Grammar Flashcards

Person, place, thing, idea
Describes noun or pronoun
Tells what kind, how many
Action Verb
a word that expresses a
subject’s action –
(What it does)
Who or what the
sentence is about
Proper noun
Gives actual name
e.g. New York
Always capitalized
Concrete Noun
name things that can be
experienced with any of the
five senses—touch, sight,
hearing, smell, and taste
Abstract Noun
names ideas, qualities, or feelings
that cannot be experienced with
any of the five senses
Direct object
Answers the question
who or what of a
subject and action verb
Indirect Object
A complement that comes
between an action verb and a
indirect object and answers the
question to or for whom or what
Linking Verb
joins the subject of a sentence
with a noun or adjective in
the predicate that identifies
or describes the subject
(To Be verbs are always linking)
Predicate Nominative
A noun or pronoun that
follows a linking verb and
renames the subject
Predicate Adjective
An adjective that follows
a linking verb and
describes the subject
Noun or phrase that is placed
next to, (often after) another
noun to identify it or add
information to it.
Adjectival Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
A prepositional phrase
that describes a noun
or pronoun
Adverbial Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
A prepositional phrase
that describes a verb,
adjective or other adverb
The noun or group of words
that a pronoun refers to
modifies a verb, an adjective
or another adverb
may tell when, where, or how
Transitive verb
Verbs which take a
direct object