Salt Lake Community College Health Sciences Medical Assistant Program Medical Terminology MA 1100 INSTRUCTOR: OFFICE: E-MAIL ADDRESS: PREREQUISITES: CREDIT HOURS: REQUIRED TEXT: Richard Hoonakker D-15 None 3 Dean Vaughn Medical Terminology 350 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Course format is lecture supplemented with videos and discussion covering more than 350 medical word roots, suffixes, and prefixes. Emphasis is placed on pronunciation, spelling, and proper usage of medical terms. Medical abbreviations are also introduced. COURSE OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this course the student should able to: Identify over 350 medical word roots Spell over 350 medical word roots and terms Define over 350 medical word roots and terms Pronounce over 350 medical words and terms Define over 300 common medical abbreviations Use a medical dictionary effectively Use Canvas for course calendar, emails and to access grades METHODS OF INSTRUCTION We will be using a combination of the text book, video series and discussion time to gain a firm understanding of the meaning and pronunciation of medical terms. Students are encouraged to make and use flashcards as a learning tool. REQUIRED ASSESSMENTS: Weekly tests will include 15 dictated medical elements, 10 dictated complete medical terms, and 10 medical abbreviations from each lesson making tests have 120 possible points. Student will be graded on correct spelling of medical terms and elements (2 pts and correct definition of medical terms and elements (2 points each). Each abbreviation definition is worth 1 pt each. Abbreviation Final Exam has 150 possible points Mid-Term covering lessons 1-7 has 150 possible points Final Exam covering lessons 1-14 has 200 possible points. each) GRADING: Grade A B+ Percent 95-100% 87-89% AB 90-94% 84-86% B- 80-83% C+ 77-79% C 74-76% passing for the MA program C- 70-73% D+ 67-69% D 64-66% D- 60-63% E 0-59% Your grade will be determined by two categories. Assignments 40% Assignments will include any lab, quiz, or other activity we do to learn the material. Assessments 60% Assessments will include all exams, projects, and any other assignment used to measure your level of understanding. Students who are active in class will succeed. Therefore I expect that you are asking and answering questions, involved in all discussions, and remain on task throughout the day. If you choose to be uninvolved in class, your grade will suffer. Students who are absent on a test date will be given one week to take it for full credit. After that week, the maximum score they can earn is 80%. Grades on Skyward are usually very accurate LATE WORK I understand that circumstances may arise that may cause you to have late work. Each student will be given four late work coupons per term that they may use to get full credit on an assignment of their choice. Once all four coupons are used up, students may still turn in late work, but only for 50% credit. If you have extenuating circumstances, please come talk to me so we can work out a plan for you. Any unused late work coupons may be turned in at the end of the quarter for 5 points extra credit. WEB PAGE I have created a web page for all of my classes. Click on the Medical Terminology section. On this page you will find a calendar that will tell you what was covered in class each day. In addition to this information, you will have access to notes or assignments that were given in class. Click on the important documents tab to access the items that were passed out in class. This will be a great place to go if you have misplaced an assignment and need a new copy. However, keep in mind some things will not be able to be posted to this web site. ATTENDANCE I will be following the attendance policy adopted by our school. Remember, there are strict consequences to being late or absent from class. Please review the information given to you at registration regarding the changes in this policy. Work missed due to unexcused absences will only be eligible to earn up to 50% of the total points possible. In addition to this, if your absence is unexcused, work turned in the day you are absent will also only earn up to 50% of the total points possible. I will have many activities that begin immediately once the bell rings. If you are tardy, you will not earn points for these assignments. Most importantly, it is difficult to learn if you are not in class. Therefore the more class you miss, excused or not, the lower you can expect your grade to be. INCOMPLETES: An incomplete is a conditional grade given only in extraordinary cases where a student has completed a major portion of the class but is unable to complete course work due to circumstances beyond their control such as major illness/injury or a death in the family. Written documentation from your physician will be required. A student must be maintaining 75% or better before an incomplete is given. COURSE COMMUNICATION: Communication between a student and the faculty for this course will be done either face to face during posted office hours or by email messaging through the course canvas site. ELECTRONIC/WIRELESS DEVICES IN THE CLASSROOM: The following polices are in effect in all course of the Medical Assistant Program. 1. Cell phones, iPods, pagers, Spy Pens with webcam and microphone or any other devise (excluding ADA authorized devices) that may distract from the class should be silenced before entering the classroom and may not be on the desk during class or exams. If you have an emergency and must use your cell phone, please exit the classroom to take the call. If you are discovered reading, sending text messages during class, you could be asked to leave the class and will be counted absent for the class period. 2. You are expected to engage in discussion for the class. You may use your computer to access the textbook, take notes and to research the discussion topic. You are discouraged from engaging in computer activities not directly related to the class. If you are discovered engaging in there activities you will be asked to leave the classroom and recorded absent for the class. 3. You may not record or publish information from this course or any MA course without written authorization from the course instructor. If used without authorization you have violated PRIVACY/INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS and you will be dropped from the Medical Assistant Program. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT: The student is expected to follow the SLCC Student Code of Conduct found at very seriously. Please consult with the MA Student Handbook for details. ADA STATEMENT: Students with medical, psychological, learning or other disabilities desiring accommodations or services under ADA must contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). The DRC determines eligibility for and authorizes the provision of these accommodations and services for the college. Please contact the DRC at the Student Center, Suite 244, Redwood Campus, 4600 So. Redwood Road, 84123. Phone: (801) 957-4659, TTY: 957-4646, Fax: 957-4947. PLAGIARISM: Students are expected to reference all sources of information. Any plagiarism will result in failure of the assignment and possible failure of the course. Information must not be copied from other student’s work, textbook or internet sources. SALT LAKE COMMUNITY COLLEGE STATEMENT LEARNING OUTCOMES –SLCC is committed to fostering and assessing the following student learning outcomes in its programs and courses by: Acquiring substantive knowledge in the field of their choice Communicate effectively Develop quantitative illiteracies Think critically and creatively Developing the knowledge and skills to be civically engage Develop the knowledge and skills to work with others in professional and constructive manner Develop computer and information literacy Parents and Guardians, This class will explore the terminology used to describe the structures, functions, diseases, etc. of the human body, including the reproductive system. Over the course of the year, your student will be exposed to photos and diagrams of body parts including actual dissected human bodies. I assure you that these documents are all used as educational tools, but can be graphic. If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything explained in this document, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can leave a message at the main office by calling 801-256-5600. I usually return all phone calls received before 11:00 AM on the same day. Calls received after this time will be returned by the next school day at the very latest. The best way to reach me is by email. I respond to most emails immediately. I encourage you to take an active role in your student’s academic career. Students who care about school have parents that care about school. Be sure to learn how to access your student’s grades on Power School. This will allow you to see how your student is doing as well as keep track of any assignments they are missing. I am very dedicated to keeping my Power School grades accurate and up to date. I recommend checking your student’s grades weekly. Sincerely, Richard Hoonakker Approved by _______________________________________ I have carefully read and understand the information presented in this disclosure statement. Student Name (Print) _________________________________________________________ Student______________________________________________________Date___________ Parent_______________________________________________________Date___________ I find that email is the most efficient means of communication between parents and teachers. If you have an email address that I can use to contact you please write it in the space below. Email Address ____________________________________________________________________