TEACHER Matcuk CLASS/SUBJECT . Woodland Hills School District Bio. Adv. Pd 6 D-E All / Lab day 7B . 180 DAY PLAN DAY NUMBER/DATE TOPIC OBJECTIVE(S): At the end of the lesson each student should be able to: SECONDARY (7-12) DAY DATE DAY DATE DAY DATE DAY DATE DAY DATE 15 9/17 Day A 16 9/18 Lab Day B 17 9/19 Day A 18 9/20 Lab Day B 19 9/21 Day A Energy Flow in Ecosystems – Food Chain/Web Project Energy Flow in Ecosystems – Food Chain/Web Project Energy Flow in Ecosystems – Food Chain/Web Project Evolution Evolution Distinguish between producers and consumers; Distinguish between producers and consumers; Distinguish between producers and consumers; compare food webs with food chains; and describe compare food webs with food chains; and describe compare food webs with food chains; and describe why food chains are rarely longer than three or four links. why food chains are rarely longer than three or four links. why food chains are rarely longer than three or four links. Differentiate between physical and behavioral adaptations; differentiate between convergent and divergent evolution. Differentiate between physical and behavioral adaptations; differentiate between convergent and divergent evolution. 1. Food Chain/Web Project 1. Food Chain/Web Project 1. Food Chain/Web Project 1. (Finish project) 2. Discussion of terms and types of adaptations. 3. Science World “Camouflage” article. 1. Discussion of convergent and divergent evolution. 2. Complete “Who’s related to Whom?” portion of the packet. Textbook, notebook, Food Textbook, notebook, Food Textbook, notebook, Food Chain/Web Project, tag board, Chain/Web Project tag board, Chain/Web Project, tag board, Textbook, notebook, evolution packet and pencil. and rubric and pencil. and rubric and pencil. and rubric and pencil. Textbook, notebook, evolution packet and pencil. 1. Research and complete Food Chain/Web Project by following rubric. 1. Research and complete Food Chain/Web Project by following rubric. 1. Research and complete Food Chain/Web Project by following rubric. 1. Finalize poster and questions. 1. Participate in discussion of convergent and divergent evolution. 2. Complete “Who’s related to Whom?” portion of the packet. To reach the objectives (Describe relevance to objectives) STUDENT ACTION During this class students will be expected to: HOW AND WHEN WILL OBJECTIVES BE EVALUATED HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT ADDITIONAL NOTES ________RECEIVED_________ FOR WEEK OF 9/17/12. PROCEDURES/TECHNIQUES: MATERIALS / RESOURCES DATE SUBMITTED 2. Participate in discussion of terms related to evolution and the different types of adaptations. 3. Read and answer questions for Science World “Camouflage” article. Evolution Packet (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) Food Chain/Web Project Food Chain/Web Project Food Chain/Web Project (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) Evolution Packet (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) Work on Food Chain/Web Project. Work on Food Chain/Web Project. . Complete Food Chain/Web Project for tomorrow. Complete at home any portion of the packet already assigned. Study for affix quiz on Tuesday. Complete at home any portion of the packet already assigned. Study for affix quiz on Tuesday. Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 2-4 Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 24 Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 24 Standard 3.3.10 A 1, 3 & 4, D 1 & 3. Standard 3.3.10 A 1, 3 & 4, D 1 & 3. TEACHER Grischow CLASS/SUBJECT Woodland Hills School District . Bio, Adv. Period 8 A-B All Lab day 7A SECONDARY (7-12) 180 DAY PLAN DAY NUMBER/DATE TOPIC OBJECTIVE(S): At the end of the lesson each student should be able to: DAY DATE DAY DATE DAY DATE 15 9/17 Lab Day A 16 9/18 Day B 17 9/19 Lab Day A Energy Flow in Ecosystems – Food Chain/Web Project Energy Flow in Ecosystems – Food Chain/Web Project Energy Flow in Ecosystems – Food Chain/Web Project Distinguish between producers and consumers; Distinguish between producers and consumers; Distinguish between producers and consumers; compare food webs with food chains; and describe compare food webs with food chains; and describe compare food webs with food chains; and describe why food chains are rarely longer than three or four links. why food chains are rarely longer than three or four links. why food chains are rarely longer than three or four links. 1. Food Chain/Web Project 1. Food Chain/Web Project 1. Food Chain/Web Project To reach the objectives (Describe relevance to objectives) STUDENT ACTION HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT ADDITIONAL NOTES DAY DATE DAY DATE 18 9/20 Day B 19 9/21 Lab Day A Evolution Packet……….. Discuss terms related to evolution; differentiate between physical and behavioral adaptations. Evolution 1. Discussion of terms and types of adaptations. 2. Science World “Camouflage” article. 1. Web Quest – Differentiate between physical and behavioral adaptations; differentiate between convergent and divergent evolution. homologous and analgous structures or behaviors. http://evolution.berkel ey.edu/evolibrary/articl e/0_0_0/similarity_hs_ 01 Textbook, notebook, Food Textbook, notebook, Food Textbook, notebook, Food Chain/Web Project, tag board, Chain/Web Project tag board, Chain/Web Project, tag board, and rubric and pencil. and rubric and pencil. and rubric and pencil. 1. Research and complete Food Chain/Web Project by following rubric. 1. Research and complete Food Chain/Web Project by following rubric. 1. Research and complete Food Chain/Web Project by following rubric. During this class students will be expected to: HOW AND WHEN WILL OBJECTIVES BE EVALUATED ________RECEIVED_________ FOR WEEK OF 9/17/12 PROCEDURES/TECHNIQUES: MATERIALS / RESOURCES DATE SUBMITTED Textbook, notebook, evolution packet and pencil. Textbook, notebook, evolution packet and pencil. 1. Participate in discussion of terms related to evolution and the different types of adaptations. 2. Read and answer 1. Complete the Web Quest WS – homologous and analgous structures or behaviors. questions for Science World “Camouflage” article. Food Chain/Web Project Food Chain/Web Project Food Chain/Web Project (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) Evolution Packet (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) Evolution Packet (Tests, quizzes, labs, homework, and class participation.) Work on Food Chain/Web Project. Work on Food Chain/Web Project. Complete Food Chain/Web Project for tomorrow. Complete at home any portion of the packet already assigned. Complete at home any portion of the packet already assigned. Study for affix quiz on Tuesday. Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 2-4 Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 24 Standard 3.3.10 A 2, B 24 Standard 3.3.10 A 1, 3 & 4, D 1 & 3. Standard 3.3.10 A 1, 3 & 4, D 1 & 3.