas or open air assembly of persons. Sec. 105.17 Jumps over or onto airports. Sec. 105.19 Jumps in or into Class A, Class B, Class C, and Class D airspace. Sec. 105.20 [Reserved. Amdt. 105-10, 56 FR 65663, Dec. 17, 1991] Sec. 105.21 [Reserved. Amdt. 105-10, 56 FR 65663, Dec. 17, 1991] Sec. 105.23 Jumps in or into other airspace. Sec. 105.25 Information required, and notice of cancellation or postponement of jump. Sec. 105.27 Jumps over or within restricted or prohibited areas. Sec. 105.29 Flight visibility and clearance from clouds requirements. Sec. 105.33 Parachute jumps between sunset and sunrise. Sec. 105.35 Liquor and drugs. Sec. 105.37 Inspections. Subpart C--Parachute Equipment Sec. 105.41 Applicability. Sec. 105.43 Parachute equipment and packing requirements. PART 107--AIRPORT SECURITY Sec. 107.1 Applicability and definitions. Sec. 107.3 Security program. Sec. 107.5 Approval of security program. Sec. 107.7 Changed conditions affecting security. Sec. 107.9 Amendment of security program by airport operator. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 107.11 107.13 107.14 107.15 107.17 107.19 107.20 107.21 Amendment of security program by FAA. Security of air operations area. Access control system. Law enforcement support. Law enforcement officers. Use of Federal law enforcement officers. Submission to screening. Carriage of an explosive, incendiary, or deadly or dangerous weapon. Sec. 107.23 Records. Sec. 107.25 Airport identification media. Sec. 107.27 Evidence of compliance. Sec. 107.29 Airport Security Coordinator. PART 108--AIRPLANE OPERATOR SECURITY Sec. 108.1 Applicability. Sec. 108.3 Definitions. Sec. 108.5 Security program: Adoption and implementation. Sec. 108.7 Security program: Form, content, and availability. Sec. 108.9 Screening of passengers and property. Sec. 108.10 Prevention and management of hijackings and sabotage attempts. Sec. 108.11 Carriage of weapons. Sec. 108.13 Security of airplanes and facilities. Sec. 108.14 Transportation of Federal Air Marshals. Sec. 108.15 Law enforcement officers. Sec. 108.17 Use of X-ray systems. Sec. 108.18 Security Directives and Information Circulars. Sec. 108.19 Security Threats and Procedures. Sec. 108.20 Use of Explosives Detection Systems. Sec. 108.21 Carriage of passengers under the control of armed law enforcement escorts. Sec. 108.23 Training. Sec. 108.25 Approval of security programs and amendments. Sec. 108.27 Evidence of compliance. Sec. 108.29 Standards for security oversight. Sec. 108.31 Employment standards for screening personnel. PART 109--INDIRECT AIR CARRIER SECURITY Sec. 109.1 Applicability. Sec. 109.3 Security program. Sec. 109.5 Approval of security programs and amendments. SUBCHAPTER G--AIR CARRIERS, AIR TRAVEL CLUBS, AND OPERATORS FOR COMPENSATION OR HIRE: CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS PART 121--CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS: DOMESTIC, FLAG, AND SUPPLEMENTAL AIR CARRIERS AND COMMERCIAL OPERATORS OF LARGE AIRCRAFT Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 14 SFAR No. 34--Compensation for Required Security Measures in Foreign Air Transportation [Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] SFAR No. 36 SFAR No. 38-2--Certification and Operating Requirements SFAR No. 41 SFAR No. 52 Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 58--Advanced Qualification Program Subpart A--General Sec. 121.1 Applicability. Sec. 121.3 Certification requirements: General. Sec. 121.4 Applicability of rules to unauthorized operators. Sec. 121.5 Charter flights or other special service operation: Flag and domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.6 Leasing of aircraft. Sec. 121.7 Common carriage by commercial operator. Sec. 121.9 Operations of airplanes having a maximum passenger seating configuration of 30 seats or less and a maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less. Sec. 121.11 Rules applicable to operations in a foreign country. Sec. 121.13 Rules applicable to helicopter operations: deviation authority. Sec. 121.15 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Subpart B--Certification Rules for Domestic and Flag Air Carriers Sec. 121.21 Applicability. Sec. 121.23 Operations specifications not a part of certificate. Sec. 121.25 Contents of certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 121.26 Application for domestic or flag air carrier operator certificates. Sec. 121.27 Issue of certificate. Sec. 121.29 Duration of certificate. Subpart C--Certification Rules for Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators Sec. 121.41 Applicability. Sec. 121.43 Operations specifications not a part of certificate. Sec. 121.45 Contents of certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 121.47 Application for supplemental air carrier and commercial operator certificates. Sec. 121.48 Commercial operator: Financial statement preparation and certification. Sec. 121.49 Commercial operator: Financial information required for Sec. Sec. Sec. original issue or renewal. 121.51 Issue of certificate. 121.53 Duration of certificate. 121.55 Commercial operator: Periodic financial reports. Sec. 121.57 Obtaining waivers and authority for deviations. Sec. 121.59 Management personnel required. Sec. 121.61 Management personnel: qualifications. Subpart D--Rules Governing All Certificate Holders Under This Part Sec. 121.71 Applicability. Sec. 121.73 Availability of certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 121.75 Use of operations specifications. Sec. 121.77 Amendment of certificate. Sec. 121.79 Amendment of operations specifications. Sec. 121.81 Inspection authority. Sec. 121.83 Change of address. Subpart E--Approval of Routes: Domestic and Flag Air Carriers Sec. 121.91 Applicability. Sec. 121.93 Route requirements: General. Sec. 121.95 Route width. Sec. 121.97 Airports: Required data. Sec. 121.99 Communications facilities. Sec. 121.101 Weather reporting facilities. Sec. 121.103 En route navigational facilities. Sec. 121.105 Servicing and maintenance facilities. Sec. 121.107 Dispatch centers. Subpart F--Approval of Areas and Routes for Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators Sec. 121.111 Applicability. Sec. 121.113 Area and route requirements: General. Sec. 121.115 Route width. Sec. 121.117 Airports: Required data. Sec. 121.119 Weather reporting facilities. Sec. 121.121 En route navigational facilities. Sec. 121.123 Servicing and maintenance facilities. Sec. 121.125 Flight following system. Sec. 121.127 Flight following system; requirements. Subpart G--Manual Requirements Sec. 121.131 Applicability. Sec. 121.133 Preparation. Sec. 121.135 Contents. Sec. 121.137 Distribution and availability. Sec. 121.139 Requirement for manual aboard aircraft: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.141 Airplane or rotorcraft flight manual. Subpart H--Aircraft Requirements Sec. 121.151 Applicability. Sec. 121.153 Aircraft requirements: General. Sec. 121.155 [Reserved] Sec. 121.157 Aircraft certification and equipment requirements. Sec. 121.159 Single-engine airplanes prohibited. Sec. 121.161 Airplane limitations: Type of route. Sec. 121.163 Aircraft proving tests. Subpart I--Airplane Performance Operating Limitations Sec. 121.171 Applicability. Sec. 121.173 General. Sec. 121.175 Transport category airplanes: reciprocating engine powered: Weight limitations. Sec. 121.177 Transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Takeoff limitations. Sec. 121.179 Transport category airplanes: reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: all engines operating. Sec. 121.181 Transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. Sec. 121.183 Part 25 transport category airplanes with four or more engines: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative. Sec. 121.185 Transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airport. Sec. 121.187 Transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airport. Sec. 121.189 Transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered; takeoff limitations. Sec. 121.191 Transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. Sec. 121.193 Transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative. Sec. 121.195 Transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airports. Sec. 121.197 Transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airports. Sec. 121.198 Transport category cargo service airplanes: Increased zero fuel and landing weights. Sec. 121.199 Nontransport category airplanes: Takeoff limitations. Sec. 121.201 Nontransport category airplanes: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. Sec. 121.203 Nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Destination airport. Sec. 121.205 Nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Alternate airport. Sec. 121.207 Provisionally certificated air carrier airplane: Operating limitations. Subpart J--Special Airworthiness Requirements Sec. 121.211 Applicability. Sec. 121.213 Special airworthiness requirements: General. Sec. 121.215 Cabin interiors. Sec. 121.217 Internal doors. Sec. 121.219 Ventilation. Sec. 121.221 Fire precautions. Sec. 121.223 Proof of compliance with Sec. 121.221. Sec. 121.225 Propeller deicing fluid. Sec. 121.227 Pressure cross-feed arrangements. Sec. 121.229 Location of fuel tanks. Sec. 121.231 Fuel system lines and fittings. Sec. 121.233 Fuel lines and fittings in designated fire zones. Sec. 121.235 Fuel valves. Sec. 121.237 Oil lines and fittings in designated fire zones. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 121.239 121.241 121.243 121.245 Oil valves. Oil system drains. Engine breather lines. Fire walls. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 121.247 121.249 121.251 121.253 121.255 121.257 121.259 121.261 121.263 121.265 121.267 Fire-wall construction. Cowling. Engine accessory section diaphragm. Powerplant fire protection. Flammable fluids. Shutoff means. Lines and fittings. Vent and drain lines. Fire-extinguishing systems. Fire-extinguishing agents. Extinguishing agent container pressure relief. Sec. 121.269 Extinguishing agent container compartment temperature. Sec. 121.271 Fire-extinguishing system materials. Sec. 121.273 Fire-detector systems. Sec. 121.275 Fire detectors. Sec. 121.277 Protection of other airplane components against fire. Sec. 121.279 Sec. 121.281 Sec. 121.283 Sec. 121.285 Sec. 121.287 Sec. 121.289 Sec. 121.291 Control of engine rotation. Fuel system independence. Induction system ice prevention. Carriage of cargo in passenger compartments. Carriage of cargo in cargo compartments. Landing gear: Aural warning device. Demonstration of emergency evacuation procedures. Subpart K--Instrument and Equipment Requirements Sec. 121.301 Applicability. Sec. 121.303 Airplane instruments and equipment. Sec. 121.305 Flight and navigational equipment. Sec. 121.307 Engine instruments. Sec. 121.308 Lavatory fire protection. Sec. 121.309 Emergency equipment. Sec. 121.310 Additional emergency equipment. Sec. 121.311 Seats, safety belts, and shoulder harnesses. Sec. 121.312 Materials for compartment interiors. Sec. 121.313 Miscellaneous equipment. Sec. 121.314 Cargo and baggage compartments. Sec. 121.315 Cockpit check procedure. Sec. 121.316 Fuel tanks. Sec. 121.317 Passenger information. Sec. 121.318 Public address system. Sec. 121.319 Crewmember interphone system. Sec. 121.321 [Reserved] Sec. 121.323 Instruments and equipment for operations at night. Sec. 121.325 Instruments and equipment for operations under IFR or over- the-top. Sec. 121.327 Supplemental oxygen: Reciprocating engine powered airplanes. Sec. 121.329 Supplemental oxygen for sustenance: Turbine engine powered airplanes. Sec. 121.331 Supplemental oxygen requirements for pressurized cabin airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered airplanes. Sec. 121.333 Supplemental oxygen for emergency descent and for first aid; turbine engine powered airplanes with pressurized cabins. Sec. 121.335 Sec. 121.337 Sec. 121.339 operations. Sec. 121.340 Sec. 121.341 Equipment standards. Protective breathing equipment. Emergency equipment for extended over-water Emergency flotation means. Equipment for operations in icing conditions. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 121.342 121.343 121.345 121.347 Pitot heat indication systems. Flight recorders. Radio equipment. Radio equipment for operations under VFR over routes navigated by pilotage. Sec. 121.349 Radio equipment for operations under VFR over routes not navigated by pilotage or for operations under IFR or over-the-top. Sec. 121.351 Radio equipment for extended overwater operations and for certain other operations. Sec. 121.353 Emergency equipment for operations over uninhabited terrain areas: flag and supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.355 Equipment for operations on which specialized means of navigation are used. Sec. 121.356 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. Sec. 121.357 Airborne weather radar equipment requirements. Sec. 121.358 Low-altitude windshear system equipment requirements. Sec. 121.359 Cockpit voice recorders. Sec. 121.360 Ground proximity warning-glide slope deviation alerting system. Subpart L--Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations Sec. 121.361 Applicability. Sec. 121.363 Responsibility for airworthiness. Sec. 121.365 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration organization. Sec. 121.367 alterations Sec. 121.369 Sec. 121.371 Sec. 121.373 Sec. 121.375 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and programs. Manual requirements. Required inspection personnel. Continuing analysis and surveillance. Maintenance and preventive maintenance training program. Sec. 121.377 Maintenance and preventive maintenance personnel duty time limitations. Sec. 121.378 Certificate requirements. Sec. 121.379 Authority to perform and approve maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations. Sec. 121.380 Maintenance recording requirements. Sec. 121.380a Transfer of maintenance records. Subpart M--Airman and Crewmember Requirements Sec. 121.381 Applicability. Sec. 121.383 Airman: Limitations on use of services. Sec. 121.385 Composition of flight crew. Sec. 121.387 Flight engineer. Sec. 121.389 Flight navigator and specialized navigation equipment. Sec. 121.391 Flight attendants. Sec. 121.395 Aircraft dispatcher: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.397 Emergency and emergency evacuation duties. Subpart N--Training Program Sec. 121.400 Applicability and terms used. Sec. 121.401 Training program: General. Sec. 121.403 Training program: Curriculum. Sec. 121.404 Windshear training: Compliance dates. Sec. 121.405 Training program and revision: Initial and final approval. Sec. 121.407 Training program: Approval of airplane simulators and other training devices. Sec. 121.409 Training courses using airplane simulators and other training devices. Sec. 121.411 Training program; Check airman and instructor qualifications. Sec. 121.413 Check airmen and flight instructors: Initial and transition training. Sec. 121.415 Crewmember and dispatcher training requirements. Sec. 121.417 Crewmember emergency training. Sec. 121.418 Differences training: Crewmembers and dispatchers. Sec. 121.419 Pilots and flight engineers: Initial, transition, and upgrade ground training. Sec. 121.420 Flight navigators: Initial and transition ground training. Sec. 121.421 Flight attendants: Initial and transition ground training. Sec. 121.422 Aircraft dispatchers: Initial and transition ground training. Sec. 121.424 Pilots: Initial, transition, and upgrade flight training. Sec. 121.425 Flight engineers: Initial and transition flight training. Sec. 121.426 Flight navigators: Initial and transition flight training. Sec. 121.427 Recurrent training. Sec. 121.429 Prohibited drugs. Subpart O--Crewmember Qualifications Sec. 121.431 Applicability. Sec. 121.432 General. Sec. 121.433 Training required. Sec. 121.433a Training requirements: Handling and carriage of dangerous articles and magnetized materials. Sec. 121.434 Operating experience. Sec. 121.435 Helicopter operations: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.437 Pilot qualification: Certificates required. Sec. 121.439 Pilot qualification: Recent experience. Sec. 121.440 Line checks. Sec. 121.441 Proficiency checks. Sec. 121.443 Pilot in command qualification: Route and airports. Sec. 121.445 Pilot in command airport qualification: Special areas and airports. Sec. 121.447 [Reserved] Sec. 121.453 Flight engineer qualifications. Sec. 121.455 Use of prohibited drugs. Sec. 121.457 Testing for prohibited drugs. Sec. 121.458 Misuse of alcohol. Sec. 121.459 Testing for alcohol. Subpart P--Aircraft Dispatcher Qualifications and Duty Time Limitations: Domestic and Flag Air Carriers; Flight Attendant Duty Period Limitations and Rest Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators Sec. 121.461 Sec. 121.463 Sec. 121.465 carriers. Sec. 121.467 Applicability. Aircraft dispatcher qualifications. Duty time limitations: Domestic and flag air Flight attendant duty period limitations and rest requirements: Domestic, flag, and supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Subpart Q--Flight Time Limitations and Rest Requirements: Domestic Air Carriers Sec. 121.470 Applicability. Sec. 121.471 Flight time limitations and rest requirements: All flight crewmembers. Subpart R--Flight Time Limitations: Flag Air Carriers Sec. 121.480 Applicability. Sec. 121.481 Flight time limitations: One or two pilot crews. Sec. 121.483 Flight time limitations: Two pilots and one additional flight crewmember. Sec. 121.485 Flight time limitations: Three or more pilots and an additional flight crewmember. Sec. 121.487 Flight time limitations: Pilots not regularly assigned. Sec. 121.489 Flight time limitations: Other commercial flying. Sec. 121.491 Flight time limitations: Deadhead transportation. Sec. 121.493 Flight time limitations: Flight engineers and flight navigators. Subpart S--Flight Time Limitations: Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators Sec. 121.500 Applicability. Sec. 121.501 Flight time limitations: Helicopters. Sec. 121.503 Flight time limitations: Pilots: airplanes. Sec. 121.505 Flight time limitations: Two pilot crews: airplanes. Sec. 121.507 Flight time limitations: Three pilot crews: Airplanes. Sec. 121.509 Flight time limitations: Four pilot crews: airplanes. Sec. 121.511 Flight time limitations: Flight engineers: airplanes. Sec. 121.513 Flight time limitations: Overseas and international operations: airplanes. Sec. 121.515 Flight time limitations: All airmen: airplanes. Sec. 121.517 Flight time limitations: Other commercial flying: airplanes. Sec. 121.519 Flight time limitations: Deadhead transportation: airplanes. Sec. 121.521 Flight time limitations: Crew of two pilots and one additional airman as required. Sec. 121.523 Flight time limitations: Crew of three or more pilots and additional airmen as required. Sec. 121.525 Flight time limitations: Pilots serving in more than one kind of flight crew. Subpart T--Flight Operations Sec. 121.531 Applicability. Sec. 121.533 Responsibility for operational control: Domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.535 Responsibility for operational control: Flag air carriers. Sec. 121.537 Responsibility for operational control: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.538 Airplane security. Sec. 121.539 Operations notices. Sec. 121.541 Operations schedules: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.542 Flight crewmember duties. Sec. 121.543 Flight crewmembers at controls. Sec. 121.545 Manipulation of controls. Sec. 121.547 Admission to flight deck. Sec. 121.548 Aviation safety inspector's credentials: Admission to pilot's compartment. Sec. 121.549 Flying equipment. Sec. 121.550 Secret Service Agents: Admission to flight deck. Sec. 121.551 Restriction or suspension of operation: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.553 Restriction or suspension of operation: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.555 Compliance with approved routes and limitations: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.557 Emergencies: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.559 Emergencies: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.561 Reporting potentially hazardous meteorological conditions and irregularities of ground and navigation facilities. Sec. 121.563 Reporting mechanical irregularities. Sec. 121.565 Engine inoperative: Landing; reporting. Sec. 121.567 Instrument approach procedures and IFR landing minimums. Sec. 121.569 carriers. Sec. 121.570 Sec. 121.571 Sec. 121.573 operations. Sec. 121.574 Sec. 121.575 Sec. 121.576 Equipment interchange: Domestic and flag air Airplane evacuation capability. Briefing passengers before takeoff. Briefing passengers: Extended overwater Oxygen for medical use by passengers. Alcoholic beverages. Retention of items of mass in passenger and crew compartments. Sec. 121.577 Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during airplane movement on the surface, takeoff, and Sec. Sec. Sec. landing. 121.578 Cabin ozone concentration. 121.579 Minimum altitudes for use of autopilot. 121.581 Forward observer's seat: En route inspections. Sec. 121.583 Carriage of persons without compliance with the passenger- carrying requirements of this part. Sec. 121.585 Exit seating. Sec. 121.586 Authority to refuse transportation. Sec. 121.587 Closing and locking of flight crew compartment door. Sec. 121.589 Carry-on baggage. Sec. 121.590 Use of certificated land airports. Subpart U--Dispatching and Flight Release Rules Sec. 121.591 Applicability. Sec. 121.593 Dispatching authority: Domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.595 Dispatching authority: Flag air carriers. Sec. 121.597 Flight release authority: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.599 Familiarity with weather conditions. Sec. 121.601 Aircraft dispatcher information to pilot in command: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.603 Facilities and services: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.605 Airplane equipment. Sec. 121.607 Communication and navigation facilities: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.609 Communication and navigation facilities: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.611 Dispatch or flight release under VFR. Sec. 121.613 Dispatch or flight release under IFR or over the top. Sec. 121.615 Dispatch or flight release over water: Flag and supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.617 Alternate airport for departure. Sec. 121.619 Alternate airport for destination: IFR or overthe-top: Domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.621 Alternate airport for destination: Flag air carriers. Sec. 121.623 Alternate airport for destination; IFR or overthe-top: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 121.625 121.627 121.628 121.629 121.631 Alternate airport weather minimums. Continuing flight in unsafe conditions. Inoperable instruments and equipment. Operation in icing conditions. Original dispatch or flight release, redispatch or amendment of dispatch or flight release. Sec. 121.633 [Reserved] Sec. 121.635 Dispatch to and from refueling or provisional airports: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.637 Takeoffs from unlisted and alternate airports: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.639 Fuel supply: All operations: domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.641 Fuel supply: nonturbine and turbo-propellerpowered airplanes: Flag air carriers. Sec. 121.643 Fuel supply: Nonturbine and turbo-propellerpowered airplanes; supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.645 Fuel supply: Turbine-engine powered airplanes, other than turbo propeller; flag and supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.647 Factors for computing fuel required. Sec. 121.649 Takeoff and landing weather minimums: VFR: Domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.651 Takeoff and landing weather minimums: IFR: All certificate holders. Sec. 121.652 Landing weather minimums: IFR: All certificate holders. Sec. 121.653 [Reserved] Sec. 121.655 Applicability of reported weather minimums. Sec. 121.657 Flight altitude rules. Sec. 121.659 Initial approach altitude: Domestic and supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.661 Initial approach altitude: Flag air carriers. Sec. 121.663 Responsibility for dispatch release: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.665 Load manifest. Sec. 121.667 Flight plan: VFR and IFR: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Subpart V--Records and Reports Sec. 121.681 Applicability. Sec. 121.683 Crewmember and dispatcher record. Sec. 121.685 Aircraft record: Flag and domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.687 Dispatch release: Flag and domestic air carriers. Sec. 121.689 Flight release form: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.691 [Reserved] Sec. 121.693 Load manifest: Air carriers and commercial operators. Sec. 121.695 Disposition of load manifest, dispatch release, and flight plans: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.697 Disposition of load manifest, flight release, and flight plans: Supplemental air carriers and commercial operators. Secs. 121.698-121.699 [Reserved] Sec. 121.701 Maintenance log: Aircraft. Sec. 121.703 Mechanical reliability reports. Sec. 121.705 Mechanical interruption summary report. Sec. 121.707 Alteration and repair reports. Sec. 121.709 Airworthiness release or aircraft log entry. Sec. 121.711 Communication records: Domestic and flag air carriers. Sec. 121.713 Retention of contracts and amendments: Commercial operator. Sec. 121.715 In-flight medical emergency reports. Subpart W--Crewmember Certificate: International Sec. 121.721 Applicability. Sec. 121.723 Application and issue. Appendix A to Part 121--First-Aid Kits and Emergency Medical Kits Appendix B to Part 121--Airplane Flight Recorder Specification Appendix C to Part 121--C-46 Nontransport Category Airplanes Appendix D to Part 121--Criteria for Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation Procedures Under Sec. 121.291 Appendix E to Part 121--Flight Training Requirements Appendix F to Part 121--Proficiency Check Requirements Appendix G to Part 121--Doppler Radar and Inertial Navigation System (INS): Request for Evaluation; Equipment and Equipment Installation; Training Program; Equipment Accuracy and Reliability; Evaluation Program Appendix H to Part 121--Advanced Simulation Plan Appendix I to Part 121--Drug Testing Program Appendix J to Part 121--Alcohol Misuse Prevention Program PART 125--CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS: AIRPLANES HAVING A SEATING CAPACITY OF 20 OR MORE PASSENGERS OR A MAXIMUM PAYLOAD CAPACITY OF 6,000 POUNDS OR MORE Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 38-2 Subpart A--General Sec. 125.1 Applicability. Sec. 125.3 Deviation authority. Sec. 125.5 Operating certificate and operations specifications required. Sec. 125.7 Display of certificate. Sec. 125.9 Definitions. Sec. 125.11 Certificate eligibility and prohibited operations. Subpart B--Certification Rules and Miscellaneous Requirements Sec. 125.21 Application for operating certificate. Sec. 125.23 Rules applicable to operations subject to this part. Sec. 125.25 Management personnel required. Sec. 125.27 Issue of certificate. Sec. 125.29 Duration of certificate. Sec. 125.31 Contents of certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 125.33 Operations specifications not a part of certificate. Sec. 125.35 Amendment of operations specifications. Sec. 125.37 Duty period limitations. Sec. 125.39 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Sec. 125.41 Availability of certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 125.43 Use of operations specifications. Sec. 125.45 Inspection authority. Sec. 125.47 Change of address. Sec. 125.49 Airport requirements. Sec. 125.51 En route navigational facilities. Sec. 125.53 Flight locating requirements. Subpart C--Manual Requirements Sec. 125.71 Preparation. Sec. 125.73 Contents. Sec. 125.75 Airplane flight manual. Subpart D--Airplane Requirements Sec. 125.91 Airplane requirements: General. Sec. 125.93 Airplane limitations. Subpart E--Special Airworthiness Requirements Sec. 125.111 General. Sec. 125.113 Cabin interiors. Sec. 125.115 Internal doors. Sec. 125.117 Ventilation. Sec. 125.119 Fire precautions. Sec. 125.121 Proof of compliance with Sec. 125.119. Sec. 125.123 Propeller deicing fluid. Sec. 125.125 Pressure cross-feed arrangements. Sec. 125.127 Location of fuel tanks. Sec. 125.129 Fuel system lines and fittings. Sec. 125.131 Fuel lines and fittings in designated fire zones. Sec. 125.133 Fuel valves. Sec. 125.135 Oil lines and fittings in designated fire zones. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 125.137 125.139 125.141 125.143 125.145 125.147 125.149 125.151 125.153 125.155 125.157 125.159 125.161 125.163 125.165 Oil valves. Oil system drains. Engine breather lines. Firewalls. Firewall construction. Cowling. Engine accessory section diaphragm. Powerplant fire protection. Flammable fluids. Shutoff means. Lines and fittings. Vent and drain lines. Fire-extinguishing systems. Fire-extinguishing agents. Extinguishing agent container pressure relief. Sec. 125.167 Extinguishing agent container compartment temperature. Sec. 125.169 Fire-extinguishing system materials. Sec. 125.171 Fire-detector systems. Sec. 125.173 Fire detectors. Sec. 125.175 Protection of other airplane components against fire. Sec. 125.177 Sec. 125.179 Sec. 125.181 Sec. 125.183 Sec. 125.185 Sec. 125.187 Sec. 125.189 Control of engine rotation. Fuel system independence. Induction system ice prevention. Carriage of cargo in passenger compartments. Carriage of cargo in cargo compartments. Landing gear: Aural warning device. Demonstration of emergency evacuation procedures. Subpart F--Instrument and Equipment Requirements Sec. 125.201 Inoperable instruments and equipment. Sec. 125.203 Radio and navigational equipment. Sec. 125.205 Sec. 125.206 Sec. 125.207 Sec. 125.209 operations. Sec. 125.211 Sec. 125.213 Sec. 125.215 Sec. 125.217 Sec. 125.219 Sec. 125.221 Sec. 125.223 Equipment requirements: Airplanes under IFR. Pitot heat indication systems. Emergency equipment requirements. Emergency equipment: Extended overwater Seat and safety belts. Miscellaneous equipment. Operating information required. Passenger information. Oxygen for medical use by passengers. Icing conditions: Operating limitations. Airborne weather radar equipment requirements. Sec. 125.224 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. Sec. 125.225 Flight recorders. Sec. 125.227 Cockpit voice recorders. Subpart G--Maintenance Sec. 125.241 Applicability. Sec. 125.243 Certificate holder's responsibilities. Sec. 125.245 Organization required to perform maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration. Sec. 125.247 Inspection programs and maintenance. Sec. 125.249 Maintenance manual requirements. Sec. 125.251 Required inspection personnel. Subpart H--Airman and Crewmember Requirements Sec. 125.261 Airman: Limitations on use of services. Sec. 125.263 Composition of flightcrew. Sec. 125.265 Flight engineer requirements. Sec. 125.267 Flight navigator and long-range navigation equipment. Sec. 125.269 Flight attendants. Sec. 125.271 Emergency and emergency evacuation duties. Subpart I--Flight Crewmember Requirements Sec. 125.281 Pilot-in-command qualifications. Sec. 125.283 Second-in-command qualifications. Sec. 125.285 Pilot qualifications: Recent experience. Sec. 125.287 Initial and recurrent pilot testing requirements. Sec. 125.289 Initial and recurrent flight attendant crewmember testing requirements. Sec. 125.291 Pilot in command: Instrument proficiency check requirements. Sec. 125.293 Crewmember: Tests and checks, grace provisions, accepted standards. Sec. 125.295 Check airman authorization: Application and issue. Sec. 125.297 Approval of airplane simulators and other training devices. Subpart J--Flight Operations Sec. 125.311 Flight crewmembers at controls. Sec. 125.313 Manipulation of controls when carrying passengers. Sec. 125.315 Admission to flight deck. Sec. 125.317 Inspector's credentials: Admission to pilots' compartment: Forward observer's seat. Sec. 125.319 Emergencies. Sec. 125.321 Reporting potentially hazardous meteorological conditions and irregularities of ground and navigation facilities. Sec. 125.323 Reporting mechanical irregularities. Sec. 125.325 Instrument approach procedures and IFR landing minimums. Sec. 125.327 Briefing of passengers before flight. Sec. 125.329 Minimum altitudes for use of autopilot. Sec. 125.331 Carriage of persons without compliance with the passenger- carrying provisions of this part. Sec. 125.333 Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during airplane movement on the surface, takeoff, and landing. Subpart K--Flight Release Rules Sec. 125.351 Flight release authority. Sec. 125.353 Facilities and services. Sec. 125.355 Airplane equipment. Sec. 125.357 Communication and navigation facilities. Sec. 125.359 Flight release under VFR. Sec. 125.361 Flight release under IFR or over-the-top. Sec. 125.363 Flight release over water. Sec. 125.365 Alternate airport for departure. Sec. 125.367 Alternate airport for destination: IFR or overthe-top. Sec. 125.369 Alternate airport weather minimums. Sec. 125.371 Continuing flight in unsafe conditions. Sec. 125.373 Original flight release or amendment of flight release. Sec. 125.375 Fuel supply: Nonturbine and turbopropellerpowered airplanes. Sec. 125.377 Fuel supply: Turbine-engine-powered airplanes other than turbo- propeller. Sec. 125.379 Landing weather minimums: IFR. Sec. 125.381 Takeoff and landing weather minimums: IFR. Sec. 125.383 Load manifest. Subpart L--Records and Reports Sec. 125.401 Crewmember record. Sec. 125.403 Flight release form. Sec. 125.405 Disposition of load manifest, flight release, and flight plans. Sec. 125.407 Maintenance log: Airplanes. Sec. 125.409 Reports of defects or unairworthy conditions. Sec. 125.411 Airworthiness release or maintenance record entry. Appendix A to Part 125--Additional Emergency Equipment Appendix B to Part 125--Criteria for Demonstration of Emergency Evacuation Procedures Under Sec. 125.189 Appendix C to Part 125--Ice Protection Appendix D to Part 125--Airplane Flight Recorder Specification PART 127--CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS OF SCHEDULED AIR CARRIERS WITH HELICOPTERS Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 36 SFAR No. 38-2 Subpart A--General Sec. 127.1 Applicability. Sec. 127.3 Operating rules. Sec. 127.5 Operation of airplanes having a maximum passenger seating configuration of 30 seats or less and a maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less. Subpart B--Certification: Operations Specifications Sec. 127.11 Certificate and operations specifications required. Sec. 127.13 Contents of certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 127.17 Issue of certificates. Sec. 127.19 Availability of certificate. Sec. 127.21 Duration of certificate. Sec. 127.22 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Sec. 127.23 Use of operations specifications. Sec. 127.25 Amendment of certificate. Sec. 127.27 Amendment of operations specifications. Sec. 127.29 Inspection authority. Sec. 127.31 Change of address. Subpart C--Requirements for Services and Facilities Sec. 127.41 Route requirements. Sec. 127.43 Route width. Sec. 127.45 Heliports. Sec. 127.47 Communications facilities. Sec. 127.49 Weather reporting facilities. Sec. 127.51 Servicing and maintenance facilities. Subpart D--Air Carrier Manuals Sec. 127.61 Preparation. Sec. 127.63 Contents. Sec. 127.65 Distribution. Subpart E--Helicopter Requirements Sec. 127.71 General. Sec. 127.73 Proving tests. Subpart F--Operating Limitations Sec. 127.81 General. Sec. 127.83 Operation of helicopters other than transport Category A. Sec. 127.85 Provisionally certificated helicopters. Subpart G--Special Airworthiness Requirements Sec. 127.91 Fire prevention. Sec. 127.93 Carriage of cargo in passenger compartments. Subpart H--Instrument and Equipment Requirements Sec. 127.101 General. Sec. 127.103 Flight and navigational equipment. Sec. 127.105 Engine instruments and equipment-reciprocating engine powered helicopters. Sec. 127.106 Engine instruments and equipment--turbine engine powered helicopters. Sec. 127.107 Emergency equipment. Sec. 127.109 Seat and safety belt. Sec. 127.111 Miscellaneous equipment. Sec. 127.113 Cockpit check procedures. Sec. 127.115 Passenger information. Sec. 127.117 Exterior exit and evacuation markings. Sec. 127.119 Instruments and equipment for operations at night. Sec. 127.121 Equipment for single engine helicopter overwater operations. Sec. 127.123 Radio equipment. Sec. 127.125 Radio equipment for operations over routes navigated by pilotage. Sec. 127.127 Cockpit voice recorders. Subpart I--Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations Sec. 127.131 Responsibility for airworthiness. Sec. 127.132 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration organization. Sec. 127.133 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations programs. Sec. 127.134 Manual requirements. Sec. 127.135 Required inspection personnel. Sec. 127.136 Continuing analysis and surveillance. Sec. 127.137 Maintenance and preventive maintenance training program. Sec. 127.138 Maintenance and preventive maintenance personnel duty time limitations. Sec. 127.139 Certificate requirements. Sec. 127.140 Authority to perform and approve maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations. Sec. 127.141 Maintenance recording requirements. Sec. 127.142 Transfer of maintenance records. Subpart J--Airman and Crewmember Requirements Sec. 127.143 Airmen: Limitations on use of services. Sec. 127.145 Composition of flight crew. Sec. 127.147 Flight attendant. Sec. 127.149 Emergency and emergency evacuation duties. Subpart K--Training Programs Sec. 127.151 Establishment. Sec. 127.153 Initial ground training: Pilots. Sec. 127.155 Initial flight training: Pilots. Sec. 127.157 Crewmember emergency training. Sec. 127.159 Operations personnel. Sec. 127.161 Recurrent training. Subpart L--Flight Crewmember Qualification Sec. 127.171 General. Sec. 127.173 Pilot qualification: Certificates required. Sec. 127.175 Pilot qualification: Recent experience. Sec. 127.177 Pilot checks. Sec. 127.179 Pilot route and heliport qualification requirements. Sec. 127.181 Maintenance and reestablishment of pilot route and heliport qualifications. Subpart M--Flight Time Limitations Sec. 127.191 General. Subpart N--Flight Operations Sec. 127.201 Operational control. Sec. 127.203 Operations notices. Sec. 127.205 Operations schedules. Sec. 127.207 Flight crewmembers at controls. Sec. 127.209 Manipulation of controls. Sec. 127.211 Admission to flight deck. Sec. 127.212 Aviation safety inspector's credentials: Admission to pilot's compartment. Sec. 127.213 Use of cockpit check procedure. Sec. 127.214 Secret Service Agents: Admission to pilot's compartment. Sec. 127.215 Flying equipment. Sec. 127.217 Restriction or suspension of operation. Sec. 127.218 Use of certificated heliports: Scheduled helicopter air carriers. Sec. 127.219 Emergencies. Sec. 127.221 Reporting potentially hazardous meteorological conditions and irregularities of ground and navigation facilities. Sec. 127.223 Reporting mechanical irregularities. Sec. 127.225 Weather minimums. Sec. 127.226 Briefing passengers after takeoff. Sec. 127.227 Prohibition against carriage of weapons. Sec. 127.229 Alcoholic beverages. Subpart O--Flight Release Rules Sec. 127.231 Flight release. Sec. 127.233 Familiarity with weather conditions. Sec. 127.235 Facilities and services. Sec. 127.237 Helicopter equipment. Sec. 127.239 Communication and navigation facilities. Sec. 127.241 Flight release under VFR. Sec. 127.243 IFR operations. Sec. 127.245 Visual ground reference requirements. Sec. 127.247 Continuing flight in unsafe conditions. Sec. 127.249 Operation in icing conditions. Sec. 127.251 Release and continuance of flight. Sec. 127.253 Fuel supply for VFR operations. Sec. 127.255 Factors in computing required fuel. Sec. 127.257 Takeoff and landing minimums; VFR. Sec. 127.259 Minimum flight altitudes. Sec. 127.261 Preparation of load manifest. Subpart P--Records and Reports Sec. 127.301 Crewmember records. Sec. 127.303 Flight release form. Sec. 127.305 Load manifest. Sec. 127.307 Disposition of load manifest and flight release. Secs. 127.308-127.309 [Reserved] Sec. 127.311 Maintenance log. Sec. 127.313 Mechanical reliability reports. Sec. 127.315 Mechanical interruption summary report. Sec. 127.317 Alteration and repair reports. Sec. 127.319 Airworthiness release or helicopter log entries. PART 129--OPERATIONS: FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS AND FOREIGN OPERATORS OF U.S.- REGISTERED AIRCRAFT ENGAGED IN COMMON CARRIAGE Special Federal Aviation Regulation No. 38-2 Sec. 129.1 Applicability. Sec. 129.11 Operations specifications. Sec. 129.13 Airworthiness and registration certificates. Sec. 129.14 Maintenance program and minimum equipment list requirements for U.S.-registered aircraft. Sec. 129.15 Flight crewmember certificates. Sec. 129.17 Radio equipment. Sec. 129.18 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. Sec. 129.19 Air traffic rules and procedures. Sec. 129.21 Control of traffic. Sec. 129.23 Transport category cargo service airplanes: Increased zero fuel and landing weights. Sec. 129.25 Airplane security. Sec. 129.26 Use of X-ray system. Sec. 129.27 Prohibition against carriage of weapons. Sec. 129.29 Prohibition against smoking. Appendix A to Part 129--Application for Operations Specifications by Foreign Air Carriers PART 133--ROTORCRAFT EXTERNAL-LOAD OPERATIONS Subpart A--Applicability Sec. 133.1 Applicability. Subpart B--Certification Rules Sec. 133.11 Certificate required. Sec. 133.13 Duration of certificate. Sec. 133.14 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Sec. 133.15 Application for certificate issuance or renewal. Sec. 133.17 Requirements for issuance of a rotorcraft externalload operator certificate. Sec. 133.19 Rotorcraft. Sec. 133.21 Personnel. Sec. 133.23 Knowledge and skill. Sec. 133.25 Amendment of certificate. Sec. 133.27 Availability, transfer, and surrender of certificate. Subpart C--Operating Rules and Related Requirements Sec. 133.31 Emergency operations. Sec. 133.33 Operating rules. Sec. 133.35 Carriage of persons. Sec. 133.37 Crewmember training, currency, and testing requirements. Sec. 133.39 Inspection authority. Subpart D--Airworthiness Requirements Sec. 133.41 Flight characteristics requirements. Sec. 133.43 Structures and design. Sec. 133.45 Operating limitations. Sec. 133.47 Rotorcraft-load combination flight manual. Sec. 133.49 Markings and placards. Sec. 133.51 Airworthiness certification. PART 135--AIR TAXI OPERATORS AND COMMERCIAL OPERATORS Special Federal Aviation Regulations SFAR No. 36 SFAR No. 38-2 SFAR No. 41 SFAR No. 50-2 SFAR No. 52--Extension of Compliance Date of Seat Cushion Flammability Regulation for Large Airplanes Operated Under Part 135 in Other Than Commuter Air Carrier Operations SFAR No. 58 SFAR No. 71 Subpart A--General Sec. 135.1 Applicability. Sec. 135.2 Air taxi operations with large aircraft. Sec. 135.3 Rules applicable to operations subject to this part. Sec. 135.5 Certificate and operations specifications required. Sec. 135.7 Applicability of rules to unauthorized operators. Sec. 135.9 Duration of certificate. Sec. 135.10 Compliance dates for certain rules. Sec. 135.11 Application and issue of certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 135.13 Eligibility for certificate and operations specifications. Sec. 135.15 Amendment of certificate. Sec. 135.17 Amendment of operations specifications. Sec. 135.19 Emergency operations. Sec. 135.21 Manual requirements. Sec. 135.23 Manual contents. Sec. 135.25 Aircraft requirements. Sec. 135.27 Business office and operations base. Sec. 135.29 Use of business names. Sec. 135.31 Advertising. Sec. 135.33 Area limitations on operations. Sec. 135.35 Termination of operations. Sec. 135.37 Management personnel required. Sec. 135.39 Management personnel qualifications. Sec. 135.41 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Sec. 135.43 Crewmember certificate: International operations: Application and issue. Subpart B--Flight Operations Sec. 135.61 General. Sec. 135.63 Recordkeeping requirements. Sec. 135.65 Reporting mechanical irregularities. Sec. 135.67 Reporting potentially hazardous meteorological conditions and irregularities of communications or navigation facilities. Sec. 135.69 Restriction or suspension of operations: Continuation of flight in an emergency. Sec. 135.71 Airworthiness check. Sec. 135.73 Inspections and tests. Sec. 135.75 Inspectors credentials: admission to pilots' compartment: Forward observer's seat. Sec. 135.77 Responsibility for operational control. Sec. 135.79 Flight locating requirements. Sec. 135.81 Informing personnel of operational information and appropriate changes. Sec. 135.83 Operating information required. Sec. 135.85 Carriage of persons without compliance with the passenger- carrying provisions of this part. Sec. 135.87 Carriage of cargo including carry-on baggage. Sec. 135.89 Pilot requirements: Use of oxygen. Sec. 135.91 Oxygen for medical use by passengers. Sec. 135.93 Autopilot: Minimum altitudes for use. Sec. 135.95 Airmen: Limitations on use of services. Sec. 135.97 Aircraft and facilities for recent flight experience. Sec. 135.99 Composition of flight crew. Sec. 135.100 Flight crewmember duties. Sec. 135.101 Second in command required in IFR conditions. Sec. 135.103 Exception to second in command requirement: IFR operations. Sec. 135.105 Exception to second in command requirement: Approval for use of autopilot system. Sec. 135.107 Flight attendant crewmember requirement. Sec. 135.109 Pilot in command or second in command: Designation required. Sec. 135.111 operations. Sec. 135.113 Sec. 135.115 Sec. 135.117 Sec. 135.119 Sec. 135.121 Sec. 135.122 Second in command required in Category II Passenger occupancy of pilot seat. Manipulation of controls. Briefing of passengers before flight. Prohibition against carriage of weapons. Alcoholic beverages. Stowage of food, beverage, and passenger service equipment during aircraft movement on the surface, takeoff, and Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. landing. 135.123 Emergency and emergency evacuation duties. 135.125 Airplane security. 135.127 Passenger information. 135.128 Use of safety belts and child restraint systems. Sec. 135.129 Exit seating. Subpart C--Aircraft and Equipment Sec. 135.141 Applicability. Sec. 135.143 General requirements. Sec. 135.145 Aircraft proving tests. Sec. 135.147 Dual controls required. Sec. 135.149 Equipment requirements: General. Sec. 135.150 Public address and crewmember interphone systems. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 135.151 135.152 135.153 135.155 Cockpit voice recorders. Flight recorders. Ground proximity warning system. Fire extinguishers: Passenger-carrying aircraft. Sec. 135.157 Oxygen equipment requirements. Sec. 135.158 Pitot heat indication systems. Sec. 135.159 Equipment requirements: Carrying passengers under VFR at night or under VFR over-the-top conditions. Sec. 135.161 Radio and navigational equipment: Carrying passengers under VFR at night or under VFR over-the-top. Sec. 135.163 Equipment requirements: Aircraft carrying passengers under IFR. Sec. 135.165 Radio and navigational equipment: Extended overwater or IFR operations. Sec. 135.167 Emergency equipment: Extended overwater operations. Sec. 135.169 Additional airworthiness requirements. Sec. 135.170 Materials for compartment interiors. Sec. 135.171 Shoulder harness installation at flight crewmember stations. Sec. 135.173 Airborne thunderstorm detection equipment requirements. Sec. 135.175 Airborne weather radar equipment requirements. Sec. 135.177 Emergency equipment requirements for aircraft having a passenger seating configuration of more than 19 passengers. Sec. 135.178 Additional emergency equipment. Sec. 135.179 Inoperable instruments and equipment. Sec. 135.180 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System. Sec. 135.181 Performance requirements: Aircraft operated overthe-top or in IFR conditions. Sec. 135.183 Performance requirements: Land aircraft operated over water. Sec. 135.185 Empty weight and center of gravity: Currency requirement. Subpart D--VFR/IFR Operating Limitations and Weather Requirements Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 135.201 135.203 135.205 135.207 Applicability. VFR: Minimum altitudes. VFR: Visibility requirements. VFR: Helicopter surface reference requirements. Sec. 135.209 VFR: Fuel supply. Sec. 135.211 VFR: Over-the-top carrying passengers: Operating limitations. Sec. 135.213 Weather reports and forecasts. Sec. 135.215 IFR: Operating limitations. Sec. 135.217 IFR: Takeoff limitations. Sec. 135.219 IFR: Destination airport weather minimums. Sec. 135.221 IFR: Alternate airport weather minimums. Sec. 135.223 IFR: Alternate airport requirements. Sec. 135.225 IFR: Takeoff, approach and landing minimums. Sec. 135.227 Icing conditions: Operating limitations. Sec. 135.229 Airport requirements. Subpart E--Flight Crewmember Requirements Sec. 135.241 Applicability. Sec. 135.243 Pilot in command qualifications. Sec. 135.244 Operating experience. Sec. 135.245 Second in command qualifications. Sec. 135.247 Pilot qualifications: Recent experience. Sec. 135.249 Use of prohibited drugs. Sec. 135.251 Testing for prohibited drugs. Sec. 135.253 Misuse of alcohol. Sec. 135.255 Testing for alcohol. Subpart F--Crewmember Flight Time and Duty Period Limitations and Rest Requirements Sec. 135.261 Applicability. Sec. 135.263 Flight time limitations and rest requirements: All certificate holders. Sec. 135.265 Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Scheduled operations. Sec. 135.267 Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Unscheduled one- and two-pilot crews. Sec. 135.269 Flight time limitations and rest requirements: Unscheduled three- and four-pilot crews. Sec. 135.271 Helicopter hospital emergency medical evacuation service (HEMES). Sec. 135.273 Duty period limitations and rest time requirements. Subpart G--Crewmember Testing Requirements Sec. 135.291 Applicability. Sec. 135.293 Initial and recurrent pilot testing requirements. Sec. 135.295 Initial and recurrent flight attendant crewmember testing requirements. Sec. 135.297 Pilot in command: Instrument proficiency check requirements. Sec. 135.299 Pilot in command: Line checks: Routes and airports. Sec. 135.301 Crewmember: Tests and checks, grace provisions, training to accepted standards. Sec. 135.303 [Removed. Amdt. 135-44, 57 FR 42676, Sept. 15, 1992] Subpart H--Training Sec. 135.321 Applicability and terms used. Sec. 135.323 Training program: General. Sec. 135.325 Training program and revision: Initial and final approval. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 135.327 135.329 135.331 135.333 Training program: Curriculum. Crewmember training requirements. Crewmember emergency training. Training requirements: Handling and carriage of hazardous materials. Sec. 135.335 Approval of aircraft simulators and other training devices. Sec. 135.337 Training program: Check airmen and instructor qualifications. Sec. 135.339 Check airmen and flight instructors: Initial and transition training. Sec. 135.341 Pilot and flight attendant crewmember training programs. Sec. 135.343 Crewmember initial and recurrent training requirements. Sec. 135.345 Pilots: Initial, transition, and upgrade ground training. Sec. 135.347 Pilots: Initial, transition, upgrade, and differences flight training. Sec. 135.349 Flight attendants: Initial and transition ground training. Sec. 135.351 Recurrent training. Sec. 135.353 Prohibited drugs. Subpart I--Airplane Performance Operating Limitations Sec. 135.361 Applicability. Sec. 135.363 General. Sec. 135.365 Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Weight limitations. Sec. 135.367 Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Takeoff limitations. Sec. 135.369 Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: All engines operating. Sec. 135.371 Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. Sec. 135.373 Part 25 transport category airplanes with four or more engines: Reciprocating engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative. Sec. 135.375 Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airports. Sec. 135.377 Large transport category airplanes: Reciprocating engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airports. Sec. 135.379 Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Takeoff limitations. Sec. 135.381 Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. Sec. 135.383 Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: En route limitations: Two engines inoperative. Sec. 135.385 Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Destination airports. Sec. 135.387 Large transport category airplanes: Turbine engine powered: Landing limitations: Alternate airports. Sec. 135.389 Large nontransport category airplanes: Takeoff limitations. Sec. 135.391 Large nontransport category airplanes: En route limitations: One engine inoperative. Sec. 135.393 Large nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Destination airports. Sec. 135.395 Large nontransport category airplanes: Landing limitations: Alternate airports. Sec. 135.397 Small transport category airplane performance operating limitations. Sec. 135.398 Commuter category airplanes performance operating limitations. Sec. 135.399 Small nontransport category airplane performance operating limitations. Subpart J--Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance, and Alterations Sec. 135.411 Applicability. Sec. 135.413 Responsibility for airworthiness. Sec. 135.415 Mechanical reliability reports. Sec. 135.417 Mechanical interruption summary report. Sec. 135.419 Approved aircraft inspection program. Sec. 135.421 Additional maintenance requirements. Sec. 135.423 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration organization. Sec. 135.425 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alteration programs. Sec. 135.427 Manual requirements. Sec. 135.429 Required inspection personnel. Sec. 135.431 Continuing analysis and surveillance. Sec. 135.433 Maintenance and preventive maintenance training program. Sec. 135.435 Certificate requirements. Sec. 135.437 Authority to perform and approve maintenance, preventive maintenance, and alterations. Sec. 135.439 Maintenance recording requirements. Sec. 135.441 Transfer of maintenance records. Sec. 135.443 Airworthiness release or aircraft maintenance log entry. Appendix A to Part 135--Additional Airworthiness Standards for 10 or More Passenger Airplanes Appendix B to Part 135--Airplane Flight Recorder Specifications Appendix C to Part 135--Helicopter Flight Recorder Specifications Appendix D to Part 135--Airplane Flight Recorder Specification Appendix E to Part 135--Helicopter Flight Recorder Specifications PART 137--AGRICULTURAL AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Subpart A--General Sec. 137.1 Applicability. Sec. 137.3 Definition of terms. Subpart B--Certification Rules Sec. 137.11 Certificate required. Sec. 137.15 Application for certificate. Sec. 137.17 Amendment of certificate. Sec. 137.19 Certification requirements. Sec. 137.21 Duration of certificate. Sec. 137.23 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Subpart C--Operating Rules Sec. 137.29 General. Sec. 137.31 Aircraft requirements. Sec. 137.33 Carrying of certificate. Sec. 137.35 Limitations on private agricultural aircraft operator. Sec. 137.37 Manner of dispensing. Sec. 137.39 Economic poison dispensing. Sec. 137.41 Personnel. Sec. 137.42 Fastening of safety belts and shoulder harnesses. Sec. 137.43 Operations in controlled airspace designated for an airport. Sec. 137.45 Nonobservance of airport traffic pattern. Sec. 137.47 Operation without position lights. Sec. 137.49 Operations over other than congested areas. Sec. 137.51 Operation over congested areas: General. Sec. 137.53 Operation over congested areas: Pilots and aircraft. Sec. 137.55 Business name: Commercial agricultural aircraft operator. Sec. 137.57 Availability of certificate. Sec. 137.59 Inspection authority. Subpart D--Records and Reports Sec. 137.71 Records: Commercial agricultural aircraft operator. Sec. 137.75 Change of address. Sec. 137.77 Termination of operations. PART 139--CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS: LAND AIRPORTS SERVING CERTAIN AIR CARRIERS Subpart A--General Sec. 139.1 Applicability. Sec. 139.3 Definitions. Sec. 139.5 Standards and procedures for compliance with the certification and operations requirements of this part. Subpart B--Certification Sec. 139.101 Certification requirements: general. Sec. 139.103 Application for certificate. Sec. 139.105 Inspection authority. Sec. 139.107 Issuance of certificate. Sec. 139.109 Duration of certificate. Sec. 139.111 Exemptions. Sec. 139.113 Deviations. Subpart C--Airport Certification Manual and Airport Certification Specifications Sec. 139.201 Airport operating certificate: Airport certification manual. Sec. 139.203 Preparation of airport certification manual. Sec. 139.205 Contents of airport certification manual. Sec. 139.207 Maintenance of airport certification manual. Sec. 139.209 Limited airport operating certificate: Airport certification specifications. Sec. 139.211 Preparation of airport certification specifications. Sec. 139.213 Contents of airport certification specifications. Sec. 139.215 Maintenance of airport certification specifications. Sec. 139.217 Amendment of airport certification manual or airport certification specifications. Subpart D--Operations Sec. 139.301 Inspection authority. Sec. 139.303 Personnel. Sec. 139.305 Paved areas. Sec. 139.307 Unpaved areas. Sec. 139.309 Safety areas. Sec. 139.311 Marking and lighting. Sec. 139.313 Snow and ice control. Sec. 139.315 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Index determination. Sec. 139.317 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Equipment and agents. Sec. 139.319 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Operational requirements. Sec. 139.321 Handling and storing of hazardous substances and materials. Sec. 139.323 Sec. 139.325 Sec. 139.327 Sec. 139.329 Sec. 139.331 Sec. 139.333 Sec. 139.335 Sec. 139.337 Sec. 139.339 Sec. 139.341 Traffic and wind direction indicators. Airport emergency plan. Self-inspection program. Ground vehicles. Obstructions. Protection of navaids. Public protection. Wildlife hazard management. Airport condition reporting. Identifying, marking, and reporting construction and other unserviceable areas. Sec. 139.343 Noncomplying conditions. SUBCHAPTER H--SCHOOLS AND OTHER CERTIFICATED AGENCIES PART 141--PILOT SCHOOLS Subpart A--General Sec. 141.1 Applicability. Sec. 141.3 Certificate required. Sec. 141.5 Pilot school certificate. Sec. 141.7 Provisional pilot school certificate. Sec. 141.9 Examining authority. Sec. 141.11 Pilot school ratings. Sec. 141.13 Application for issuance, amendment, or renewal. Sec. 141.15 Location of facilities. Sec. 141.17 Duration of certificates. Sec. 141.18 Carriage of narcotic drugs, marihuana, and depressant or stimulant drugs or substances. Sec. 141.19 Display of certificate. Sec. 141.21 Inspections. Sec. 141.23 Advertising limitations. Sec. 141.25 Business office and operations base. Sec. 141.27 Renewal of certificates and ratings. Sec. 141.29 [Reserved. Amdt. 141-4, 56 FR 11327, Mar. 15, 1991] Subpart B--Personnel, Aircraft, and Facilities Requirements Sec. 141.31 Applicability. Sec. 141.33 Personnel. Sec. 141.35 Chief instructor qualifications. Sec. 141.36 Assistant chief instructor qualifications. Sec. 141.37 Airports. Sec. 141.39 Aircraft. Sec. 141.41 Ground trainers and training aids. Sec. 141.43 Pilot briefing areas. Sec. 141.45 Ground training facilities. Subpart C--Training Course Outline and Curriculum Sec. 141.51 Applicability. Sec. 141.53 Training course outline: General. Sec. 141.55 Training course outline: Contents. Sec. 141.57 Special curricula. Subpart D--Examining Authority Sec. 141.61 Applicability. Sec. 141.63 Application and qualification. Sec. 141.65 Privileges. Sec. 141.67 Limitations and reports. Subpart E--Operating Rules Sec. 141.71 Applicability. Sec. 141.73 Privileges. Sec. 141.75 Aircraft requirements. Sec. 141.77 Limitations. Sec. 141.79 Flight instruction. Sec. 141.81 Ground training. Sec. 141.83 Quality of instruction. Sec. 141.85 Chief instructor responsibilities. Sec. 141.87 Change of chief instructor. Sec. 141.89 Maintenance of personnel, facilities, and equipment. Sec. 141.91 Satellite bases. Sec. 141.93 Enrollment. Sec. 141.95 Graduation certificate. Subpart F--Records Sec. 141.101 Training records. Appendix A to Part 141--Private Pilot Certification Course (Airplanes) Appendix B to Part 141--Private Test Course (Airplanes) Appendix C to Part 141--Instrument Rating Course (Airplanes) Appendix D to Part 141--Commercial Pilot Certification Course (Airplanes) Appendix E to Part 141--Commercial Test Course (Airplanes) Appendix F to Part 141--Rotorcraft, Gliders, Lighter-than-air Aircraft and Aircraft Rating Courses Appendix G to Part 141--Pilot Ground School Course Appendix H to Part 141--Test Preparation Courses PART 143--GROUND INSTRUCTORS Sec. 143.1 Applicability. Sec. 143.3 Application and issue. Sec. 143.5 Temporary certificate. Sec. 143.7 Duration of certificate. Sec. 143.8 Change of name; replacement of lost or destroyed certificate. Sec. 143.9 Eligibility requirements: General. Sec. 143.11 Knowledge requirements. Sec. 143.15 Tests: General procedures. Sec. 143.17 Sec. 143.18 conduct. Sec. 143.19 Sec. 143.20 Re-testing after failure. Written tests: Cheating or other unauthorized Recent experience. Applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, and records; falsification, reproduction, or alteration. Sec. 143.21 Display of certificate. Sec. 143.23 Change of address. PART 145--REPAIR STATIONS Special Federal Aviation Regulation SFAR No. 36 Subpart A--General Sec. 145.1 Applicability. Sec. 145.2 Performance of maintenance, preventive maintenance, alterations and required inspections for an air carrier or commercial operator under the continuous airworthiness requirements of Parts 121 and 127, and for airplanes under the inspection program required by Part 125. Sec. 145.3 Certificate required. Sec. 145.11 Application and issue. Sec. 145.13 Certification of foreign repair stations: Special requirements. Sec. 145.15 Change or renewal of certificates. Sec. 145.17 Duration of certificates. Sec. 145.19 Display of certificate. Sec. 145.21 Change of location or facilities. Sec. 145.23 Inspection. Sec. 145.25 Advertising. Subpart B--Domestic Repair Stations Sec. 145.31 Ratings. Sec. 145.33 Limited ratings. Sec. 145.35 Housing and facility requirements. Sec. 145.37 Special housing and facility requirements. Sec. 145.39 Personnel requirements. Sec. 145.41 Recommendation of persons for certification as repairmen. Sec. 145.43 Records of supervisory and inspection personnel. Sec. 145.45 Inspection systems. Sec. 145.47 Equipment and materials: Ratings other than limited ratings. Sec. 145.49 Equipment and materials: Limited rating. Sec. 145.51 Privileges of certificates. Sec. 145.53 Limitations of certificates. Sec. 145.55 Maintenance of personnel, facilities, equipment, and materials. Sec. 145.57 Performance standards. Sec. 145.59 Inspection of work performed. Sec. 145.61 Performance records and reports. Sec. 145.63 Reports of defects or unairworthy conditions. Subpart C--Foreign Repair Stations Sec. 145.71 General requirements. Sec. 145.73 Scope of work authorized. Sec. 145.75 Personnel. Sec. 145.77 General operating rules. Sec. 145.79 Records and reports. Subpart D--Limited Ratings for Manufacturers Sec. 145.101 Application and issue. Sec. 145.103 Privileges of certificates. Sec. 145.105 Performance standards. Appendix A to Part 145 PART 147--AVIATION MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN SCHOOLS Subpart A--General Sec. 147.1 Applicability. Sec. 147.3 Certificate required. Sec. 147.5 Application and issue. Sec. 147.7 Duration of certificates. Subpart B--Certification Requirements Sec. 147.11 Ratings. Sec. 147.13 Facilities, equipment, and material requirements. Sec. 147.15 Space requirements. Sec. 147.17 Instructional equipment requirements. Sec. 147.19 Materials, special tools, and shop equipment requirements. Sec. 147.21 General curriculum requirements. Sec. 147.23 Instructor requirements. Subpart C--Operating Rules Sec. 147.31 Attendance and enrollment, tests, and credit for prior instruction or experience. Sec. 147.33 Records. Sec. 147.35 Transcripts and graduation certificates. Sec. 147.36 Maintenance of instructor requirements. Sec. 147.37 Maintenance of facilities, equipment, and material. Sec. 147.38 Maintenance of curriculum requirements. Sec. 147.38a Quality of instruction. Sec. 147.39 Display of certificate. Sec. 147.41 Change of location. Sec. 147.43 Inspection. Sec. 147.45 Advertising. Appendix A to Part 147--Curriculum Requirements Appendix B to Part 147--General Curriculum Subjects Appendix C to Part 147--Airframe Curriculum Subjects Appendix D to Part 147--Powerplant Curriculum Subjects PART 149--[Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] SUBCHAPTER I--AIRPORTS PART 150--AIRPORT NOISE COMPATIBILITY PLANNING Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. 150.1 Scope and purpose. Sec. 150.3 Applicability. Sec. 150.5 Limitations of this part. Sec. 150.7 Definitions. Sec. 150.9 Designation of noise systems. Sec. 150.11 Identification of land uses. Sec. 150.13 Incorporations by reference. Subpart B--Development of Noise Exposure Maps and Noise Compatibility Programs Sec. 150.21 Noise exposure maps and related descriptions. Sec. 150.23 Noise compatibility programs. Subpart C--Evaluations and Determinations of Effects of Noise Compatibility Programs Sec. 150.31 Preliminary review: acknowledgments. Sec. 150.33 Evaluation of programs. Sec. 150.35 Determinations; publications; effectivity. Appendix A to Part 150--Noise Exposure Maps Appendix B to Part 150--Noise Compatibility Programs PART 151--FEDERAL AID TO AIRPORTS Subpart A--General Requirements Sec. 151.1 Applicability. Sec. 151.3 National Airport Plan. Sec. 151.5 General policies. Sec. 151.7 Grants of funds: General policies. Sec. 151.9 Runway clear zones: General. Sec. 151.11 Runway clear zones; requirements. Sec. 151.13 Federal-aid Airport Program: Policy affecting landing aid requirements. Sec. 151.15 Federal-aid Airport Program: Policy affecting runway or taxiway remarking. Subpart B--Rules and Procedures for Airport Development Projects Sec. 151.21 Procedures: Application; general information. Sec. 151.23 Procedures: Application; funding information. Sec. 151.24 Procedures: Application; information on estimated project costs. Sec. 151.25 Procedures: Application; information as to property interests. Sec. 151.26 Procedures: Applications; compatible land use information; consideration of local community interest; relocation of displaced persons. Sec. 151.27 Procedures: Application, plans, specifications, and appraisals. Sec. 151.29 Procedures: Offer, amendment, and acceptance. Sec. 151.31 Procedures: Grant agreement. Sec. 151.33 Cosponsorship and agency. Sec. 151.35 Airport development and facilities to which Subparts B and C apply. Sec. 151.37 Sponsor eligibility. Sec. 151.39 Project eligibility. Sec. 151.41 Project costs. Sec. 151.43 United States share of project costs. Sec. 151.45 Performance or construction work: General requirements. Sec. 151.47 Performance of construction work: Letting of contracts. Sec. 151.49 Performance of construction work: Contract requirements. Sec. 151.51 Performance of construction work: Sponsor force account. Sec. 151.53 Performance of construction work: Labor requirements. Sec. 151.54 Equal employment opportunity requirements: Before July 1, 1968. Sec. 151.54a Equal employment opportunity requirements: After June 30, 1968. Sec. 151.55 Accounting and audit. Sec. 151.57 Grant payments: General. Sec. 151.59 Grant payments: Land acquisition. Sec. 151.61 Grant payments: Partial. Sec. 151.63 Grant payments: Semifinal and final. Sec. 151.65 Memoranda and hearings. Sec. 151.67 Forms. Subpart C--Project Programing Standards Sec. 151.71 Applicability. Sec. 151.72 Incorporation by reference of technical guidelines in Advisory Circulars. Sec. 151.73 Land acquisition. Sec. 151.75 Preparation of site. Sec. 151.77 Runway paving: General rules. Sec. 151.79 Runway paving: Second runway; wind conditions. Sec. 151.80 Runway paving: Additional runway; other conditions. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 151.81 151.83 151.85 151.86 151.87 151.89 151.91 151.93 Taxiway paving. Aprons. Special treatment areas. Lighting and electrical work: General. Lighting and electrical work: Standards. Roads. Removal of obstructions. Buildings; utilities; sidewalks; parking areas; and landscaping. Sec. 151.95 Fences; distance markers; navigational and landing aids; and offsite work. Sec. 151.97 Maintenance and repair. Sec. 151.99 Modifications of programing standards. Subpart D--Rules and Procedures for Advance Planning and Engineering Proposals Sec. 151.111 Advance planning proposals: General. Sec. 151.113 Advance planning proposals: Sponsor eligibility. Sec. 151.115 Advance planning proposals: Cosponsorship and agency. Sec. 151.117 Advance planning proposals: Procedures; application. Sec. 151.119 Advance planning proposals: Procedures; funding. Sec. 151.121 Procedures: Offer; sponsor assurances. Sec. 151.123 Procedures: Offer; amendment; acceptance; advance planning agreement. Sec. 151.125 Allowable advance planning costs. Sec. 151.127 Accounting and audit. Sec. 151.129 Payments. Sec. 151.131 Forms. Appendix A to Part 151 Appendix B to Part 151 Appendix C to Part 151 Appendix D to Part 151 Appendix E to Part 151 Appendix F to Part 151 Appendix G to Part 151 Appendix H to Part 151 Appendix I to Part 151 PART 152--AIRPORT AID PROGRAM Subpart A--General Sec. 152.1 Applicability. Sec. 152.3 Definitions. Sec. 152.5 Exemptions. Sec. 152.7 Certifications. Sec. 152.9 Forms. Sec. 152.11 Incorporation by reference. Subpart B--Eligibility Requirements and Application Procedures Sec. 152.101 Applicability. Sec. 152.103 Sponsors: Airport development. Sec. 152.105 Sponsors and planning agencies: Airport planning. Sec. 152.107 Project eligibility: Airport development. Sec. 152.109 Project eligibility: Airport planning. Sec. 152.111 Application requirements: Airport development. Sec. 152.113 Application requirements: Airport planning. Sec. 152.115 Grant agreement: Offer, acceptance, and amendment. Sec. 152.117 Public hearings. Sec. 152.119 Contract requirements and procurement standards. Subpart C--Funding of Approved Projects Sec. 152.201 Applicability. Sec. 152.203 Allowable project costs. Sec. 152.205 United States share of project costs. Sec. 152.207 Proceeds from disposition of land. Sec. 152.209 Grant payments: General. Sec. 152.211 Grant payments: Land acquisition. Sec. 152.213 Grant closeout requirements. Subpart D--Accounting and Reporting Requirements Sec. 152.301 Applicability. Sec. 152.303 Financial management system. Sec. 152.305 Accounting records. Sec. 152.307 Retention of records. Sec. 152.309 Availability of sponsor's records. Sec. 152.311 Availability of contractor's records. Sec. 152.313 Property management standards. Sec. 152.315 Reporting on accrual basis. Sec. 152.317 Report of Federal cash transactions. Sec. 152.319 Monitoring and reporting of program performance. Sec. 152.321 Notice of delay or acceleration. Sec. 152.323 Budget revision: Airport development. Sec. 152.325 Financial status report: Airport planning. Subpart E--Nondiscrimination in Airport Aid Program Sec. 152.401 Applicability. Sec. 152.403 Definitions. Sec. 152.405 Assurances. Sec. 152.407 Affirmative action plan: General. Sec. 152.409 Affirmative action plan standards. Sec. 152.411 Affirmative action steps. Sec. 152.413 Notice requirement. Sec. 152.415 Records and reports. Sec. 152.417 Monitoring employment. Sec. 152.419 Minority business. Sec. 152.421 Public accommodations, services, and benefits. Sec. 152.423 Investigation and enforcement. Sec. 152.425 Effect of subpart. Subpart F--Suspension and Termination of Grants Sec. 152.501 Applicability. Sec. 152.503 Suspension of grant. Sec. 152.505 Termination for cause. Sec. 152.507 Termination for convenience. Sec. 152.509 Request for reconsideration. Subpart G--Energy Conservation in Airport Aid Program Sec. 152.601 Purpose. Sec. 152.603 Applicability. Sec. 152.605 Definitions. Sec. 152.607 Building design requirements. Sec. 152.609 Energy conservation practices. Appendix A to Part 152--Contract and Labor Provisions Appendix B to Part 152--List of Advisory Circulars Incorporated by Sec. 152.11 Appendix C to Part 152--Procurement Procedures and Requirements Appendix D to Part 152--Assurances PART 153--[Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] PART 154--[Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] PART 155--RELEASE OF AIRPORT PROPERTY FROM SURPLUS PROPERTY DISPOSAL RESTRICTIONS Sec. 155.1 Applicability. Sec. 155.3 Applicable law. Sec. 155.5 Property and releases covered by this part. Sec. 155.7 General policies. Sec. 155.9 Release from war or national emergency restrictions. Sec. 155.11 Form and content of requests for release. Sec. 155.13 Determinations by FAA. PART 156--STATE BLOCK GRANT PILOT PROGRAM Sec. 156.1 Applicability. Sec. 156.2 Letters of interest. Sec. 156.3 Application and grant process. Sec. 156.4 Airport and project eligibility. Sec. 156.5 Project cost allowability. Sec. 156.6 State program responsibilities. Sec. 156.7 Enforcement of State block grant agreements and other related grant assurances. PART 157--NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, ACTIVATION, AND DEACTIVATION OF AIRPORTS Sec. 157.1 Applicability. Sec. 157.2 Definition of terms. Sec. 157.3 Projects requiring notice. Sec. 157.5 Notice of intent. Sec. 157.7 FAA determinations. Sec. 157.9 Notice of completion. PART 158--PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGES (PFC'S) Subpart A--General Sec. 158.1 Applicability. Sec. 158.3 Definitions. Sec. 158.5 Authority to impose PFC's. Sec. 158.7 Exclusivity of authority. Sec. 158.9 Limitations. Sec. 158.11 Public agency request not to require collection of PFC's by a class of air carriers or foreign air carriers. Sec. 158.13 Use of PFC revenue. Sec. 158.15 Project eligibility. Subpart B--Application and Approval Sec. 158.21 General. Sec. 158.23 Consultation with air carriers and foreign air carriers. Sec. 158.25 Applications. Sec. 158.27 Review of applications. Sec. 158.29 The Administrator's decision. Sec. 158.31 Duration of authority to impose a PFC after project implementation. Sec. 158.33 Duration of authority to impose a PFC before project implementation. Sec. 158.35 Extension of time to submit application to use PFC revenue. Sec. 158.37 Amendment of approved PFC. Sec. 158.39 Use of excess PFC revenue. Subpart C--Collection, Handling, and Remittance of PFC's Sec. 158.41 General. Sec. 158.43 Public agency notification to collect PFC's. Sec. 158.45 Collection of PFC's on tickets issued in the U.S. Sec. 158.47 Collection of PFC's on tickets issued outside the U.S. Sec. 158.49 Handling of PFC's. Sec. 158.51 Remittance of PFC's. Sec. 158.53 Collection Compensation. Subpart D--Reporting, Recordkeeping and Audits Sec. 158.61 General. Sec. 158.63 Reporting requirements: public agency. Sec. 158.65 Reporting requirement: Collecting carrier. Sec. 158.67 Recordkeeping and auditing: Public agency. Sec. 158.69 Recordkeeping and auditing: Collecting carriers. Sec. 158.71 Federal oversight. Subpart E--Termination Sec. 158.81 General. Sec. 158.83 Informal resolution. Sec. 158.85 Termination of authority to impose PFC's. Sec. 158.87 Loss of federal airport grant funds. Subpart F--Reduction in Airport Improvement Program Apportionment Sec. 158.91 General. Sec. 158.93 Public agencies subject to reduction. Sec. 158.95 Implementation of reduction. Appendix A--Assurances PART 159--NATIONAL CAPITAL AIRPORTS Subpart A--General Sec. 159.1 Applicability. Sec. 159.2 Motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire on Washington National Airport. Sec. 159.3 [Reserved] Sec. 159.4 Motor vehicles carrying passengers for hire on Dulles International Airport. Sec. 159.5 Lost articles. Subpart B--Motor Vehicle Rules Sec. 159.11 Applicability of Virginia laws. Sec. 159.13 Special operating rules. Sec. 159.15 Operator's license. Sec. 159.17 Speed. Sec. 159.19 Passenger's occupancy. Sec. 159.21 Emergency vehicles; right-of-way. Sec. 159.23 Parking. Sec. 159.25 Accident reports. Sec. 159.27 Repair of motor vehicles. Sec. 159.29 Busses. Sec. 159.31 Moving of motor vehicles. Sec. 159.33 License tags. Sec. 159.35 Use of access highway to Dulles International Airport. Subpart C--Aircraft Rules Sec. 159.40 Nighttime noise limitations. Sec. 159.41 Confinement of aircraft operations. Sec. 159.43 Parking of aircraft. Sec. 159.47 Disabled aircraft. Sec. 159.48 Malfunctioning aircraft. Sec. 159.49 Accident reports. Sec. 159.51 Refusal of clearance. Sec. 159.53 Minimum pilot certificate requirement. Sec. 159.55 Registration of aircraft. Sec. 159.57 Demonstrations. Sec. 159.59 Aircraft equipment and operation rules. Sec. 159.60 [Reserved] Sec. 159.61 Taxiing rules. Sec. 159.63 Use of gate positions. Subpart D--Rules of Conduct Sec. 159.71 Applicable laws. Sec. 159.73 Sanitation. Sec. 159.75 Preservation of property. Sec. 159.77 Airport and equipment. Sec. 159.79 Weapons, explosives and incendiaries. Sec. 159.81 Coin-operated machines. Sec. 159.83 False report. Sec. 159.85 Interfering or tampering with aircraft. Sec. 159.87 Repairing of aircraft. Sec. 159.89 Restricted areas. Sec. 159.91 Commercial activity. Sec. 159.93 Certain non-commercial activities. Sec. 159.94 Prohibited conduct relating to non-commercial activity. Sec. 159.95 Commercial photography. Sec. 159.97 Use of roads and walks. Sec. 159.99 Animals. Sec. 159.101 Loitering. Sec. 159.103 Drugs. Sec. 159.105 Games. Sec. 159.107 Use of Airport and airspace. Sec. 159.109 Impersonation. Sec. 159.111 Forgery and counterfeiting. Subpart E--Fire Hazards and Fueling Operations Sec. 159.121 Cleaning fluids. Sec. 159.123 Open-flame operations. Sec. 159.125 Smoking. Sec. 159.127 Storage. Sec. 159.129 Apron surface areas and floor surfaces. Sec. 159.131 Doping. Sec. 159.133 Fueling operations. Sec. 159.135 Radio operation. Sec. 159.137 Operating motor vehicles in hangar. Sec. 159.139 Grounding of aircraft in hangars. Sec. 159.141 Runway foaming services. Subpart F--Obligations of Tenants Sec. 159.151 Use of premises. Sec. 159.153 Trash containers. Sec. 159.155 Bulletin boards. Sec. 159.157 Storage of equipment. Sec. 159.159 Fire apparatus. Sec. 159.161 Discrimination or segregation. Subpart G--Mobile Lounges at Dulles International Airport Sec. 159.171 Scope. Sec. 159.173 Rules of conduct. Sec. 159.175 Rules governing mobile lounge service. Subpart H--Charges Sec. 159.181 Landing fees. Sec. 159.183 Service fees. Sec. 159.184 Definitions. Sec. 159.185 Payment for services. Subpart I--Enforcement [Reserved] PART 161--NOTICE AND APPROVAL OF AIRPORT NOISE AND ACCESS RESTRICTIONS Subpart A--General Provisions Sec. 161.1 Purpose. Sec. 161.3 Applicability. Sec. 161.5 Definitions. Sec. 161.7 Limitations. Sec. 161.9 Designation of noise description methods. Sec. 161.11 Identification of land uses in airport noise study area. Subpart B--Agreements Sec. 161.101 Scope. Sec. 161.103 Notice of the proposed restriction. Sec. 161.105 Requirements for new entrants. Sec. 161.107 Implementation of the restriction. Sec. 161.109 Notice of termination of restriction pursuant to an agreement. Sec. 161.111 Availability of data and comments on a restriction implemented pursuant to an agreement. Sec. 161.113 Effect of agreements; limitation on reevaluation. Subpart C--Notice Requirements for Stage 2 Restrictions Sec. 161.201 Scope. Sec. 161.203 Notice of proposed restriction. Sec. 161.205 Required analysis of proposed restriction and alternatives. Sec. 161.207 Comment by interested parties. Sec. 161.209 Requirements for proposal changes. Sec. 161.211 Optional use of 14 CFR part 150 procedures. Sec. 161.213 Notification of a decision not to implement a restriction. Subpart D--Notice, Review, and Approval Requirements for Stage 3 Restrictions Sec. 161.301 Scope. Sec. 161.303 Notice of proposed restrictions. Sec. 161.305 Required analysis and conditions for approval of proposed restrictions. Sec. 161.307 Comment by interested parties. Sec. 161.309 Requirements for proposal changes. Sec. 161.311 Application procedure for approval of proposed restriction. Sec. 161.313 Review of application. Sec. 161.315 Receipt of complete application. Sec. 161.317 Approval or disapproval of proposed restriction. Sec. 161.319 Withdrawal or revision of restriction. Sec. 161.321 Optional use of 14 CFR part 150 procedures. Sec. 161.323 Notification of a decision not to implement a restriction. Sec. 161.325 Availability of data and comments on an implemented restriction. Subpart E--Reevaluation of Stage 3 Restrictions Sec. 161.401 Scope. Sec. 161.403 Criteria for reevaluation. Sec. 161.405 Request for reevaluation. Sec. 161.407 Notice of reevaluation. Sec. 161.409 Required analysis by reevaluation petitioner. Sec. 161.411 Comment by interested parties. Sec. 161.413 Reevaluation procedure. Sec. 161.415 Reevaluation action. Sec. 161.417 Notification of status of restrictions and agreements not meeting conditions-of-approval criteria. Subpart F--Failure to Comply With This Part Sec. 161.501 Scope. Sec. 161.503 Informal resolution; notice of apparent violation. Sec. 161.505 Notice of proposed termination of airport grant funds and passenger facility charges. PART 169--EXPENDITURE OF FEDERAL FUNDS FOR NONMILITARY AIRPORTS OR AIR NAVIGATION FACILITIES THEREON Sec. 169.1 Applicability. Sec. 169.3 Application for recommendation and certification. Sec. 169.5 FAA determination. PART 170--ESTABLISHMENT AND DISCONTINUANCE CRITERIA FOR AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICES AND NAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES Subpart A--General Sec. 170.1 Scope. Sec. 170.3 Definitions. Subpart B--Airport Traffic Control Towers Sec. 170.11 Scope. Sec. 170.13 Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) Establishment Criteria. Sec. 170.15 ATCT Discontinuance Criteria. Subpart C--LORAN-C Sec. 170.21 Scope. Sec. 170.23 LORAN-C establishment criteria. Sec. 170.25 LORAN-C discontinuance criteria. SUBCHAPTER J--NAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES PART 171--NON-FEDERAL NAVIGATION FACILITIES Subpart A--VOR Facilities Sec. 171.1 Scope. Sec. 171.3 Requests for IFR procedure. Sec. 171.5 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.7 Performance requirements. Sec. 171.9 Installation requirements. Sec. 171.11 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.13 Reports. Subpart B--Nondirectional Radio Beacon Facilities Sec. 171.21 Scope. Sec. 171.23 Requests for IFR procedure. Sec. 171.25 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.27 Performance requirements. Sec. 171.29 Installation requirements. Sec. 171.31 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.33 Reports. Subpart C--Instrument Landing System (ILS) Facilities Sec. 171.41 Scope. Sec. 171.43 Requests for IFR procedure. Sec. 171.45 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.47 Performance requirements. Sec. 171.49 Installation requirements. Sec. 171.51 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.53 Reports. Subpart D--True Lights Sec. 171.61 Air navigation certificate: Revocation and termination. Subpart E--General Sec. 171.71 Materials incorporated by reference. Sec. 171.73 Alternative forms of reports. Sec. 171.75 Submission of requests. Subpart F--Simplified Directional Facility (SDF) Sec. 171.101 Scope. Sec. 171.103 Requests for IFR procedure. Sec. 171.105 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.107 Definition. Sec. 171.109 Performance requirements. Sec. 171.111 Ground standards and tolerances. Sec. 171.113 Installation requirements. Sec. 171.115 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.117 Reports. Subpart G--Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) Sec. 171.151 Scope. Sec. 171.153 Requests for IFR procedure. Sec. 171.155 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.157 Performance requirements. Sec. 171.159 Installation requirements. Sec. 171.161 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.163 Reports. Subpart H--VHF Marker Beacons Sec. 171.201 Scope. Sec. 171.203 Requests for IFR procedure. Sec. 171.205 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.207 Performance requirements. Sec. 171.209 Installation requirements. Sec. 171.211 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.213 Reports. Subpart I--Interim Standard Microwave Landing System (ISMLS) Sec. 171.251 Scope. Sec. 171.253 Definitions. Sec. 171.255 Requests for IFR procedures. Sec. 171.257 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.259 Performance requirements: General. Sec. 171.261 Localizer performance requirements. Sec. 171.263 Localizer automatic monitor system. Sec. 171.265 Glide path performance requirements. Sec. 171.267 Glide path automatic monitor system. Sec. 171.269 Marker beacon performance requirements. Sec. 171.271 Installation requirements. Sec. 171.273 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.275 Reports. Subpart J--Microwave Landing System (MLS) Sec. 171.301 Scope. Sec. 171.303 Definitions. Sec. 171.305 Requests for IFR procedure. Sec. 171.307 Minimum requirements for approval. Sec. 171.309 General requirements. Sec. 171.311 Signal format requirements. Sec. 171.313 Azimuth performance requirements. Sec. 171.315 Azimuth monitor system requirements. Sec. 171.317 Approach elevation performance requirements. Sec. 171.319 Approach elevation monitor system requirements. Sec. 171.321 DME and marker beacon performance requirements. Sec. 171.323 Fabrication and installation requirements. Sec. 171.325 Maintenance and operations requirements. Sec. 171.327 Operational records. SUBCHAPTER K--ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS PART 183--REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Subpart A--General Sec. 183.1 Scope. Subpart B--Certification of Representatives Sec. 183.11 Selection. Sec. 183.13 Certification. Sec. 183.15 Duration of certificates. Sec. 183.17 Reports. Subpart C--Kinds of Designations: Privileges Sec. 183.21 Aviation Medical Examiners. Sec. 183.23 Pilot examiners. Sec. 183.25 Technical personnel examiners. Sec. 183.27 Designated aircraft maintenance inspectors. Sec. 183.29 Designated engineering representatives. Sec. 183.31 Designated manufacturing inspection representatives. Sec. 183.33 Designated Airworthiness Representative. PART 185--TESTIMONY BY EMPLOYEES AND PRODUCTION OF RECORDS IN LEGAL PROCEEDINGS, AND SERVICE OF LEGAL PROCESS AND PLEADINGS Sec. 185.1 Purpose. Sec. 185.3 Acceptance of service on behalf of the Secretary of Transportation or the Administrator. Sec. 185.5 Testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings. PART 187--FEES Sec. 187.1 Scope. Sec. 187.5 Duplicates of licenses. Sec. 187.7 Copies; seal. Sec. 187.15 Payment of fees. Appendix A to Part 187--Fee Schedule for Certification Services Performed Outside the United States on Behalf of Foreign Nationals Other Than Resident Aliens PART 189--USE OF FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM Sec. 189.1 Scope. Sec. 189.3 Kinds of messages accepted. Sec. 189.5 Charges for messages. Sec. 189.7 Limitation of liability. PART 191--WITHHOLDING SECURITY INFORMATION FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER THE AIR TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ACT OF 1974 Sec. 191.1 Applicability. Sec. 191.3 Records and information withheld. Sec. 191.5 When disclosure of information is prohibited. Sec. 191.7 Records containing both available and unavailable information. SUBCHAPTERS L--M [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER N--WAR RISK INSURANCE PART 198--AVIATION INSURANCE Sec. 198.1 Eligibility of aircraft for insurance. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec. 198.3 Basis of insurance. 198.5 Types of insurance coverage available. 198.7 Amount of insurance coverage available. 198.9 Application for insurance. 198.11 Change in status of aircraft. 198.13 Premium insurance--payment of premiums. 198.15 Nonpremium insurance--payment of registration fees. Appendix A to Part 198--Form of Application Named in Sec. 198.9 SUBCHAPTER O--[Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992] PART 199--[Removed. 57 FR 60728, Dec. 22, 1992]