Notice of closing a trust account – estate agents Estate Agents Act 1980 (Vic) Warning: Enter text in spaces provided only. Consumer Affairs Victoria will not accept your form, nor consider it lodged, if you remove or change any questions or other text. This form should be completed by licensed estate agents when an estate agent trust account is closed. The form must be forwarded by the licensed estate agent to Consumer Affairs Victoria, Corporate Resources Branch, PO Box 123, Melbourne VIC 3001, or faxed to 03 8684 6311, or emailed to, within 14 days of closing the account, as required under section 59(7) of the Estate Agents Act 1980 (Vic). Details of the estate agent trust account closed Name of authorised deposit-taking institution Branch address Include postcode. Name of licensed estate agent Company or individual name. Licence number If available. Principal office address Include postcode. Trust account name BSB number Account number Date account closed with authorised financial institution dd/mm/yyyy Lodged by Name of delegate of licensed estate agent. Signature Type name if lodging by email. Date dd/mm/yyyy CAV 157 (04/03/2016) Page 1 of 2 Estate agents are reminded that under section 59 of the Estate agents Act 1980 (Vic), the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria must be notified within 14 days of the closure of any trust account. The forwarding of this completed form to Consumer Affairs Victoria will satisfy the estate agent’s obligation in respect of the closing of that account. Privacy For privacy information, please refer to the Privacy statement page on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website ( CAV 157 (04/03/2016) Page 2 of 2