AP Environmental Science


APES Syllabus


Mrs. Schnur


Advanced Environmental Science

Offered as :

Biology 251 Environmental Conservation through University of Southern Indiana

Advanced Placement credit through AP testing

Instructor : Mrs. Schnur

Location : Room 119

Time : Gold 3

Text : Environmental Science: toward a Sustainable Future, 9 th


Edition, Wright, Richard T.

Contact : bschnur@warrick.k12.in.us

Course Objectives:

“This course is designed to introduce students to the interdisciplinary and international nature of environmental issues and concerns. This course will cover environmental ethics and conservation philosophies; basic principles of biology, ecology and conservation; and a wide range of current environmental concerns. This course intends to help students gain an increased awareness that their understanding of the complexities in the environment and their opinions on environmental problems play a significant role in shaping the current and future environment.”

(Bippus, Kaye S. USI)

“The AP Environmental Science course is designed to be the equivalent of a onesemester, introductory college course in environmental science. Environmental science is offered from a wide variety of departments including geology, biology, environmental studies, environmental science, chemistry, and geography. This AP course has been developed to allow high school students to undertake a more advanced study of topics in environmental science or to fulfill a basic requirement for a laboratory science.”

(The College Board AP. 2009. Environmental Science course Description. www.collegeboard.com/apstudetns)

Unit 1

Assigned Chapters

2, 3, 4, 20 Ecosystems

Unit 2

Unit 3

7, 8, 10 Natural Resources

5, 6, 15 Human Population Issues

Final Exam Comprehensive for semester (everyone)

Unit 4

Unit 5

12, 13, 14, 21 Energy Resources and Production

16, 17, 18, 19 Pollution Issues

Unit 6 9, 11, 22, 23 Living a Sustainable Life

Final Exam Comprehensive for semester (BHS)

Comprehensive for Year (USI)

Assignments & Assessment: ~40% Testing ~60% Lab

Read all chapters thoroughly homework, no grade

Take lecture notes

Vocabulary Flashcards

Unit Exam (every 5-6 weeks) in-class or at home, no grade homework, no grade

300 points per semester (3 exams)



Comprehensive Final Exam

900 points per semester

150 points per semester

150 points

Expectations for the Advanced Placement Student

It is expected that the advanced student is one who is willing to read the textbook and supplementary assigned materials. The advanced student should be prepared to conduct research and plan experiments, often out of class. The advanced student will be asked to produce creative ideas, ask thoughtful questions, and provide logical solutions to problems. The advanced student should be self-motivated, well organized, and able to focus on assigned tasks while in the classroom.

Required Materials

2-3” 3 ring binder with plastic sleeves and data tabs

 calculator

 notepaper, pens, pencils, eraser, highlighter in a pencil case

 spiral notebook

Text: Essentials of Geology 4 th

Edition Wicander & Monroe

Make-up Policy and Late Work

All assignments are due on the assigned due date except in the event of an emergency or unexpected illness

When absent due to emergency or unexpected illness, students will have one week from original due date to complete their make-up work

When absence is due to a preplanned event such as school field trip or family vacation, the assignment is still due on the original due date. You may arrange to complete the work early or for another student to submit the work in your absence. In either case, you are ultimately responsible for the assignment being

turned in so consider carefully before entrusting your assignment to another student.

No credit is given for late work that does not meet the above stated conditions.

Calculating Your Grades

You are responsible for keeping track of your grades at all times. Keep all graded work in your binder. If you have not done so yet, get your PIV number and memorize it. Use it at school and home to check your grades on a regular basis.

Calculating Your Grades for the Semester

Total possible Points 1500 per semester

A 90% 1350 points







1200 points

1050 points

900 points

Rounding Up

No rounding up. You must earn the grade. Plan ahead, organize your time and notes, and put forth your best effort.

Extra Credit

Occasionally extra credit will be offered. Extra credit will not be offered ‘on demand” and certainly not at the last minute to “save” your grade. Plan on studying hard and earning your grade academically.

Academic Dishonesty

In the event that a student is observed cheating, copying, or plagiarizing a zero will be given for the assignment. On the first offense the student will be given the opportunity to redo the assignment for partial credit (60%). Repeat infractions will result in a permanent zero and students will be referred to BHS administration for disciplinary measures. Students enrolled in the CAPS program will be bound by the

USI policy on academic dishonesty. The CAP Student Handbook can be found at http://usi.edu/extserv/academic/cap_programoverview.ASP

Attendance Policy

The BHS attendance policy will be observed and enforced. Please refer to your BHS

Student Agenda book for this policy. Any questions or special needs regarding this policy will be referred to Mr. Paige.

Please Note:

I reserve the right to adjust the syllabus should the need arise during the semester.

I will notify the class of any changes that are made.
