Chapt 6&7 Answers Work Sheet chapters 6 & 7

Chapt 6&7 Answers
Work Sheet chapters 6 & 7 - 2012
1. What does it mean to be DUI or DWI?
That a drivers senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol
2. What is the 1st thing that alcohol affects, with the absorption from the first drink
sense of judgement
3. What are the first physical skills to be affected by the consumption of 2 or more drinks?
Reaction time, coordination, balance and vision
4. What is the only way to sober up?
5. Define and explain BAC.
Blood alcohol concentration (the percent of alcohol in your blood)
6. List 4 factors that determine BAC level?
Amount, time, weight, food eaten
****Gender is the 5th factor not listed
7. What is the best way to avoid an alcohol related accident?
Don"t drive after drinking any alcohol
8. With a BAC of .05 you are __two_____ times more likely to be involved in an accident,
at 0.10 you are __six________ times more likely to be involved in and accident and at
.15 you are ___25______ times more likely?
9. Define "a drink":
.6 oz of ethyl alcohol, which is the amount of alcohol in 12 oz of
beer, 5 oz of wine or 1.5 oz of spirits
10. How long, on average does it take to eliminate 1 drink from the body?
1 hour
11. What is the penalty for refusing a breath test?
Seven-month to one-year suspension of driving privilege
$300 to $500 fine
12- to 48-hour in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC)
$230 per day IDRC fee
Up to 30-days imprisonment
$100 Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund Fee
$100 Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation and Enforcement Fund fee
$1,000 annual surcharge for three years
$75 Safe Neighborhood Services Fund fee
Possible interlock device requirement for six months to one year
12. What is the drink of choice that is involved in most DUI arrests?
13. After alcohol what drug is most often found with drivers involved in collisions?
14. If a guest gets involved in an alcohol related accident what can happen to the party host?
Hosts may become involved in a lawsuit if a guest is involved in a drinking and driving
collision after leaving the party.
15. What is a habitual offender?
a motorist whose driver license has been suspended three times in three years.
16. List at least 7 reason for getting your driving privileges suspended?
Not paying surcharges
Not appearing in court or pay fine
Failure to provide proof of insurance
Traffic violations
physical or mentally disqualified
At fault in a fatal accident
DUI conviction
Failure to respond to MVC notice
Refusal of breath test
17. What is the BAC minimum for a person under 21? _______.01________
18. What is the BAC minimum for a person 21 and over? ______.08__________
19. What are all the penalties for underage drinking in a place with a license to sell liquor?
$500 and lose his/her license for six months.
If a person does not have a license, the suspension starts when he/she is first eligible to
receive a license.
Also, DRIC
20. What is the penalty for underage drinking and driving with a BAC or .01 to .08?
30- to 90-day suspension of driving privilege
15 to 30 days community service
Participation in IDRC or alcohol education and highway safety program.
21. What are all the possible penalties for a first DUI with a BAC of .08 to .1?
Three-month suspension of driving privilege
$250 to $400 fine
12- to 48-hour participation in an Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC)
$230 per day IDRC fee
Up to 30 days imprisonment
$100 Drunk Driving Enforcement Fund fee
$100 Alcohol Education, Rehabilitation and Enforcement Fund (AERF) fee
$1,000 annual surcharge for three years
$75 Safe Neighborhood Services Fund fee
Possible interlock device requirement for six months to one year
22. What additional penalties are for a first DUI with a BAC over .1?
Seven-month to one-year suspension of driving privilege
$300 to $500 fine
Everything else is the same
23. What is the penalty for a 3rd DUI (don't repeat violations)
180 in jail
10 years suspended licence
$1,500 surcharge
24. Explain Implied Consent Law.
This means that motorists on New Jersey roadways have agreed, simply by using New Jersey
roadways, to submit to a breath test given by law enforcement or hospital staff following an
arrest for a drinking and-driving offense. Motorists who refuse to take a breath test will be
detained and brought to a hospital, where hospital staff may draw blood.
25. What is an ignition interlock device?
An interlock device is attached to a motor vehicle to prevent it from being started when the
alcohol level of the motorists breath exceeds a predetermined amount.
26. How many points in what time frame will result in a suspended license?
Motorists who accumulate between 12 and 14 points in a 24-month period will receive a Notice
of Scheduled Suspension by mail from the MVC.
27. Explain 2 ways points are deducted from your license?
Up to three points will be subtracted from a motorists point total for every year that the
motorist goes without a violation or suspension, but the point total will never be reduced
below zero
A motorist who successfully completes a Driver Improvement Program will have three
points removed from his/her record
Completion a defensive driving course: Two points will be removed from the
accumulated points currently on a driver license
28. What is a probationary driver?
A motorist begins a two-year probationary driver period after receiving a special learner or
examination permit.
29. What happens to a probationary driver that accumulates 4 or more points with 2 or more
moving violations?
During this probationary period, a motorist convicted of two or more moving violations totaling
four or more points must enroll in the Probationary Driver School Program, which is
administered by the MVC
30. Will moving violations that occur out-of-state go on your NJ driving record?
Yes, each one is a 2 point violation to your NJ license
31. Does NJ have conditional or work licenses?
No, if you lose your license you are not allowed to drive.