06 August 2012 Page 1 Minutes of Meeting of Fulford Parish Council held on Monday 6th August 2012 in the Old Library, Fulford Social Hall, School Lane, Fulford commencing at 7.30pm Present: A M Smith (Chair), K Aspden, B Bircher, V Clare, M Urmston, K de Vries, J Young (members) Mrs. J Fletcher (clerk.) 12/174 CODE OF CONDUCT Clerk received Registers of Members Interests but was asked to write to the Monitoring Officer to see if it might be possible for the council to be covered by a special dispensation due to the previous threat of intimidation by a Parishioner should that person be in possession of private addresses. There appeared much confusion about what constituted an interest where a councillor should leave the room and clerk would enquire whether any training sessions were to be made available by CoYC to parish councils. It was agreed to defer amending standing orders to reflect the changes in the Code of Conduct until the September meeting. Action: clerk 12/175 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr de Vries declared personal interests in item 7d (planning application at York University), and 10 (Heslington East) and a prejudicial interest in item 9 (Germany Beck) Cllr Young declared personal interests in items 7d and 10 (York University) Cllr Aspden made his standard declaration as a City Councillor, Ward Councillor, member of Fulford in Bloom and Fulford Residents Association 12/176 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllrs. M Courcier and S Kenwright had sent apologies. 12/177 MINUTES OF LAST MEETING 12/162 Change wording in penultimate sentence as follows ‘details of the fund’ to ‘a news item about the fund’ After making the above amendment the minutes of the meeting of full council held on Monday 2nd July 2012 were confirmed as being a true and correct record of the proceedings of the meetings and duly signed by the Chairman. 12/178 COUNCILLOR RESIGNATIONS AND VACANCIES The Chairman reported with regret that he had now received letters of resignation from both Chris Marshall and Jan Wilford. Appreciation had already been expressed to Cllr Marshall for all his efforts both as a councillor for a number of years and latterly as chairman for a term. The clerk was asked to write to Jan to express the council’s appreciation for all the hard work that she had done on behalf of the council as a member of Open Spaces, Social Hall and Cemetery working groups. The two vacancies had already been notified to Electoral Services. Action: clerk 06 August 2012 Page 2 PARISHIONERS’ QUESTIONS 12/179 Tree in Delwood A Parishioner reported to the council that there was a dead tree in Delwood which needed dealing with before the winter as it was currently overhanging the electricity substation and the garages. It was agreed to report this to the Arboriculturist at City of York Council and to ask for the tree to be replaced. Action: clerk 12/180 Litter bins It was noted that the litter bin near Sir JJ Hunt Homes had now been replaced and a second bin had been moved from Crossfield Crescent to outside the new convenience store west side of Main Street. Cllr Aspden would be making a request for the resiting of the bin outside the Big Bite. 12/181 Vodaphone pole and equipment Cllr Aspden advised of a pre-application notification to replace a 17.5m pole with a 20m pole and to provide a new cabinet which would be twice the width of the existing cabinet in Heslington Lane. It was agreed to check the exact location. Action: K Aspden 12/182 Police Crime Report for July Violence (including domestic) 23,27th Thefts (retail) 01,03,06,15,and 17, 18th Theft (other) 14th Theft of vehicle A19 TO Selby layby, broken down scooter stolen, 4th Criminal damage 4,7,19th Theft from vehicle, Naburn Lane 9th Total 14 There were also 48 other incidents classed as non-crime. 12/183 A PLANNING APPLICATIONS New 1 Fulfordgate, York (12/02278/FUL) Single storey side and rear extension, alterations to roof to create gable end and dormer to rear for Dr Avtar Matharu No objections B White House North, 14 Main Street, Fulford (12/02415/FUL) Conservatory to rear (retrospective) for Mr. Richard Edmonson No objections C White House North, 14 Main Street, Fulford (12/02418/LBC) Internal and external alterations including conservatory to rear and removal of walls (retrospective) for Mr. Richard Edmonson (Listed Building consent) No objections D University of York, Heslington Parish (12/02306/FULM) 06 August 2012 Page 3 Proposed University Campus Lying Between Field Lane And Low Lane A64 Trunk Road And Hull Road York. Athletics track and closed road racing cycle circuit with ancillary parking, lighting and fencing, and including re-routing of public right of way. At this stage in the proceedings Cllr de Vries left the room having previously declared her personal interest. It was understood that the Highways Agency had put a stop on this application for the time being but that it might be considered by the Heslington East Forum in due course. No comments to be sent at this stage. Cllr de Vries returned to the meeting. E Decisions Halcyon, 130 Main Street, Fulford (12/02011/TCA) Various tree works including Fell Conifers (G1) (T1,T2), Pine (T3) and Birch (T4) Trees in the Conservation Area Permitted F 1 Main Street, Fulford (12/02015/TPO) Reduce long branch by 4m, crown lift by 3m, crown thin by 15% Ash (T1), Crown lift by 4m, crown thin by 15% Ash (T2), Trees protected by Tree Preservation Order 25/1986 Permitted G Fordlands Home, 1 Fordlands Road, Fulford (12/02016/DMNOT) Prior notification of demolition of Fordlands Elderly Persons Home Decision - Prior approval not required. H Fulford Vicarage, 1 Fulford Park (12/02135/TPO) Crown clean, crown lift and crown reduce by 3m. Sycamore, Crown lift to give 2m clearance over garage, Horse chestnut. Trees protected by Tree Preservation Order 3/1997 Permitted I 38 Naburn Lane, Fulford (12/01795/FUL) First floor side extension and dormer to rear Approved 12/184 Planning – Other A Report of Planning working group Notes of a meeting held on 1st August had been circulated. Notification had been received that the demolition of Fordlands Road Elderly Persons Home did not require formal planning 06 August 2012 Page 4 consent but it was noted that the bat roost was not mentioned and Cllr Urmston agreed to speak to the Case Officer to clarify this point. She had since learned that the Ecologist would be handling the bat issues and would maintain contact with the parish council. The working group had looked at the consultation on ‘Improvements on Policy and Legal Framework for Public Rights of Way’ but it had been decided not to respond as there were no issues of particular concern and the consultation was extensive and involved complicated legal issues. A reply had been received from English Heritage which took the view that no additional information which might refine or improve understanding of the significance of the heritage asset (the site and archaeology of the Battle of Fulford) had yet been produced or confirmed, and therefore there had been no change to the level of understanding about the application site and the impact of the proposed works. The Inspector of Ancient Monuments for North Yorkshire and the City of York had agreed to meet Chas. Jones on site in August. Cllr Urmston agreed to draft a reply to English Heritage and seek a meeting if possible. Action: MU/clerk B E-Planning facilities Task Group Cllr Urmston and the clerk had attended a meeting at the Guildhall on 3rd August. This meeting was very well attended by both parish councils and planning panels and flagged a lot of problems which were to be presented to the Scrutiny Committee in September. 12/185 GERMANY BECK At this stage in the meeting Cllr de Vries having already declared her prejudicial interest left the room. The council was informed that none of the applications were going to committee this month and that the Planning Officer was still gathering information. It was noted that the City Council was not in a position to request a community infrastructure levy but instead must rely on the previously signed s106 agreement which could not be amended at this stage. 12/186 Heslington East Community Forum Cllr de Vries remained outside of the meeting for this item having already declared her personal interest. It was agreed that Cllr Urmston join Cllr Clare as parish council representatives on this group. Cllr de Vries returned to the meeting. 12/187 A SOCIAL HALL Report from working group No meeting of the Social Hall wg had taken place in the interim but Cllr Young reported that the round window was due to be fitted within the next few weeks. Grant aid was still being sought for a new replacement floor and its condition was being monitored. There were no issues of concern requiring immediate action at this time. Action: Clerk 06 August 2012 Page 5 B Social Hall users for July Day Dates Wed Fri 4,11,18 6,13,20 10 3,10,17,24,3 S Corbally S Corbally Fishergate Women’s Institute 4 10,24 3,10,17,24,3 St John’s Ambulance Silver Circle 1 Tues 1 Thurs 5,12,19,26 25 8,15 2,9,16,23 7,14,21 5,12,19,26 2,9,16,23,30 6 7 13 25 28 2 5 17 30 User Tai Chi Class Kumon Maths class Main Hall X X X Library No. hours 9 6 X 2 5 X X X 2 4 10 Kumon Maths class Townswomen’s Guild Korean School (education) Mrs Rhodes, Yoga J Freeman (ballet) J Bailey (Zumba) Aerobics class York City Council R Haxby (party) A Ismail (party) R Heath (music workshop) N Hewitson X X X X X 8 2.5 5 6 4.5 6 5 2 12 4.5 2 2 Total Hired hours X 97.5 Free of Charge Council meeting Fulford Show Fulford Show Open Spaces working group Total Free Hours X X X X X X X X X X X Of 4 2 2 2 10 12/188 Open Spaces & Allotments A Report of Chair of Open Spaces WG Report of Open Spaces wg meeting held on 30 July had been circulated prior to the meeting. The wg was planning to carry out an audit of play areas and condition of equipment and it was noted that the annual ROSPA report was due soon. A site had been identified for the new exercise equipment and the wg would produce a plan so that the clerk could contact the grass cutters to find out what distance was required between pieces of equipment in order to facilitate grass cutting. It was noted that the allotments were being well tended at the moment and criteria would be drawn up to define plot clearance. It was agreed to thank Jan Wilford for all her hard work on the wg and to take up her kind offer to be an ex-officio 06 August 2012 Page 6 member. A notice was required for the pedestrian gate into the allotments which advised that the allotments were private property and that there was no public right of way. The next meeting of the Sports Club was on 14th August and Bryn said that he was planning to attend. B Village Green A meeting had been arranged with Yorkshire Water and J N Bentley on 10th August at 2.30pm and Cllrs Bircher, Clare and Smith would attend. Clerk was asked to speak to CoYC and have the lock replaced on the barrier at the entrance to Landings Lane and to make arrangements for the grass and hedges to be cut before the Fulford Show. Action: clerk C Flooding issues on School Lane Field At this point in the meeting Cllr Smith declared an interest as his son plays for Fulford Juniors. Clerk had received confirmation from Fulford School that if required the pump would be activated but that when it was installed some years ago it was seen as a temporary installation as an interim measure. Clerk was asked to write to the School Business Manager to thank her for her reply and to ask her to explain the interim measure. It was noted that the field would be in use for the Fulford Show. Action: clerk 12/189 A CEMETERY Report of Cemetery Superintendent Dear Mr. Chairman There were 12 interments in the cemetery in the month of July. Cemetery Receipts £14,907.00 Social Hall Receipts £1,319.50 Allotment Receipts £12.5 Petty cash balance as at July 1st =£104.95 Staff holidays 10 days B Proposal to purchase vehicle for cemetery Proposals were considered to purchase a cemetery vehicle which would be mainly for the collection of fuel as the Superintendent would no longer be in a position to collect in his own car and indeed there was no requirement for him to do so. There would be no private use of a cemetery vehicle and operational procedures would need to be agreed. It was noted that some funds was available from the current machinery budget. It was agreed to ask CoYC for an opinion and if they could offer any solution to the problem and Cllr Bircher agreed to draft a letter. Action: Cllr Bircher/clerk 12/190 QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT The clerk had prepared figures to compare Income and Expenditure to budget for both the general and the burial accounts. She said that the burial account had almost broken even 06 August 2012 Page 7 at the end of the first quarter and City of York had not been asked for any contribution. There had been no unexpected large items from the general account. Income on general account was in line with budget forecast. 12/191 A CLERK’S AND MATTERS CONTINUING Schedule of website changes Details of councillor vacancies had been posted as a news item and member details amended to reflect the recent resignations. Cllr Urmston had posted news items for Germany Beck and the fighting fund. Cllr Bircher agreed to compose a separate web page for Germany Beck. B Notice Boards It was resolved to accept revised quotation from Sign a Rama in the sum of £695 plus Vat for supply and fitting of a new lockable parish council notice board on legs outside Fulford Surgery. Action: Clerk C Future of Ward Committee System Clerk had been advised that due to recent changes in the Council budget parish councils would no longer be eligible for Ward funding and therefore the application for the Social Hall floor would not be considered. Cllr Aspden advised that the Ward Committee had not agreed the new Community Contract but had agreed to hold some informal meetings together with Heslington Ward to discuss what type of contract might be acceptable to Parish Councils and Parishioners.’ D Delivery and Innovation Fund initiative Clerk had attended what had been described as a ‘Drop-in - Q & A session for parish councils. This, however, was in the form of a meeting sitting around a table. The ‘Delivery & Innovation Fund’ was making £1m available in 2012/13 and a further £1.5m in 2013/14 to facilitate new and innovative ways of working and to support projects that change how the council delivers services. Clerk would circulate the information and members were asked to think of ideas and projects that might qualify for a grant for the next meeting. Action: All E Consultation on Parking Fulfordgate/Heslington Lane. Restrictions/yellow lines at junction of Residents on the Fishergate side of Heslington Lane had already flagged some issues which had been taken account of. It was agreed to leave it to residents to make comment if they had any further concerns. F Flag raising days and responsibility. A new flag had been purchased and it was agreed that it would be raised for the Fulford Show. Responsibility for this would be with the Show organizers. Action: Clerk/K Aspden 06 August 2012 Page 8 G Information on budgets and timescales for precept Information had been circulated by the clerk prior to the meeting. GPC and Cemetery Committee would meet in November to consider budgets for approval at the December meeting. Working groups should consider their requirements and submit these to the clerk before end of October. Budgets would hopefully be approved at the December meeting as the precept request needed to be submitted in January. H Archiving and recording of council documents Clerk had ascertained that the correct place to lodge parish council minutes was the Local Studies Library at York which apparently already holds photocopies of minutes up to 1923. 12/192 A CORRESPONDENCE Consultation on CoYC Licensing Policy This consultation was noted but no response was made. B Strategic Cycle Network Review – summer 2012 It was agreed to delegate a response to the Planning wg and to forward the information to the Carstairs Trust whose land the proposed network crosses. Action: clerk C Government consultation paper for proposed legislative reform order to reform legislation on electronic payments by Parish Councils The Council was in agreement with this initiative and agreed that the clerk would respond favourably. D Letter from Fulford Community Sports Club meeting 14th August This would be passed to Cllr Bircher who planned to attend the next meeting. E Electoral Review of the City of York (Local Government Boundary Commission) Cllr Aspden provided further information. It was agreed to respond with reference to the importance of the parish boundaries and the historic community which the council felt should be more important than any administrative efficiencies. It would be especially vital for Fulford to retain a Ward Councillor with the advent of the Germany Beck development. Action: chair/clerk F Request from Fulford Flowers to provide flower sale service at Fulford Cemetery. Cllr Young declared an interest and left the meeting at this point. The council had previously been asked to consider planters advertising the flower shop but the new proposal was for flower sales with honesty box to collect money. It was resolved to deny this request. 06 August 2012 Page 9 12/193 GENERAL POWER OF COMPETENCE The Chairman and the Clerk had attended a training course run by YLCA on 31st July. To qualify the council must have a clerk who holds both the Cilca qualification including the module on the GPoC and a qualification in Local Government Administration from the University of Gloucester. It must also have two thirds elected membership which must be valid at the annual meeting each year if a council was to retain the status. The General Power of Competence gives parish councils the power to do anything that individuals generally may do. They can do it “in any way whatever” and “anywhere in the UK or elsewhere”, “for a commercial purpose or otherwise”, “for a charge or without a charge” and it “need not be for the benefit of the authority, area or local people”. 12/194 APPROVAL OF WAGES AND ACCOUNTS (as circulated list) The following wages and accounts were approved:Net Wages £9,591.63 Inland Revenue, PAYE & Nat. Insurance £2,492.69 NYPF superannuation £3,143.21 DPDS Consulting £1,057.20 Crockey Hill Lawnmowers £175.20 LGYH, annual subscription £237.74 SLCC £15.60 Came & Co. Insurance £25.00 Flagpole Express £80.64 Mrs. J Maycock, reimbursement cemetery fee £403.00 Cropwise, chemicals £233.66 Direct Debits British Gas, S Hall electric £60.65 Cemetery electric £223.55 CoYC, council tax £450.00 Fuel Genie, June a/c £354.89 Orange, office phone & internet £40.56 Talk Talk, cemetery phone & internet £40.21 Petty cash, cemetery, piano tuning at S Hall £50.00 Office, postage £16.10 12/195 Items for next agenda Changes to standing orders to reflect requirements of new code of conduct. Resolution to make dispensation for SNK to continue as a councillor. Frequency of meetings Electoral review of the City of York Delivery & Innovation Fund – to consider any ideas for applications. Sports Club questions and lease amendments. 06 August 2012 Page 10 12/196 Date of Next Meeting/s September full council – Monday 10th Cemetery wg – 17th September October full council– Monday 8th October Open Spaces wg – 24th September - to be confirmed Planning wg – to be confirmed November full council – Tuesday 6th. There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.38pm Minutes taken by J M Fletcher, Clerk Dated 07/08/2012