A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF VITAMIN C (ASCORBIC ACID) IN ORANGE, GRAPES, APPLE AND MANGO JUICES (ARTIFICIAL) RUKHSANA TAJ Department of Chemistry, SBK Women`s University, Quetta, Pakistan. Email Address of Author: rukhsana.taj88@yahoo.com ABSTRACT Basis purpose of this thesis is to determine the ascorbic acid content in two different brands of artificial fruit juices i.e. Nestle and Shezan. A wide variety of fruit juices that contain vitamin C, particularly citrus fruit juices. My work is focused on `Orange, Grape, Apple and Mango juices’, because of their ease of availability in market. Vitamin C is essential micronutrients that are required for the normal metabolic functions of human body. So, for this purpose quatatively analyzed the vitamin C in artificially available forms of juices by chemical methods i.e. `Iodometric titration` and second by ` Dye reduction titration`. `Orange juice` contains higher concentration of vitamin C, while `Mango juice` contain less vitamin C content and become least acidic among the analyzing juice samples. Ascorbic acid determination results obtained by` Iodometric titration ` were compared with those obtained by `Dye reduction titration’. The results obtained by two methods were in good agreement. Key Words: Artificial juices, Ascorbic Acid, Iodometric titration, Dye Reduction titration. INTRODUCTION Juice is the liquid that is naturally found drying, freezing, evaporation in fruit and vegetable tissue. Juices can pasteurization. Fruit juices having many prepare by mechanically squeezing fresh antioxidants and vitamins which can fruits or vegetables flesh without using benefit of heat, temperature or solvents. Juice However, fruit juice can also containing may be prepared in the home by using a a lots of sugar .Fruit juice can help the variety of hand or electric juicers. Many body by supplying it with antioxidants commercial juices are filtered to remove which will help to prevent from many pulp and fiber. Common methods for types of cancer and can also help the processing and preservation of fruit heart juices disease. Continual intake of citrus fruits include canning, spray the by body in preventing many and ways. cardiovascular 1 and juices makes good health of our A quick source of energy that promises gums and teeth. Take high concentrations good blood. It lowers the risk of forming of fruit juices make young children the blood clots. Grape juice has been obsess and thrive(Insel etal.,2010).Food found to stop the growth of breast cancer dye and preservatives like sodium cells (Anonymous, 2006). Apple juice is benzoate present in artificial fruit juices having high mineral content. It is helpful cause a distraction and hyperactivity in the treatment of muscle disorder. particularly in children, between 8 and 9 Vitamin C is added by fortification, years of age. Juices with a high fructose- because to-glucose ratio and containing sorbitol (Anonymous,2006) and much of them is can aggravate the intestines, especially lost those already sensitive of infection and Edwards,2005).Research suggests that irritation. apple juice increases acetylcholine in the Artificial fruit juices having high its during content is variable processing(Parks and brain, resulting in the increased memory concentrations of sweeteners, flavorings (Warner,2006). and sugar can cause tooth decay, leading Mango juice is rich in nutrients such as to cavities in children. However, too vitamin B (B1, B2, and andB3), vitamin much of artificial juices can causes C, Vitamin A, Iron, potassium and problems such as obesity, dental calcium. This juice is very cavities, and the health complications for benificialduring the following health example, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, condition such as cancer, Heart diseases, hypertriglyceridemia, and heart disease Constipation, Excessive thirsty condition (Ashurt,2005). and Anemia (Calbom, 2000). Orange juice with the highest amount of Vitamin C is very important among all vitamin C and potassium and a good vitamins. The importance of vitamin C source of Folate and thiamin. It also was described in 1747. Vitamin C play a contains cancer-fighting photochemical protective role in the body.Reseach (Rampersand, 2007). shows that Vitamin C has found to be an Grape juice high in vitamin C and the effective antiviral agent (Sauberlich best juice for healing wound in the etal., 1997). Ascorbic acid (AA) is a intestines. white solid, odorless, having the 2 chemical formula C6H8O6 (Yilmaz etal. levels 2008) .Numerous type of food consists Dr.Jerry,1995-2005). of vitamin C.Fruits with high vitamin C This thesis was carried out with aim to content determine the ascorbic acid in artificial include; strawberries, oranges, bananas, lemons, peaches and of vitamin C(Gordon and fruit juices (Shezan and Nestle), such as grapefruit (Jacob etal. 1999). `Orange, Grape, Apple and Mango Vitamin C intake has special effects on juice`. So, due to this purpose, I most forms of cardiovascular disease, quatatively determine the ascorbic acid cancer, eye disease, thyroid disease, liver content in artificial fruit juices by disease, and lung disease. The specific `Iodometric titration` and by `Dye health reduction titration ` and then compare conditions Alcoholism, include: Alzheimer’s Acne, disease their vitamin C content. Asthma , Depression, and Diabetes Methodology: (Levine, 1986). A sample was collected from domestic Symptoms of the vitamin C deficiency market of Quetta city, artificial fruit causes juice shop of Brewery road, A-one city a disease called including bleeding gums scurvy - and skin and Jinnah road. discoloration due to ruptured blood Research vessels, iron deficiency and poor wound samples of juices: healing respiratory infection can also be Orange, Red grapes, Apple and Mango symptomatic (Artificial Juices) of vitamin C deficiency(Trpstra,2005). In the U.S., the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin C of 60 mg daily for men and women. People who smoke need more vitamin C and intake of vitamin C for smokers is 35 comprises of following METHOD 1 Vitamin C is determined by “Iodometric Titration” method. The first step is to prepare the solutions. Preparing Solutions: mg/day higher than for nonsmokers, i)1% Starch Indicator Solution because smokers are under increased Add 0.50 g soluble starch to 50 near- oxidative from the toxins in cigarette boiling distilled water. Mix well and smoke and generally have lower blood allow cooling before use. 3 v. ii)Iodine Solution: Record the final volume of Dissolve 5.00 g potassium iodide (KI) iodine solution. The volume that and 0.268 g potassium iodate (KIO3) in was required is the starting 200 ml of distilled water. Add 30 ml of 3 volume minus the final volume. M sulfuric acid. Pour this solution into a vi. Repeat the titration at least twice 500 ml graduated cylinder and dilute it more. The result should agree to a final volume of 500ml with distilled with in 0.1 ml. water. Mix the solution. Transfer the Titrating Juice Samples: solution to a 600 ml beaker. Label the Add 25.00 ml of juice sample to a 125 beaker as iodine solution. ml Erlenmeyer flask. Titrate until the iii) Vitamin C Standard Solution: endpoint Dissolve 0.250 g vitamin C (ascorbic solution until get a color that persists acid) in 100 ml distilled water. Dilute to longer than 20 seconds.) Repeat the 250 ml with distilled water in a titration volumetric flask. Label the flask as your measurements that agree to within 0.1 vitamin C standard solution. ml (Helmenstine, 2001). Standardizing Solutions: The results are given in table I. i. ii. until have (Add at iodine least three METHOD 2 standard solution to a 125 ml Determination of Vitamin C by Erlenmeyer flask. Dye Reduction Titration: Add 10 drops of 1% starch Method: Rinse burette Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in fruit with a small volume of the iodine solution and then fill it. Record the initial volume. iv. reached. Add 25.00 ml of vitamin C solution. iii. is Titrate the solution until the endpoint is reached. The first sign of blue color that persists after 20 seconds of swirling the samples such as fruit, juices, vegetable and other determined such by products the “dye can be reduction “method. It is a simple and rapid method, commonly used for samples containing least amount of interfering substance (Tee etal., 1998). Solution Preparation: solution. 4 1)2, 6-Dichlorophenol Indophenols the content of the Dye Solution (0.025%): appearance Dissolve 50mg of dye in 150ml of hot water containing 42mg NaHCO3. Cool and then dilute with water up to 200ml water. Store in colored bottle to protect 2) Meta Phosphoric Acid (3%): Dissolve 15mg of Meta phosphoric acid in 40ml glacial acetic acid and 200ml water. Then dilute it to 500ml with water. Standard for standardization pink 15 of till color, which seconds. dye the The solution as follows: 5ml standard ascorbic acid solution contains 5mg of ascorbic acid, therefore: from sunlight. 3) remained of flask Ascorbic Acid Solution: Dissolve 100mg of ascorbic acid in small volume of Meta phosphoric acid (3%) and then dilute to 100ml with phosphoric acid solution. It will contain 1mg ascorbic acid /ml of the solution. Procedure: 10ml of the dye= 5mg ascorbic acid 1ml of the dye= 5/10 =0.5mg ascorbic acid. This shows that 0.5mg ascorbic acid is sufficient to reduce 10ml of the dye solution. b) Titration of Juice Samples: Take 20ml of juice sample in a conical flask. Titrate it against the dye solution till the appearance of the pink color, which should persists for 15 seconds. Repeat the titration until have at least three measurements (Tee etal., 1998). The results are given in table II. a) Standardization of the Dye Solution: Take 5ml standard ascorbic acid solution in a conical flask. Add to it 5ml of met phosphoric acid solution. Place the dye solution in a burette and titrate against 5 RESULTS: Table I. DETERMINATION OF VITAMIN C BY IODOMETRIC TITRATION NO. VITAMIN “C”(g/liter) JUICE SAMPLES NESTLE SHEZAN 1 ORANGE 16.2 7.4 2 RED GRAPES 9.26 6.4 3 APPLE 5.6 5.04 4 MANGO 4.8 4.06 TABLE II. DETERMINATION OF VITAMIN C BY DYE REDUCTION TITRATION NO. 1 2 JUICE VITAMIN “C”(mg/100ml) SAMPLES NESTLE SHEZAN ORANGE 3.3 3.15 3 3.3 RED GRAPES 3 APPLE 2.5 2.5 4 MANGO 2.37 2.15 6 therapeutic properties. It also helps the body in forming `connective tissues, bones, teeth and blood vessels’. It plays a major role as antioxidant that forms part of the body defense system against reactive oxygen species and radicals, thereby preventing free tissues damage. It is widely used in the treatment of certain diseases such as `scurvy, common cold, wound healing as well as infertility`. Table summarize the Graph I. DETERMINATION OF VITAMIN C BY IODOMETRIC TITRATION. results of the determination of ascorbic acid in tow brands of fruit juices by `Iodometric titration `.According to which `Orange juice contain maximum amount of vitamin C that is 16.2g/liter (Nestle) and 7.4mg/100ml (Shezan).While `Grape and Apple juice` have relatively high concentration of vitamin C than `Mango juice` but comparatively less than that of `Orange juice`. Table II summarizes the results of value of ascorbic acid which is determined by `Dye reduction method’. According Graph II. Determination of vitamin C by Dye Reduction titration to which vitamin C concentration is comparatively highest in `Orange juice’, followed by `Grape, DISCUSSION: Apple and mango juice’.’ Mango juice ` Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid is one of has least concentration of vitamin C. the soluble Result in both tables are tabulated in the vitamins, Due to its antioxidant and descending order of vitamin C content most important water 7 as obtained by `Iodometric titration` and and Mango juices`. It is clear that the by `Dye reduction method`. It is clear adequate consumption of artificial fruit from the result s presented in the tables, juices with highest concentration of that there was a definite difference vitamin C will result in the improved between vitamin C values obtained by health condition, thereby reducing the two methods. Higher value of ascorbic `Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, eye acid obtained by two mthods.Higher diseases and cancer` etc. Determination value of ascorbic acid obtained by of ascorbic acid in citrus fruit juices by ` `Iodometric titration` as compared to Dye titration method ` has advantages those over the conventional method in that it is obtained by `Dye reduction method`. faster and simpler ,while the ` CONCLUSION: Iodometric titration` is more lengthy Bio-chemical difference in the vitamin C procedure and great care has to be given values were studied in different citrus to various steps involved in the method. juices such as `Orange, Grape, Apple REFERENCES Anonymous. (2006).Orange juice prevent recurrence of kodney the stones.Hitavad, Daily from Central India 511, Sep 2, 2006. Ashurt, P.R. (2005).Chemistry and Technology of soft drinks and fruit juices. Wiley- Blackwell 2005. Calbom, C (2000).The juice lady Guide to juice for health. Penguin, 2000. Gordon and Dr.Jerry. 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